A Nude Day Wedding


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"Your bag is in the back." Eric volunteered. "I gathered it all this morning. I knew you'd want to look the part, and I like the feel of fucking when you're wearing the butt plug."

I looked back, saw an empty seat next to Phyllis, and went back to sit with her. "Can I sit here, Phyllis?"

"I'm glad for the company, honey."

"You want to see what Eric and I are doing tonight?"

"I've told you I love sex. Unfortunately, as a woman ages, it's too difficult to hook up, as they're so fond of saying these days. I'll take my sexual fix where I can. I'm still trying to persuade you to loan Eric to me. It would be for a couple of hours. I regret missing my chance at the Auxiliary Gala."

"I'll give it some thought, Phyllis. I may owe you for stripping off and getting things started at Janet's party a few weeks ago."

She put her hand on my forearm. "Be still my beating heart. You two have fun tonight; I will."

"Thanks, Phyllis."

I moved up to the front of the van and sat next to Eric. "Phyllis asked me to loan you out to her for a couple of hours. Would you let her have her way with you?"

"Not on our wedding night, I wouldn't. I remember she looked hungry at the Auxiliary show but had admirable restraint. How would you feel?"

"I like her, and it's not like there's any possibility of a long-term relationship. So, maybe. As you say, though, not on our wedding night."

"I'll get your gym bag from the back. Can you give me some room to get out?" Eric rose from his seat and turned to step over me. His cock was right there in front of my face. I'd been good all day long, and we'd soon be having sex at the winery; I took his cock into my mouth and cupped his balls in my hand.

He went from soft to semi-hard in seconds, and I leaned back to give him space. "Is this enough for you to get through?" I smiled and looked up into his eyes.

Janet saw the entire exchange. "I'd believe your erotic, exhibitionistic energy is returning, Linda. I'm looking forward to the drawing session."

"Thanks again, Janet, for this. It's a complete surprise, and I'm so glad you did it."

"Completely my pleasure, and I'm sure I'll get some interesting drawings. I couldn't help overhearing you, Phyllis, and Eric. What would you think of a modeling session with the three of you at my studio? I'd love to draw Phyllis, and she might have fun."

Eric returned with my gym bag. "Did you hear Janet's suggestion, Eric?"

"I did, and it sounds good to me. You can ask Phyllis, and we'll find a time to schedule it. You're getting so busy with the wine tours I don't have any time with you. Except for today."

More exciting things. "Maria, you're used to our nudity, but do you have something to do while Eric and I model for Janet's art group session? It won't be only nudity."

"Don't worry, Linda. I've been fully briefed, and my husband should already be there. We'll watch it together. Getting pregnant is hard work, and we need all the encouragement you can give us."

I looked over to Janet again and flashed a big grin as we coasted to a stop at the far end of the Ridgetop tasting room.

Ben stood up to give a deboarding announcement. "The winery is closed to the public, so there is no need for the dressing gowns; it's Nude Day, after all. The artists participating in the drawing session are here, as are a few staff members and a few wine critics who'll be tasting our new release of Vixen. They all understand what to expect. We've set up a temporary model stand on the lawn and expect Linda and Eric will use Janet's sculptures. Let's have Joan exit first to get complete photographic coverage."

We smiled and nodded.

Ben concluded. "Have fun."

Joan came down the aisle with her camera, stepped through the door, and started taking photos. The late afternoon sun warmed my skin. Eric and I left the van and posed for a few pictures. Next, we walked to a picnic table by the tasting room entrance. I put my hands on the table, stepped my legs apart, leaned forward, and stuck my butt out.

"Eric, I need my foxtail." I looked over my shoulder at my husband, smiled, and wiggled my ass.

Being the wonderful man he was, Eric immediately set the bag on the table, extracted the lube, applied a generous glob to his left hand, and reached for the foxtail. He twirled the stainless-steel butt plug in his lubed hand and squatted down to kiss and lick my asshole. He stood and pushed the tail in, checking it was firmly in place.

I stood straight and turned to see our group enjoying our preparations. Janet handed Eric a towel. "You'll need to clean your hands to attach Linda's ears."

"Thanks, Janet, but you'll do a better job. The fox ears are on top in the bag." Eric wiped the lube from his hands while Janet fussed with the veil and ears.

Fully attired in my modeling costume of white sandals, foxtail butt plug, lace bridal veil, and fox ears, I entered the tasting room.

All the folding glass doors along the wall facing the vineyards and Napa Valley were opened, and the lower angle of sunlight bathed the valley in a soft, golden glow. The sculpture garden was already half in shadow and would reach the vines within an hour. I quickly looked at the people around the tasting room and terrace. I saw the Nude Day Wedding celebrants, Maria and her husband, artists from Oakmont, Ridgetop staff, and various people I didn't recognize. Over thirty people were going to watch me fuck my husband on our wedding day.

Janet came to my side. "It's your evening, Linda. You and Eric do whatever you like for as long as you like. We'll capture the artistic record and Joan the photographic record. It's a first for her, photographing the Wedding Night Consummation. Of course, you have complete control over who sees the photos."

"I hope we'll make it worth your effort."

"You already have, honey." Then, completely disregarding our nudity, we quickly hugged, and I stepped back, smiling.

"It's showtime."

I joined Eric on the terrace. The winery staff, Maria, her husband, and the wine critics stayed in the tasting room. The artists and nude guests sat on chairs near the model stage or on one of the decks cascading down from the tasting room to the lawn. Eric placed a couple of towels in my bag, and we walked down one of the several stairways to the sculpture lawn.

"Janet thinks of everything, including the bolsters and pillows. Any ideas?"

"You have good ideas, not me. I'd go with the usual gesture poses, figure out a couple of half-hour-long poses, and maybe a longer one."

"It sounds good to me, too. We can start on the model stand and figure out something to do on 'The Giant's Causeway' and 'The Clouds.' Janet said it's up to us, and we don't have to fill three hours. Sunset's an hour away. I think we can call it a day when it gets dark."

We jumped up on the stage to begin our routine, except I wore a foxtail, ears, and a bridal veil. We'd told the artists our plans, and they prepared. First, we did two of our standard gesture warm-ups. Then, I sucked Eric's cock and another of me sitting on his face, with my tail draped down his head and around his neck.

Fifteen people were sitting in front of the stage. Ten clothed artists and the nude contingent of Janet, Beatrice, Trish, Sheri, and Phyllis. Phyllis watched with intense interest. We finished up with two standing poses of us fucking. One with me precariously balanced on one leg with the other leg wrapped around Eric's back, the other with me bent at the waist, and Eric penetrating me from behind. I kept my legs far apart; most could see Eric's cock filling my pussy.

We took a break and looked at what people were drawing. Ben came down with two half-filled wine glasses, handed one each to Eric and me, and announced to the others, "Please go up and help yourself to one of our estate cabernets or chardonnays." Most got up to get a glass of wine or refill an empty one.

"These two glasses contain Vixen," Ben whispered conspiratorially when those who wanted more wine had gone. "I have no idea how the wine press will write up the release party details, but they've told me they love the wine. Michelle and I decided it was good enough and rare enough to command an outrageous price. We won't feel guilty if this makes the critics score us higher. Unfortunately, this first vintage has only two barrels, so I can't give it away as freely as I'd like."

We swirled and took a few sips. "It never disappoints and gets better each time I've tasted it." I held it up to let the last sunrays refract through the ruby-red liquid. "You said you're going to have a public release event tomorrow; do you want me to come by and do my thing?"

"I'd appreciate it, Linda. You don't mind?"

"Not at all. You and Janet arranging this little party deserve a reward. I'm taking the day off from Dan's tours and would be happy to come up in the afternoon and hang out playing the little Vixen romping in the garden."

"Great, Linda. Noonish would be super, and stay however long you like. You can come too, Eric, but you can't do this tomorrow."

"I understand. I would enjoy spending the afternoon sipping wine out here." Eric had a faux-sad expression as he spoke.

After the wine explorers returned, I said, "Time for work."

We explained our move to 'The Giant's Causeway' and, after another gulp of wine, set our glasses on the stage and walked over to the artwork. I wanted Eric to fuck me doggie style, and I arranged myself like a jockey on a racehorse, my knees bent and ass sticking out. Eric climbed in behind me and, moving my tail out of the way, inserted his hard cock halfway into my cunt. It wasn't the most comfortable position, but we could move and keep the viewing pathways open.

We held the pose for twenty minutes and had to break. I was getting antsy anyway and wanted to move on to something providing more friction to my clit. We moved to 'The Clouds,' and I had Eric find a way to lie on his back so I could mount him and rub my clit on his pubic bone. It took a few minutes of experimentation to find something comfortable for Eric with enough leverage for me. We found our balance and peacefully posed in the dwindling light.

Five minutes in, I heard the crunchy sound of something heavy rolling over gravel by the tasting room. I looked behind me to see Dan's big, new electric bus slowly moving past a sliver of open space on the south end of the tasting room between the building and the oak woodlands. A moment later, the crunchy gravel sound was replaced with a loud hum of casual conversation. The tasting room began filling with more people than I could count.

First: the panic. I'd been caught outside fucking in the vineyard by a group of casual, wine-tasting tourists. Next: a tremendous jolt of lust cascaded through my body. I'd been caught outside fucking in the vineyard by a group of relaxed, wine-tasting tourists. Slowly, as the trembling subsided and I looked at Eric's smiling face, I realized I must have received my most exciting wedding present yet.

"What did you do, Eric?"

"Me? Do something? I'm completely innocent, as always."

"You're slightly less innocent than I am, my wonderful husband." I lowered my mouth to his and kissed him with all the considerable passion surging through my body. I felt his hand caress my ass cheek, grab hold of the butt plug, and gently pull and push it in an exquisitely exciting dance against my asshole. I could have easily come, but I wanted to prolong the pleasure and give my new audience something more to remember.

I pulled back from our kiss. "I want this to continue for a while. First, you should tell me what's happening." He knew what I meant and stopped teasing my ass.

"Dan's always said many of his customers wanted a closer, more intimate look at you. Ben said some of his customers at the winery asked, too; they're always disappointed keeping the doors closed. Janet first mentioned the erotic modeling session a couple of weeks ago. I thought there might be an opportunity for Dan to arrange an unusual wine tasting for his most select customers. He agreed."

I couldn't help tearing up with joy. "You've all gone to so much trouble to help me feel excited, erotic modeling again. How many people are on the bus?"

"I'm sure it's full, so sixty."

"Where did he find so many people wanting to do this?"

"I think they're all repeat customers. Dan said the Sebastopol contingent has grown to twenty women, plus or minus, and I think they're all here. Some from the Seattle group in May returned to be here. Dan keeps track of the repeat customers and entices them for this trip by only requiring the wine-tasting fee, which Ben reduced further. I'm sure he'll tell you another time. He wants to keep in the background and keep his customers in line."

"Well, we'll have to give them a good show. I've got an idea for the next pose and the one after, but we'll have to move the stage to 'The Tree,' the one closest to the tasting room. I don't think it's difficult. We'll enlist a few volunteers to move it."

"Your wish is my command, but unfortunately, my right leg will cramp up. I'll need a break for a couple of minutes anyway."

We broke the pose and gingerly climbed off 'The Clouds.' I asked Janet if she could organize a group to move the model stand over to 'The Tree.' They moved it after we retrieved our quarter-full wine glasses. While we waited, I wandered over to Phyllis and asked how she was doing.

She took a sip of her chardonnay before answering. "Honey, I haven't had this much fun in decades. Janet chatted a while ago and asked if I'd be interested in modeling with you and Eric. I thought of volunteering for your next pose, but with all these people and it being your wedding night, I decided to wait for a later date. I did tell her to get cracking, though. I'm eighty, and we never know how much time we have left."

She surprised me. "Do you have health problems?"

"Not any more than any other old woman." She waved her free hand over her body. "It's all visible to the naked eye. I used to smoke but quit thirty years ago. I do like my glass or two of wine. Janet said she'd arrange something soon. Are you sure you two won't mind?"

"As soon as Janet mentioned the possibility while we were in the van before we arrived, I couldn't stop smiling." I leaned in to get closer to whisper. "You'll like it, Phyllis."

"I'm sure I will. You better get all the sex you want from Eric before then. I'm planning on stealing him away from you. If you're lucky, maybe I'll loan him back occasionally. Oh, don't forget the lube, lots of lube."

"I'll remember, Phyllis. It looks like I must get back to work. Have fun, but not more than me." She smiled and took another sip of wine.

I sat on the edge of the stage. Eric got another glass of wine and, when he returned, sat next to me. "It's surreal up there. Ben and Michelle are pouring wine in the nude behind the counter. Their staff is busily delivering glasses to the tour members. Dan's customers are buzzing. I remember him telling you his customers moved to the back of the bus after the first tour and looked to be making out. He'll have to hose the inside of his new bus tonight."

The people from Dan's bus had arranged for their wine and were moving to the patios, terraces, and the lawn, getting closer to us for a more intimate view. The sun had gone down behind the tasting room. Official sunset had arrived when the opposite side of the valley went into shadow. "I'd like to get two more poses in, but I'm afraid the light will fade too quickly."

"We better get to it then. What do you want me to do?"

"Let's pose where we're lying on our sides, with you behind me, spooning. We prop our bodies upon our arms, angle our knees and legs so my crotch is wide open, and you enter me from behind. You'll have to figure out what to do with my tail, but you're smart."

"As long as we end up fucking, I'm fine. Especially on our wedding night."

We laid the bolster in the center of the stage, and I rested on my right side with my head propped up with my right hand. My right leg was bent at my hip and knee, and lying flat on the stage with my left leg turned the same but raised up. Eric took a similar pose behind me but held his body up with his extended right arm and moved his hip and leg to get the best angle to enter my cunt. He slowly stroked his cock in and out a few times before halting his movement and fully buried in my pussy. We turned our heads to look into each other's eyes, and Eric caressed my left tit with his left hand, and I rubbed my clit with mine.

After half an hour, our magic hour turned to dusk. I was close but wouldn't be able to come before darkness fell. "I think we'll have to end things. It'll be too dark to continue." As soon as I said it, we were magically illuminated.

Eric spoke. "I thought Ben had spotlights for the sculptures. We haven't been here when it's dark enough to see them working."

"This is great. We've never had a spotlight on our fucking, and I can come during the last pose. I'm close, but can you start thrusting in your restrained, gentlemanly way? I'll come in the next pose, and we don't have to hold still." My wonderful husband acted on my desires.

Eric's cock actively sliding in my pussy had the added pleasure of jostling the butt plug and stimulating my ass. I could have worked up to an orgasm, but I wanted our final pose to be the climax. I waited another five minutes. "Time to change to our final pose, husband." We broke our slow-motion pose.

I turned and pushed up to all fours and stretched. "I need your cock in my ass for this last pose, but I'll need some help from Trish to get us set up. Did you bring the rope?"

"Do bears shit in the woods? Are you going to ask Trish to join us in the pose?"

"It's our wedding night, and I want to keep this between us." I watched the audience watching us and started laughing, with Eric joining in. I stood to get Trish.

As I passed, I smiled and nodded to Phyllis. She'd moved next to Janet and Beatrice and was becoming good friends with both.

Trish and Sheri weren't too far back in the drawing group. "Eric wanted me to ask if you'd help set up the next pose. I told him I wanted my wedding night between my husband and me. Mostly."

"I'm terribly disappointed, Linda. I bet Sheri, and I could show you a better time than some random older guy." She was smiling, and I knew she wasn't entirely serious. She'd also wrapped her hand around my inner thigh, gingerly held my tail, and gently pulled it while speaking.

"I'm sure you could, and maybe we can talk with Janet to schedule something artistic soon. But first, I need some help tying my hand to the tree for the next pose. Can you help?"

"Sure, I'd be happy to."

On the walk back to the stage, I described the pose. "Eric sits with his back against the tree, and I'll squat over him provocatively, sitting on his lap, facing forward. I need to support myself from overhead using only one arm. We can loop the rope over the branches of Janet's artwork, but I can't figure out how long to make it until I'm sitting on Eric. Your job is to tie the rope at the right length to support me."

I explained things to Eric, and he put a bolster against the tree, sat down, and spread his legs as far apart as he could. His hard cock stuck straight up, mimicking the tree behind him. I reached into my gym bag and got the lube and a towel. I spread the lube over Eric's cock, pulled the foxtail out of my ass, and wrapped it in the towel. I applied more of the lube on my ass and turned my back to Eric. I squatted down until my asshole touched the tip of his cock and slowly let it slide into my ass. It felt so good to be fully impaled on a live, hard, warm cock.

Trish stood on the stage next to Eric while he supported my back and raised my left arm over my head. "Okay, Trish. I want to hold onto the rope," I wiggled my fingers, "while kissing Eric and rubbing my clit with my right hand. Eric will do whatever he feels is best."