A Second Chance


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"I think we better get that prescription filled on the way back so I can start taking my pills tonight," Molly said.


Once he was done with the milking, Red took a beer from the fridge, and sat down on the porch next his father.

"Where is Molly?" Red asked pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"She went to the gynecologist. Second time in the last weeks that I know."

Red nodded. "Did she tell you something about it?"

"She said it was just a checkup. Laura was going to be with her."

"If it's only a checkup, then why did Laura meet her there?" Red asked his father.

John shrugged, "To spend some time together? You know how women are, they do everything together."

"I think we should have a serious talk about you and Molly."

John snorted. "I know everything about the birds and the bees, Son."

"You love her, don't you?" Red pushed his father.

John didn't answer.

"She loves you, too."

John sighed. "That seems to be the general opinion."

"Do you have doubts about it?"

John shook his head.

"It's not her I doubt, it's me. Will I ever be able to trust again? Will I be able to open up my heart and love again?"

Red shook his head. "Are you serious?"

John nodded again slowly. "What if..." he started to say.

Red, cut his father off mid-sentence, "What if you never take a chance and never find out what could be?"

His son was right. He had to take a chance. He had to face his fears. He had to find his courage.

Red took some time to order his thoughts, "Remember what your favorite movie quote is? 'Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway'. How many times did you repeat that to me when I was a child?"

"It's a great quote, said by a great man."

"I get you were deeply hurt by what Mom did, but you can't hide forever. There is no love without risk, and there is no life worth living without love. You need to let go of the past. Life is offering you a second chance for happiness. Don't let your fears control you."

John was listening carefully to all his son's words.

"For what I heard Molly loved you then, and she loves you now. Look at everything she gave up holding a torch for you all these years!"

"I get what you mean, Son," John's lips curved into a soft smile.

"Nothing worth having is easy. Every farmer knows that," Red winked at his father, and swallowed the rest of his coffee in a long gulp.

If Molly had always loved him, and she did in fact still love him, then maybe there was a chance to have back all they had lost, or at least what was left of it.

"When did you become so wise?" John asked Red. He never thought he would be taking love advice from his son.

"I had the best teacher," Red winked at his father.


Two hours later, Molly parked her car by the house and waved at John. She was looking at him with a strange expression on her face.

"Hi, John," she greeted him trying to sound upbeat.

"Hi, Molly. Is everything okay?"

Her face clouded, and John knew something was wrong with her and she was afraid of telling him.

"I have some news to share with you..." Molly sat down and dropped her head between her knees.

"Does it have something to do with your visit to the gynecologist'"

"You know?" She shouldn't be surprised. News traveled fast in Middletown, but even so...

John scratched his head. "What's going on, Molly? You have me worried. Are we having a baby?"

Molly's mouth fell open. After a moment, John reached over and pushed her jaw shut with one finger.

He rubbed her arm up and down, it felt awkward, especially with the cast, yet somehow gentle and sure.

Molly's mouth moved a few more times before she found the words. "You want a baby?"

John's gaze flicked to the setting sun. He took a deep breath, and when he looked at her again he was smiling. "Sure!"

Her worst fear had come true, Molly gave up and burst into tears.

John rubbed her back with his fingertips, his casts clumsy but endearing. "It's okay... it's okay," he muttered. "I remember how women get like this when they're pregnant. We're in it together."

Molly looked at John with misty eyes. She was going to miss him so much.

"I'm not pregnant," she choked out.

"No?" Molly could tell he was relieved. Almost immediately, the expression on his face was replaced with fear. "Then what...? What in hell's going on, Molly? Are you sick?"

Though her hands shook, she rubbed them over her face, dispersing the tears. She let them rest against her swollen, aching eyes for a moment. Then she forced herself to look at John in the face.

"I've been going to the doctor because I felt like I was losing my mind. I was hot... I was cold... I was forgetful... I was snappy..."


Molly narrowed her eyes. He was such a man. PMS was their explanation for everything.

"No." She took a deep breath and got it over with. "Menopause."

Now his mouth fell open. "But, but, you're only..."

"Forty-five." She shrugged. "Just lucky, I guess."

Molly glanced at John waiting for his reaction.

He started to laugh, a bit hysterically, she thought.

"Thank God," he whispered. "Thank God."

Molly stared at the top of his head, uncertain what to do, what to say. But John, who had never said much about anything, suddenly seemed inclined to talk.

"I didn't want another child. Can you imagine us at our age raising a baby? Waking up in the middle of the night to change diapers?" he said, still laughing.

Molly twisted her mouth.

"That's all I can do now, John. Imagine. Even so, the doctor said we must be careful because I could still get pregnant. That if you still want to make love to a dry woman."

John finally realized how Molly was feeling and he opened his arms. Molly stood up and sat on his lap. He carefully wrapped his arms around her body and rocked gently back and forth.

"I'm sorry I laughed, Molly. That was thoughtless. I should have known better."

Molly rested her head on his chest.

"This entire mess happened because we don't talk enough, John. I know people our age just don't, but that doesn't make it right."

"I'm not very good at opening my heart, but here it goes," John took a deep breath and said, "I'm in love with you."

Molly smiled through her tears. "Really?"

"Yes, really. I'm ready to take a second chance with you."

His cast settled on the back of her neck, and he drew her toward him. John took Molly in a deep, loving kiss that took her sadness away.

When their lips finally came apart he whispered, "I love you, Molly."

"I love you too, John, with every fiber of my being."

Molly's heart fluttered. She smiled, fisted her fingers in his shirt, and pulled him close again for another deep kiss.


"Oh my, why don't you two get a room?" Kat smiled at the two of them. "You are smooching like a couple of teens."

From the way they were plastered to each other, they'd been at it a while.

Molly smiled at Kat.

"Kat, welcome. What brings you here?" John asked his daughter-in-law.

"Hello, Dad. Laura told me the news about Molly, and I came to offer her moral support. I didn't know she was already getting it." Kat winked at her father-in-law.

Molly blushed.

"I'm so happy for you two," Kat said with a huge smile on her face. "Do we have a wedding to plan?"

John rolled his eyes, "Women! I haven't even proposed yet! Besides," he added, "she may well refuse me."

Kat snorted, "Like that is going to happen! Look at her, Dad!"

John locked his eyes on Molly.

Molly was bubbly, happy. Seeing her like that had reminded him of the reason he had fallen in love with her. Molly was life and laughter against the darkness. She always had been.

"But... I don't have a ring."

"I can take care of that," Molly took out one of her rings, and handed it to John.

"I'm not sure I can slide it on her finger with these..." John raised his casts.

"Dad! Stop making excuses!" Kat pointed her phone at them and started recording. "You're on, Dad."

"Okay, okay..." John carefully took the ring between his thumb and index finger. He went down on one knee, cleared his throat said, "Molly, will you..."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Molly held her hand out, it was all shaky. John's hand was all shaky too as he placed the ring on her finger.

Before John knew what was happening, Molly jumped into his arms and started kissing him with abandon.

A crying Kat sent the video recording to every person in her contact list. The number of messages and voice mails she got back, flooded her phone in a few minutes.

Sooner than expected, people was showing at the farm. Red, Tony, Paul, Mary, Percy, Laura, and a bunch of close friends and neighbors.


Molly and John wanted a very simple wedding and a small reception. Of course, people in Middletown thought otherwise.

The news of the wedding spread like wildfire and soon went viral via social media. John and Molly were two of the most beloved people in Middletown, and everyone wanted to share their happiness.

Everyone in town viewed themselves as been invited, whether or not they received an actual printed invitation. On the other hand, everyone collaborated with the preparations, and no one came to the reception with empty hands.

The day of the wedding, in June, dawned clear, bright, and warm with everyone buzzing around like bees in anticipation of the grand event. Everyone was wearing their Sunday best.

"Alright, it's time, Molly," Percy whispered. "Ready?"

"I was born ready," Molly said straightening her dress.

"So I heard."

Laura smiled at her husband, and then shifted so she could walk down the aisle with the other bridesmaids.

The bridesmaids and the groomsmen slowly walked down the aisle and then each stood on opposite sides of the altar.

Sabrina, Mary's daughter, was given the role of the flower girl again. She walked down the aisle ahead of Molly and Percy, whipping rose petals over her head.

Actually, it wasn't an aisle, because they weren't in a church. They were at the farm, and everyone they loved was there. Somehow, Percy and his crew had managed to make the farm look like a church, and adapted the barn for the reception.

Red stood next to his father, serving as his best man. John stood straight, strong and tall in his black tux. His gaze never left Molly during her walk down the aisle. He looked at her as if his world lay in her eyes.

The guests were captivated by how beautiful Molly looked. John was amazed. He and Molly smiled at each other and kept eye contact.

"She looks beautiful, Dad." Red clapped his father on the shoulder.

John literally couldn't think. He just stared in complete awe. Finally, he found his voice, "She is beautiful, Son. Inside and out."

When Molly and Percy reached the altar, John stepped forward to take his bride's hand and held it tightly. His arms were no longer encased in casts. Molly smiled at him. This was the moment she had been waiting for all her life.

They faced each other holding hands.

"Don't they look happy? Really, genuinely happy?" Laura whispered to Kat, her eyes moist with tears as she watched her Aunt take her vows.

"Yes, they do. This is so romantic! They love each other to death, don't they?" Kat whispered back.

"Absolutely. They are radiating happiness. Molly is literally glowing."

When Judge Anderson asked them to repeat their vows, both did in a loud and proud voice. And then, they were pronounced husband and wife.

When the judge said John could kiss the bride, he bent Molly back and kissed her, much to the delight of everyone. It was not a short kiss, it was the kiss of a lifetime.

John and Molly turned around holding hands and faced the guests with smiles. The applause that followed was thunderous.

Laura handed Molly back her bouquet and they walked down the aisle.

Molly looked around feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness. The Harding farm that had once reminded her only of the past, now represented a whole new future.

They took some pictures outside, while the guests entered the barn for the reception. What a reception party it was! There was toasting for the couple, laughing, dancing, congratulations, and good wishes. The Mayor made a speech recalling those days when they were all young and attended Middletown High together.

Then, the first chords of "All You Need is love" filled the air. John had personally selected the music for the first dance. He stood up, took Molly's hands, and led her to the dance floor. Molly leaned her head against John's chest and thought that The Beatles had known what they were talking about, love is all you need.

The last weeks had been both the most challenging and the happiest of Molly's life. She was still learning to be a farm wife, but she was managing and she loved it.

"Now about the honeymoon..." John started to say while they waltzed around the dance floor.

"Honeymoon?" Molly interrupted her husband. "We can't leave the farm. The cows will explode. My chickens will stop laying..."

He stopped her tirade with a kiss. When they finally broke apart, he was breathing as heavily as she. "The honeymoon I had planned involved staying at home in bed for as long as we could manage."

"Works for me," she yanked his mouth back to hers.

Later that night, as John made love to Molly for the first time as husband and wife, the last of the emptiness inside their hearts dissolved.

They both felt healed as well as a whole. Molly felt so content being with John, spoken words weren't necessary. She felt safe in his embrace and lulled by the rhythmic beating of his heart. She wanted to live in John's arms forever. They made her feel secure, loved, needed.

John kissed the top of her head. "Have I told you today that I love you?"

"Only five times."

"Make it six."


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doctrptdoctrpt3 months ago

Damn glad to have discovered your writing! Fantastic work!

XluckyleeXluckylee5 months ago

Yep, another 5 stars from Xluckylee

leserileseri5 months ago

Another great story continue your great works I keep reading your stories over and over again and never getting bored

FandeborisFandeboris9 months ago

A truly great story, with one blemish. The scene with Molly and Jack did not work. I was very uncomfortable with the whole thing. It made Molly out to be something she wasn’t. If she was just going to get John jealous, she succeeded. Just not in a good way. You rescued her by John coming to his senses and acknowledging his love for Molly. The whole scene just was off.

Overall It was a good sequel to Red as Love. Now everybody is happy.

greenbeardlkgreenbeardlk11 months ago

Gave it 3 stars. would have given it 5 , but did not like what Molly did with Jack.

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