A New Encounter Ch. 10


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Divel felt her back come up and started to respond and then drew a long breath of her own, the entire audience could hear the wood of the lectern cracking in her hands but her voice was calm and respectful as she turned to respond to Legan.

"Commodore, surely it is a greater show of fear to report what one thinks their superior's want to hear rather than one's true thoughts, regardless of the consequences?" Divel asked politely.

"You jumped up little slut whore, I will have your ears on my walls." Legan screamed as she launched herself down the aisle towards the lectern. Divel never moved. The Prime's security forces immediately drew their weapons and the six stun charges hit Legan in the space of an eye blink. She dropped the floor, skidding as her forward momentum carried her an additional fifteen feet.

"Security, please take Commodore Legan to medical and have her examined," Admiral Nordaltim said calmly as she moved from her position covering the Prime. "Then if her condition allows have her taken to the brig. If medical wants to keep her, have her put in isolation under guard." Two of the junior security officers picked up the unconscious and still twitching Commodore and carried her out of the theatre.

"Senior Captain," Prime Byrocnel said as she resumed her seat. "We can leave the specifics of your analysis for later, what general conclusions can you provide for us now?"

"Prime Byrocnel, the only definite conclusion that I can supply at this time is to proceed with extreme caution when dealing with this race. They are a smart capable species, and despite the former First Mistress' belief, they are definitely a people. Perhaps not our people, but a people none the less."

"I would advise continued study of their database and that we look on invasion as a last resort. The same with the abduction idea."

"Why," Mistress Bonstorham question. "We have the better technology and the tele-portal can disable any weapon."

"Any modern weapon Mistress," Divel corrected. "The weapons that this species carry hardly meet that definition by our standards. I have already shown you their personal weapon." Divel brought the diagram of the MP5 back up. "As you can see there are no electronic parts in the firing sequence for our systems to override. In addition there is an even greater risk to our personnel and our ships." Divel brought up a cut away drawing of a standard hand grenade.

"This is one of their proximity weapons of choice. Please note there are no electronic or electrical components at all, but a mechanical primer and a chemical explosive. If just one of these were to go off during teleport or afterward aboard ship, the damage could be catastrophic. In fact I have our theoretical physicists looking at this and their current opinion is that if one were to detonate during teleport, the resulting energy feedback could destroy the entire ship."

Admiral Nordaltim forced herself to move despite her shock at that comment.

"Captain, having laid all this out for us, what conclusions can you draw from this data."

"Admiral, the only conclusion that I can come up with, and it is not shared by anyone else in my section, is that this is an extremely warlike race that it would be best to leave alone." Divel said quickly. "However, as this is also the only race that has met the mission parameters given, we have no choice but to interact with this race. I would recommend a cautious approach.

"I am aware of the fact that the fleet is in preparations to depart shortly, I would suggest that their departure be delayed by an additional two turns to allow time for this analysis to be discussed by the senior officers and the council. I would also suggest that the fleet depart on its revised schedule and be in position to carry out any orders the council have for them. Data indicates that this race has limited space scan ability. The fleet could hang just outside of their range and if so ordered, be in orbit of this planet in eight decos."

"Thank you Captain," Prime Byrocnel said standing. "The Council will convene in two decos to review this briefing and your suggestions and recommendations. You are promoted to Commodore and hereby ordered to assume the duties of Commodore Legan until further notice." Byrocnel turned and strode up the aisle, followed by the rest of the council and her security. Nordaltim merely glanced at Divel and smiled as she followed the Prime from the auditorium.

Divel stood behind the podium and watched the audience depart, most of them in deep conversation. She was completely in shock; she had expected the end of her career, not a promotion. Numbly she gathered up her notes and moved out of the auditorium to take up her new duties. A smile slowly lit her face as she reviewed her new staff and she realized that a little housecleaning was in order.


Kevin and Mina lay stretched out on the beach, quite some distance from the rest of the crew and the new building. The blanket they lay upon had the empty dishes of the picnic lunch that they had shared the insulated basket on the log behind them with Kevin's shirt and Mina's wrap. Kevin had his board shorts on and Mina wore only her bikini bottoms, her breasts pushed into his side as they lay watching the ocean waves break. She lay cuddled in his shoulder, her hand on his chest and his slipped into her bikini bottom, softly stroking her hip. The shade from the tree behind them only added to the atmosphere of relaxation.

"This is nice," Mina sighed softly, snuggling in tighter to his embrace.

"I had the ocean put there just for you my dear," Kevin murmured.

"Always so thoughtful," she said with a grin. "Kevin what are we going to do, the fleet will be here soon and it won't take them long to realize that this is not the right planet."

"We proceed as we have been," Kevin said firmly. "We play it by ear and see what they say. I have reviewed the necessary scrolls and they should accept our treaty provision that we have to hold all talks on neutral ground. As they want to trade with Earth, then we have to be on a different planet."

"And if they don't?"

"Then we have to hope that they won't fire on one of their own ships."

"That is your fall back plan?" Mina said sitting up.

"No," Kevin said, sitting up to look at her. "I have spoken to all the other ambassadors and we are in agreement. If there is no alternative, we will surrender ourselves to your fleet and be used as breeding stock."

"I won't allow it." Mina yelled. "How could you even consider such a thing? I know the rest of the mates in the crew won't allow it either."

"I know that," Kevin said calmly. "And I am betting it won't come to that, but if it does, they will only get me."

"Kevin, no." Mina said starting to tear up.

"Mina, we are trying to save two peoples, yours and mine." Kevin said calmly as Mina turned her back. "Baby, I don't want to do it either, but one man can probably supply enough semen to impregnate most of your people. The more that we have the better the spread, but one man can do it if necessary. If I have to give myself up to save you and the children, then I will. And I know you well enough to know that you won't ask any of your crew to do anything you won't do yourself."

"I can't lose you." She whispered.

"We are a long way from that point yet love." Kevin said, turning her back to face him. "I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make sure that it doesn't come to that."

"You better," Mina said as she slipped back into his embrace.

"Plus we still have the cure that the President mentioned." Kevin said as they lay back down.

"Do you really believe that there is one?"

"I hope so, but I am not going to use that bargaining chip until the very last minute. That is my ace in the hole."

Mina looked at him quizzically, "what does that mean?"

"Poker expression," he said with a smile. "When we have some time I'll teach you how to play."

"There are other games I want to play." Mina said as she slipped her hand into his shorts and grasped his cock which lurched delightedly in her hand.

Aboard ship the communication officer of the watch sat her post and studied her manual. As they were in orbit and the fleet and the council knew where to reach them, it was decided to let junior officers learn new skills. Ensign Pripolenbas was proud and ready to do her duty.

Prip had been assigned to the ship only one month before, the XO handling the crew rotations while the Captain had been on her mission to locate a mate. She was fresh out of training and she and her friend Ensign Beltiol had been happy to be assigned to the same ship together. However, now she was having problems. The Captain's new mate had caused feelings in her that she had never experienced before. She and Bel had been delighted to be on the first survey team for the planet and when the Ambassador had made the new swim apparel available to them they had both chosen full covering one piece suits. The way the Ambassador had looked at the two of them had made her stomach drop. She had never felt that warm feeling inside before. Now she was having trouble focusing on her duties.

When the team returned to the ship they had automatically headed for the locker room on the rec-deck. The showers there were water, unlike the ones in their quarters which were only sonic. The water showers were crowded, everyone that was doing shifts on the planet were using the locker room showers as was everyone who was working out. Prip and Bel had to share a shower head. This was not usually an issue as only women were aboard at most times. This time however, Prip was more than a little excited. When Bel stepped behind her to wash her hair, Prip had almost melted into her. The feeling of Bel's hands on her scalp sent tingles down her back. Prip relaxed as much as possible, letting her body lean back against Bel' soft warm form. She relaxed her tail and let it drop down between them and then raised it up between Bel's thighs. She rubbed her tail against the soft crease, enjoying the intimacy and Bel's gentle shudder.

"You are such a tease," Bel whispered as she tightened her thighs on the wiggling protrusion.

"And you love it." Prip muttered, reveling in Bel's attention.

"Yes, but not here, your turn to do my hair." Bel said with a sharp slap on Prip's ass. Prip squeaked in shock and turned to face Bel's back.

Prip took her time rinsing and soaping Bel's hair, digging deep into her scalp as she knew that Bel loved. Bel leaned back against Prip and rested her head against Prip's shoulder. Prip ran her hands over Bel's ears, rubbing them gently and Bel shuddered in delight. Her ears had always been sensitive.

"Let's get out of here," Bel whispered into Prip's ear, following with a quick flick of her tongue.

Prip stepped back and rinsed herself once again and then walked quickly out of the shower, Bel a half step behind her. Their swimsuits were dry again, having less material than a handkerchief put together and the dressed in seconds and almost ran to their shared quarters. The door had barely slid shut when Prip slapped the lock and Bel tackled her to the bed.

Their suits where shredded in their eagerness to feel each other naked. Their lips and tongues were very active, nipping and licking each other, neither seeking dominance, but both teasing the other. Bel slid her hand down to Prip's breasts and rubbed hard on her nipples. Prip retaliated by reaching up and tickling Bel's ears. It had the desired effect, Bel shivered and came again. She had always been a hair away from orgasm and never needed much stimulation.

Prip took advantage and rolled over, laying Bel on her back and settling on her face. The time on planet watching the Ambassador, the foreplay in the shower and having Bel writhe above her in release had Prip right on the edge. She positioned her gushing slit above her oldest friend and Bel obliged by opening her mouth and sucking hard on the offered treasure.

Prip rocked backward on Bel's face, grabbing her ears again for support as she trembled in release. Her pulling of Bel's ears only made Bel wiggle and suck harder as she came again. She felt Prip starting to come down from her orgasm and reached up and pulled her tail.

Prip screamed and lost control. Pulling her tail had sent her back into orgasm, even higher than before. She squirted all over her friend and used Bel's ears for guide her to the discharge between her legs. Bel did her best, but it was too much for her and she settled for just rubbing her face in the pressure hose that was firing from between her friend's legs.

Prip lost her balance and fell to the side of the narrow bunk gasping for breath, her heart racing and Bel attacked again. She knew her friend and knew what she needed.

"You want him to fuck you don't you," Bel teased as she rammed three fingers into Prip's still spasming cunt. "You want him to breed you like the little slut you are, don't you?"

Prip opened her mouth to answer but another orgasm gripped her and she screamed.

"Admit it," Bel pushed. "You can see him coming in here one night. He sees you sleeping on your back, naked and waiting, but still not sure he would come. He grabs you and rolls you over and mounts you." Prip was lost in Bel's description of the Ambassador's ravaging of her.

"He pulls your hair back and slams into you over and over" Bel continues, her hand driving harder and harder into Prip's overstimulated snatch. "He pushes your head down to raise you up higher. He wants all of you and is not going to stop until you surrender your body and soul to him. He lets go of your hair long enough to pull your tail up and out of the way, controlling you with it and leaving room so that he can spank you." Prip groans loudly as she can almost feel the impacts on her ass of his strong hands.

"He is calling all kinds of names that come from his planet, slut, whore, bitch and you are begging for more. Then you feel his cock swell up inside of you and shot his genetics so deep into you that you can't help but be bred by him." As Bel said this she worked her pinkie into Prip's sucking cunt and jammed it hard, almost fisting her writhing bedmate and Prip explodes. Her belly contracts and spasms, her eyes roll back and she sees only stars. She convulses all over the bed as the biggest orgasm of her young life hits her like a tidal wave, sucking her under and drowning her in pleasure.

The com signal chimed in her ear and Prip shook herself out of her daydream. She looked at the channel and confirmed that it was from earth and on the Ambassador's cell phone. Another quick check showed that his comm was on do not disturb and Prip swallowed sharply and opened the channel.

"Sgt. Jacobs' line," Prip said as briskly as she could. "How may I help you?"

"Who is this?" The irate female voice snapped in her ear and despite her training Prip flinched as if her own grandmother had just caught her with her hand in the sweet jar. She checked the screen again for any suggestions and there were none.

"This is Sgt. Jacob's office, how may I help you ma'am?"

"When did Kevin get a secretary?" The voice demanded still further.

"Ma'am, can I help you?" Prip said again, looking around the bridge for help, but there was none.

"I want to speak to Kevin, now." The voice demanded.

"May I ask who this is?"

"This is his mother and I have been trying to reach him for four days."

Prip shuddered, was it something universal that could make all mothers sound the same when they were angry.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but Sgt. Jacobs is not available at the moment." Prip said as calmly as she could, with visions of her own mother hovering over her in her head.

"You put my son on the phone this instant." The flat tone seemed to carry more menace than a screaming fit would have, but Prip had her orders.

"Ma'am, I will forward your message to Kevin and I am sure..."

"Kevin, KEVIN," the woman on the line shrieked. "Just when did a mere secretary decide to call my son by his first name instead of his rank."

Prip froze in shock. Kevin had told them to use his first name, he had insisted. Now his mother was sounded like she was going to come through the comm signal and rip Prip's eyes out.

"Ma'am, Kevin insisted that we call him by his name when we were assigned to his detail. I will see to it that he knows about your call and I am certain that he will be in touch with you shortly."

"We, there are more than just you. Put your supervisor on the phone now." The voice commanded. Prip was about to pass out when she saw that Kevin's comm came of private and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"One moment please ma'am." Prip said as calmly as she could and put the comm on standby while she opened a separate channel. She was tempted to just drop the call on Kevin, but she liked him and wanted to warn him. For some reason, every time she thought of him a flutter happened in her middle.

"Ambassador Jacobs," she said as the line opened. "We are receiving a phone call from your mother and she is rather insistent that she speak to you, now."

On the planet, Kevin sat up sharply and dislodged Mina from his side. He grimaced and looked out into the water and counted slowly to five.

"What is her problem Ensign?" He asked slowly.

"I don't know sir. She simply called and demanded to speak to you, when I told her you were unavailable she became angry, then she demanded to know when you got a secretary, I called you Kevin, like you told us too and then she wanted to know why I did that then she wanted to know how many secretaries you had and then she demanded to speak to my supervisor."

Kevin hid an internal grimace, just like his mother to bully a poor Ensign, or secretary as she thought of her. Time for a little on the job training. With a wink at Mina who had tapped into the conversation at Kevin's nod.

"Ensign, please inform my mother that I am not available and that I will contact her when I can. Don't put her through to your supervisor. You have to handle this yourself. Jacobs out." Kevin looked at Mina who started to laugh.

"Why did you do that to that poor child?" Mina asked when she had control of herself.

"Communications is vital to your ship and the person running the board has to be able to deal with people like this without bothering her superiors. If she can't handle my mother, who is a bully and a blow hard that will cave in the first time someone stands up to her, then she won't be able to deal with really important matters."

"You could have warned her of that."

"Think of this as a teaching moment." Kevin said with a grin and rolled over on top of his mate and kissed her deeply.

On board Prip looked at the closed channel and started to shake, how could he do this to her. She had liked him and now he had thrown her to a pack of wild doments. Prip allowed herself one more second and another deep breath then reopened the channel to Kevin's mother.

"I am sorry ma'am, but Kevin is not available and my supervisor is indisposed with another matter. Sgt. Jacobs..."

"You listen to me you little tart, you put my son..." the woman began and something inside of Prip snapped.

"No, you listen," Prip said with quiet control. 'I said Kevin is not going to take your call and my supervisor is not available. Now I will pass your message on to Sgt. Jacobs as soon as possible and if he chooses he will call you back. In the meantime, you will be civil when you contact this office again, whether I answer the call or one of my associates does."

"Ah...you...I" the woman sputtered.

"And just for your information, if you do call back before Kevin calls you, your call will be immediately cut off. Good day ma'am." Prip cut the circuit and leaned back in her chair, letting out a long breath. She felt someone looking at her and turned to see the XO watching her intently. Prip coloured and the XO nodded once and went back to whatever she was doing.