A Nasty Tale

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Not a man to cross.
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This is another 'What if' spin off from a longer story I am in the process of writing. I really must get on with that and stop getting side tracked. This one is a bit dark. I have several more nasty tales running round in my head that you may get later on. Many thanks to Gentletouch1960 and Biggalute1 for their help, it made the story flow and added some spice.

Please remember even in the real world upset people and do strange things and nasty things, and this is fiction.

Here I am sat in a gaol cell on my last day inside.  I'm actually quite happy that I'm sat here at the end of my stretch. I learnt a lot from the old lags in here. I think the story that led me to this time and place is an interesting one. It all starts when Sally, my wife and I moved into a posh new estate in a new town on the outskirts of London. It was full of young up and coming go getters, much like ourselves. It was fun to mix together, there were some single blokes, and there were some single lasses but mainly married couples and some just living together that can't be bothered to get married.  

There were parties most weekends at some one's house. We were all youngish, vital, up and coming middle management types in a range of Lawyers, advertising agencies and estate agents. I had been an aircraft mechanic and even got to be a supervisor before I found out that I could sweet talk people into spending more on a house than they needed to and sold them a mortgage at a good rate, well good for me anyway. Sally was a minor sales executive in an advertising agency. We were all really quite well off and life was good. 

We would quite often all meet up in a local wine bar midday on Friday to whinge about clients who didn't know they were being ripped off, full of mutual back patting. One particular Friday I phoned Sally to let her know I was not going to get there until about 3 or 4 o'clock, I had some stupid clients to catch up with and I would see her there when I finished.

I pitched up at the bar just after 4 o'clock and the usual crowd was there. I couldn't see Sally so I asked one of the girls where she was. She wasn't feeling well so Gerald took her home. Sally and Gerald worked at the same agency so they are going to be a bit friendly. And it's Gerald, not Gerry or Ger, its Gerald. Problem was that Gerald was a bit of a womaniser and a bit of a twat when it came to women. He had that 'I am God's gift to women 'attitude. And some women seemed to agree initially. We all had seen the drunken arguments between Gerald and his wife Fiona because of his flirting, it may have been more than flirting.  They had only been married less than two years, although they had been together for several. Not a marriage made in heaven.  Sally and I thought the 'God's gift to women' had palled a bit with Fiona. 

Feeling a bit bemused I drove home. I couldn't see Gerald's car around nor Sally's, hers was probably still at work or the bar carpark and Gerald would have gone home in his. Assuming my wife was poorly upstairs in bed I was a bit careful how I approached the house, I opened the front door and went upstairs, I heard those sounds no married man wants to hear if he's not involved. "Oh yes, yes, yes, deeper, stop we shouldn't be doing this. Stop, stop, if Mike catches us he will fucking kill us, but that is so good."

I took out my mobile phone and switched on the video, I set it to record and gently opened my bedroom door to see, lo and behold Sally on her back with a naked Gerald pumping away at her on our bed with her legs wrapped around his back. Fuck, I took a few seconds of video to get a divorce with and shut the phone down.  

The first thing I wanted to do was throw up, the second thing I want to do is to cause some damage. The second part was going to be easy. I went into the spare bedroom and dragged out my old cricketing kit bag. I took out my cricket bat and approached our bedroom, they were still having at it. With an almighty kick I smashed the door open. The look on their faces was amazing. Gerald's face was even more amazed when the bat caught him on the side of his chest and he flew off the bed into the wall. I grabbed Sally by a back of her long hair and threw her off the bed into the corner next to him, shouting, "What the fucking hell are you doing?" As if I couldn't see. 

"Mike babe, it's not like it seems." 

"Oh yes. It is exactly like what it fucking seems, you are shagging that fucking twat in our bed." Gerald was now standing up holding his ribs. I grabbed him by his long poncy blonde hair and threw him on to a bedroom chair, "Sit there before this cricket bat comes in contact with your bollocks." 

I got my phone out and showed him the video I had recorded and said "You sit there or I send this video to your wife," He sat still. I looked at my wife huddled in the corner, I shook the cricket bat in front of her face and said, "If you move, this bat will come in contact with your pretty face and you'll look fucking ugly by the time I have finished."  

I had some nasty, nasty thoughts, this twat was going to be scared for the rest of his life, he will never come near my wife again. I went downstairs and grabbed some rope, 2-inch-wide black tape and some wire, the sort of stuff we used on aircraft to stop nuts and bolts coming undone. It's stainless steel at about half a millimetre thick, looks like cheese wire. 

When I got back upstairs Gerald was still sat in the chair, Sally was still crying in the corner. I told Sally to tape Gerald's body to the chair and to tape his arms behind the chair. She did exactly as I told her and then went back to her corner. I then pulled out a piece of rope and tied it to Gerald's left ankle, took it up across his thighs and tied it to his right ankle and pulled it tight. His heels were tucked up either side of the chair, almost touching his thighs.

This is the yukky part, I then took a piece of the steel wire, wrapped one piece around one ankle rope, then took it up across his thigh, around his testicles and penis down to the other ankle and wrapped that around the rope tied to his ankle. His legs are now being held in place by the rope, should that rope snap he would lose all of his man parts.

I took out my Swiss army knife and opened up the large blade, I placed it under the rope, looked into his eyes and said, "Do you know what happens if I cut this rope," Through the tears now pouring down his face he nodded. I think he knew the fuck he got himself into. 

That is actually too much. I had only looped the wire around the right ankle rope with one twist so if the rope did snap it would frighten the shit out of him but do very little physical damage, l just wanted this fucker to fear for his bollocks and cock now. I would gain nothing by completely crushing him. I think some Roman chap said that a few centuries ago.  

Now just to rub salt into the wound I told Sally to phone Gerald's wife Fiona, she can be a bit fiery but I was not going to do this alone. I heard Sally say to Fiona, "Can you have over to my house it's important." 

 I could hear over the speaker. "No, sorry I'm a bit busy at the moment." 

Sally said, "You need to come over."  

"No sorry I'm busy." 

 I took the phone off of Sally and I said, "Fiona, I have just found Gerald in my bed fucking Sally, I think you should come over."  

The phone went dead very quickly. It was about 50 yards from their house to ours and by the time I made it downstairs the front door nearly flew off its hinges as Fiona burst through it.  

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?" she shouted. 

Not wishing to get in the way I said. "Upstairs," She was like a tornado bursting into our bedroom and all she could see was Gerald taped to a chair, his ankles up by side of his thighs and a piece of cheese wire wrapped around his man parts.  

She started in at him straight away, "What the fuck, not again. "  

"No, no, no," he said.

"I told you I would cut your bollocks off next time, and here we fucking are, cock and bollocks ready to come off." 

I was amazed at her next actions. Fiona grabbed the knife off of me and placed it under the rope. "Right, you twat, you tell me everyone and every date you have fucked since we've been together." He went grey. She got out her mobile phone and starting walking round him videoing him, he was in no place to argue, you could tell he was scared.  

"Right let's have the names," He started spilling his guts, girls from work, neighbours, friends. Fiona sat down on the bed with a look of confusion on her face, which soon turned to disgust. "These are my friends, you're fucking my friends." she looked at me with imploring eyes and said. "Could I have a drink of water, this is too much." I went to the bathroom and got her a glass of water and took it back to her. She was standing by Gerald with the knife still in her hand. She drank it in one go, I bet she wished it was gin or vodka.  

I started on him, "And how many times with that slut?" pointing at Sally.  

"This is the first time, honest, we just got chatting about sex and got carried away." 

I sort of believed him about the first time with the threat he was under, not sure about the rest though. 

Standing in front of him Fiona said. "Right you twat you're holding something back. What is it?" His face dropped, "There's more. I think you're lying, I've not been with you for this long and not knowing when you're lying, okay." That was when she offered the knife back up to the rope.  

"Tell me you cunt, or you become a eunuch, in fact you will become more than a eunuch, at least they had a cock left to piss through." 

"Promise you won't do it if I tell." he said looking down at his genitals.  

"I promise," she replied.  

"Okay it was Felicity."  

"What! My sister, you cunt, when?" 

"At the weddings." 

 "What the one last month?" 

Looking down, he nodded at his trapped appendages and said, "You promise not to?" 

"I promise, now fucking get on with it. Which wedding? There has only ours and Felicity's last month." You could see the light come on in Fiona's head. "Our wedding," he nodded, still looking down, "Weddings, plural?" He nodded. "What! hers as well?" He nodded again. 

I will remember this part for the rest of my life, it all happened in slow motion. 

Fiona leaned to within inches of his face and whispered, "You cheated, I lied." 

The knife came up and parted the rope, released from their restraints Gerald's legs crashed to the floor. I saw the wire cut into the flesh of his thighs. "That shouldn't happen" I thought to myself, the wire should have come undone. Then I saw his penis and testicles shoot cross the room propelled by a stream of blood. That is a sight that will haunt me till the day I die. And the scream, probably the loudest thing I have ever heard, and I used to work on aircraft that had jet engines with reheat. 

The thought, "Fuck, now I am going to have to change the carpet and the bed" passed through my mind. Then the training kicked in. I rushed past him to the bathroom, knocking him on his back. I couldn't raise the damaged area but I could stop gravity helping. The screaming stopped, he either fainted with the pain or I knocked him out. I grabbed the towels and went back and shoved them on to the wound, I yelled at Sally, "More towels and phone the ambulance," 

There was nothing more I could do apart from apply pressure to the wound, and then I noticed Fiona had her phone to her ear. 

"Now the git has shut up. Yes I said I have cut my husband's cock and balls off with cheese wire." There was a pause as she listened, "Yes, I have got that, keep the bits cool, not cold, not the freezer. I have just the thing." 

Between her thumb and fore finger she picked up Gerald's appendages and went to the bathroom. 

"Ah, good idea, cold water, probably the best we could do at the moment." I thought, and then I heard the toilet flush, "Shit, has she just flushed his cock and balls down the bog?" 

She came back into the bedroom and said to the person on the phone. "Done that, nice and cool now." another pause, "No not a game, the bastard was cheating on me, won't do that again, will he." And she laughed. 

More towels, he was looking very pale now. 

The first to arrive was the Police, a young constable came through the bedroom door and said, "What's going on..." and that was as far as he got when his dinner joined the mess on my already dirty carpet. 

Fortunately, the paramedics were made of sterner stuff and had probably seen it all before. "Well done mate, we got this now. You probably saved his life. Where are the bits?" He asked. 

"I think she flushed then down the toilet." Nodding to Fiona. 

"O Fuck." Was the reply. "She must have been really pissed off." 

"Shagging you wife's sister at her and your own wedding will do that." 

Fiona was being escorted out to the Police car. Sally and I were asked to accompany the police to the station after Sally got dressed. 

The interview with the police was quite simple I told them exactly what happened from my point of view, including the wire not being twisted, and should have come off. 

Fiona told them her story and fortunately for me she admitted that she had tightened the wire as it was coming lose and she didn't want to ruin the illusion. She was just a woman, how would she know about how to lock off cheese wire. Nobody believed her, but couldn't prove it. 

I went down for 3 years for false imprisonment. I was fortunate in the judge, I found out later he had been cheated on by his wife otherwise I may have got a longer sentence. Apparently it helped that I saved his life by what I did. I only served 18 months. The GBH charge didn't stick as I pleaded temporary insanity finding my wife being shagged by one of our friends. 

Fiona got a suspended sentence for illegally disposing of human body parts or some such thing. And had to attend a psychiatric hospital. 

Sally was an 'Innocent' party and was not charged with anything.  

I divorced Sally and it came through whilst I was inside. Sally lost the house because she couldn't keep up the payments without my wages, she almost lost her job as Gerald worked at the same place.  


My time inside was quite easy, health care, television, reasonable food and when I was asked why I was 'in' I told the other lags that I cut the cock and balls off the man I found shagging my wife, bit of a fib really, but I did set it up. I was sort of held in high regard.  

I left the prison on a bright sunny morning, I had a train ticket in my pocket as the resettlement people had found me a job up North.

I was surprised to see Sally waiting for me, she had only visited twice since the divorce became final. Despite the warm day she was wearing a belted Macintosh, I had a feeling I knew where this was going, as this was one of my fantasies. As I approached her, I could see I was right. She gently undid the belt and gradually opened the Macintosh, holding it in front of her so that I could see she was naked except for stockings and a suspender belt. She closed the coat, leaving a lot of cleavage on show. 

As I walked up to her, she slipped her arm into mine and we carried on walking, she said, "Hello sweetie, now you're out. I'll start to make it up to you, I have a hotel room booked just around the corner." 

I was looking forward to a few beers after 18 months without any, but I could get beer anytime, sex was going to be harder to come by. I looked at her and said, "Lead the way my lady." 

 As we walked, she said to me as if trying to get it all out before we reached the hotel "I know we're divorced but I want to make it up to you, I do love you and I know I made a big mistake. I don't know what came over me, it's all my fault and I have to take all the blame. It was just a bit of fun, it didn't mean anything. Can you find a way to forgive me please, I will prove I can be faithful. I know it won't be easy for you to trust me again, but please give it a try," I grunted, "Please, just think about it?" She asked, I just grunted again. 

We went to the hotel, the looks we got as we walked through reception told me this was a fairly usual occurrence, people coming out of prison and jumping straight into a hotel room. She swiped the card and we entered the room. Sitting on the dresser was a bottle of gin and some tonic water. She smiled and said, "You better get undressed whilst I get you a drink." 

There was no finesse about this. I took a mouthful of the gin then tore her coat off and threw her on the bed. She must have been helping herself along because she was wet. I grabbed her wrists and held them over her head. I slammed into her, she put her legs around my back and pulling me into her. "You cheating fucking cunt, you slag, you fucking whore," I was almost shouting as I fucked her violently.  She took it "I know, I know, Oh God yes, I've been waiting for this," I didn't last long, five or six big thrusts before cumming.

I rolled off her and said, "Thanks, I enjoyed that." I took a more leisurely drink of the G&T and then looked at her and said, "Where do you think we should go from here?" 

She laid in my arms, looked me in the eyes and said, "I know it was my fault, I hurt you, I should have said no but I got carried away, it won't happen again I can promise you that." 

"But I heard you say he was good, was he better than me?" 

"No, he wasn't as good as you, he was slacking, I was trying to boost his ego so he would go harder, he's no match for you." 

I thought to myself, "He certainly isn't now." 

"So you risked our marriage for a bit of fun and he wasn't even as good as me, that's very disappointing." 

"I know I was wrong, it was my mistake. What must I do to get back into your life? I have been celibate for the last 18 months since that day, I don't want anybody else, I only want you. I know it's not going to be easy for you to forgive me, I'm not sure if you can. But I won't cock up again, once bitten twice shy, I'm not going to risk losing you again. I'm not likely to make the same mistake twice. Can we make a go of it please? Can we at least try?" 

I let her finish her little speech. The thing about being an estate agent and a supervisor is you become a bit of a psychologist and you learn to read people by their actions and words. Looking at her I said, "I think I've had enough rest, let's go again,"

I pushed her down the bed and she took my hardening cock in her mouth to get me really hard, she was good at that, I enjoyed the fact she was sucking her own pussy juice. I pushed her onto her back and entered her hard calling her "A filthy cheating cunt."

"Yes I am, yes I am, fuck me, fuck me." I could tell she was getting close from the shouting and squirming. I pulled out, hearing her make a pitiful squeal as I did so. I looked down at her dripping cunt and puckered brown hole, "Mmm, I wonder" I thought to myself.

I lined my cock up with her arsehole and started to push forward slightly, "Can I?" She never really liked it up the bum, I thought I would try it.

"Yes, go on, do it, I owe it to you. Do it!"

I did, straight in, one slow but firm thrust, lubricated with her spit and pussy juice. I shoved my fingers up her pussy and used my thumb to play with her clitoris. She started to orgasm and I waited as her arse hole pulsed with her cumming, with that massaging of my cock up her back side I came and dumped a load up her back passage, with very little effort on my part.

I got off her and went to the bathroom for a shower. When I returned, I could tell she was up for more and she had that coy, cute sexy look I had known so often when she wanted something.

I looked at my watch and began dressing, causing her to kneel up straight so we were the same height.