A Polish Adventure


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"Pavel ..... Andrei .... I didn't see you when I came in."

She swallowed and started again.

"Gentlemen, I'm certain that you have important things to do." She got up, closed her robe very tight, and walked over to the bedroom.

"James, please excuse me. I'll change and join you in a minute."

She closed the door very carefully, but there were some furious noises as soon as the door was closed.

Andrei continued to stare at the wall and Pavel looked at me. He became formal. "Count, we need just a few minutes to finish the report, and Andrei and I want to walk around a bit through the parks close by. Should we finish it, or do you have other priorities?"

There was a small smile on his face, very respectful of course, but very much amused indeed. I told them we would finish it in the morning and meet again for breakfast. It was almost indecent how fast they picked up their things and vanished.

After a while Jenny appeared, very properly dressed -- hair carefully put up, a little blush on her cheeks, white blouse, dark blue skirt, perhaps some stockings? She looked around.

"Where are those two?"

I couldn't hide my smile. "They suggested that we might have other priorities than staring at the report once more and decided to go for a walk through the parks nearby. May I interest you also in a walk, perhaps High Tea (for which the Dorchester is famous for) or do want to relax?"

"James, I didn't see them when I walked in. Please forgive me. Let's go and have tea so that I can relax from this shock. Perhaps later we can think about other priorities?"

The only way to describe the High Tea was 'grand'. The space was plush, with long gold/brown velvet curtains hiding the wall, the wallpaper complementing the design, small tables with long linen tablecloths, and fine bone china loaded with traditional finger food. I ordered two glasses of the Dom Perignon 2008 and we spent a lovely hour talking sweet nothings, trying to forget the ordeals coming up. Later we went out and walked through the neighboring park -- it was a lovely afternoon and horses were cantering, children running around, a boy almost running us down with his skateboard and his mother screaming at him, and couples leisurely walking the paths. There was even a small lake where you could rent a boat -- I looked at Jenny, but she shook her head.

"Perhaps another day, my love. I'm not dressed to step into a little boat."

So we walked slowly back, I ordered room service and Jenny was interested in a glass of English Sparkling wine. She selected a Ridgeview Cuvée, that had been a surprise at International wine shows, where it won gold and silver medals. She sniffed and sipped and told me that it was a pleasant balanced blend of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier, and told me that there were honey flavors, citrus, and some remote melon. I didn't care -- I just liked it. We had smoked salmon sandwiches and Jenny was satisfied with her choice.

Later we retired and she looked at me.

"My love, can we just talk a bit and sleep? The afternoon shock took some of the desire out and I just want to discuss the following days, stay in your arms, and feel safe and protected. If you have other plans....?"

I looked at her softly smiling face, agreed and that was what we did. She did, however, not forget the obligatory three kisses!

The next morning we had breakfast with the two gentlemen, finished the report - now in Polish and English -- paid the bills and went to see the CEO of Broughton.

We were led into a plush meeting room and Mr. Smiley appeared with some of his colleagues. The four were all heads of the departments and all were dressed in serious British apparel (black suit, white shirt, dark tie -- one was adventurous and had a striped red-blue tie. Military?); he had brought his top guns to the forthcoming battle.

"Count de Winter, we thank you for trusting us with this problem. It's an incredible story and I'm sure that there will be furious and eventually violent reactions to your action. Are you convinced that you want to do this? We can give you a confirmation of the facts, but you'll have to present it and face the consequences."

He looked at us and I saw Jenny glancing at me, leaving the final decision to me.

"Mr. Smiley, if you can confirm the facts, we'll run with them. I cannot accept blackmail and extorsion -- I simply cannot do this. All I need from you is the confirmation that the facts as I'll show them, are true and without any change and deception. I know that most are not acceptable in a legal court, but I assume that social media will be a moral and ethical test that they will not be able to survive.

I stopped for a moment thinking about what he had said.

"What will happen to Mary Ann and me? I don't know -- all I can do is to have the best available security for her and me, present our case, distribute copies of this pen drive to the media and the public in general, and leave Poland to wait for what will happen. I'll have the State Governor, the Mayor, the Bishop, and a Supreme Court Judge with us to prevent the worst, but still -- there will be problems."

Jenny added "Mr. Smiley, this our decision, and whatever happens, we'll live or die together -- not that I believe that'll come to this extreme but once more: whatever happens, we'll do it together."

There was a moment of silence as they processed our determination, and then the fun started. His colleagues entered the discussion and we (meaning Jenny, Pavel, Andrei, and I) had to defend ourselves against some quite crucial arguments, but in the end, they agreed -- it was a tight case, and ironclad.

Mr. Smiley had listened more than spoken, but finally he called the meeting to a close. He asked us to stay for a moment.

"Count de Winter, I have thought about this for a time now and I feel obliged to do something. If you agree, I'll accompany you to your exposition and handle the work that we have done; it would be easier for you to have the investigation presented by the person responsible for it. This meant that any malicious question would be answered by the specialist who had done the work. It would give you more gravitas and deflect some of the questions. Do you agree?"

This was a very serious offer and Jenny decided to answer it. She walked over to him and hugged him.

"Mr. Smiley, obviously we accept your gracious offer. It would help us very much, but please analyze what you will be doing. You told us that the consequences could be serious and potentially violent. We have good security...." she pointed to Pavel "...and we trust him with our lives."

He told us that he was certain that he was doing the right thing and asked us to send him details of the event. Jenny hugged him once more (which he seemed to enjoy) and we left.

Back at the hotel, we discussed once more the presentation and potential problems and flaws, and finally closed our laptops -- there was nothing more we do. Jenny chartered a business jet for the next morning to fly to Elk, and once she advised Mr. Smiley about the details of the flight, we were free to spend the rest of the day. Andrei wanted to do the city tour, Pavel wanted to spend some time on the phone talking to Catarina, and we decided to have lunch at the Caviar House and Prunier at Piccadilly, recommended by the concierge; he told us that they produced their own caviar and smoked salmon, and had a full selection of the best champagnes.

We took a cab and while the first impact of the outside façade was not very impressive, the inside was completely different. There was a certain kind of old traditional decadence about the place, with small tables covered by white linen, leather seats, and one wall decorated with champagne bottles. There was a long bar in the middle of the saloon, but we preferred a more intimate setting and a hostess seated us in a corner and offered a colorful menu. It showed the principal selections and we decided to start with a dozen rock oysters, then a portion of smoked salmon, and finally the piece de résistance: Beluga caviar. Jenny selected Dom Perignon and she smiled at me.

"Remember my time in Cleveland caring for Ellen when she recovered from her illness? I started to like it and even though we normally drink our Australian sparkling wine, the champagne will always on the list of my priorities!"

It was a wonderful meal, worthy of the recommendation of our concierge. I swallowed when I saw the bill but so what -- we had a very dangerous week ahead and a splurge of luxury was the prize for all the work we had put into it. We walked slowly back to the hotel and had a nap (no fooling around!). At night we called our two friends; Andrei was with friends and Pavel was going to a concert. He checked whether we would stay at the Dorchester and we assured him that he was free for the night.

Jenny smiled and suggested room service.

"My love, we can get something light, and then you're all mine. That's the last night I have you for my own and I'll use every minute of it!"

This promised to be exciting and I easily accepted. We discussed what we should get and after considering the options on the menu and our past extravagances, compromised on traditional English treat: fish and chips, and a bottle of Chablis. The food came, was eaten and removed, and Jenny looked at me.

"James, go and do your things and wait for me."

I did as ordered, and when she appeared, it was as the sun had come out.

There was a beautiful woman in a floor-length transparent black nightgown that sheathed her curves and bared her shoulders and arms with a simple bodice that showed her rather impressive décolleté. She came slowly forward, extending one graceful leg before the other; the skirt of the gown parted at the side of her shapely leg just above her knee, and there was a hint of the soft smooth skin of her thigh. She stopped in front of me, turned slowly around, and asked "You like?"

I just stared, unable to talk for a moment. She touched my face and I recovered.

"Like? My love, that is not the right word. Bedazzled, bewitched, dazed, stunned, bewildered, speechless, would still be weak words to describe you and my feelings for you. Since I cannot find the right words, let me show you."

I took her into my arms, and she melted into my embrace. Then stepping back, she pulled herself up, and with her arms encircling my neck, she placed a light kiss on my lips. I looked at her sweet smile and into her wonderful blue caring eyes. She gave a little tilt of her head, looking deep into my eyes, and her soft lips brushed mine.

The mischievous look in her eyes returned and she whispered "My love, I'm all yours -- do to me whatever you want."

That was an invitation I could not deny.

I kissed her with all the love and passion I felt for her, and she pushed herself once more into me. Opening the buttons that held her proud breasts, she let me nuzzle the deep valley between them; she responded by moaning softly. I held her tight and then pushed my hands down, holding her breasts and kissing the stiff tips, and felt her hips start to move sensuously against me. Continuing my labors, I moved her top down admiring her perk mounds, and then let my hands glide down her body, sliding down her gown. She tightened her arms around my neck, and her lips came forward, locking herself to me in a much firmer kiss and with her tongue asking to come in. I accepted the request and we closed our eyes, enjoying the moment of love.

Then she pulled away. "My love, foreplay is nice, but action is nicer ...."

She firmly pushed my hands down, and her gown slipped to the floor. There she was, gloriously nude, smiling, waiting for my response. I kissed her once more and picked her up, carrying her to our bed. Her smile turned into a happy grin.

"Now, James, Count de Winter, what do you want? Kisses - but you have to tell me where, front door or back door, both? All?"

I settled next to her lovely body, enjoying the contact of her warmth, her silken skin, and her smiling eyes. I started to run my hand down her sides, her hips, and she responded raising her legs to allow me to explore further down them. I gently gripped one breast and dropped down to kiss it and lap my tongue around it.

Her back arched and nearly every new touch was answered by her body with quivering with desire. I treated the other breast with equal attention, and her breathing gained speed and her hips began to move more rapidly. I watched her wonderfully warm face losing its focus as I took my time, kissing her neck, using my tongue to trace around her ear lobe, across some freckles, and kissing her eyes when they languidly closed with the pleasure of the soft contact.

Then I slowly slid my hand down her stomach.

Her body arched under my hand, and she lifted her hips to greet my hand moving downward. Opening her eyes slowly, I saw them grow larger and her face turning crimson. Again, I was getting lost in those brilliant blue eyes, and she sighed when my hand reached her soft mound. She dropped back onto the bed and spread her legs in welcome.

My hand covered her lower lips, and my finger slipped inside. I drew one finger across her wetness and then dragged her slickness up across her clit.

Her eyes closed, the smile left her face, and her mouth fell open. Her fingers danced around, erratically above her breasts; her face tensed; her whole body jolted sharply and then shuddered ...more than once. I watched the lovely emotions cross her face, which eased from tension to pleasure. She finally opened her eyes and her look wandered around, not seeming to focus until she found my face, and a pleased smile spread across her face.

"James, that was lovely, but once more .... foreplay is nice, but action is nicer!"

I did not yet accept her wish but rolled her over onto her stomach. I extended one finger and touched the top of her neck. Then, gently and slowly, drew the finger down her spine to her tail bone.

Her forehead pressed into the pillow, her fingers curled to grip the sheets and her hips came upward, as my finger ran down her back repeating the move; her legs spread slightly, her shoulders tensed, and her hips arched up again, following the touch of my hand. Then I moved my hand down her legs, and came back on the inside, just skirting her pussy. Her fingers clenched and unclenched, her hips rolled high and thighs spread, clearly presenting her glistening labia. My hand moved to her ass, massaging those tight but soft mounds, and she started to whine as I continued to let my hand repeat those caresses from her neck to her toes, sometimes just touching, then kneading her muscles, and changing to light, feathering touches. She never stopped moving, becoming ever more tense. Her voice showed her rising excitement. I could do this for hours .....

She groaned. "James, do something and stop teasing me!"

I didn't respond but moved her slowly on her back, and she stretched her legs, moved them apart, and then sighed heavily. She looked at me and her eyes sparkled with mirth and pleasure.

"James, if you don't stop this teasing, I'll do something bad to you!"

"My love, I can stop but you might not like this!"

"James stop this! ..... I mean don't stop it, but I want you inside of me. And now!"

"My love, as always your wish is my command."

She started to grin. "James, I'll remind you of our words quite often ...... My love, I command you to stop teasing and to take me!"

"Any specific place, Jenny? Tahiti? Bali? Paris?"

She hit me, difficult to do lying beside me, but she managed a good try. She pushed my head to her pussy.

"James, first you will make me come with your lips, and then you'll let George take over. He's better than you in these actions! And no more funny remarks -- jokes are not your strong side!"

I accepted my fate and my orders and moved down and sideways as directed. Even so, I stopped my lips before her labia, and after admiring the pretty pussy -- but not too long since I heard a warning growl -- I leaned forward and touched her lips with mine. She shuddered and I let my finger drag through her moisture, up and down, and then inside for a moment, massaging it gently.

I looked up and she had pursed her lips tightly, taking a deep breath, her hips arched, and her eyes closed. Several sharp jolts shot through her, but she took another deep breath and relaxed.

"James, this is enough. I want you now inside me, and now means NOW!"

She opened her eyes and glared at me.

"Now means NOW, and do you understand this?"

I gave up my teasing and moved over her, covering her with my body. She spread her legs wide open, reached down to take my shaft in her hand, and guided me inside her. Pulling me down, her face became serene, enjoying every moment of our joining. I watched her as I sank into her. Beginning my slow, deep strokes, I saw her hands gripping the linen and her breathing started to accelerate. She somehow synchronized her moves with mine, and she started to moan, whispering my name.

"James, my love, please take me. Make love to me as only you can do!"

I felt her coming close and I buried myself deep inside her. Little shocks grew to bigger ones, and her voice became louder.

"James, I'm ready ..... Come with me!"

She pushed her legs above my hips, arching up her back, her breathing ceased; her eyes froze open, wild and unfocused; she could not control her grip any longer, nor any other muscle in her body. Her legs captured mine, holding me firm to her. She shook, violently; her hands desperately grasped my back, then her whole body tried to curl up around me,

and when she climaxed, I jumped off the cliff with her. There was nothing but us for some moments and when we came back to earth, I held her tightly in my arms.

She finally opened her eyes, tried to focus, and then found my face. She took a deep breath, and then her fingers grasped my head, planting a hard kiss on my lips. It was passionate and kissed her back with the same passion. I looked down at her and saw that joy had returned to her eyes with a mischievous smile.

"WOW! You see, James, that was not difficult, was it?"

Exhausted, all I could do was nodding. She was not finished, however. Looking at me, her hand crawled down my stomach to encounter an exhausted penis. She didn't like his attitude and started to follow her hand with her face. She looked a bit sad and began to talk to George.

"George, my dear, I remember that you were an active member of our family. What has happened to you? Are you getting old? Already tired after one little ...... let me correct this since it was not little at all ..... after one wonderfully exciting encounter with your best friend you're already giving up? I cannot let this happen, George!"

She took my shaft in her hands and cleaned it carefully with her soft lips. She nuzzled it gently, then ran her tongue right up the length of it, tasting every sweet inch. I moaned when she took me into her mouth, letting the head of my shaft drift into the back of her throat then slowly sliding it back out again. She grinned when there was a small twitch showing that George might be interested but needed more incentive. She agreed and her head started to pick up speed, bobbing up and down and George liked this, growing slowly. She played around, holding and massaging gently my balls and giving me another swipe with her tongue, she took me deep into her mouth.

George definitively liked this and responded with full force. The small twitch turned into a big contraction and Jenny pulled away.

"You see, he can do tricks! ''

She swooped in, plunging me inside her greedy mouth and sucking as if she was eating a lollypop. Within a few moments, I was ready to explode, but that was not her aim. Grinning, she moved away from George -- who did not like this at all and protested, but to no avail -- and pushed me down and moved over to cover my body with hers. She kissed me and her tongue invaded my mouth, requiring an urgent answer. This I gave her and satisfied, she leaned up and straddled me.
