A Polish Adventure


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Silence, then one word.

He got up and led us back to the PM but told the lawyer to wait outside. The PM was visibly upset, but Jenny was firm. She repeated the proposal with all its conditions, and the PM nodded. She was not satisfied. "Mr. Prime Minister, I want to hear from you that this is your proposal."

Finally, he repeated the request of a bribe.

Jenny looked at the PM for a while and I wanted to remind her of the time limit on the recording device. But then she stopped forward.

"Mr. Prime Minister, we agree with you that we should do anything to protect our investments. I cannot decide at this moment -- you know that I've other Australian investors to consider, but I promise that I'll be back on Monday with our proposal how we'll handle this. Mr. Bukos said that you have made similar arrangements with other companies, so there are precedents. All I want is security for our company!" He nodded, but still ignored her.

We left, picked up Mr. Simik (who was quite intrigued) and when we arrived at the elevator, Mr. Bukos handed me a piece of paper.

"Mr. Winter, we expect the first installment executed when you come on Monday morning. This would resolve all problems."

I wondered how I could take advantage of this and asked him to get me an envelope. He went back and I whispered to her "Touch it only at the edge and put into your purse. Fingerprints."

We left the Palace and Jenny took a deep breath.

"James, I've never been in a situation like this before, and I hope I'll never have to repeat it!"

We warned her to keep quiet and when Pavel picked us up, one look at our faces was enough for him. I asked him to drive us to Kroll and when we entered Mr. Wittel's office, I handed him the piece of paper.

"Mr. Wittel, please be careful and don't touch it without gloves. Bukos's fingerprints are on the envelope and on the slip of paper. I want to know everything about this account -- who owns it, who authorizes movements, where the money goes to, everything. And I want it by Friday evening. Spend whatever you have to get results, but get them!"

He looked at the paper and back to me with respect in his eyes. "Count, you are careful. That makes it easier for you later. I believe I've seen this account before. It will be difficult to get the information you want until Friday evening, but you'll have it."

Back at the hotel, we started our war council. Pavel swept the room for any listening device and strangely enough, he found two: a little camera and a microphone. He disabled them and showed them to us. "Cheap stuff, but it shows that they follow you. Please be careful!"

He questioned what I wanted to do: keep them or destroy them. I thought for a moment and decided to have them destroyed; they knew that we had security and that we always checked the room for bugs.

I gave Andrei the pendant, my pen, and the tie clasp and asked him to transfer the files to his laptop. It took him a few minutes and while he was occupied, Mr. Simik asked me what had happened. I offered him a drink and told him to wait for a moment until Andrei had transferred the files to my laptop.

Then the big moment came up: Andrei turned on my laptop and Mr. Wyszynski appeared in living color on the screen. The image was clear, the words clearly understood, and the drama began. The meeting with him and his patriotic stature, then the encounter with Mr. Bukos and his open admission of asking for and taking bribes, and the final damning session with the PM, where he confirmed the threats and the request for the bribe. The pen and the clasp confirmed the words, that the pendant had recorded on video.

I turned to them. "Mr. Simik, you are our Legal Counsel, but you're in a difficult position. I'm offering you to step away, because this will turn ugly. We will not pay bribes, and I intend to go after them in court and everywhere I can find someone to listen. I'm not certain whether in Poland they can hush it up, but there will be enough media interested in such a titillating story. This will go a long way, Mr. Simik, and anybody involved in this could be hurt. Do you want to leave?"

He shook his head. "Count de Winter, I had my doubts about these people before, but didn't do anything. With this proof in front of me, I cannot be silent anymore. They posture as patriots -- I am a patriot. I've friends also and we'll help. Just be careful to avoid giving them anything they could use against you: they would not hesitate to use their bullies against you. I'm afraid especially for Miss Parker!"

Jenny was furious. "I can handle myself -- I don't need to be protected!"

She didn't seem to understand the seriousness of the problem. I tried to explain the situation to her.

"Mary Ann, you are not the weak point, but the most important one. Whatever we'll do, you'll be standing in front of us, and you have to be safe."

Pavel stepped in. "Miss Parker, for these people you are the person they'll attack, either verbally or physically. Don't underestimate the criminal organization they've built up. The Mafia is a kindergarten compared to them. What do you think the Count would do, if you disappeared? I believe that they don't understand how serious the Count is and how far he would go -- but do you really want to tempt this out of pride? Let us protect you -- you still can kick ass!"

We laughed, as he eased the tension in the room. She took a deep breath, swallowed, and nodded. "James, you tell me what to do, and I'll do it. Under protest, however, and you'll pay for it one day!"

I knew that I had to calm her and suddenly I remembered Eileen, how she had used her way with words to make us relax.

"I'll tremble before your ire, Milady, and will endeavor most vigorously to soothe your fear." I added a bit of trembling and took her hand. "Milady, can you forgive me? Better still, will you forgive me?"

Silly, but it worked. They laughed again, and we could go back to our discussion.

"Mr. Simik, thank you for your support -- we accept it graciously. May I suggest that you go home, think about the problem and try to find any options that would avoid open warfare, and we'll meet tomorrow. Are you free for Lunch?"

He looked at his diary. "Unfortunately, I have to appear before Court tomorrow afternoon and have to prep for it. Can we meet for dinner?"

I agreed and he left, reminding me once more not to do anything that would play into their hands. Now it was the other's turn.

"Andrei, you have done very well, and I expect that when the chips are down, there'll be hell to pay. They can't do much about us except try to take our company away, and we'll fight them all the way. For you, things are different, and it might become dangerous personally."

Pavel added "Andrei, if the case explodes, it might be recommendable if you were to vanish for a while."

Jenny was firm. "I can offer you the following: we'll finish this, and considering that you are in your last year of college, you'll get a full scholarship in any university in Australia, and if your grades will be as good as I expect, I'll offer you a job in one of our companies. If necessary, you can bring your family along."

He was surprised but accepted rapidly. Now to Mr. Trotsky.

"Pavel, your position is even worse. You will be openly assisting us and that will make the PM's thugs very angry."

He agreed but shrugged. "I knew this when I started, but I'll see it through to the end. And I also have some friends who'll help me."

Jenny went over and hugged him. "Pavel, we know what you are doing and are grateful. Without you, we couldn't do it. But remember that I'm the CEO of a global company and even if my husband tells me what to do -- and occasionally I even obey him -- in this company I tell him what I want, and he accepts it."

She smiled. "He better, to sleep on the couch is not as comfortable as to sleep in my arms!"

She blushed as we looked at her. "Well, that is how it works!"

She came back to me, holding my hand. "Pavel, we are growing fast in Europe -- I hope sincerely that we continue to grow in Poland after this mess is resolved -- and in our business of logistics security is one of our prime priorities. We'll need a Head of Security for Europe and you're the best candidate for this position I've seen up to now. Would you accept that position? It means that you'll have to leave this country for a while, setting up your job and reorganizing the department, and this would probably be quite convenient in the next months."

He hesitated for a moment. "Miss Parker, this is not necessary. I came into this job with my eyes open, and I can take care of myself. I'm grateful for the offer, but it's not necessary."

Jenny was upset. "Pavel, this is not a job invented to help you; it is a position we need to fill to protect our people and assets. We have hundreds of trucks all over Europe, and the cargo they carry can be very valuable. We had trucks stolen and drivers hurt; we need urgently to beef up our security, and you are the best man I can see to do it rapidly and properly. It's a real job, and it will cause you to stretch yourself to handle it!"

He didn't hesitate anymore. "Miss Parker, I'll accept it."

A man of few words, but they counted.

"Well, since your future is decided, what will we do until Friday?"

Pavel suggested doing some more sightseeing, Andrei wanted to buy another laptop, and by sheer coincidence, Catarina was available to accompany us. It was a beautiful afternoon, the sun shining brightly but not too hot. We did the tourist thing, saw churches and medieval squares, two museums with a lot of Madonna's -- after all, it was a predominantly catholic country -- and enjoyed the company.

It changed when Pavel whispered "Count, we're being followed."

I knew better than to look around and he murmured "Two o'clock, a couple and one single man. They change their position occasionally, but I've been watching them now for a while. What do you want to do?"

It was getting late and I had enough of walking around. "We'll go back to the hotel."

Andrei was waiting for us, happy with his new toy. "Count, it was expensive but it's a hundred times faster than the one I have. Now we're in business."

We went up to our suite and before we said anything, Pavel swept the rooms. Again there were two listening devices and a micro camera hidden in the main room. He beckoned me to the bathroom, turned on the faucets, letting. the water run at full force, and asked me "What do you want to do? Let them active and try some misinformation, or take them out?"

I told him to remove the devices; after all, they knew that we were security conscious and protected by a professional. Jenny decided that she wanted to go back to Elk after getting the information from Kroll; there we could relax and prepare our confrontation with the PM. Pavel was instructed to have the jet waiting for us at the airport, and we parted; Andrei to set up the pen drive with the information we had up to now, Pavel would take Catarina out for dinner (and perhaps some more action as the night developed), and we would stay in the suite and call Maureen.

The call to Australia was long and sweet; I told her what had happened and what we had planned, and I had to promise that I would be very careful. Then Jenny took over.

"Darling, I know that this is not a game, but it's still exciting. Pavel is taking care of us, and I've offered him a job as Head of Security for our operations in Europe. He's good, Maureen -- actually, he is far better than good, and we'll be satisfied to have him later in the company. You should see him with Catarina, however ... He's smitten, and it's so sweet to see him with her. He reminds me a bit of you and me looking at James -- hopelessly lost!"

They went on and on and judging from the part I heard, a significant share was discussing me: what I had said, how I had dressed (I seemed to need new clothes), how I had handled Pavel (well, a new convert to the de Winter scene), how she had drawn Catarina out (she was pretty but needed to get her hair done), that we were going back to the Castle the next day, and that Andrei adored her. At last she looked at me and said in a different, more serious voice: "Yes, Maureen, I remember, and I'll keep my promise. I swear on my life!"

She handed me the phone, we exchanged some sweet lovers' promises, and then said goodbye.

Since Mr. Simik had called and apologized that he couldn't make it for dinner, Jenny called room service and we had a light supper, and then went to bed. Catarina had sent up nice flowers in a beautiful Bohemian crystal vase, and soft classical music was playing in the background. When I came back from the bathroom, she was waiting for me, lying nude on the bed, her arms above her head pulling her breast upwards, her long black hair spread on the white pillow, her legs slightly open promising me unrestricted access to her paradise, and best of all, smiling at me. Smiling as only she could -- happy, excited, cheerful, eager to give and to receive, and trusting me with her love.

Lying beside her, I accepted her offer and started to cherish her with all my heart and love. I slowly kissed my way from her glossy hair to her eyes and then to her lips (where I stayed for a while), glided down to her firm and proud breasts (where I stayed longer) and when I finally arrived at her wet pussy, she was ready to make love. She smiled, reached down to grasp my shaft, and stroked it gently. It was wonderful to feel her close to me, to look into her loving eyes, and to know that we would be making love, not having sex. Well, that also, but principally we would love. I moved closer with my lips and flicked my tongue over her labia, gently kindling her outer lips and asking her clit to arise. I lingered there, exploring, teasing, probing, and never stopping to prove my love to her. Her womanly scent became stronger, a faint smell of lemon and sweetness, and when I pushed my tongue into her, she shuddered with pleasure.

"My love, please don't tease me tonight. I want you so much!"

Suddenly she decided that she wanted to be on top. She pushed me onto my back and straddled me; looking down, she took my penis and centered it on her inviting pussy.

She pulled my hands up to her breasts and closed her eyes. "Do you remember the first time we made love? The message 'Open the gift gently? I want to be opened again, my love."

She sank down on my shaft, her face showing all the emotions she experienced when she was slowly filled up. Excitement, happiness, content, joy, but principally love and desire to give herself and to be taken by her man. It was wonderful to look at her, and all I could do was to show her my love too. It was easy, since her fluids had started to come out in abundance, and I felt her moving in little circles, massaging my stiff shaft. She felt like steely velvet, at once soft and caring, but also demanding and strong. She had opened her eyes again and glancing up into her shining eyes, I knew that the night to come would be wonderful. Her scent was filling my mind, sweet and arousing. She touched herself, shivering and I repeated her moves, trying to synchronize with her. I felt her squeezing me with her inside muscles and it was like a furnace, hot and moist. We started to move faster, and she tightened her muscles around my shaft, pushing up and moving back. Her body tensed, her gasps became moans, and her face was all scrunched up.

"James, I love you! Take me! Take me NOW!" She stifled a scream and fell forward, hugging me with all her force.

"Oh my God! My love, that was wonderful! Not gentle, but very, very satisfying!"

We calmed down and I felt myself slipping out of her. She was disappointed and looked down at the mess we had made. "Well, George, that was nice -- no, it was wonderful, but you didn't come. What happened? Getting old?"

George was furious; he had done everything she wanted and now he was accused of old age, or lack of desire? How to answer: be an alpha or go to sleep? I could never resist a challenge and was going to prove who the man of the house was, and what he could do. Hah! Lord and Master!

She saw my reaction and grinned. "Let me help poor George to recover." She surrounded my penis with her soft lips, teasing the tip, sucking the shaft, stroking it gently with her hand, and then inhaling it deep into her mouth. It was effective, I had to admit, and it was stiff and demanding again.

"That's the George I know, my love. Please take me now, and this time show me who my master is. Take me and let yourself go; tomorrow I want to feel that I've been taken by my man!"

She moved aside on her back and opened her legs wide, inviting me to come in and have her. This invitation I could not resist and in one firm move, I was sliding into her, possessing her as mine. Her pussy was tight around my shaft, inviting me in and not wanting to let me go. I obeyed her wish and with every stroke I went deeper, hitting her cervix at the end. Her legs were around my hips, pulling me down into her, and her feet were crossed over my ass, giving her the force to hold me tight. It was too much for me; one more forceful stroke and I exploded, and it seemed that she had been waiting for me, jumping down the wave with me. I embraced her. She opened her eyes and smiled.

"James, my love, every time we make love, it is the same and every time it's different. It leads me to happiness and joy, but the path is always different. You play me like a violin, knowing where to touch me, how to touch me, and how to make me incredibly happy!

She snuggled into me. "James, now I want to be loved, gently and tenderly. Please?"

She lifted me back over her and invited me in. We looked at each other as we were making love, falling into each other's eyes, giving and receiving. This was the part that united us forever, bonding and joining.

She kissed me at the end, offering her breasts for our tender ritual, found her position against my body, and fell asleep. Suddenly she sat up. "What was that conversation between you and Pavel about priorities? He is handling security -- was this about our protection? Your protection? Mine? I want to know!"

I had wanted to avoid that conversation, but I had to respond to a direct question, and we had promised each other that we would never lie.

"I told Pavel that if there ever was any question of whom to protect, you would be his first priority. I told him that I can handle myself."

Now she was angry -- all tenderness had vanished. "How can you do this? He either protects both of us or I fire him tomorrow morning!"

I tried to embrace her, but she resisted my attempt. "No, James, this is serious. You know that I cannot live without you -- if something happened to you, I'd die. It's as simple as this."

I reminded her about the children, and she started to cry. "You know that I love our children, but if something happened to me, Maureen would care for them. Just put it into your stubborn mind, that I'll be at your side, now and forever. And in any case, I promised ....." she stopped.

"What did you promise and to whom, Jenny? Remember that I told you something that I wanted to keep to myself, but when you asked, I didn't lie!"

She hesitated, but regarding me for a long time and seeing that I would wait forever for her answer, she mumbled "When we left Sydney, Maureen asked me something, and I promised."

Silence, and I continued to wait. "She asked me to protect you with my life, and I promised that before anything happened to you, I would step in front of you and protect you with my life."

Now I was angry.

"How can Maureen be so stupid and demand this of you? And how can you be so stupid and promise it? It is my responsibility to protect you, not the other way around!"
