A Quest For Allegra

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A video artist seeks out an amateur porn star.
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At the young age of 26 Vince Pokitilo was already a well-known professional video artist and, by his admission, an amateur weirdo. He had successfully monetized a large number of You Tube videos, as well as creating videos for commercial organizations and had won creative awards for videos that had no commercial purpose but were considered artistic. One of his art videos even plays on a continuous loop in an art gallery.

Vince's amateur weirdo credentials are due to his obsession with amateur porn on the Internet. While Vince has an appreciation for a wide variety of amateur porn models, at one point he came across a woman who really intrigued him. Her porn video name is Allegra.

Allegra is not a raving beauty. While her face is attractive and while she has a primarily slinky body, neither is even close to perfect, or even indisputably beautiful. For example instead of a flat stomach she has a small pouch, she doesn't do much to maintain the hair jungle surrounding her pussy, and she has several scars. However, as anyone who has ever had an unexplained predilection can tell you perfection is irrelevant to obsession.

There was just something about Allegra that fascinated Vince. It certainly wasn't the quality of the three on-line porn videos he found of her. Her partner in the videos was obviously her husband because otherwise there would be no reason to have someone with his lack of body attractiveness involved, and she definitely was sporting engagement and wedding rings on the fourth finger of her left hand. Also her level of zeal in the videos was lacking, despite the fact that her face on occasion indicated the possibility of lust and passion. The fact that Allegra appeared to be about fifteen years older than Vince did not play a part in his thinking.

Vince had never done a porn video but he was confident that with Allegra his creative artistic juices would overflow and he could make the most fascinating and aesthetic porn video of all-time; and one that could be monetized.


Vince set out on a quest for find Allegra and somehow talk her into letting him make an artistic porn video in which he and she starred. He quickly found out that his quest was not going to be an easy one to accomplish.

At first Vince approached the two websites that he got the Allegra videos off of. They weren't just not helpful -- they were outright hostile. By bribing one of the employees at one website he also learned that even if they wanted to be helpful they really couldn't be since the people who uploaded amateur videos to the site normally did so from secure servers or from computers that were used only once for that purpose, and since there was no further communication with the uploader the website really had no idea who they were.

Vince did searches on other websites to see if he could find out any information about Allegra -- and did find one where she posted naked, or semi-naked, photos where she had "chats" with "fans." However, it was clear from the chats that she was not revealing any personal information, including because in chats or in response to comments from fans she gave six different representations of the general area where she lived (Texas, Oregon, Vermont, British Columbia, St. Thomas, and Mexico), and facts about her life varied widely.

After a couple of weeks of searching with no results Vince got a brainstorm; maybe facial recognition software would work. He signed up for the pay (enhanced) version of a facial recognition site called PimEyes and used the best versions of Allegra's face from photos and videos. A search came up with four possibilities although none specifically had a real name. Three had location data, however, two small towns, one a big city. Vince was so motivated that he actually visited the small towns, one in New Hampshire, one in Florida.

The Florida one was a complete bust; no one recognized the facial only photos (obviously no naked full length photos) of Allegra despite Vince spending most of three days there and hitting every commercial and governmental establishment. A few weeks later he travelled to the small New Hampshire town. His first day there was a bust; his second day someone in a government office said "That woman looks like she could be June Sievers' sister." He got an address for June and then immediately drove his rental car there.

The house at the address he was given was not in the best shape. When he knocked on the door a woman who looked to be in her 30s, carrying a baby, answered. Although she looked like she could be Allegra's sister she also appeared to have had a hard life. "Are you June?" Vince asked with a smile.

"Who's asking?" was the icy response.

"My name is Vince and I'm looking for the woman in this photo," he said with a smile -- Vince had a handsome visage with an endearing look which usually won people over -- handing over a photo of Allegra.

Vince could see a look of recognition on June's face.

"What for?" was June's slightly less icy response.

"I have a client that wants to present her with a business opportunity. He doesn't know her name just that her face would be perfect for an ad campaign he's developing," Vince smiled.

"What ad campaign?" was her even less icy inquiry.

"Hey, I'm just a researcher I don't know any of the details. Please help me out -- it means a lot to my position in the company," he continued.

"If I have some information what's in it for me?" June asked.

"Well there's a finder's fee of $100 that I'm authorized to provide," Vince responded.

June slightly smiled. "Yeah, I'm June; come on in and let's talk."

The house was unkempt but Vince just kept his smile on his face and moved some trashy magazines out of the way and sat down on a chair.

"That woman might be my older sister," June said. "However, I ain't giving any information about her out for $100."

"Uh...I'd have to call my boss to authorize more," Vince lied.

"I want $500," June said.

Vince made a few fake phone calls to his boss, entered into "high level" negotiations with June, and ultimately got her to agree to $150 in cash first, then June would provide the information, and if it could be confirmed right from her house using his phone Vince would give her another $150 in cash.

"Her name is Allison Sparks and her address is xxxx Fountain Lane, Taos, New Mexico, phone number 575-xxx-xxxx," June said, handing over a card from a Rolodex-type device.

Vince immediately did several searches on his phone and found that the address and phone number were legit. He was even able to find a Facebook page, and the woman on it sure looked like Allegra. Vince then called the number; although it went to voicemail it was encouraging. "Hi, this is Allison and Burt; we can't come to the phone now but leave a message at the beep."

So Vince did leave a message. "Hi, this is Vince. I'd like to meet with Allison, including Burt if you want, to discuss a business opportunity. Please give me a call at 213-xxx-xxxx. This is not a phony solicitation. You can go to my website, vincepokitilo@xxxx.com to see that I'm legit. I look forward to talking to you."

June got a big smile on her face as Vince handed over the other $150 in cash, thanked her, and then took off in his rental car for the nearest airport.

While Vince was waiting at the airport for his flight, due to leave in about an hour, he got a call from the 575 area code, but with no caller ID. "Hi, Vince Pokitilo," he answered in a friendly voice.

"Uh....hi; this is Allison Sparks. I just got a message on my land line about some business deal. What is this about?"

"Hi Allison; if you looked at my website you can see that I'm a well-known video artist."

"Yeah -- I checked you out. I really did like your video that won an art award; very original."

"I'm glad that you liked it. Before we go further, however, I'd like to confirm that you have posted amateur videos under the name Allegra."

The phone was silent for a long time. Finally Allison said "What makes you think that?"

"I'm looking for a new subject for an art video and your look is exactly what I want," Vince said, not giving any indication that he was primarily interested in fucking her brains out on the video. "However, the subject I want is Allegra, and unless you are she I'm afraid that I don't have any interest."

"That doesn't explain why you think that I'm this Allegra person."

"I used facial recognition software to try to locate you and according to that software your Facebook photo is a 99% match for a similar photo of Allegra," Vince lied.

There was another long pause. "How much money are you talking about for this business deal?"

"I'm only interested in discussing it further if you confirm that you're Allegra."

Another long pause; "OK, I'm Allegra but I don't want that information shared with anyone."

"Only I will know your real identity," Vince assured. "My deal would depend greatly on how successful the video is, but it could result in royalties of hundreds of thousands of dollars, although the upfront money would be on the order of only about $5,000."

Yet another pause; "How do we go forward, Vince?"

"I come to visit you and we talk details. I can come to Taos -- that is where you reside, I trust -- anytime the week after next."

"Let me talk to Burt and I'll call you tomorrow," Allison replied.

"Can't wait," Vince retorted and then terminated the call.


Vince was surprised that he was as excited as he was waiting for Allison's call. She did call about noon Pacific Time the next day and he arranged to meet Allison at her house first thing in the morning a week from that Wednesday.

When Vince arrived at the Sparks' comfortable and well-maintained residence he was impressed by two things: in person Allison was as sultry as hell, and Burt was physically disgusting. He did see some family photos indicating that when he was a young man that Burt was good-looking and that Allison's looks had actually improved with age, but the contrast in their present physical appearance was stark.

After some pleasant chit-chat and Vince delivering a DVD of his most successful videos he got to the point. "I've always wanted to do an artistic soft porn video and I think that Allison is the perfect subject for it. Of course she would not be identified and it may be desirable to include some body and face prosthetic appliances, hair extensions or colorants, and/or makeup in the videos to insure that."

"Allison said something about the possibility of hundreds of thousands of dollars," Burt said, followed by a belch.

"That's only if we can successfully monetize it," Vince replied.

"What are the chances of that?" Burt inquired, followed by another belch.

"One of my art videos made around $750,000, but I've had other videos that made only $5,000, so it's hard to say. It depends on so many factors that it's hard to predict; however, whatever it makes you will get 45% of the gross," Vince responded.

There were further discussions for about an hour whereby Burt made it clear that he wanted to be the male subject, without his face being shown. Vince didn't show his disappointment with that revelation, and preliminarily agreed to an upfront payment of $8,000. However needing the ability to massage things in the future he disingenuously told them that AFTRA rules required that two different accounts be set up, one in Burt's name, the other in Allison's, and that since Allison's face would be shown (even if with some changes) she had to get 75% of the money. Burt complained but Vince explained that he could do nothing about it.

As Vince said his goodbyes at about 11 a. m. he announced that he would be staying overnight at the Hotel La Fonda de Taos if they had any further questions. As he shook hands, first with Burt and then Allison, she slipped a scrap of paper into his hand. Vince waited until he got back to the hotel before reading it. It asked him to text her burner phone, number provided, to see if they could meet privately that afternoon.

He immediately texted back "Room 120 at my hotel, 2 p. m."

She promptly replied "OK."


When Allison arrived despite her conservative dress Vince immediately got a stiffy. Since he met her in person Vince was even more confused by his eerie reaction to Allison/Allegra. He offered her a drink from the room's minibar; she accepted a small bottle of white wine while he got out a small bottle of red.

As they sat in different chairs facing each other Vince asked "What's on your mind, Allegra?"

She smiled. "You want to think of me as Allegra, don't you? Why?"

"Because I'm attracted to Allegra," he grinned.


"Don't know; I can't rationally explain it; I've tried to figure it out and can't; that's all that I can tell you."

"I could tell that you were very unhappy about Burt requiring his participation in a video. Why?"

"It's simple. No matter how artistic the video is with him in it there is no chance that it will make big bucks."

"Why is that?"

"Several reasons; one, his physique will turn many off; two it is apparent from the amateur videos that you posted that you don't express any zeal or pizazz when fucking him; and three while for amateur videos yours have gotten a decent number of hits there is no way possible that they will get any traction as a pay artistic video."

"What's your solution, then?" Allison asked.

"Well, Allegra, the solution is that we do two videos. In one, you and Burt are the participants and I put in a minimal artistic effort into it. In the second it's you and me, you with a few facial prosthetics and fake tattoos on your body, and I put maximum artistic effort into it. For the second video I would give you, personally, in your own account separate from Burt's, a guarantee of $100,000 in royalties from 45% of the gross."

After a delay which by now had become a characteristic feature of Allison's she bit her thumb and remarked "So you're asking me to cheat on Burt? For money? Will that make me a whore?"

"It will make you independent and a star. I can tell from your body language at your house that your relationship with Burt isn't that great. You know that physically you're fucking hot and he's disgusting."

Another delay; "I'm not hot; I don't have a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model build; I don't have a flat stomach; I have some scars..."

Vince interrupted, "That's what's going to make you hot; you're not something fake; you're real, someone that the average guy can identify with. The average guy viewing the video will think 'I can see me fucking her,' whereas the idea of fucking someone who looked like a supermodel or famous movie star would be unrealistic to him."

Another delay, then "How would we go about it?"

"I enter into one contract with you and Burt, a second with only you. We film you and Burt in Taos, with minimal art effects, I put it on a secondary Internet site, and he gets some money from it. I will insure that regardless of the response I'll pay him at least $5,000. You travel to my office in Hollywood for a second video with me, and full artistic effects, and I put that on a primary Internet site. How does that sound?"

"How do you know that the video with you will be successful?"

"Because I'm going to do a test with you right now; and if it turns out like I know that it will I'll give you the $100,000 guarantee we talked about," Vince replied with an evil grin.

Vince then stood up, walked over to Allison, lifted her onto her feet and felt her up. Allison wordlessly resisted -- for a while. When Vince penetrated her pussy with the thumb on one hand and flicked her clit with a finger on the other hand her resistance morphed into a low moan. After Vince undressed her he made sure that his motion-activated camera on a tripod next to the bed was on, and then he dropped his pants, tore off his shirt, and gently moved Allison onto the bed.

Vince had a sexual intensity that was previously unmatched as he used virtually every part of his body to work on every expected erogenous zone of Allison's body. With her legs splayed and sticking up in the air he fingered her ass and twisted one nipple as his lips and tongue brought her pussy to its first orgasmic spasm. Before she recovered he turned her onto her hands and knees so that her face would be caught by the camera, buried his hog in one push, and then started stroking.

As Vince stroked he reached for a thin lubricated butt plug from the nightstand with one hand as the other twisted a nipple. After he slowly inserted the vibrator into Allison's ass he grabbed her hair and pulled it backward. Just before he could tell from Allison's vaginal pulsations that she was about to cum he turned the vibrator on low.

Allison screamed in ecstasy as she came with the power of a runaway freight train triggering an all-time ejaculation by Vince. When Allison deflated into a muttering blob of inert protoplasm Vince turned off the vibrator, slowly removed it from her ass, then slowly removed his cock from her pussy, and collapsed next to her on the bed, holding her tightly by her ass and a tit.

It was a significant period of time before both parties returned to full awareness. Vince kissed her while playing with her nipples. Eventually they got up, together went into the shower in his bathroom, and returned to the bedroom and put their discarded clothing back on.

Vince transferred his just recorded video onto his iPad, and then had Allison sit next to him on the bed. "I want you to compare your reaction in your intercourse with me to that with your husband in one of your amateur videos," Vince explained as he put both videos on split screen.

The contrast was so stark that no explanation was necessary. Vince gently moved her chin so that she faced him. "Which video would you want to buy? Compare the looks on your face, and how violently you moved your body, in the two videos."

Allison chuckled. "You made your point you depraved fucker. OK; do up your contracts."

As Allison exited Vince's room, cursing the seminal fluid leaking from her pussy, she mumbled "I hope that my just fucked look dissipates before I see Burt a couple of hours from now."

Vince only chuckled as he kissed her goodbye.


Vince prepared the contracts that afternoon then called Burt up on his cellphone. "I want to bring over a contract for you and Allison to look at," he said. "Can I come over after dinner tonight?"

"Sure," Burt belched.

Vince then called Allison. "I'm bringing over the contract for you and Burt tonight; can I see you tomorrow morning for the second contract?"

"Yes, as long as you don't fuck me again. I'm having a hard time dealing with reality after what you did to me you asshole," she chortled.

Burt was happy with the contract Vince provided him with including the $2000 deposited to his account, and Allison pretended to be equally pleased with the $6000 deposited to her account. They arranged for the video to be shot Wednesday of the next week at the Sparks' home in Taos.

The next morning at his hotel Allison signed the second contract, got a $10,000 up front payment to her account, and agreed to go to Vince's office in Hollywood two weeks hence allegedly to promote the first video but really to film the second one. After the contract signing as Vince kissed Allison goodbye and mauled her body her response, and his recollection of her expressions in the video filmed yesterday, caused him to get some clarity as to why he was so enamored with her. While not the total answer, her extreme joy in participating in sexual acts was definitely part of the reason for his infatuation.

The filming of the Burt-Allison video went off OK; it was only slightly more exciting than the amateur videos primarily because of the artistic effects that Vince added.