A New Focus on Life

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Unexpected changes and circumstances.
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Author's Notes: Readers be warned. This story takes time to develop and so don't expect immediate and raunchy sex. Yet, if you hang in there, you will enjoy the romance of Loryn and her older (but not too much older) lover, Pete. Kick back and enjoy the telling.

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As I entered the pool and made my way towards the deep end, I chirped to my assigned Physical Therapist co-op (cooperative education) student, "Hey, there young and good-looking! How was your weekend? Did you party-hardy with the fellas in Waikiki?"

I had expected a chipper, if not bawdy, retort from Loryn at my shameless and all-too intimate prying into her personal life. Yet, what I got from the interest of my inquiry was just a brief glance from the poolside before she looked down, absorbed in her thoughts.

Before I go any further, I am Pete Kamahele, a part-Hawaiian former Honolulu police officer who a few years ago sustained life-threatening injuries while protecting my fellow officers during an ambush/shoot-out. After extensive spinal surgery and rehabilitation, it became readily apparent that my duty-related injuries were such that my return to service at "full capacity" was highly unlikely, and I was medically retired."

I was thrown for a loop by this unwanted administrative decision. All I had known or wanted to be was a cop. I had joined the police force right after getting my associate degree in criminal justice and had just made fifteen of devoted service. While the disability payment and lifelong pension and benefits offered to me were enough to keep me comfortable, the dilemma facing me was what was I going to do with myself?

At thirty-five, I was single with no one special since my parents and only brother had passed away years ago. The police force had been my passion...my life...and my career kaser-focus often prevented any serious female invvolvement. Now I had nothing to look forward to and didn't know how to handle the tremendous emptiness within me. What was I going to do with my so-called "new" life?

An unexpected perk that came with a service-related disability retirement was extended worker's compensation rehabilitation that involved a unique aqua-therapy regime. Being in the pool relieved the pressure on my lower back while allowing me to strengthen my core muscles, regained my balance, and work on improving my overall physical coordination.

In the two years that followed, I had improved physically to a "near normal" state which sadly wasn't good enough to rejoin the HPD. Opting to continue exercising at the pool with the physical therapy (PT) staff whom I had come to know, I joined as a paid affiliate (or former patient). I quickly became a 'constant' factor (always there) to the numerous PTs and their co-op students who help me along the way.

Loryn Wilson was the co-op student currently assigned to me to ensure that I didn't slack with my rehabilitation exercises. She was a comely twenty-four-year-old young woman with light brown hair, sparkling grey eyes, and a whimsical smile. Standing at about five feet four, Loryn wasn't your typical female co-op who tended to be lean (like in borderline skinny) with small breasts, narrow hips, and small buns.

Eschewing the "my body is a temple" mantra of her fellow co-ops, Loryn was known to hoist a mug or two, wolf down pizza, and have a good old-time partying. She had a "fuller" (but definitely not fatter or chunkier) figure marked by a great pair of tits, curvy hips, and nice buns that were meant to be grabbed and squeezed to her squeals of delight. In the two months that I had known her, I had come to look forward to Loryn's recounting her lewd but somewhat dubious adventures in paradise. That's why when I got the response I got, I knew something was definitely wrong.

"Hey, Loryn, join me at the deep end of the pool where we can have a bit more privacy. Come on. Don't be a stick in the mud. Humor me...please?"

Begrudgingly, Loryn dragged herself to the other end of the pool and sitting at the edge dangled her feet in the water as I began my exercise routine. "Okay, what happened? I mean you look like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Come on. Give."

Loryn hemmed and hawed, and tried not to look into my eyes. "Loryn -- it's not nice to lie or withhold information from your elders..."

'You're only thirteen years older than me," flared a defiant Loryn as she normally would have. "You act like you're some old decrepit man."

"Okay, I may not be a dirty old man but I sure am decrepit...and I am your elder...so stop stalling." When Loryn still hesitated, I slyly slipped in, "Well, I was going to ask you if you'd like to have dinner with me tonight at my place." When I saw a look of surprise flash on her face followed immediately by a tinge of suspicion, I hastily inserted, "Hey, get real, you silly girl. If I pulled anything funny or impropriate, you know my name, place of residence, and all the things needed to put me away for sexual assault. Hmmph!

"As it stands, I was at Costco yesterday and saw this beautiful rack of lamb that I couldn't resist buying. But when I got home, I realized 'how the hell is a single guy going to eat eight to nine lamb chops?' It was then that I thought of my favorite PT co-op who might enjoy sharing a lamb chop dinner with mint jelly, roasted fingerling potatoes, and steamed corn on the cob. Of course, if you rather not tell me what's happening with you and pass on my dinner invitation...that has no strings attached to it...I'll understand."

"God, Pete, you are truly twisted, you mean son-of-a-bitch. Okay, I give in." Then taking in a deep breath and letting it out, Loryn whispered, "Crissy, my housemate and fellow co-op student, dropped a bomb on me saying that she was dropping out of school and the co-op program to return home immediately. It seems that her rather jealous boyfriend threw a fit when he discovered that we had been partying rather hardy in Waikiki and demanded that she fly back immediately.

"This has left me with having to cover our cottage's rent all by myself. You know that I am an orphan who has eked my way through college and into this graduate PT program. I am up to my eyeball in debt and barely making it. With Crissy gone, my entire co-op stipend...what I make working at the pool for twelve dollars an hour...goes to my monthly rent. I've been living on instant ramen and peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches. Oh, Pete, I don't know if I can hang in there for another four months until my co-op contract is up and I graduate."

As tears welled up in Loryn's lovely eyes, I said, "Hey, one step at a time. Let's have dinner tonight when we can leisurely explore your options. If a certain sass-butt girl is up to it, come early and show me your worth by helping prepare and cook dinner. Remember there's no free lunch in life.

"Do you have your cellphone on you? Okay, here's my address and mobile phone number. Text me so that I'll have your cell number and won't block you as possible spam. Cheer up, my friend. I have a hunch that your luck and life are about to change in ways you never expected."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When Loryn's moped pulled up into my carport, she was her old friendly self. Freely hugging and kissing me on the cheek, she quickly said, "Thanks for being there for me. I have been getting down on myself...and wallowing in my self-pity. But your timely invitation gave me what I needed...hope...and a boost of confidence as to the possibilities...as well as a free meal. Hey, this girl can't afford to pass up a free dinner...with maybe some leftovers to take home."

While I sliced the roast into individual chops for seasoning and frying, I encouraged Loryn to freely explore the house that I had inherited. The left side of my home consisted of a master bedroom in the corner with an adjoining bathroom; a middle bedroom that I used as my study and storeroom; and a rear bedroom at the end of a short hallway that was supposedly a "guest" room (although I never had a guest over). The main bathroom was across the hallway from the two bedrooms. The right side of my house consisted of a spacious living/dining room, a modern kitchen, and a wash/mudroom. A wrap-around yard and garden completed my house.

"Your house...home...is unbelievable! It's so spacious...so inviting...with so many possibilities. Thank you, oh thank you for sharing it with me." And with that, Loryn hauled off and kissed me on the lips which left me breathless.

"Ahhh, enough of that you shameless hussy. Get to work by slicing the fingerling potatoes and seasoning them before popping them in the oven to bake. The corn is teaming, and I'll wait to the last minute to pan-sear the lamb chops in my cast-iron skillet. Do you think you're up to making a simple tossed salad? You are? Okay, the lettuce is in the refrig as well as the boiled eggs, salad dressing, cheese, and croutons...have at it.

"Ohhh, by the way, what do you want to drink? I have some cans of Kona Brew beer; some chilled white wine...and...? What? What am I drinking? Well, I am having Ketel One Vodka on the rocks...it is clean and neat...with a lemon twist. It gives me the buzz that I like. What? You want to try what I am drinking? Are you sure? Okay. Here."

"Oh, my fucking lord! My lips have gone numb...as well as parts of my brain. I am finally able to shut off thinking about how screwed I am. Damn it, Pete, pour me what you're drinking so that I can stop this constant fretting and begin to relax."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dinner with Loryn was an utter blast as we imbibed, ate, and kicked back. As we normally did at the pool, we shamelessly teased each other with innuendos that bordered on being lewd and obscene, and yet, were open and frank.

"Pete, I want to thank you for a wonderful dinner and night," murmured Loryn as we lounged next to each other on my leather sofa/recliner unit. Then pulling back, she hesitated for a moment and then after gulping, said, "I've got to ask you...if you would be willing to share your incredible home with me...at least until the end of the Spring semester when I return to the university to graduate? It would help me out tremendously...and I would be eternally grateful."

I knew that my next few words would forever determine the nature of my relationship with my cute co-op. "Loryn...I value my privacy and solitude," slipped from my lips and I saw her lower lip begin to tremble, "However...there are times when it gets very lonely living by myself and I find myself craving for more. This... is one of those times.

"I asked you over for dinner to see if you would be open to 'living with me'...without me suggesting it. The idea had to be something that you had to want to do. I am glad that you found me and my house 'suitable' for your next four months in Hawaii. However, before you go ape-shit about becoming my housemate and start throwing your irresistible self against me, we have to agree as to the basic ground rules.

"First and foremost, I agreed to let you live with me without any expectation of sex with you. This is not a quid-pro-quo situation. While I find you extremely attractive and irresistibly sexy, I do not expect you to 'give it up' as some kind of payment for my kindness. As far as I'm concerned, as long as you are a needy co-op student who is down and out, there will be no sex between us. Understood?

When Loryn looked oddly at me before nodding, I continued, "Good. Now, our living together is strictly between us. With you being a co-op student, fooling around...much lest shacking up with me...would be a big-time no-no and would be a black mark on your academic record and future employment opportunities. So, zip it! That means that no one...especially your fellow co-ops must know where and more importantly with whom you are living. Understand?"

"Not a problem. When Crissy left me...none of my fellow co-ops offered to help me out...they just turned their backs on me. As such, they don't have the right to ask...and more importantly know about my subsequent living arrangements."

"Lastly, I know that you're young and horny. However, no boyfriends sleeping over. I don't want to wake up to find some semi-naked dude roaming my house. That is a definite way for some asshole to be shot as a possible home intruder and some horny tramp to find herself out on the street. I am not saying that you can't fool around with guys... just not in this house.

"And the same goes for friends and family who are looking for a discount way to visit Hawaii."

"Hey, Pete, as I told you earlier, I have no family and/or close friends. Those who say that they are, are bullshit liars. And although I am physically friendly, many of my romantic adventures with the guys whom I've met were more 'I wish' fantasies intended to arouse a certain handsome Hawaiian ex-cop. As far as I am concerned, it is just you and me.

"And while I'm at it, while I may not be able to pay you monthly rent, I will make it up with cleaning (especially your bathroom...men), washing, folding, and cooking. For the next four months, I'll be your little housewife...minus the bedroom stuff...ah, that shucks! Hey, relax...this girl has to be a tease to keep your life interesting. Yet I can get used to just cuddling with you...if you don't mind. You will never regret your decision, Pete...never."

"Aah, okay. Do you have anything that you'd like to add to our ground rules?"

After a long pause, Loryn looked at me and uttered, "I've never lived with a man before. The guys I knew...well... were interested in only one thing and took advantage of my flirtatious nature...which you are well-acquainted with...and once they got it, they vanished. You are the first one, however, who wants to avoid having sex with me. It's so strange...and something that I'll have to get used to. I may make mistakes... judgmental...with you...us...and I hope you'll cut me some slack because I've never been in an intimate living situation a man.

"Now, I've got to be upfront with you on this next issue. Pete, I don't like wearing a lot of clothing...especially tight ones. If I had a choice, I'd walk around the house in just my panties. Don't look at me like that...I bet that if I wasn't here, you'd be in your t-shirt and underwear...what... boxer-briefs...whew, at least you're not a tidy-whitey kind of guy. However, for the sake of modesty, I will wear a loose top and thin baggy short shorts around the house. However, when I sleep, be warned that I do so topless with panties...or sometimes, nothing at all.

"I know that while traipsing around the house scantily clad, I may eventually flash you parts of my privates. Yet, please understand that I am not doing it on purpose or to tempt you. I may be horny from time to time, but I am not a thot. It's just that I feel comfortable and safe with you, knowing you won't take advantage of me and accept me as I am."

"I can see, Loryn, that living with you will present some definite 'challenges' but it is something that I expect. I've got to warn you not to be surprised when I pop an erection in my boxer-briefs when you flash me your privates. It is something that guys can't control when around a good-looking young woman...if you know what I mean?"

Taking a sip of her vodka on the rocks, Loryn mumbled, "Okay, I understand. Now, if we're in agreement, I think I better be going before I get too comfortable and fall asleep leaning against you. Thank you again, Pete, for helping me out in a time of need by taking me in. Let's plan on me moving in tomorrow. Okay?"

"Loryn, you are in no shape to drive...much less on your damn moped. Why don't we air out the back bedroom...'your' bedroom...then you can take a shower? There's a toothbrush and clean towels in the hallway closet. I mean that you might as well give your bedroom a test drive."

"But...I didn't bring anything to sleep in..."

"I thought you said you slept in your panties...if at all. Look, if you're feeling rushed and uncomfortable, leave your moped here and I'll drive you back to your place. I'll stop by tomorrow with my truck and help you pack up and move."

"No, Pete, I'll stay. And tomorrow, I'll cook breakfast...pancakes, eggs, and sausages? Like I said...you won't regret letting me live with you."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Over the next four months, Loryn and I carried on our secret living arrangement. Once she felt safe and secure (something that she had never felt before), Loryn blossomed, taking over the household. She provided endless chatter that brighten my days and nights, and made me realize what had been missing from my life. Loryn made mundane tasks enjoyable as we would clean and shop together. She proved good at managing our tight household budget, making my pension dollars stretch to cover two people.

Having always been a loner with a singular focus on my police career, I found my life and world opening in expected ways. For the first time in my life, I had someone to care for. It made me happy when I spoiled Loryn with some small treats from the nearby specialty shop that were culinary adventures - goose liver pate with thin crackers or canned Portuguese sardines with olive oil and herbs. I had to admit that the look of surprise and delight on her cute face made my day.

Loryn, in return, took care of me which took some getting used to. She somehow got me out of my rut as we did short hikes, rented a two-person kayak and paddle, or caught a movie...things that I wouldn't have done by myself. With Loryn's encouragement and companionship, I did things that were always there but for which I somehow never had the time or inclination to do.

Yet, living with Loryn did present some unexpected challenges. There were times when she'd bend over and provide me with a cock-stirring view of her dangling boobs. Her frequent nip-slips made me well aware of her dark pink, mouthwatering cylindrical nipples that seemed to forever be jutting from her youthful boobs. And lastly, the occasional pussy glimpses from the crotch of her short shorts had me taking a cold shower and some serious jerking-off. It finally got to the point where I knew Loryn's young body without her taking a stitch of clothing off.

More often than not, we'd somehow end the night snuggling with each other after a leisurely shower and watching on my big screen entertainment system, Netflix, or some other streaming service. Loryn would often fall asleep in my arms and only after much cajoling, allowed me to usher her to her back bedroom and her welcoming bed. A groggy Loryn would then hastily yank off her top to give me a fleeting glimpse of her naked tits before crashing face down on the mattress, falling dead asleep.

Around the pool, Loryn became the bright spot with endless chatter and frequent laughter. She was the one to who patients related for friendly encouragement and in-the-water support. The PT pool staff came to rely on her to schedule appointments, set up therapy regimes, and record patient progress. While people knew that we were good friends, they never guessed the true nature of our relationship which was our special secret.

This was because the gradually evolving nature of our relationship surprised us. Our casual friendship had gradually morphed into a comfortable companionship that was sparked with nonchalant and innocent intimacy. We thoroughly enjoyed each other and living together, and weren't even aware that we had fallen in love with each other. That is until the end of Loryn's six-month co-op contract with the Agency.

"Oh, Pete," Loryn worried endlessly about her next step in life, "I've got only three weeks left before I fly back to my university to graduate. Then I'll have to begin looking for a PT job...a real job...find a place to live...get a car...pay bills! Oh, damn, just when my life is going so well, why do I have to suddenly grow up...and without you?"