A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 03 Ch. 08


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"If it feels good, then I think you're doing it right," Gwen said with a smile. "But if you really want to watch..." She pulled open the drawer. "Any preferences on what I use?"

Cricket got to her knees and to a spot on the bed she thought might be out of the way. "Whatever you like best."

The wand was selected and plugged in, and then the shorter, fatter dildo was placed next to it. Gwen carefully stacked several pillows against the headboard and reclined on them after removing her shirt. "Ready?" she asked the woman kneeling at her feet. "Can you see alright?"

The young woman smiled. "The view is wonderful."

"Good." The older woman closed her eyes, laid her head back and began running her hands over the bare skin of her stomach and legs. Her observer continued to kneel, barely breathing while her own hands primly rested on the tops of her thighs, entranced by the sight of the beautiful woman pleasuring herself before her. Gwen's fingers smoothed and circled, drawing close to her breasts and down and over the insides of her thighs. Her nipples were erect before they had even received their first welcome caress, and her legs opened to allow better access to her most intimate spot as well as the gaze of the woman at the end of the bed. She dipped a finger into her opening to draw some moisture up her cleft and over her clit; the finger returned a moment later and buried itself deeply while her palm pressed into her mound.

It remained there while the other hand reached for the dildo, moving after the rubber invader had been properly aimed for entry. "Sometimes I use my vibrator for a little bit first," Gwen explained, her eyes still closed, "but today I want something in me right now so I'll start with this instead." Her delicate labial lips were sucked in by the veiny shaft as it was inserted, grasping at the length, until the faux testicles were firmly pressed against the flesh below her opening. Cricket could see Gwen's finger tucked up behind the sack, tickling...her anus? Not that, she decided, she would never touch herself there.

"It looks so big from here," the young woman breathed, "like it's splitting you apart! I never thought of it stretching so wide!"

"Babies' heads feel like they're splitting you apart," Gwen softly corrected, "this makes me feel...full...in a good way. Do you ever use the one I gave you?"

"Yes," Cricket admitted with a blush. Used it, studied it, fantasized about something just like it dangling from a man crouching between her widespread legs as he prepared to impale her.

"Then you probably know what I mean about the full feeling. It feels good, right?"

She giggled. "It really does. I just never imagined it looked like that in me."

The vibrator buzzed to life, and Gwen gently touched each nipple with the bulbous head, breathing in sharply from the sensation. "My chest gets so sensitive when I'm aroused," she offered. The hand holding the wand gently touched it to her mound while the other began to slowly move the penis inside her. The rhythmic stroke of the cyberskin cock and the delicious torment of her clitoris had Gwen's hips twitching, then bucking in little time. The cock fucked her and she fucked back, pistoning it in and out while the vibrator growled angrily under the strain of being pushed into her clit.

"Ahh-ahh-ungh—UNGGHhhhhh..." Cricket swore she could see her friend's sex convulsing around the rubber penis, just as she had felt it do about her finger when she had brought Gwen to orgasm. Knees and thighs came together involuntarily, trapping both dildo and vibrator as the climaxing woman rolled to her side.

And then it was over. "Sorry," Gwen said weakly, turning off the wand and slowly pulling the length from her still-tingling sex, "I got a little carried away there."

Cricket watched her friend's lips close as the tapered head of the glistening cock withdrew beyond them. "I loved it—that was beautiful! So powerful!"

"Addictively powerful," Gwen agreed, getting to her knees. She reached for Cricket's shirt, gently pulling it over her head then patting the freshly-vacated indentation on the pillows. "Your turn," she said with a gentle smile. "Let me check your form—make sure you're doing it right."

The young woman hesitated, unsure, now aware her plan had not been thought through this far. She had never been comfortable being the center of attention, always dreading group situations where she might become the one all eyes were on. The fear of failure and embarrassment had always been present whether riding competitively or being called on in school. And yet here she was, at her most vulnerable, being asked to perform the most intimate act she could imagine for another's review. Gwen did it for me, Cricket scolded herself. I wish I had half her confidence. And I owe her the same trust so time to find some confidence of my own. She willed herself to lay back, legs together. "Promise you won't make fun of me if I do it wrong?"

Gwen smiled. "I won't make fun of you and I don't think you can do it wrong. Let me watch."

Cricket flopped her head back and committed herself to action. She closed her eyes and began to stroke her body, subconsciously mimicking what she had just seen Gwen do. Not being able to see the naked woman lounging on her side at the end of the bed, head propped up on a hand and watching, made bringing her arousal to the surface a bit easier, and she briefly wondered whether riding into the show ring with eyes closed might have had the same effect on her nerves back then. It was not much of a stretch from there to imagine herself naked astride Marvin while a hundred spectators watched her canter. She stifled a laugh and began luring out the orgasm she knew lay in wait.

Her hand was soon between her legs, gently teasing her clit. "I think yours is prettier," she offered, unwilling to open her eyes and look at her friend.

"My what?"

"Your, uhh, vagina...I heard you tell Tim you thought mine was prettier, but I don't think so."

Gwen laughed. "So you did hear that. Well, I think yours is, but I think we're both overly critical of ourselves. I never really looked at mine and just assumed it was ugly and should be avoided, always but then I really looked closely at my friend's, uhh, pussy and thought it wasn't ugly at all." Miss Ritter's had always seemed an extension of the woman herself, cold, severe, maybe even a little dangerous and scary, like it would bite if not properly administered to. It had been Natalie's that had changed her opinion, her sex flowery and warm and inviting, just like the owner. Cricket and Liz had only reinforced her new appreciation for that powerful symbol of femininity. "I've come to realize how unique and mysterious and beautiful they are. And yours is certainly beautiful. In my humble opinion. And I hope you don't mind me telling him that."

"I'm a little embarrassed you'd tell him, but's that's all right—it's a very nice thing for you to say. Cricket softly admitted, briefly imagining him standing at the end of the bed and judging for himself, "I know you like to be honest with him about us; I can see where that might be part of it."

The women lapsed into silence, Cricket's heavy breathing punctuated with soft squeaks and grunts.. She found the vibrator very powerful and the dildo very filling, and despite her performance anxiety, she found the climax she had been searching for a short time later.

"Now for a nap?" Gwen asked , gently massaging the young woman's foot and toes as she recovered.

"Couldn't move if I wanted to."

They did not bother to redress, spooning with each other as their contented, rhythmic breathing lulled them to sleep. Neither was quite ready to awaken when the sound of a truck in the yard an hour later gave them no choice. Both were quickly up, Cricket the more panicked of the two although Gwen had her own pangs of guilt from feeling a tinge of excitement at perhaps being caught red-handed.

"I guess I should get dressed and get going," the young woman offered as she scrambled to her feet, a weak smile on her face.

"Sure you don't want to stay for dinner?"

"Thanks, but I'm already into my study time...Gwen?"


Cricket hugged the older woman. "Thank you for everything—for being my friend, and for being my teacher."

Gwen laughed. "I'm hardly a qualified instructor! I'm still very much in learning mode myself! I'm just a little more...experienced at the moment."

"You're so wrong," the young woman insisted. "I have already learned so much just being around you. Ever since I was a teenager I felt like I was going to have to figure out this world all on my own, but I don't feel that way any more. It's like I've been given a fairy godmother. Thank you."

I've never heard of a fairy godmother stripping off her clothes and having sex and every opportunity, the Lady grumbled. Gwen hugged the warm body to her. "You're making me out to be more than I am. This is just what friends do. But you're welcome. And thank you."

The young woman broke the embrace and hurried to her room, unwilling to be caught naked by the man whose bed she had just been in. Gwen threw on the t-shirt she had been wearing and went to greet her husband.

"Heya," he called out as he stepped into the kitchen and kissed her cheek. "Weren't you wearing that when I left? Did you ride today?"

"We did," Gwen replied airily, her nose wrinkling in displeasure. "We went riding, took a swim, had lunch, and we just got up from a nap. And you need to get out of those clothes and into the shower—you smell really bad."

Tim grinned. "I thought you liked my manly smell?"

"Manly is nice, fish and gasoline is not. Did you hug a salmon?"

"No salmon in the lake, but I did have a fling with a huge bass—you should have seen it!"

"I can smell it," Gwen complained, theatrically waving her hand in front of her nose, "please go shower. Don't put your clothes in the hamper—leave them on the bathroom floor I'll put them straight into the wash!"

He continued to grin. "Where's Cricket?"

"In her room, changing and getting her things together to leave. Now go," she ordered.

Cricket joined her several moments later, bag in hand. "Guess I should get going," she said with a sigh of resignation.

Gwen turned from packaging leftovers for the young woman to take and gave her a smile. "Can you do me a favor before you go?"

"Of course, anything!"

"Can you get Tim's clothes from the bathroom and throw them in the washer while I finish this?"

"Sure. He's in there now, right? I can wait until he comes out."

"I know you need to get home and study. He won't mind if you just pop in and grab them. They're on the floor, at least, that's where I hope he remembered to leave them.

Cricket looked uncertainly at Gwen's back. "Really? I mean, he's in the shower, right?"

"It sounds like it. It's no big deal—you saw him in his birthday suit yesterday."

"I didn't really see anything," the young woman quietly reminded her.

"Just go and grab them—you'll be in and out in no time!"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm very sure. Go on."

Cricket began the trip down the hall, looking back at her friend one last time to see if this was some sort of prank. Gwen did not look up from the plastic bowl she was intent on emptying. The door to the bathroom was open when she entered the bedroom, the sound of running water splashing off something very clear now. She hesitated, wondering if she should knock first to announce her presence, calculating the odds that Tim wouldn't even notice her. The young woman held her breath and slowly poked her head around the door, afraid her calculation had been wrong and the man in the shower stall would question why this woman was invading his privacy unannounced.

She resumed breathing. Tim was turned away from her, the rivulets of water running down the glass only slightly impeding her view of his muscular back and shoulders with just a hint of middle-aged roll sitting above well-defined butt cheeks, thighs and calves. Cricket crept forward towards the pile of clothes, her eyes still on the naked man to her left, openly admiring his nude body. She watched him vigorously soap his midsection, occasionally reaching and scrubbing between his legs, watery globs of lather dropping to land with a splat on the wet tile. Cricket smiled and wondered if Gwen ever helped him with that task.

She took her time collecting the various articles of clothing, alternating between not wanting to get caught and hoping he might turn around so she could see if warm water had an effect on him as well. The collected items were gingerly held at arm's length as she finally retreated, her eyes on the naked man behind the glass until he disappeared behind the door. Once free of the bathroom, she hurried to the washer to deposit her collection.

"All set," she called out with all the casualness she could muster as she returned to the kitchen, cheeks flushed from the experience giving her true feelings away. Cricket kissed the woman at the sink. "Tell Tim I said thank you and goodbye?"

"You didn't tell him yourself?"

"He had his back to me and was busy cleaning up and I didn't want to interrupt."

Gwen smiled. "I see. I will, then. You'll call this week?"

"Of course!"

"You better. Be good and be safe." She kissed the young woman on the cheek, and the kiss was returned. She handed her a shopping bag of containers. "And don't forget to eat!"

Tim, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, padded into the kitchen a few moments later on his way to the refrigerator and a beer. "I saw you didn't waste any time putting my stuff in the wash. Thanks. She in the barn?" he asked, nodding at Cricket's still-present car in the driveway.

"Barn," Gwen confirmed. "Checking on Marvin's cut and leaving a detailed note for me about its care, I would guess."

Tim chuckled. "Good thing, 'cuz God knows you've never treated those hayburners' boo-boos before."

"Did you go at the beach we went to while you were at the lake?"

He smiled. "Naw, wouldn't be the same without you." Tim put down his beer and took her in his arms. "Maybe next time we can go together?"

"If you want..."

"I also saw you got some of the things in your nightstand out while I was gone. Just for you, or did you share?"

"We shared. Did you want to hear about it?"

"Dumb question. Did you want to wait until Cricket heads out?"

She smiled, broke his embrace, took his hand and pulled him towards the bedroom. "No."

Tim grinned back and allowed himself to be led.

"Take your clothes off," Gwen commanded as she pulled her own shirt over her head. "Lay down on your side of the bed."

"That's the Gwen I know and love," he said, still grinning. "Taking charge. Take your clothes off! Take a shower! Take your clothes off again! Might as well just stay naked all the time."

"Might as well," she said distractedly while retreating to the open doorway. "Lie on your side," she ordered, studying the mirror over the dresser across the room. "Lie on your back now." Scowling, Gwen went to the mirror and adjusted it, then went back to her spot by the door. "A bemused Tim complied, his cock pulsing in anticipation as she nodded her head and joined him, leaving the door to their room wide open.

Gwen could see the slightly quizzical look in her husband's eyes. "Cricket not only listened in last night, she could see us, too," she explained, gently wrapping her fingers around his erection.

"So she was right outside the door, huh? That girl's stealthy. And rather than shut the door so she doesn't see us again you made it easier?"

Her hand stroked. "The way the mirror was she didn't see much—I think I saw more of her than she saw of us. I know you don't mind her hearing us—are you alright with her seeing us, too? I'm pretty sure she liked it."

"I'm beginning to think you like it as much as she does?"

Gwen's hand stopped mid-stroke, afraid that his question might be tinged with anger. "Sorry, I didn't know until she was there, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you then, but I thought it was exciting to have her watch me, and I wanted her to see you, too. I've always thought you were so handsome, and I wanted her to see you too, and how lucky I am to have you. I'm sorry—I know it sounds like I'm teasing her, but she really did say she liked watching both of us."

His hand found hers and gently urged it to resume its travel up and down his cock. "You don't have to apologize, I'm just a little surprised, is all. Both at her watching and you wanting her to see us like that. Looking at you, I get. I do it all the time. But me, I don't think there's much to look at."

"Oh yes there is. I've never told you this, but after we got married, I would always sneak peeks at you when you were getting dressed or were in the shower. I felt like it was wrong to be looking at you naked, but I couldn't help it—you looked so, I don't know, manly, and I was so lucky to be married to someone so good looking! I knew it was conceited, but I couldn't help it."

"How long did it take you to get bored of peeking?"

"I never got bored. But once I stopped thinking it was wrong, I stopped peeking and just started looking. I like that so much better."

"Huh." Tim rolled over in between legs that opened to welcome him. "So, if she saw me do this—" he emphasized his point by burying his length in one smooth stroke—"you'd be okay with that?"

Gwen closed her eyes and bit her lip. "Uh-huh."

"And if she came back in the house right now—"he withdrew and thrust again, this time with a little more force—"you wouldn't make me stop?"


He pistoned his cock twice more and grinned. "If she's still out there saying goodbye to Marvin, maybe I should take you out on the deck and bend you over the railing. Let he get a good look at her friend getting fucked."

Gwen quickly opened her eyes and giggled nervously. "I'm not quite sure I'm ready to go that far! Being seen is one thing, making a spectacle of ourselves is another! I like it here."

If Cricket comes back in the house now, she's gonna be scarred for life watching my ugly naked ass piledriving into her best friend, Tim thought. But if she wants to look, let her look,. He was not gonna stop for anything until he came. He imagined their young houseguest standing in the doorway—naked, of course-as he emptied himself into his wife's welcoming cunt, her hands on his ass urging him deeper, obeying the primal command to leave his seed just a little closer to its ultimate goal. Tim was embarrassed by his disappointment when he looked back over his shoulder after his last convulsive shudder and found the hallway still empty.

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StubbyoneStubbyone6 months ago

Exquisite ! I never tire of awarding 5-😊😊😊😊😊,s to chapter after chapter of this wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The story is tinged with humor, part morality play, and sympathetic to its characters to the point the reader cares about them. This is one of those stories I want never to end, and I have read the unabridged War And Peace I would have gone another thousand pages with that one. I also can relate to the characters as they realistically partially mirror a little of my own experiences. The two gender authorship adds a really effective man AND woman perspective to the narration. A small bit of copy editing would help but there is nothing that caused me to lose track of the story line, as it has done in the past stories I've read on Literotica. Excellent writing!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great series! Keep writing!!

Great series! Keep writing!!

liz33ndliz33ndover 4 years ago
ssooo sexy

well written and erotic, thanks a bunch.

ptcruzxxptcruzxxover 7 years ago
Most Excellent

As always "Great"


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