A Reversal of Fortune

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A walk for fresh air takes a twist, and then submission.
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This is a story of femdom that begins in reverse as a story of male domination. If you enjoy female domination and humiliation stories, I hope you enjoy.

If that's not your thing, then don't be fooled by the beginning because it becomes a femdom tale pretty fast and goes very deep.


It's a beautiful sunny day. I am walking down the sidewalk with a brisk spring breeze in the air. I had just grabbed a sandwich and an extra-large unsweetened iced tea for lunch at the local café. I am looking around at people passing and feeling a bit restless and distracted. Everyone seems to be out getting fresh air after a long winter, but still dressing for chilly weather; jackets, sweaters, workout gear.

Passing by an attractive young woman on my right from behind, I see she is saying good-by to a friend who is walking away. My eyes are drawn to her tight black yoga pants highlighting a perfect as framed by her long brown hair flowing down her back. As I start to pass her, I look to see what the white lettering in big block letters down her leg says.

Curving around her muscular leg it says ADIDAS. I think, "Hmmm... I didn't know Adidas made yoga pants."

Suddenly bang, she swings her arm out wide as she spins away from her friend. My iced tea is smacked from my hand, splashing onto my leg before the cup slams into the sidewalk.

"Oh sorry..." she says looking up into my stunned face.

Whoa, her eyes are deep brown and totally captivating. So taken by her thirty-something luscious lips smirking and her quiet giggle, the fact that my leg is soaking wet doesn't even register.

She says with irony and not even a dash of sincerity. "Sorry, I should have looked where I was going, this happens to me a lot. Really really sorry. What can I do...?"

"Well... how about buying me a new drink. I got it right over there"

"Sure, no problem" as she starts heading toward the bakery.

We walked into the shop without a word. I'm thinking - no problem, just my leg is soaking wet, you little jerk.

When we get inside, she goes quickly to the counter cutting in front of an older man who was just starting to step into position. Enraptured by her beautiful backside I follow right behind her oblivious to the surroundings.

We walk to the counter, and I say "two large iced teas, she's paying" before she can open her mouth.

She pays, with an eye-roll, "Lets just get out of here". I pick up the two drinks and we walk toward the exit, stopping at the stools and countertop along the window. I sit and hand her one of the teas.

She waves off the drink. "No thanks"

"Take it!" I say firmly.

Hesitantly she sits on the next stool and then whispers "I don't really want it, I kinda have to pee already..."

"The least you can do is join me after creating this mess" pointing to my soaked leg.

"OK, but no kidding, I do REALLY need to pee, and there's no bathroom. And by the way my name is Donna." She says, leaning over slightly placing her hand on my upper thigh for just a moment "Really sorry about the spill. I really should pay more attention."

"You got that right" I say in a quiet deep voice looking her directly in the eyes.

"I know, I know..." Donna giggles.

"I'm George. Good to meet you, I guess. Just drink up quick. My place is just around the corner and so can help your situation out.


"The little girls room?... you can almost see my house from here" I point.

"Oh yeah, thanks" She smiles and chugs down the tea in three large gulps. "Now I reeeally need to go".

We stand up and walk across the street towards my house, she walks more quickly than me trying to get me to move faster.

As we walk Donna softly blurts out, "Thanks so much for this. I am really a bit of a spaz. A bit more discipline in my life would sure help. At least that's what my friends say. I don't know."

A very strange choice of words... discipline? I think to myself.

My mind quickly returns to where all this started, that beautiful ass in those yoga pants.

I take a shot, "I can help you on both counts, the little girl's room and a little discipline." As soon as words came out of my mouth I wanted to crawl under a rock.

She stops for a moment, looks at me blankly, shrugs her shoulders "Sure, whatever". Another slight eyeroll, but this one seems maybe playful. Who knows..

Wow, I think to myself, what did that mean?


I open the front door and we walk into the foyer, Donna quickly stepping ahead of me as we get inside.

"Where's the bathroom?"

"I will show you". We walk over to the bathroom door and I decide I need to at least see where this might go. I can't stop staring at her beautiful behind. Very spankable. Almost crying out to be spanked.

Looking her in the eyes again, and touching her shoulder "When you are done, if you want more of my help then pull your panties all the way back on, but only pull your tights only up to where your pubes start. I want your panties exposed. When you come out and say 'George please help me with my discipline' ".

She stares back for a few moments. I am sure she is about to say "you perv" and storm out. But she just turns and enters the bathroom firmly shutting the door. I hear her peeing.

She really did need to go.

The sound stops and I wait. Nothing. Three minutes pass. Nothing. I think geez, she's probably creeped her out and she trying to figure out how to get the hell out.

Then finally I hear the sink run and the door opens.

My eyes drop to her pelvic area. Her panties and tights are just below her vagina, she is shaved clean. My mind goes blank, just staring.

I say, "I told you to pull your panties up, only tights down."

Jessica says exasperatedly, "I don't wear panties and I shave my pussy. What planet are you from, or decade anyway?"

True, I have a decade or two on her. But clearly, this young woman needs discipline.

"Now do you have something to ask me?" I say, thinking this is going quite well.

Barely audible she says "George please discipline me"

"Go into the kitchen and the far drawer on the left has utensils, pick a spoon, spatula, whatever you prefer for your discipline. And don't pull up your pants." I say trying to sound confident.

She walks in, rummages around in the drawer and returns with a heavy wooden spoon with a long smooth handle. She looks up at me smugly.. "Now what".

"You really do need disciplining. For that we need to go upstairs. I want you to slide the spoon between you pants and your vagina, with the spoon head in front and the handle out back. Then pull the tights up as far as they go to wedging the handle in those lips of yours. Then we will go up the stairs."

She looks at me, a little less smug and defiant. Her attitude will change soon enough, guaranteed.

She slides the spoon between her pelvis and tights and pulls up the tights as instructed. Her lower lips press around the spoon handle. Her face briefly squinches in a way I can't read. She looks so beautiful and delectable like this.

I can smell her faintly. I am getting a bit dizzy with intoxication.


We walk toward the stairs and she stops, seeing that from the street people will be able to see us walking up the stairs.

"I can't go up like this, with my pants half down and a spoon sticking out. I have friends around here. I can't do this."

"Don't worry. I will walk behind you so no one can see, you just need to stay close and it will be fine"

She looks at me, sighs and in resignation walks to the base of the stairs and waits for me to follow in behind her. She begins to ascend, and I gently grab the handle and hold, a slight twirl.

"Oooh" her knees bend slightly, and she pauses, apparently surprised by the sensation.

"Now tell me how you have been naughty, and why you deserve discipline?"

"Really.. this is ridiculous".

"Tell me now" I say firmly.

She says "well, on the bus the other day. It was a long ride and I was bored and horny. I slid my hand under my pants and began playing with myself. There was a young couple across aisle that I knew could see and pretended to look away"

"Very inconsiderate, forcing others to be invaded by your weakness."

"Yeah, but I could tell from their body language... they really wanted to watch. In fact, I am pretty sure given the way she gripped his arm and made him look at her it was an FLR. You know Female Lead Relationship, or maybe you don't, being a dinosaur and all.... I think he might have gotten a serious spanking when they got home for being a little too interested in my pussy."

"You are quite the little perv aren't you. Just keep walking up the stairs."

She glances back "I am not the one with a fantasy of having a spoon between young women's legs.. speaking of pervs" starting back up the stairs again.

Two more stairs and I twist the spoon with similar result. "What else have you done? You seem plenty naughty, and a bit insolent."

"Well... sometimes when I am in the woman's room in a public place, I take pictures of women on the other stalls through the cracks. I love to catch them playing with themselves"

"What do you do with the pictures?"

"Sometimes I show them when they come out, and insist they go back into the stall with me. They become very accommodating when faced with the alternative. I do love having my pussy licked in a public place. Just love it"

"Very very naughty" I twirl again and rock it a little before she moves, I think I hear a soft groan.

"One more naughty thing. You need to fully appreciate the discipline you are about to receive."

"Well, when I got to your bathroom, because you made me drink that huge drink when I said I had to pee... I pulled my tights down and the pee just started squirting out before I had fully sat down. I didn't clean it up. So there."

"OK, you really are in for a serious spanking. Let's go"

We walked up the rest of the stairs and into the den where there was a straight back chair, perfect for a spanking. I never used it for spanking before. In fact, I had never spanked anyone before. I was just so inspired by Donna; both her ass and her mouth, so to speak. Not that I hadn't thought about spanking a girl. I just had never acted on it. Never even had been close to having the opportunity.

As we entered the TV room, I realized the shades to the room were up, and even though we were on the second floor and hard for anyone to see in, given what I was about to do I didn't want to leave anything to chance.

As she faced me, I said "Stand still right there with your hands behind you back."

She dutifully complied.

I grab a wooden chair sitting by the bookshelf and think to myself, 'perfect spanking chair.'

First I need to pull the shades down, so I move the chair over to the big bay window, step up on it and pull the shade all the way down. As I am stepping back down with my first foot ...

Smack! A pain shoots across my ass. I nearly lose my balance but manage to get both feet planted with my hands grabbing the arms of the chair.

A second smack hits my ass. Ouch!

"What the hell.." I yell as I turn around.

Their Donna stands, her face inches from mine. Glancing down, I see her pants are pulled back up.

Then ooouch. A sharp pain between my legs. She has slammed the spoon into my crotch, my balls are aching and she keeps the spoon in between my legs as we stand there. Her eyes looking right into mine.

I move my hand toward the spoon.

"Don't you dare" she snaps.

"How does it feel to have a spoon between your legs? Huh?" she softly growles.

"Ah... Ah... Not good. It hurts."

"I don't think I heard you. Do you want me to ask again?" She gently taps my tender balls with the wedged spoon.

"No please. It hurts, Miss"

"That's better. I like that you understood how to address me."

"What? What do you mean?"

She swings the spoon into my balls again, not really hard but at this point it didn't take much to have the pain shoot through.

"OK. You may not be as smart as I thought. You called me Miss. I saw in your eyes at the coffee shop, you were weak and submissive even as you made me drink the tea. Your saying Miss just confirmed my instincts. But from now on its Mistress. Understand?"

"Yes Mistress"

"I like that, a fast and compliant learner."

"Yes Mistress."

Part 4 - The Start

"So am I correct to assume you are submissive and know you need discipline? In fact desperately want discipline? Am I right?." Donna barks.

"Yes Mistress"

"Good boy. We are making progress fast. Now it feels like to me you need to earn that discipline. Particularly from such a strong, talented disciplinarian as myself"

"Yes, Mistress Donna."

"Very nice touch there. You show promise. So to start, I want you to go back down to the kitchen and grab the ginger root I saw sitting on the counter and a paring knife and bring it back up here."

"What is the ginger for Mistress?"

"Just go get it." Donna says as she removes the spoon from between my legs. "I need to have you in the right state of mind when we talk about how this will work"

She points the spoon to the door leading to the stairs.

I hurry down to the kitchen and grab the big ginger root and a sharp knife.

'What is she up to and why am I doing this' I think.

Donna is standing with her arms crossed as I walk back into the room.

"Give me that. Now on your knees."

She sits down on the wooden chair and I get slowly onto my knees.

She starts peeling and carving the ginger. It starts to look like a teardrop shape but with a big uncut bulb on ginger at the end of the narrower part, kind of like a handle. I just sit quietly watching.

"Allright" she says. "Do you know what figging is?"

"No mistress"

"It's a form of discipline dating back to Elizabethan times. Primarily used on young maidens for minor infractions. A way to focus their minds as they apologized and promised to be better. Seems appropriate given what we just went through don't you think?"

"Mistress, I am not sure. What are you going to do with the ginger?"

"Let me give you a hint. Pull your pants and your underwear down to your knees while remaining kneeling, then bend over to be on all fours. Understand?"

"Yes Mistress". OK no this felt like it was getting weird.

"So the beauty of ginger is it burns a bit when in an orifice. I won't do damage, but you will definitely feel it. So be a good boy while I insert this. You need to work hard to keep it in once it's in there. Don't let you ass spit it out. I assure you neither of us would want that. Understood?"

I said "Yes Mistress" as she walked behind me and I felt her start to play with my asshole.

She parted my cheeks and slowly, gently worked the ginger into the hole. Everything started to tingle. Once she had it fully inserted, she gave it one final push to ensure it was secure and then a slap on the ass.

She got back up and sat back in her chair with me remaining on all fours staring up at her parted yoga pant covered legs. Now a new sensation started, a slow burning feel. Strangely both a little painful but also good, sort of.

Donna says "Well it looks like someone's tiny something is telling me you like it up the ass".

I look down and see to my grave embarrassment, I am fully erect".

"Yes Mistress" is all I could get out.

"Now I think we are ready to have a proper conversation. Don't you?" Now Donna clearly looked like she was enjoying herself.

"Yes Mistress. I look forward to having a proper conversation with you."

"Good boy."

Part 5 - The Conversation

"Well George, you look rather cute in a submissive and slutty kind of way"

"Yes, Mistress Donna, I appreciate the compliment" I said, not sure I really did, nor what to make of it.

"Now George, my first rule is you need to be honest with me. When I ask a question you need to tell me what you really feel. Bare your sole... so to speak. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress"

"Good. Now I am going to ask you some questions to get to know you better. These are going to be very personal questions, you may not really want to answer, but you must. OK?"

Here I was, on all fours, my ginger filled ass sticking in the air, staring eye level at what appeared to be a moistening crotch of her tights that she was lightly running her index finger around.

I knew, whatever she asked, I was going to tell her. Whatever she wanted to know, hoping desperately it would get me closer to that wonderful aroma wafting my way I would reveal."

"Alright. First, do you like my feet?" she asked as she reached down and slid her sneakers and socks off and tossed them aside. The smell of sweaty feet quickly overwhelmed the sweat musk of her crotch.

"Yes Mistress. You have beautiful feet" which of course she did.

"Well then my cute little sub, while we are having this conversation I would appreciate you sucking on my toes and cleaning my soles with your tongue. They got so sweaty and sore during my pilates class. Would you be a dear?"

"Yes Mistress" as I crawled a little closer and bent down like a dog licking his master's feet".

They really were beautiful, and I quickly lost myself in sucking those gorgeous toes, time went drifting by. Suddenly I felt a little smack on my ass which made me jump and pop my head up. There I was twelve inches from that beautiful vagina wrapped in those skin tight leggings.

"That feels very nice." She purred, "Now stay right there and let's begin to get to know each other." As she patted the top of my head gently.

"So tell me how often you cum and how you normally cum"

"Well mistress. I cum whenever I have privacy, probably seven times per week."

"And who do you cum with and how?"

"Mistress. I always cum by myself. I am a bit of a perv, obviously. It's not easy to find a partner who I can please"

"And how do you cum?"

Ummm... I like to hump pillows. I know.. I know. Super embarrassing"

"Like a little girl? How adorable. When I was little that is how I first came, grinding my Winnie the Pooh pillow. Quite odd, but appreciate your honesty."

I looked up at her and she was smirking a little. I felt so silly. I started to suck her toes again hoping she would move on from that topic.

"George... you know what would make me very happy? If you would go grab a pillow and bring it back here and lay it on the floor in front of my feet. Now go quick like a bunny".

"Yes Mistress" as I started to get up to retrieve one from my bedroom next door.

"Woooh. No getting up. Unless I tell you, you are to crawl everywhere. Understood?"

"Yes mistress." I moved as quickly as I could on my hands and knees to the next room. Grabbed my pillow and put it in front of her feet as directed.

"Good boy. Now put your head near my feet and lay flat with your pillow between your legs on your clit. Yes, your clit. You clearly like to cum like you had a clit. Now get at it."

Oh now this was humiliating. More humiliating than anything I had ever done. I jostled around keeping the ginger in my ass, my face awkwardly next to Donna's toes and my cock, or clit I guess, on my pillow. Without thinking I started to grind a little. It felt good, and took my mind off this situation.

"Good little slut. Now suck my toes and get that grinding going. Hump that pillow. But DO NOT CUM. DEFINITELY DO NOT CUM."

My head was getting really fuzzy. He toe in my mouth, my dick tingling as I rubbed and the slow burn of the ginger in my ass. Moving faster and faster.

"STOP" she commanded. I whimpered as I stopped.

"Now slowly grind slowly. Very slowly. Tell me dear, are you enjoying this?"

"I am mistress"

"Do you want to serve me going forward? Do you want me to be your mistress and own your orgasms?"

"Yes Mistress"

"You will follow my directions, without question?"