A Pool Party


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"Well," Kirsten said. "Paul, you're getting a nude hug too." Kirsten went to Paul. Instead of wrapping her arms around his torso as Katrina had done with me, Kirsten clamped both her hands on Paul's bare ass, and pulled his groin to hers. Kirsten knew that our relationship was too strong for me to get jealous.

Just then, the doorbell chimed again. Kirsten opened the door for Kurt and Danielle. Both were wearing tee shirts. Kurt's dick and Danielle's triangle were below the hems of their shirts. Laughing, Danielle said, "we thought it would be fun to drive over with our pubes out. I told Kurt to drive carefully though because, if we got pulled over, I'd have to blow the cop to keep us out of trouble." Kurt and Danielle pulled their tee shirts off over their heads.

"Tonight's greeting is a nude hug," Kirsten said as she stepped forward and hugged Kurt.

"I like that idea," Danielle said as she stepped to me, and we hugged. Danielle's bare breasts pressed into my chest felt very nice.

Kirsten led everyone into the kitchen to get wine. We didn't do distilled spirits. I put my apron on and got back to work. As she left with a glass of chilled chardonnay in one hand, Katrina slapped my bare ass with the other.

I flatter myself that I made a good dinner. At least, my friends and my wife were savvy enough to compliment me on it. After we got the dishes in the washer, we sat around the deck talking, primarily about where we should go in October. Paul and Katrina had a placed picked out in Mexico. "It sounds great," Katrina said. "They say you can go nude anywhere on the resort at any time. You can even eat in the restaurants nude. And they've got rooms for the week we want."

"How do you get there?" I asked.

"It's on the Yucatan peninsula," Paul replied. "You fly into Cancun and drive awhile."

"We're ok with it," Kurt said.

I looked at Kirsten, who nodded. We trusted Paul and Katrina. "We're in," I said.

"I've got something else," Katrina said. "I have a patient (Katrina was an ophthalmologist) who is a massage therapist. She was in this past week. She can't advertise this because it's not kosher with the State Board, but I've treated her a long time and we're friends. She's doing an erotic massage class. It's two two-hour sessions, next Thursday evening and the week after. She's limiting it to a few people she knows or people they've vouched for. Strictly hetero. She's just aiming to cover her costs, so fifty bucks per person, cash only."

"What does she mean by 'erotic massage?" Danielle asked.

"The way she explained it," Katrina said, "everyone in the class has an orgasm during class."

"Coming with you guys and some strangers right there?" Danielle asked skeptically.

"As I understand it," Katrina replied.

"That sounds hot," Kirsten said. "Will you do it with me Peter?"

What could I say? "Of course, dear. It sounds like fun."

"Good," Katrina said. "Paul and I are going to do it."

"Uh, let us think about it," Danielle said.

Kurt and Danielle passed on.

erotic massage. Katrina's patient, Leandra, ran a studio in a strip center a few miles from our homes. We went there in one car and parked behind the center. "Leandra doesn't want too many cars visible in front of her studio after hours," Katrina explained.

Leandra was shorter than me, but had broad shoulders, big tits, wide hips, and a very pleasant face. She was dressed in a black robe. She introduced us to her partner, Robert. I guessed they were both about our age. The other couple who showed up were probably twenty-two or twenty-three. The girl had shoulder-length light brown hair, a cute fact, and what seemed a nice body. The young man with her was thin, friendly-looking, and seemed a bit nervous and uncertain.

After the young couple walked in, Leandra clapped her hands and said, "now that everyone's here, we can get started. Pointing at the young couple, she said, "this is my niece Grace and her boyfriend Dustin."

Katrina said, "I'm Katrina. With me is my husband, Paul."

"I'm Kirsten," Kirsten said. "This is my husband, Peter."

"OK, now that we've been properly introduced," Leandra said, "let's do what will be the hardest part of this class: take your clothes off, all of them."

Katrina and Paul and Kirsten and I had come, in part, to experience being naked with people we did not know. We stripped off quickly and enthusiastically. So did Leandra and Robert. I got the feeling going nude around others was something they enjoyed. Grace and Dustin stripped slowly, with a lot of nervous giggles.

Leandra and Robert led us into another room where massage tables were set up with sheets over each of them. "The first part of giving a good erotic massage," Leandra said, "is to give a good massage. Have any of you had massage training?" No one said anything. Leandra smiled. "Ok," she said, "some basics first."

Leandra spent the next half hour explaining and demonstrating on Robert some massage basics. Then, she had the three women get on the massage face down and had the guys do what she had demonstrated. Leandra walked around the room, naked, correcting our techniques. We spent about forty-five minutes doing that before she had the guys and girls switch places. She walked around correcting the girls' massage techniques for another forty-five minutes.

"Crap," Leandra announced to the room, we're almost out of time. Who's willing to stay later to cover the erotic part?" Grace and Dustin left but Katrina, Paul, Kirsten, and I stayed. Leandra said, "I'm going to lie on the table. Robert knows how to do this. I'll explain what he's doing as he does it." She lay on her back on a massage table with her thick thighs parted. "First," Leandra said, "you want to give your partner a good massage, staying away from erogenous zones. You both know it's going to end in sexual stimulation. Build anticipation for that."

Robert stood behind Leandra's head and began running his flat hands down over her breasts, cupping her underboobs, and then running his hands more firmly back up her breasts. "This is a very good technique to use on a woman when you start on erogenous zones," Leandra said. After a time. Robert ran his hands down Leandra's abdomen, stopping at the top line of her bush. "Robert hasn't touched me down there yet," Leandra said, "but he's telling me he's heading there. More anticipation." Robert ran his hands a little way into Leandra's pubic hair a few times, then moved to the side of the table.

As Robert began running his hands up and down her thighs, Leandra said, "at this stage, focus on the inner thigh, because it's more sensitive, usually. Run your hands close to the cunt lips, but don't touch them for several passes, then, just brush them lightly a few times." Robert did as Leandra described.

After a few minutes, Robert moved next to Leandra's hip. He began massaging hard at the base of her V while he also started finger-fucking her. "At this point,... what you do... really... depends... on... what gets... your... partner... off.," Leandra said between small gasps. Robert soon had three fingers inside Leandra. It looked like he was pushing up against her pubic bones from the inside as he pushed down from the outside. "Oh fuck,... I... love... this,...," Leandra said as she was breathing much harder and starting to buck her hips. Robert kept going, maintaining a steady pace and pressure. Leandra bucked more. Robert pushed in his fourth finger. A moment later, Leandra yelled, "fuck YEEES!"

Leandra was still breathing hard, and there was sweat between her large tits, when Robert helped her off the massage table. "I'm sorry guys," she said. "It's after nine. We've got to go. You saw how Robert got me off. Paul, Peter, practice on Kirsten and Katrina the rest of the week." It wasn't everything we'd hoped for, but, for fifty bucks, it was fun.

I spent a lot of time the next few days working on giving Kirsten the best erotic massage I could. I always enjoyed having my hands on her bare skin. We discovered that the technique we had seen, massaging inside her cunt and outside on her triangle simultaneously, worked well for her. Interestingly, what she liked best was when I trimmed my fingernails as short as possible and rubbed the walls of her cunt with the tip of my little finger. "It sort of tickles," she said, "but wow does it feel great!"

I was surprised that Grace and Dustin came back the next week. After we all stripped, Leandra said, "I'm sorry. We ended up focusing a bit too much on Robert and me last week. That won't happen this week. Dustin, get up here on the table, face down." Dustin seemed almost shocked that he'd been singled out and seemed almost scared as he clumsily climbed on the massage table.

Leandra said, "most guys aren't as sensitive in their chests as women are, but you can get good responses working with their asses. Grace, you start massaging Dustin's right check like I showed everyone last week. Katrina, would you please start on his left cheek." Both women started massaging Dustin's ass. Grace seemed more enthusiastic about the class this week. "Having more than one person massaging you at the same time can be quite exciting," Leandra added.

After Grace and Katrina had worked on Dustin's ass for a few minutes, Leandra said, "I'm going to show you something that's a bit messy but usually works great on guys. Grace, Katrina, you keep on what you're doing. Kirsten, can you hold his butt cheeks apart?" Kirsten went to the table next to Katrina and spread Dustin's cheeks, so we all saw his asshole.

Leandra stood beside Grace. "Girls, you want to make sure your fingernails are cut really short before you try this." She probed Dustin's sphincter with her index finger, and then plunged it in. I could see her rubbing something with that finger. "I'm rubbing his prostate gland," Leandra said. "you'll see the effect in a moment when we roll him over. A guy's prostate is extremely sensitive, and very accessible if you don't mind getting a finger dirty. Just be careful not to scratch it. That's intensely painful." Leandra worked on Dustin for two or three more minutes before pulling her finger out.

Leandra walked to the sink. "I need to wash my hand," she said. "'Dustin, please roll over," she commanded. With help from the girls, Dustin rolled onto his back. His dick looked almost painfully hard lying flat against his belly.

Leandra came back to the table. "Spread your legs Dustin," she directed. "Grace, come here please," Leandra asked. Grace moved around the table to stand next to Leandra. "Katrina," Leandra asked, "would you lift up Dustin's dick?"

Katrina lifted his dick, pulling Dustin's balls up with it. "Grace," Leandra said, "put all four fingers on the skin right behind Dustin's sac. Have your fingers pointed up towards his balls." Grace put her hand in the prescribed position. "Now, push up and in," Leandra directed. Grace had only done that a couple of times when Dustin groaned and shot quite a way into the air. His face was red. I'm not sure whether that was from arousal or embarrassment that he came so quickly.

Paul spent more time on the table with all three of Katrina, Kirsten, and Grace working on him before he came. Kirsten smiled at me as I lay face down on the massage table. I wasn't sure who was massaging which cheek, but they were doing a good job. Then, I felt my own buttocks spread apart. A finger played over my asshole and then plunged in. The sensation as someone massaged my prostate was both painful and intensely pleasurable. Rolling over when I was told to was a relief, freeing my very hard dick which had been trapped between my body and the table.

"Close your eyes Dear," I heard Kirsten say. I complied. I felt my sac being lifted. Fingers began pressing behind my balls. I was surprised that felt so good. A lotioned hand grasped my dick and began sliding up and down my shaft. Whose hand?

The question of who was doing what to me left my mind as the sensations became more intense. Mindful how quickly Dustin had shot, I was determined to prolong this pleasure as long as possible. That aspiration was nice, but I quickly felt an ejaculation building that I was powerless to control. The hand stayed on my dick as I shot, hard, three times. I heard Kirsten say, "good boy!"

My orgasm was intense, and it took me a moment to realize that, not only Kirsten, but Katrina, Paul, Leandra, Robert, Grace, and Dustin had watched it. Rather than being embarrassing, that realization made the experience more pleasurable. Even writing about it now, so much later, makes my body feel good.

When I finally got off the table, I thanked Kirsten first. "Your hand around my dick was sensational," I said.

"I did your prostate, but I didn't jack you off," Kirsten replied with a smile.

"Who?" I asked.

"That was Grace," Leandra said.

I looked at Grace. She blushed bright pink, but she was smiling.

We all enjoyed our trip to the Mexican resort in October. As Katrina had promised, the resort encouraged nudity everywhere. The six of us stripped just after we checked in and none of us wore anything except sandals and sunscreen until we checked out. We were even nude for sit-down meals in the resort's restaurants. In that regard, we were not alone among the guests. It seemed most people came to the resort to get naked and stay naked.

The guests crossed a range of ages and points of origin. One thing I noticed was that everyone appeared at least moderately fit. We hadn't been to a nude resort before. It struck me early in our stay, and was repeatedly confirmed, how much nicer and friendlier people are to each other when everyone is naked. I don't know whether it is impossible to be unpleasant when everyone can see your dick or cunt; or whether it results from stripping off the implicit statements about your wealth and pretensions that are made by your clothing. Whatever the reason, the interactions with the other guests were far nicer than we'd ever experienced on a clothed vacation. Of course, being friendly didn't exclude looking. Everyone looked at everyone else and, I think, everyone enjoyed being seen. I know Kirsten and I did.

While Kurt and Danielle reaffirmed their enthusiasm about being naked with us in Mexico, we knew from their refusal to go to the erotic massage classes that there was a line they weren't ready to cross, at least not yet. Katrina, Paul, Kirsten, and I had learned about ourselves from those classes. Most significantly, we'd learned that we enjoyed being sexual in front of each other and in front of others. I don't think any of us knew how far we'd take that, but we all wanted to go farther than we had. We also wanted to make that journey together.

February is a profoundly unpleasant month in our part of America. For that reason, I think, Kurt and Danielle had booked a trip to Puerto Rico. They went without us because three of the five days they were there were devoted to continuing professional education for architects and engineers. Paul, Katrina, Kirsten, and I couldn't deduct the cost of the trip from our taxes as business expenses. Kurt and Danielle could.

After we learned Kurt and Danielle would be gone in February, Katrina and Paul had approached Kirsten and me. "I guess booking the trip to Mexico put me on some mailing lists," Katrina said. "I printed this stuff off the website of one place that e-mailed me." What she handed us was material about a place in Las Vegas called "The Grotto." Despite the name, the material was tastefully done. You'll get the idea from the fact that "The Grotto" described itself as an "intimate pleasure experience."

The rules Katrina had printed from The Grotto's website decreed that "full nudity is required everywhere in The Grotto. 'Full nudity' means that limbs, torso, breasts, buttocks, and genitalia are uncovered and visible. Sexual conduct is prohibited in the disrobing room and in the bars. At guests' discretion, sexual conduct is permitted elsewhere in The Grotto. Consent is always required and 'no' means no. Any aggressive, abusive, or insulting behavior will result in immediate expulsion and may result in criminal prosecution."

"Unless you're a member, you have to book in advance," Katrina said, "and they want an image of your driver's license. You also need to e-mail them an image of a negative test for STDs dated no more than a week before your visit. I thought we could check this out while Kurt and Danielle are in Puerto Rico. If it sucks, we can at least have some good meals and maybe see a show." The third Friday in February, all four of us were on an afternoon flight to Las Vegas.

None of us were gamblers but, I gather, if you visit Vegas you are staying in a hotel/casino. It was a nice hotel, at least. Our flight had arrived about 5:00 p.m. local time. The Grotto didn't open until 10:00 p.m. (It stayed open to 5:00 a.m.!) We checked into our hotel; had a light dinner; and killed some time walking the strip. I'd thought Las Vegas was hot year-round. It wasn't that Friday. We all wore jackets and were still chilly.

About 8:30 p.m., we went back to the hotel, showered, dressed in what I'd call "business casual," and had one drink each in the hotel bar. Just before 10:00 p.m., we caught a cab to The Grotto.

Not knowing Vegas, I had no idea whether The Grotto was in a good neighborhood or bad. Outside, the club was understated, stucco with a solid wooden door and a brass plaque saying "The Grotto" with a small light shining down on it. We entered a very clean reception area with potted plants in the corners and an aerial picture of Las Vegas behind the desk. A couple was in front of us checking in. The man wore a suit and tie and was quite large. The woman had dark hair and a jacket over her left forearm. She was wearing a backless white dress which showed dark skin, at least darker than ours. Her dress was tight against what seemed a nice ass. The couple finished and the young lady at the desk buzzed them through a solid door to the left.

The young woman at the desk was very pretty, wearing an expensive-looking evening dress. She checked our IDs, and we paid the rather substantial fee. "I'm sure you saw this when you made your reservations," she said, "but full nudity is required everywhere in the Club. Full nudity means that limbs, torso, breasts, buttocks, and genitals are uncovered and visible. Sex is permitted everywhere except the disrobing room and the bars. After you leave the disrobing room, you will see two doors, one marked 'Greek' and one 'Roman.' We can't enforce it as a rule, but everyone understands that Greek is same sex and Roman is hetero. Facilities are the same on both sides. There are several playrooms. There are lights outside. A red light means the room is in use and others should stay out. Of course, you can still watch from outside. Every playroom has windows. It's one-way glass so you can see the people playing but they can't see you. A green light means the room is in use, but others are welcome to join in. A room is free if no light is on. If you use a room, please press one on the touch pad inside when you leave to tell the staff to clean the room for the next users."

The young woman took a breath, smiled, and said, "just a few more things you need to know. Each side has a heated grotto pool. If you go in the pool, you consent that anyone else in the pool may touch you anywhere on your body with any part of their body. We are open until 5:00 a.m. Last call in the bars is 4:00 a.m. There are lockers in the disrobing room. Please take your key. The disrobing room is constantly monitored. I also need to tell you that every part of the club is under video surveillance. It is fairly dark in the club, but our cameras get pretty clear pictures. If there are no incidents, each night's video is erased from the hard drive by 5:20 a.m."