A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 04 Ch. 03


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"Oh—okay, that's okay..."

"I should also probably let you know, Tim said softly, "I showed Charlie the pictures you sent me the other day—you know, the ones of you shaving?"

"Oh." Gwen felt a surge of nervous excitement and did her best to remain calm. "What did he think?"

"He liked 'em. A lot."

"Well, that's okay too, I guess."

"I, uhh, sent them to him, too—I made sure he deleted the e-mail so nobody knows they're from me, or they're of you. But I really don't think he's gonna show anybody else," he hurriedly assured her. "He said they're for his own personal use."

"If you trust him, then so do I." Gwen rose from her chair and knelt in front of Tim, the deck's wood planking still warm against her knees. She reached for the front of his jogging shorts and pulled them down to reveal a freshening erection, her fingers delicately wrapping around the girth. "Did you like showing him my pictures?" She dared to believe she knew the answer from the hard length she was holding.

"Uh, yeah, I guess I did? Gotta be honest, it's kinda fun seeing the look on his face when he sees you like...that, like he's seeing something really rare and off-limits."

"Fun, indeed." She gave the tip of his cock a reverent kiss and rose. "Ready to go in?" He hurried to his feet in reply.

Her t-shirt and his shorts were unceremoniously discarded on the floor as they hopped on the bed and into each other's arms. Neither was in a hurry to reach the point where their arousal could no longer be contained and shared long, sensual kisses while their hands explored. Tim could not resist focusing on her recently bared skin, appreciating the smoothness of her mons as his fingers slid over it on the way to her equally bare cleft, finding her already very wet.

"What do you think he meant by 'personal use'?" Gwen asked after breaking their kiss to stifle a gasp as a callused finger slowly dragged over her clit.

Tim's mind snapped back from where it was wandering in the intoxicating slickness of her pussy. "Oh—uh, you mean Charlie?"

"Yes—what do you think he meant by that?" She breathed, her hand gently playing with his balls.

"I know exactly what he means. He's gonna, uhh, gonna use 'em for his own pleasure when he's looking at 'em. You okay with that?"

"You mean masturbate?" She quickly processed the confirmation of her suspicion, feeling the perverse thrill of it. "That's what guys do to pictures of naked women, right? Do you really think he will, though?"

"I know so. He told me he was going to." He shivered a bit as her hand continued to slowly travel up and down his length, and he thought he could detect a hint of hopeful expectation in her voice.

"You two certainly do talk about every little detail! I always thought men didn't like to admit they masturbate."

"Well, yeah, you know, Charlie's never had a filter when it comes to sex. He says that every guy does it, and those that say they don't are lying."

"You would think he would be too busy with all the girls he knows to have much time for that."

"Too busy with work. He told me he's even been too busy to make it down to the tit—to Scandals."

"That IS busy," Gwen said seriously. "He's working too hard. That's not good for him."

"Yeah...so you sure don't mind that he's going to do that to you?"

"To my pictures," Gwen clarified, "and it's too late now if I wasn't. But, yes I'm alright with it. I will even admit I'm a bit flattered that he would think mine are worthy of such a thing." The fact that the erection she held had lost none of its potency told her what Tim thought of his friend's admission.

"He also said," Tim continued, gently thrusting against the pressure around his cock, "to thank you for getting me out of the house so quickly this morning, but that I should have stayed to make sure you were taken care of, too. Said it's important to make sure the woman is satisfied. He also thought I probably needed some practice, so..." He smiled and began to kiss his way down her body.

"Well, thank him for his concern," Gwen said with a gentle laugh as she released her grip on him. "But neither myself or Cricket had any complaints about your technique last night!"

Is Cricket okay after last night?" he asked while pausing at her breasts, his tone more serious. "She seemed to uhh, handle it better."

"The first time was because you shoot that stuff so hard it's like drinking from a hose," she laughed. "This time she was ready for you. As a matter of fact, I think she's acquired a taste for it."

Tim looked up, confused. "For what? Oral?"

"What you hit her in the back of the throat with last night. This morning, I didn't, uh, clean up after you left, I just went to bed with some of you still in me." And some on the floor, both Lady and Slut reminded her. "She wanted to kiss me down there, and I wanted to go clean up first, but she asked me not to and said she wanted to taste you and me together."

"Did you let her?"

"Mm-hmm," she purred as Tim resumed kissing down her stomach. "She spent quite a while getting it all."

"Did she make you come?" he mumbled, his lips pressed against her skin.

"Mm-hmm...I was pretty excited after you and that...it felt so, I don't know, perverted?"

"Huh. Would've loved to have seen that..."

"Maybe some other time," Gwen replied with a smirk. "Don't tell her I told you, though. I think she was embarrassed to even ask about me letting her doing that."

Tim soon reached her sex, his tongue happily playing in the wetness it found. Gwen's hips began to twitch, and her breathing was a bit more forced. "Did you tell Charlie you could have been even later this morning?"

"Nope," he murmured into her pussy, "just told him I had you bent over the table. I bet he never even imagined we did it other than the way we did."

"Well, you don't have to be anywhere now," she breathed. "Would you like to try it that way this time?"

Tim looked up and grinned. "Sounds like fun." He ambled to the bathroom, grabbed the lubrication and returned to find Gwen on all fours looking over her shoulder while presenting her ass to him. "That looks beautiful," he announced while bending to plant a kiss on her upturned pussy, "but I got something I wanna try if you're up for it." He moved on to her side of the bed, retrieving his replica and the Magic Wand from her nightstand drawer, plugging the vibrator in before tossing them both on to the bed and putting one knee on the mattress to reach for his pillows. Gwen took the opportunity to capture his bobbing length between her lips and give the glans a quick tonguing. "Keep that up and this'll be over quick," he warned with a chuckle.

She let him pop from her mouth. "Sorry."

"Don't ever apologize for sucking my dick," he replied with mock seriousness. "Lay on your back, put your ass on top of those," he ordered, pointing to the pillows he had stacked at the end of the bed. Gwen complied, giving him a quizzical smile as she maneuvered herself into position.

"First things first," Tim grumbled, firmly spreading her legs and moving between her knees before reaching for the dildo. He casually lined the length up with her opening and pushed it forward, the bulbous head splitting her apart and disappearing inside. Tim grunted in amused fascination as her pussy swallowed the length, the faux testicles finally bumping up against her and preventing the length from going any deeper. "Feel okay?"

Gwen wiggled her hips. "Feels wonderful."

He stepped back to briefly study the situation, and Gwen felt herself blush at the scrutiny. Tim stepped forward, grabbing the lube and snapping the top open with his thumb. A healthy drop of fluid was squirted on the tip of his extended finger and then gently spread over her rosebud peeking up from above the pillows. Another drop was applied to his finger and then it was back, this time probing at her crinkled muscle as if testing its resolve to stay shut. It eventually yielded, allowing the invader to advance up past the first knuckle, then the second, rhythmically flexing as Gwen willed herself to relax and accept it. "Okay?" Tim's voice showed some cautious concern.

She closed her eyes, preferring to focus on the thing filling her other opening. "Mm-hmm."

"Ready for something a little bigger?"

"A lot bigger, and yes."

The finger was withdrawn, the muscle snapping shut behind it, and Tim applied some lube to his shaft, fisting it once or twice to spread it evenly. He stepped forward, rotating the cock already lodged in her to move the testicles out of the way, then brought her legs up, calves across his shoulders. He blindly tried to line himself up, his body blocking the view, rubbing his length up and down, freezing when the head seemed to lodge in a depression. "There?"

"Close." Gwen reached down and gently took him, adjusting his aim ever so slightly and holding it in place. "There."

"Ahh, okay. Thanks. Ready?"

"Uh-huh." Her hand continued to hold him at the base of his shaft, leaving enough room for his head to push her open as he applied pressure as gently as he could.

Tim stopped when he felt crown surrounded by tight muscle, anxiously looking at Gwen's face and her grit teeth. "Want me to stop?"

"Just for a minute, let me get used to it..."

"Maybe your vibrator might help you relax?"

She smiled. "Maybe." This is in pretty good, she thought of the cock she was holding and let go to reach for the wand. The humming filled the quiet room, then became muffled as she slid it between her thighs to lightly push against her clit. Tim could feel the muted vibrations tickle his tightly lodged glans. "Okay, you can go a little deeper, if you want." It took one more stop before he was fully in her, his fake balls pressed against his belly, his real ones brushing against her lower ass cheeks. She was tight, incredibly tight, and the little puckered ring continued to flex against his girth. "Slow, okay?" she asked in an almost pleading tone.

"Yup." Tim was true to his word, pulling her thighs to him to leave no space between their bodies, and began thrusting carefully, slow, smooth motions back and forth. It was actually easy for him not to get carried away; the tightness, the muted vibrations of the wand, and hardness of the other cock above his own were more than enough to bring his orgasm to the boiling point. The depravity of the act was also a factor...

Gwen's body was actually beginning to warm to the invader, the feeling of fullness in both holes giving her the pleasant impression of being stuffed, the two lengths separated by a few layers of tissue. Tim was being such the gentleman, if that was even possible when his penis was up a woman's rear end, taking her gently, treating her with care. He certainly looked like he was enjoying it, and that alone made her happy. She wondered if having Nearly Neal in her instead would be too much...she also wondered what it would be like to have Tim's replica replaced with a real one, not to mention having the body it was attached to pressed against her.

"I'm pretty close," he announced, his features tightening in concentration. "Want me to pull out?"

Gwen's vibrator-induced climax was building, but still a ways off. "No, in me," she grunted. "I want it in me...all in me...just not too hard, alright?"

Tim obliged, his gentle rocking motion nothing like the pounding he sometimes gave her cunt when he was close. A withdrawal of his cock nearly dislodged it from her before again pushing forward was enough to set him off, and he buried himself as deeply as he dared without causing discomfort while he unloaded.

Spent, he withdrew, his length gliding wetly from her and flopping on the pillow beneath, a dollop of his seed following it. Tim stepped back, gently putting her feet back on the edge of the bed. Gwen responded by using the newfound leverage to thrust her hips out and upward at him, thighs lewdly falling open to give the vibrator more room to work and her husband a better view. "Push on it," she groaned, "push it deep into me."

Tim stepped forward and placed two fingers on the flat end of the dildo. "This?"

"Yes, please!" Her hips thrust up at him again as if to emphasize the request. He pushed on the already-buried length, the flared end flattening her pussy lips as the Wand ground into her clit. "Like that, keep it like that, just like that..." Her thighs abruptly snapped shut and she rolled to her side, Tim's hand sliding out from behind as she pulled her legs into a fetal position and the orgasm struck. Her convulsions vaguely reminded him of horseback riding, her knees pulling forward towards her chest then spasming back down to repeat the motion. Must be a good one, he thought, noting the soft grunts she was allowing to escape her throat. And then with a deep breath she was done, Tim wondering what to do next as she lay there, limp and bringing herself back under control. He reached to help her up as she struggled to sit. "Ohh, I'm going to walk funny tomorrow," she said with a rueful smile as she stood.

"Sorry, I—"

"Don't be," Gwen quickly replied. "I enjoyed it. it's just not something I could do every day. I especially liked that you seemed to enjoy it, too."

"Well, yeah, but—"

"Good," she interrupted. "I think I'd like a shower before bed. Would you like to join me?"

That was a no-brainer. Tim's body was thoroughly soaped and rinsed, and while he attempted to return the favor Gwen stopped him at her rear end, choosing to handle the delicate task herself. They helped each other dry off, then returned to the bed. She pointed to the large wet spot they had left on his pillow. "Let me get a new pillowcase."

Tim smiled and flipped the pillow over, then gathered both and put them at the head of his side of the bed. "Maybe tomorrow. A trick I learned when I was single," he said with a smile. "Pillows have two sides, you know."

The Lady insisted on an entirely new set of fresh linens but was ignored. She lay down on her side, waiting for Tim to do the same. "And what were you spilling on your pillows that made learning that trick necessary?"

"Well, uhh, when you're young and you haven't take care of business for a while, if you know what I mean..."

Gwen smiled mischievously. "You mean, masturbate? See you don't like to admit it, do you?"

"Okay," he said with mock defiance, "when I was younger I would mas-tur-bate—" he said each syllable slowly and carefully—" and sometimes I would get some really good distance on my shot. Sometimes I'd hit the pillow so I'd flip it over so I didn't roll over into the wet spot after I fell asleep."

"Ahh." Gwen craned her neck to kiss him. "Did you ever hit the pillow after one of our dates?"

Tim flashed an embarrassed grin. "More than once."

"I'm flattered." She looked down, suddenly unwilling to make eye contact. "Do you think Charlie...masturbated...tonight?"

Tim laughed. "Charlie? Probably as soon as he got home."

"He really liked my pictures?"

"He really liked that they were pictures of you." It was his turn to look down. "I, uhh, probably shouldn't tell you this, but you know the one with the shaving cream?"

Gwen looked up his body. "Yes?"

"He said he wanted that one because he was going to pretend the shaving cream was his stuff."

Gwen shrieked and giggled. "You mean his come? Really?! Men can't produce that much, can they? I mean, I think you come a lot but not like that!"

Tim chuckled. "No, I don't think guys have that kind of output, but in Charlie's mind he probably imagines he does, and it sounds like he's been saving it up..."

She looked down his body again, noting his length pulsing firmer with each beat of his heart, impressed that he seemed to be recovering so quickly. "Can I see how much you have right now?"

"You did a pretty good job of draining me today, but I'm not gonna stop you if you want to find out what's left."

Much to his pleasure, she was eager to. The distance wasn't much, but the puddle she coaxed onto his stomach was not too bad at all.

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StubbyoneStubbyone5 months ago

Very hot. Love that Gwen is so curious about Charlies sex life and that she’s more than ok with him seeing her pussy and jerking off to her. The double penetration with Tim and Tim’s dildo was very erotic. Would have been even hotter if Tim had questioned her about what she was thinking about while taking 2-hard dicks deep. Great writing ! Another easy 5-😊🍆😊🍆😊

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Sorry, but I hate Charlie, and disappointed Tim showed him the pictures of Gwen.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Get rid of Charlie! He's bad news. I know guys like him in real life. They hate women and view them as walking pussy.. Plane crash would be quick. Better if Gwen overhears him saying something that show his true colors. I wouldn't let a guy like Charlie near my farm animals, let alone my wife.

MikeinMemphisMikeinMemphisabout 2 years ago

To me you messed up the story with that Charlie character. He just doesn't add anything to the story. I have to skip over the parts with him.

Robbert1953Robbert1953almost 3 years ago

Sooooo wet down there. GWEN seemed to like taking Tims engorged cock up her butt and Im thinking that she also likes the fact that tims mate likes to masturbate looking at her pics. She is becoming a voyeur. Wouldnt surprise me if she lets Tim take some really provocative pics of her. love this story.

JTrump151JTrump151over 4 years ago
My favorite

This story is what keeps me coming back to Literoitca. I can hardly wait for the next chapter and when You do post I make myself read it slow in order to enjoy the ride until the next one is delivered. Please keep it up, so good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Amazing update

Once again wonderful update from you. Love the way the story progresses

WoodsLord_3540WoodsLord_3540over 4 years ago
Still such a wonderful tale

You are keeping the story going so well, I love how you have expanded Gwen's world. Your telling is so organic, so realistic, allowing Gwen to explore and become open to more.

I'd still like to read that she and Tim visit the private beach again; perhaps she could give a couple of the jet skiers a little memory of an "interesting" afternoon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Love it

Love the story lines with Cricktt and the coworkers

Njjohn52Njjohn52over 4 years ago

Now this is more like it! I enjoy the storyline to the extent it involves Tim’s co-workers and boating friends. Not a big fan of Cricket.

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