A New Beginning Pt. 02


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"So, she's..." She let her words trail off.

"She's what?"

She only shook her head. "You're just 18?


"I figured you were older. I mean, you act older."

" Reckon I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"You're not a disappointment, silly."

"You know, you ask me what we're doing here, but I ain't heard you offer much in the way of what you think."

"How can I? I'm married. Well, kinda. He abandoned us, so that pretty much settles that. But, we got a paper over to the courthouse in Oklahoma that say's we are. If the courthouse is even still standing. Everybody cut out and took off. Leaving everything behind. I doubt anybody still works there. The old preacher that married us, he died right before we came here. Nobody that was at the wedding is still around. I heard tell they run off to California to pick fruit or something of the sort. So, as far as me being married, I don't think anybody could lay claim to it."

"Still don't answer my question none."

"Well, what do you want me to say? That I figure I've got choices? Well, I don't. What I've got is a passle of problems and a some children depending on me to get them through it all, and I just don't know how I'm going to do that. The possibility of taking this place over gives me some hope for a future for me and them. I will take it and work as long and as hard as need be. Is it what I wanted in life? No. I don't want a life here in no big city. I was raised a farm girl. That's the only life I've ever known. But, life don't care much about what we want. I wanted a husband. A family. A little land we could work. Grow a garden. Some chickens, maybe a cow. Now, I've got children. I'm a used woman. No man wants that. They don't want another man's kids, or the wife he let go. They want a fresh, young woman to start out with. What's a woman like me gonna do? I can't compete with a girl that's your age."

"I guess I see what you're saying. I just never thought about it that way when I first saw you. Something just seemed to call out to me when I saw you walking by the first time. I wanted to say something to you then, but I let you walk on by. I felt sad in a way. Letting you go by like that. Then, I saw you coming back. I wasn't letting you slip by me again. Now, you're all cleaned up. When I saw you walk down them stairs, I figured you were just downright pretty. Fit for a man to look at with the future in his mind. Well, I'm here. I ain't got much to offer right now. I got a farm left to me. With it, I got the man's 68 year old wife that's living there. I gave him my word she could live out her years there. I got my 58 year old mother living there, too, since my papa up and ran off, leaving her helpless but for me to see to her. They both contribute. Then there's Maggie. You know that story already."

"So, where does that leave us?"

"There you go with them questions again. Why don't you just tell me what you want and we'll go from there."

"Well, I want what I said earlier. I want a husband. To be his wife. To do for him. But like I said, as it is now, I have a lot of baggage for him to carry and what man wants that when the world is full of women that don't require so much. I can be a good wife to you. I'd support you every way I can. If you'll just be good to me and my children."

I thought that over a bit. I got up and stoked the fire. She spoke again.

"Look, I can see you and Maggie have something going on between you. I'm not blind. I'm also wise enough in the ways of men to know they are seldom satisfied with bedding down with just one woman. I know my daddy slipped around with some of the town women. He never advertised it, though. Yet, he always came home to mama. He worked hard providing for us. Making sure we never went without. He always treated mama gentle. Never even raised his voice to her. I asked her one day why daddy went to town sometimes without us. She told me men sometimes have needs that one woman just can't see to. I guess now I understand what she meant. What I mean is, I won't stand in the way of your needs in that way. I just ask you be good to us. We can build a life together if that's what you want."

"Well, I reckon I need to think on it a spell. We need to see how them kids act toward me before we go any further with this. We need to go your baby back, too."

"I understand." She said, staring at the fire.

I got up, stretching, "Reckon I'll hit the hay. Got to head back home for some business in the morning. Good night."

"Wait, you're leaving tomorrow?"

"Yep, I've got a mite of business to tend to."

"Where do you live? How far away is it?"

"Down to Rusk county. I reckon it's a bit over a hundred miles or so. I think somebody said it was 120 miles."

I thought I saw tears in her eyes then. She just nodded and turned away.

"Hey now, what's wrong?"

She turned back to me. Tears streaming down her cheeks. "You'll leave and I'll never see you again."

"Why do you think that?"

"I don't know, it's just a feeling I've got. I understand, though. You're young and handsome. You are working toward something. You don't need a batch of children and a reject wife dragging you down."

"A reject wife? Just because he wasn't man enough to stand up on his own hind legs and work his problems out, don't mean you amount to a reject. As far as them children are concerned, they're due a chance at being raised proper. It don't matter how sorry their daddy is."

I thought about it a minute.

"Tell you what. I'll put the business off for a day. You and Maggie go get your young'un back. I'll handle some business here abouts. Then, if you're still of a mind to, y'all can go with me."

"Really? We can do that?"

"It's what I said wasn't it?

She jumped up and grabbed me, holding me tight. "Thank you!"

"Now, I'm going to bed. You want to bed down with me, come on."

I headed off to my room, her following me. We undressed and climbed under the heavy quilts and snuggled up warm. Drifting off to sleep.

We woke up before daylight. Maggie was already in the kitchen, drinking coffee. She smiled at us when we came in.

"I checked on the babies. They're sleeping like the dead all piled up under them covers."

I sat down, Elsie next to me. "You feel you might take her over to the church house so she can fetch her baby?"

"Of course. So, what did you two settle on?"

"Well, I'm putting off going back until tomorrow. I still need to hire some hands to lay in a crop. She and them babies is going with us."

"What are you planting?" Asked Elsie,

"Corn, hay, ribbon cane, mayhap some millet or sorghum."

"What do you do with the ribbon cane?"

"Make syrup in the early fall."

"My family made syrup from sorghum."

"It's about the same thing. Ribbon cane is just milder."

Maggie said, "I'll drop you off down at the stockyards. That's where everybody hangs out looking for work. How you planning on getting them down there?"

"I'm gonna make them walk."

Both women looked at me wide eyed.

I grinned, "I'm planning on seeing if this man I'm conducting business with has a truck or two he'll hire out to me. If not, I'll put them on the train."

"Well, let's get ready. I'll take you on over and drop you off. Come back here and get her and take her to conduct her business."

We heard a knock at the door. Elsie jumped up and went to answer. She came back with the head honcho of the drilling outfit.

I stood up, shaking his hand. "Have a seat."

Elsie got him a cup of coffee and sat it in front of him. She slid the sugar and cream over.

"Thank you, miss. Smells mighty good." He said sipping it.

He looked at me. "Well, we on for today?"

"No sir. Had some unexpected business come up. I figure to head out tomorrow."

He nodded. "We still have our agreement as it stands?"

"Yes we do. Nothing about that has changed. I'm not talking to anybody else about it."

He was visibly relieved. He looked me in the eyes, "Son, I feel I can trust you. I asked around about you yesterday. Word travels fast in business. Several knew of you from farmers, timbermen, and a grain broker that said you fleeced him."

"Yep. That would be Mr Simmons I reckon. I never beat him out of a single red cent. I just wouldn't let him beat me out of one neither."

"I figured that was the lay of it."

I told him how it come about.

"You was 15?"

"Yes sir."

"Well, I swear. Yep, that old reprobate sure can spin a yarn. Everybody else said If Jacob Flannery says it and it don't happen, put on your Sunday Go To Meetin' duds, cause he's done died off."

"I am a man proud of my word."

He looked at Elsie. "Lest I miss guess, I reckon this young lady is the reason for the delay?"

"Partly so. I also need to hire hands to help work the place."

"How many you need?"

"Half a dozen I reckon. I..."

"Doing what?"

"Plowing, planting, logging and land clearing."

"Ah hell, I got that covered for you. We go into business together, I've got tractors, a pair of dozers. We'll get you squared away quick. Well," He said, draining his coffee."I better go round up some hands. I can truck them down there if you buy the gas."

I stuck my hand out. "See you in the morning. I'll ride down with you. Elsie and the babies will ride with Maggie. Before you go. You wouldn't by chance know anybody that would want to buy a boarding house, would you?"

"This one?"

I nodded.

"It just so happens I do. My wife and daughter, in fact. They've been talking about it a couple years now. Every one they found for sale needs more work than they was worth. This one appears to be well kept. How much you asking?"

I pointed to Maggie. "She's the one to bargain with."

I looked at Elsie,"You know how to operate a motor car?"

"Why, of course, doesn't everybody?"

"Nope. I don't"

"Maggie, can we borrow your motor car while you fleece, er, I mean, reach a deal with him?"

They both laughed at that one.


"Go get ready. We'll go get the baby."

She was crying when she hugged me, then hurried off.

Maggie said, "I'll sit with the others while your gone."

"I don't think this will take long. If y'all of a mind to, we can head down to Rusk as soon as we get back."

Everybody looked at each other and shrugged. So, we went and picked up her child and hurried back.

I rode with JT. Elsie and the kids rode with Maggie. She had packed a few suitcases for herself and brought the three abandoned ones for Elsie and the kids. We'd have to buy the baby some stuff as we went. I had JT stop at a little place that advertised

fresh milk for sale and bought four quarts for the baby. I paid extra for the glass bottles since I probably wouldn't return them. I asked where one could find baby feeding bottles. The lady had some she had fed her grandchild from. She just gave them to me. I carried it out and gave it all to Elsie and we were on the way.

We pulled into the homeplace late afternoon. Everybody got out staring around. Mama and Callie came out and introductions were made. The older women started fussing around over Elsie and the kids. JT, Maggie and I went in and sat at the table. The kitchen smelled like fresh baked bread. The loaves were sitting on a wire rack on the counter cooling.

Mama came in and put on a pot of coffee to boil and sat down.

"JT is it?

"Yes m'am. Short for Juaquin Terrell Morgan."

"Interesting name. So, you and my son are going in business together?"

"It appears so, m'am. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders. I believe we'll make a fair amount of money working together."

That seemed to make her happy. She got up and poured coffee around.

Mama asked "JT, you'll be bunking here tonight I reckon?"

"Sure, if it's no inconvenience."

"Absolutely not. We'll be pleased to have you. It's getting late, I reckon we better get supper started. How's fried deer steaks, taters, gravy, and fresh bread sound?"

I smiled. "Sounds awful good to me."

JT grinned, "Why, a meal fit for royalty."

"Callie and me went and got all the meat at the other place. I'll get it started."

Elsie, the kids and Callie came downstairs. They had got the kids situated in a room. She still had the crib her daughter used. She looked at mama and saw her working. She got a wood fruit crate out of the corner put it on the table and got some towels out and lined it. She took the baby from Elsie and snugged her down in it. Then she and Elsie set right in helping. The kids went out to play. I excused myself and went to check on the stock. I heard the door open behind me. Turning, I saw JT and Maggie coming out. They caught up to me.

It had turned off warm now. Spring was just around the corner. We went in the barn. My pair of Jersey cows lowed at me. I went over and scratched their ears.

Maggie said, "They sure seem to like you."

"Well, I reckon it's because I've always been the one to feed them."

The older one was heavy with her calf. She'd freshen soon. I'd inherited four more milk cows with the farm. All of them were due to calve soon. I'll be keeping a good bull calf this time around. In two years, he'll be ready to breed cows. I reckoned I'd be keeping the heifers, too. I was reading a book on cheese making some time back. I figured to maybe look into that aspect of business, too. I certainly did love cheese. I'd always get a slice off the wheel from Mrs Johnson. She'd come up with ways to have me a chore to do to trade out for it.

Everything seemed good in the barn. I went in and got the can down off the shelf that Hank kept his plug of chewing tobacco in. I got my pocket knife out and cut off a chunk, tucked it in my jaw, went out and sat on the porch. Me and Hank used to do this of an evening. It just wasn't the same with him gone.

JT and Maggie were already seated. I stared off out into the west. The sun was sitting low over the trees. The children were laughing and running. A rooster crowed. A couple of cows lowed at each other. Spreading the gossip, as Hank always said. This was a mighty fine thing here. One a man could, and should be, proud of.

It wasn't long before the women hollered supper time. Mama came out and rounded up the young'uns and scrubbed them up for supper. They were hungry. Maggie had fed them some boiled eggs and ham sandwiches on the way down.

Everybody sat up to the table. Me at the head. Mama and Elsie to either side of me. Callie and maggie sat by each other. The kids across from them. JT sat at the other end. We ate quietly. Savoring the food and the company.

After finishing, I went back outside and sat, listening to the night. Soon the air would be filled with the sounds of insects and tree frogs. A milk cow lowed questioningly into the darkness. Answered by one of the beef cows out in the pasture. Inside, I heard Elsie scold one of the young'uns for some errant oversight.The sounds of the miracle of life. I looked at the shadows of them motor cars. I was determined to learn how to hitch up to one of those things and operate it.

The door opened and Callie stepped out. I looked at her and she motioned for me to follow her. I got up and went in. She led me upstairs to her bedroom. Closed the door and turned to me.

"I can't hold out no more. I need to feel my man inside me."

Lighting the lamp, she took off her dress, letting her heavy tits settle into place. Then laid out on the bed, spreading her legs.

"Come here and breed this old mare."

Well, I reckon I couldn't argue with that. So I slid my clothes off and crawled in to mount her. She guided me into her. I fell into a slow, easy pace, savoring her tight wet pussy. I hadn't got more than a half dozen strokes into her before she went to quivering and whimpering and I felt her elderly pussy let loose with her flowing wetness. I stopped and just soaked inside her. I looked down. Her eyes were closed. So I just slipped out if her. Then took the quilt folded up at the foot of the bed and covered her up with it. Kissed her softly, blew out the lamp and went to leave.

I saw the door open and Elsie was looking in. She had watched me fuck Callie. I walked out, her beside me, back out to the porch. JT, mama, and Maggie were talking about the oil business. I went and got down the plug can and sat down. Pulling out my Case pocket knife, I cut off a chunk and stuffed it in my jaw. I saw JT watching me, so I offered it to him. He reached over and took it. Took out his own knife and cut off a chew. He handed it back.

"Well, Jake, I reckon everything is sizing up just like you said. I'll tell you, we can pick good spots to start drilling that won't interfere with with your cattle or crops much. Son, we're sitting about smack dab in the middle of the entire field. These wells will make us a lot of money."

I nodded, "I reckon I'll talk to some others about drilling on their places, too. Shouldn't be hard. They were interested a while back, but never did trust them slick talking men prancing around like banty roosters. Around here, we go more on substance than the flash in the pan type of business dealings. I reckon I'll start off with the Johnson's. Mrs Johnson inherited two sections from her folks."

Mama laughed. "That old woman sure fancies you. I suppose you sweet talk her some, you'll be able to drill all the wells you want."

I nodded, thinking more of another kind of drilling I had in mind where she was concerned. I figured it was high time me and Mrs Johnson came to terms on all the teasing she's been doing to me. First time I noticed it, I was about 14 or so. I just never did much about it. Well, that was gonna change.

I stood up and stretched. Spitting out my chew.

"Reckon I'll turn in. We got a long day tomorrow."

I went inside to the sink. Rinsed my mouth out and washed my face. Then headed upstairs to my bedroom. I kicked off my boots, undressed and slid under the covers. Elsie came in and stripped down. Crawling in with me, she reached over and kissed me.

"Good night, my love."

I smiled at that. "Good night, honey."

Then I let sleep overtake me.

I woke up to a warm hand wrapped around my pecker. She had pulled the covers back, grabbed a hold of me and was eyeing it up.

"You planning something there little lady?"

"I wanted to have a go at sucking it, but I can still smell her pussy on it."

"Well, have at it, or turn it loose."

She let it go.

I swung my feet to the floor, and got up. I started to walk back down to Callie's room.

"Where you going?"

"Back over to Callie's room, so I can take care of this. She ain't so picky as that."

"Hold on a minute. I want to please you. I truly do. You just gotta give me the chance to work through it, is all."

"Ok, I reckon that's fair enough."

"So, get back in this bed."

I went back and laid down. Looking at her. She was about 5'5". Maybe in the neighborhood of 130 pounds. She was surely some sight. Thick, long red hair flowing halfway down her back. He penetrating green eyes slighlty protruding. Light freckles across her pert nose. Her lips full, wide, and just put a hunger in a man. Her skin a light ivory color. Broad shoulders. Her small breasts wide set with nipples pointing outward. They kinda jiggled when she moved. Her soft belly rounded with with mommy fat. Spreading out to shapely hips. Her butt was rounded and stuck out behind her in a way to set a man's blood to flowing. Her thighs awful shapely. With a little fat up at the top, causing her thighs to touch just below where her soft curly red pussy hair was matted in a nice V shape her long legs curving down to well shaped, muscular calves, ending in cute little feet.

She wrapped her hand back around my pecker.That set it to jumping around some. She scrunched her nose up and decided to go all in. Opening her mouth wide, she slid he lips over the head and started sliding down the thick girth until it reached the back of her throat. She gagged a little, but held still, breathing through her nose as best as she could. She shifted around some. Then started pushing her mouth down over it again.