A New Assignment Pt. 07

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Deja Vu in Reverse.
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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 03/31/2010
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I am barely able to contain myself the day of the full moon. An hour before our meeting time, I am pacing back and forth at the patio door feeling like a caged animal myself.

Finally the time is here. My clock says eight o'clock on the dot. I step outside and walk to the edge of the concrete and step into the grass. I hear some rustling in the bushes directly behind my house. Gradually I see a wolf poking its head through. My heart is pounding in my chest. I am not nervous or scared, but excited, even giddy. It's not every day that I meet a wolf and know there is man inside it.

He approaches slowly giving me every chance to run. He is beautiful and larger than I expected. His coat is thick and long. The fur is very light colored, almost like white chocolate and almonds. His eyes are golden, but not the same as I saw the other day. These are more burnt golden.

The wolf stops about halfway across the yard and still a good twenty feet from where I am standing. We look at each other both trying to gauge the other's expression. I want to probe his mind but the fear of having him shut me out again prevents me. It was the only time I have really felt vulnerable with the Colonel and I am not eager to go there again.

There is an electric feeling in the air. I am too preoccupied with the wolf to notice that the energy does not have the same familiarity as before. The difference suddenly zaps me back and I become aware that something has changed. The wolf's eyes now look strange to me. I probe lightly and do not feel any emotion emanating from the creature.

I start to fear the wolf. My fear of the wolf is greater than my fear of being shut out, so I probe deeper. I need to know what Taylor is experiencing. Focused on extending my energies for the probe, I begin to see an image of another wolf. This one is slightly larger and has much darker features. There is an obvious hatred between the two wolves. I keep delving deeper trying to find a trace of something familiar. The only thing I keep seeing is the same image. The two wolves are staring at each other with gums rolled. My wolf lets out a growl. I realize that the growl is external and not within my probe.

My connection with the wolf breaks. I now notice that the image of the wolf that I kept seeing was actually a second wolf. This one is standing less than five feet in front of me. I try to stay calm, but let out a high pitched girly scream none the less. Crap, crap, crap. What is going on?

The wolf closest to me has its back to me and is facing the original wolf. I feel like the new wolf is protecting me. It never once turns to look at me. I am too shocked to move and notice that I am holding my breath. Both wolves growl again. Their ears are laid back and their tails are extended. It is definitely a fighting stance.

Each takes a step closer to the other. Two more wolves come through the thick brush. All three wolves are focused on the single wolf. Is that MY wolf, the one defending me? It has to be.

A quick cursory probe tells me what I needed to know. The lone wolf is Taylor. He is going to fight these other three wolves. I have never seen wolves and I don't know their dynamics, but three against one are not good odds. I have to do something.

While the wolves are sizing each other up, I sneak back inside my house. At least with me inside, Taylor's wolf has one less worry. It could easily leave and maybe out run the others. I would rather he live to fight another day. Knowing the Colonel though, he will fight. He has been trained by the United States Marines to fight and to never back down.

I am rushing around trying to figure out what to do. I have nothing that is a weapon against a wolf. My gun will do little damage without silver bullets. My strength and speed do not compare. I focus on how I could use my internal abilities to best help the Co. I don't want to impact his wolf's mood or focus. I wonder if I can turn bring my powers inward and use it myself.

Something above my couch catches my eye. I completely forgot that I have a Chinese sword. It is really one of the few decorative items that I travel with and it cost a fortune. I take the sword out of its wood holder and inspect it closely. It is sharp and has a solid weight. I think it would work as a weapon. Maybe I could distract one wolf and try to narrow the odds. Not sure what to do once I have the attention of a wolf, but there is no time to analyze. I must act quickly.

The sword unsheathed is about three feet long. The handle is large enough for me to grasp with both my hands. That will give my swing more power, but will impact my speed. I take several test swings to familiarize myself with the weapon and head back outside.

During my absence, the two larger wolves have gotten very close to each other. They are nearly nose to nose and apparently have a lot to say because they are growling fiercely. The other two wolves seem to be more spectators and are not engaging in any way.

Eeney, meeney, minee, moe... I pick the wolf on the right and try to sneak up as close as I can without being noticed. The wolf is either so focused on the pending fight, or I am down wind, but I get within two feet of it. I draw the sword up with the goal of slicing through the back of the wolf's neck. The wolf notices me just before I can swing. It turns and shots toward me. I pull the sword back quickly, but lose my balance and fall back. As I land on my back, I hold the sword out and the wolf lunges toward me. Then, as if in slow motion, the wolf is motionless. We are eye to eye. I feel something hot trickling down my hand. I glance down and see blood everywhere. My eyes follow the blade of my sword to find it buried in the wolf.

I hear loud sounds and turn my head to see that the two large wolves are now deep in combat, biting and snarling and thrashing about. The second spectator wolf must smell the blood, because it lets out a howl and rushes toward us. There is no time for me to react. I drop the sword, wrap myself into a ball, close my eyes and focus on protecting myself. I imagine being safe and strong rather than weak and about to be mauled by a vicious predator. I want the wolf to know my fear as its own rather than it being mine. This wolf needs to be terrified and helpless just like I am feeling. My energy is fading. I can no longer focus or open my eyes. I drift off into nothingness.

It's not a bad way to die. No pain, no drawn out disease. I only wish I could have told Taylor that I loved him, wolf and all. I would have accepted his wolf. I would have become his mate. Now he'll never know. I tried to be strong. I should have stayed in the house. Maybe his wolf was killed two. The odds were better once one wolf was eliminated from the equation but was my efforts enough. What comes next?

"Love, can you hear me?"

I can even hear that sweet deep sound of his voice. I miss him already.

"Samantha. Open your eyes. I'm here sweetheart. You are safe."

This afterlife stuff might not be too bad. I always wondered what happened after death. It's almost as if I can feel Taylor holding my hand, kissing my fingers. His soft lips. His large callused hands carefully holding mine much smaller hands. So gentle.

"Please. Please open your eyes."

I can hear him begging. Is he begging for death? Has the other wolf injured him enough so that he wants to die? Or is it my death that is making him sad. He sounds so sad, I feel like crying. My face even feels wet. Do tears exist in this afterlife? I wonder what form my body will take. I am going to take a peek.


I open my eyes slowly trying to figure out where I am. There are bright lights around me, which I have heard some say they see when they have returned after having coded as pronounced dead. after they die. My eyes open fully. I see Taylor leaning over me with worry on his face. He is bloody and dirty and saying something. What is he trying to tell me?

"Oh God, Sam. You're ok. I'm here. Everything is going to be ok." I hear Taylor's words but can't comprehend.

Then I see Paul's face. What is Dr Morgan doing in my afterlife? I don't want to see him.

"Dr Sloan? Can you hear me? It's Dr Morgan. You are in your bed at your house. You had us all quite worried."

"What?" I say. That surprises me because I was thinking the word but I heard my voice say it out loud. "Am I dead?" I ask.

"No sweetheart. I wouldn't let you die." Taylor painfully chuckles. "You are alive and mostly well, my brave little one."

I hear the two men talking back and forth but am trying too hard to figure out what happened. Taylor wouldn't lie to me. I have to be alive. How did I get in my room? Why did the wolf not kill me?

I move my fingers and toes. I can feel them. I take mental inventory of my other parts. Legs, check. Arms, check. Head, check. Eyes, check. Everything feels ok. I must be sedated. That is why I am groggy and not in pain.

Taylor's face is looking down on me again. I smile. I love his beautiful face. He smiles in return and I feel all warm inside.

"Wh...what happened?" I ask.

"You saw my wolf." Taylor smirks. I roll my eyes. Now he decides to be funny.

"You killed a wolf." Taylor explains.

"With the sword?" I ask and he nods. "Then what?"

"It's a long story. We can talk about it later when your strength has returned. You need to rest. I promised Dr Morgan I would let you sleep." He leaned and kissed my forehead and began to rise off the bed where he was sitting.

"Wait!" I said quickly. My throat hurt and I realized I was tired. Taylor stopped and took my hand again in his. "I love you. I accept your wolf and I will be honored to be your mate." I croaked.

The pain increased with each word that passed my lips but I wanted to tell him in case something happened. I wanted him to know. He had to know.

"Ok sweetheart. Now rest." He said in the most soothing sweet voice I have ever heard.

I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke up, Taylor was sitting on the bed next to me. He was reading. It caught me off guard. He didn't see the reading type.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"Hi love. How are you feeling? You've been out quite a while. Can I get you something?" Taylor asked leaning over and feeling my forehead. I didn't think I had a fever, but maybe I did.

"I think I feel ok. What time is it?" I asked.

If the wolves showed up around 8PM then I figured it had to be around midnight. That was probably why I was so tired. But it is a full moon tonight, so Taylor needed to be out hunting with his pack.

"It's about 1AM." Taylor replied. "You have slept for two full days. One of the nurses watched you that first night as my wolf was too enraged to be here."

"What?" I asked trying to sit up. That wasn't going to work. I got dizzy and immediately feel back into my pillow.

"Easy there warrior, you are under strict orders not to leave this bed for any reason. If you have to go to the bathroom or need anything, then I will carry you there."

Ah, the Colonel has returned and is ordering me around like a marine.

I kind of pushed myself up inch by inch until I was sitting against the headboard. I still felt really weak. It was probably just lack of food. Taylor handed me a bottle of red Gatorade. It burned as it went down my throat. My hand went up to investigate the source of the pain. Everything felt normal from the outside.

"Can you tell me now what happened?" I ask, almost pleading. The waiting was killing me.

"My wolf was fighting the other wolf. It was Lucas." Taylor looks to check my expression, of which there is none. "You somehow managed to kill a wolf, which is still unbelievable because I don't know how you did it. You are so tiny and the wolf was a decent size. Anyhow, I am not sure what happened after you killed Rocky's wolf, but the next thing I hear is the other wolf howling in pain. My focus was on Lucas so once that threat was annihilated, I was able to get to you. You were curled up into a ball and the other wolf was curled up into a ball almost right next to you. The wolf was crying and writhing as if he was in pain.

There was no sign of damage to the wolf. There was no blood, no broken bones, nothing. My wolf ripped his throat out and put him out of his misery. When I turned back, you had passed out. I was able to force a change back into my human form. I carried you inside and searched thoroughly for damage. You were not injured although you were covered in blood. I didn't know what to do to help you. I called the hospital and Dr Morgan came over here. I guess he lives down the street?

Hm. You could have told me your secret admirer lived so close."

Taylor raised his eyebrows as he said that last part. I guess he was a tad jealous. I thought it was cute.

"Dr Morgan said that you would be fine. All your vitals were ok. We just had to wait it out until you woke up. What did you do to that wolf that took all your energy?"

I thought about his question for a moment. Did I actually inflict pain on the wolf as I had visualized?

"I am not sure what I did. I saw it coming toward me and I was stuck under the other wolf. I knew I would not be able to defend against it, so I focused on being safe. I was hoping that the wolf would feel the pain that I was feeling as it was hurling toward me. I guess I was able to turn my pain on it. I am really not sure. Do you think the wolf was in pain because of my abilities?"

"Yes. I think you did something to it." Taylor said sounding sad. "I am so sorry that your life was endangered because of me. I had been hunting LaC since you meet them. The phone calls I have been getting and the time I have been spending away from you has all been in an effort to find and eliminate them. They are the cause of the accident a few weeks back, the one that killed Evelyn. I knew it then and I vowed that they would not hurt anyone else. They would not make you cry again."

I digested what he said. The night that he left me alone at his house was to hunt Lucas. The phone calls that he got and had to leave were because of Lucas. Evelyn. She died because of Lucas.

"What aren't you telling me Taylor?" I asked. Something felt wrong. I was not fully back to normal, but I could feel sadness coming from him.

"I know that you love me Samantha. I knew it before you told me. I feel it. I was surprised that you would accept my wolf even after what happened." He paused and took a deep breath. "I have been thinking about you every moment since I first saw you. You are the love of my life. I have never loved anyone the way I love you. And I do love you. I have never spoken the words, but I believe you can feel my love." I nodded in response. "I want more than anything to share the rest of my life with you with you as my mate." I smiled. "But, I cannot."

My face froze. My heart skipped a beat. What is he saying?

"I cannot endanger your life again. I thought I could protect you. I know now that I can never protect you one hundred percent of the time. You are human and fragile. My wolf and I need to stay as far away from you as possible." He bowed his head and would not make eye contact with me. "My wolf releases you."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
What??!! No

This is a crazy cliff hanger. What are you doing to me??!!! I need to know how there story finishes. I only just realised you wrote 2 more chapters 8 years ago. I need closure!!

TBolter2984TBolter2984over 4 years ago
More please

Oh you can't leave us hanging Sammi

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Huh? For sure!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Dang It (Please update soon :3)

Oh my gosh, I really thought this was the last chapter since everything seemed okay...not until you threw that cliffhanger at us. Pleeeease continue the story. Don't forget about it! As you might have already assumed, I am enjoying the story so far. They're a cute couple and I personally enjoy doctor werewolf like stories (on my way to becoming a doctor myself lol). We must know what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
This can't end here

Please please please finish the story!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Please continue with the story. She loves him and he loves her. Make her become a wolf too.

bigcat33bigcat33about 9 years ago
come on

Oh please don't tell me this is it. This one awesome story and I like it a lot. It can't be stuck like this. She can't just have found the love of her life only to have it taken from her like this. Come on continue the story please don't leave such a cliffhanger like this. There has to be more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Thats it!?

If this is the end of your story then it fucking sucks. The guy pusses out because he's afraid of her getting hurt, what a loser.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
please continue this story...

This is a great sorry..yes there are some hiccups in how to read it: it's a great read. I hope to see the next chapter soon

maxd01maxd01about 11 years ago

A couple of things, first trying to read this in first person drove me nuts. Second it would be nice if the chapters were longer. Third even as annoying first person is to me I actually read all of the story which is saying something. It would be nice if you continued the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
To be continued.....

I so have to agree with everyone else who are saying to please continue this story

csweetnesscsweetnessover 11 years ago
Please don't end like this

I will ask nicely please finish the story, I love it!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
pleeeeeease continue this story pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!?!? :(


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Nooooo this can't be the end

Not fair you can't end it like this this is a really amazing story with so much potential and the romance between them has not started yet you can't leave us like this please post soon eagerly waiting

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

what in the world ..........OMG.........more more more

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