A Series of Firsts: Vegas Nightclub

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Seduced on the dancefloor, wife cheats for the first time.
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Once I convinced my wife to become a hot wife, our sex life took off. One of the things that I enjoyed most, was watching her do certain things for the first time. A Series of Firsts will recap all of her firsts, as a hot wife. The first installment is the first time she gave in to temptation and fucked another man. I hope you enjoy it, as much as I did!


My wife and I met our freshman year of college. She soon confessed to me that she was a virgin. I was equal parts surprised and turned on. I am very competitive and the last thing you want to do, is give me a goal or a challenge. I was determined to be her first. And I was.

Over the years, I began to fantasize about her having sex with another man. Would she fuck him differently? Would he make her cum harder? Would she let him do things that she wouldn't let me do, like fuck her in the ass?

The thing that turned me on the most, was thinking about watching her, and watching her face, and how she reacted to the different things he would do to her. So I could take notes and repeat those things later.

But for the first 18 years of our marriage, it was nothing more than a fantasy. She openly expressed that she had no interest in being with someone else. And then she turned 40.

She would never admit it, but the number scared her. It made her feel old. But she was determined to fight back.

She put together a pretty serious exercise routine. She started researching anti-aging beauty aids. She gave her auburn hair, a sexy new style and added a few streaks of blonde. When she was all done, she actually looked younger and hotter at 40, then she did at 35.

She always had a pretty face and a sweet, girl next door personality. She reminded me a lot of the actress, Jennifer Garner. But now she had a sexier edge to her. She noticed that she was catching the attention of men, anywhere she went. The red hair caught their attention, but her pretty eyes, bright smile, perky B-cup breasts, tight ass and long legs, held their attention.

She would come home from the grocery store and tell me about the guys who chatted her up or gave her a head nod and a smile. When we were out in public, I would point out that the waiter or the busser or the salesman in the shoe department or the clerk behind the counter at the drugstore were checking her out.

We would go home and have sex, and I would whisper in her ear about how hot it would be if the waiter had slipped her a note to meet him in the men's room or the shoe salesman would offer to bring her into the back room, to look at their "special selection" of shoes.

I'd ask her if it would turn her on to have the waiter or the salesperson, practically tearing her clothes off, as they urgently tried to get themselves inside her. She was becoming increasingly turned on by those scenarios. Suddenly, I wondered if my fantasy might come true, after all.

One thing I knew for sure was, it wouldn't come true in our hometown. She would be too worried about someone we knew seeing us and finding out what she did. My best bet was to take her on an out of town trip. And what better place to lose your inhibitions, than Las Vegas.


I told her the trip was an early birthday present for her. A chance to get away for a few days and relax. But my underlying hope was to spend our days by the pool, where I could watch all the attention she would draw, with her auburn hair and sexy green bikini. Feed her a few margaritas and piña colada's and see how she reacted to the attention. Hopefully we'd meet someone at the pool who piqued her interest and see where it would lead.

Unfortunately, there was an unusual cold snap during early March in Vegas. The high temperature was scheduled to be in the high 50s and low 60s for the three days we were there. Her bikinis and sexy evening dresses would be replaced by jeans and sweaters and turtlenecks.

So I came up with a Plan B. We would hit a nightclub and have a few drinks and see who we might run into on the dance floor.

I found a club that was playing the kind of music we used to dance to at the clubs when we were in college. I got a couple of the half yard drinks that are popular in Vegas. The drinks are a bit of a rip off, more for the visual effect than anything else. But they come in giant plastic containers, with lids and straws, so you are allowed to have them on the dance floor. She polished hers off pretty quickly.

The combination of the alcohol and the familiarity of the music that we used to dance to, made her relax pretty quickly. She looked very comfortable on the dance floor. And very sexy. She was wearing a tight, black turtle neck, with her favorite push-up bra underneath. She had sexy, just a little more than a handful B-cup breasts. The push-up bra made them look a size bigger. She also wore her favorite pair of jeans, which perfectly framed her ass and long legs. and the auburn hair made her stand out from everyone else on the dance floor.

I was ready to give up on my plan and take her up to the room and keep her all to myself. But she was enjoying the music too much, so there was no chance she was leaving anytime soon. Having polished off her drink, she held up the empty container and stuck out her bottom lip, which was my cue to get her a refill.

I told her, "Come on, we will go to the bar and get you another one." She shook her head.

She said, "I want to keep dancing. Go get it and hurry back." She looked too sexy to argue with, so I headed to the bar.

The line was three deep, so it took a few minutes for me to get served. I tipped the bartender and turned to head back towards the dance floor. It had gotten a bit more crowded in the few minutes that I had been away. I looked around to find her. Her red hair made her easy to spot. I noticed that she had moved closer to the center of the dance floor.

And then I noticed she was in the center of three young, 20-something guys. At first, it appeared as if she was oblivious to the guys around her. She had her hands in the air, moving to the beat and not appearing to be looking at anyone in particular.

And then I saw her laugh. And I could see one of the young guys leaning in and talking to her. She leaned in and said something back. Mr. 20 something took advantage of their close proximity and began dancing up on her. She seemed perfectly comfortable with his invasion of her personal space.

I noticed the other two 20-somethings had moved away and left their friend to shoot his shot, with my wife. I watched, as he moved in behind her and she responded by backing her ass into his midsection. They were definitely grinding against each other. This continued for a minute or two, before Mr. 20 something moved around front and put his arms around my wife's waist.

At that point, she looked up and saw me watching her from the edge of the dance floor. She gave me a sneaky little smile and a wink. Could this be it? Could this be the night? I held my position at the edge of the dance floor and watched with anticipation.

I watched as Mr. 20 something's hands made their way down, until they were resting firmly on my wife's ass. He leaned in and whispered something in her ear. It had to be a compliment, because she made the shy, bashful face that she always makes, when someone says something good about her to her face.

Then he raised his right hand and positioned it behind her head. He leaned in and gave her a deep kiss. I could tell their tongues were tangling. Surprisingly, a flash of jealousy and anger went through me. The idea of sex was one thing. But watching my wife kiss someone so intimately, was something I wasn't prepared for. They continued to kiss, for what seemed like hours, but in reality was maybe a minute.

I was waiting for my wife to look towards me for my reaction, but then I realized, between the alcohol and the lust, she had no idea I was even there, anymore.

I maintained my spot between the bar and the dance floor, and watched them with a mixture of arousal and jealousy. They danced and kissed for the next couple of songs. And then my wife broke their kiss, and turned back around and continued grinding her ass against Mr. 20 something's cock, which I assumed had to be rock hard by that point.

I saw him gather up my wife's hair with his left hand, and move it aside, so that he could lean in and kiss her neck. He was definitely pushing the right buttons. She loved having her neck and her ear nibbled.

Just then, he moved his right hand to the bottom of her shirt and lifted it up a few inches, exposing her toned abs. She loved when I would make circles with my thumb or forefinger, along the outer edges of her abs. I saw his thumb graze the spot on her abs and it caused her knees to buckle and she leaned backward. When she did that, the waistband of her jeans gaped open ever so slightly, and he seized the opening.

I watched as his hand disappeared inside the waistband of her jeans. When I saw my wife close her eyes and bite her lip, I knew his fingers had reached their destination. I started thinking about how wet she must be, and I became even more jealous of him, in that moment.

After about three seconds, my wife realized that she was on display, getting fingered in the middle of the dance floor. She removed his hand from her pants and turned to kiss him, again. I saw him lean in and whisper in her ear. She looked at him for a second or two, before nodding her head. (She later told me that when his fingers touched her clit, that's when she decided she was going to fuck him. He asked her if she would like him to fuck her and that's when I saw her nod, yes.)

He took her by the hand and led her off the dance floor. My assumption was that he was leading her back to his table, where his 20-something buddies were currently sitting with the playmates they had each picked up. But he only stopped at the table for a moment, spoke briefly to his friends, and then fist-bumped them, before continuing on his way.

A slight panic set in, as I realized they were heading for the door. If he got her out into the casino, and up to his room, I would have no idea where she was. I was perfectly fine with him planning to fuck my wife, but he was going to do it where I could watch.

I slipped through the crowd and cut them off, stepping into their path, just before they exited into the casino. I looked at them and said, "Where are you going?"

He looked at me and said, "What's it to you? Mind your business."

At 6'2", he had me buy a little less than 2 inches. But I had him by 15 to 20 pounds and I had the anger of a protective husband.

My wife quickly spoke up and told him, "He's my husband."

All the color disappeared from this young man's face, his mouth popped open, and so did his eyes. He looked like he didn't know whether to duck or start running.

I stepped to him and said, "If your plan was to take my wife upstairs and fuck her, I have no problem with that. But you'll do it in our room."

He looked at me and then at my wife and then back at me, before turning to my wife, and saying, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

They stepped out into the casino, just outside of the nightclub. After about a two-minute conversation, my wife leaned in and buried her tongue in his mouth, while reaching down and caressing his cock, through his jeans.

They started back my way. My wife later told me that she explained to him that he would be only the second man ever to put his cock inside her and, not only would I be OK with it, but I would also be extremely aroused by it. As long as he was comfortable with me sitting quietly in the corner, she was prepared to give him what he was hoping for.

As they approached me, he looked me in the eye and said, "I'm in."

We headed towards the elevator. I was in front and the two of them, holding hands, a couple steps behind me. When we reached the elevator, my wife leaned in and gave him another deep kiss, while rubbing his crotch, just in case he was having second thoughts.

The elevator opened and we stepped in. A couple of drunk, frat boy types stepped into the elevator, just as the doors were closing. My wife leaned back against her new friend, grabbed his hand, and guided it back inside the front of her jeans. She knew damn well that the frat boys could see what they were doing and she didn't care. She arched her back and let out a soft moan. It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen her do, to that point. The door opened and we exited the elevators, with my wife giving a wink to the frat boys on the way out.

When we entered our room, I turned to Mr. 20 something and laid out the rules. I said, "I will sit quietly in that chair over in the corner and not make a sound. Feel free to do as you please with my wife. I only ask that if she says no to something, you respect that."

He looked at me and said, "Anything?"

I said, "Unless she tells you otherwise, assume you have permission to proceed." I handed him the box of condoms and said, "I will step into the bathroom for a couple of minutes, to let the two of you get started in privacy."

From the bathroom, I would be able to see everything they were doing, from the reflection in the room's picture window. Yes, I left the curtains wide-open. The thought of anyone else watching the show that was about to be put on, really turned me on. Granted, we were on the 17th floor, so only the people in the top six or seven floors of the other wing of the hotel, would be able to see in, anyway.

As I watched the reflections in the window, I could see them kissing intently. Mr. 20 something then reached for the bottom of my wife's turtleneck and pulled it up over her head. He then returned to kissing her, as he reached behind her and unclasped her bra.

Without breaking the kiss, she leaned forward and shrugged her bra off of her shoulders and onto the floor. I watched as his hands made a beeline for her nipples. Knowing that neither of them were paying attention to me at this point, I stepped out of the bathroom and flipped on the digital camera. If this was truly going to happen, I wanted to be able to watch it over and over and over.

Mr. 20 something then pulled his lips away from my wife and bent down, placing his hungry mouth on my wife's nipple. I watched as he sucked and nibbled on her tits. My wife has very sensitive nipples and it didn't take more than 10 seconds for her first orgasm to begin.

She was holding onto him for support, as I watched her legs buckle and her hips shake, while a series of small gasps escaped her lips. Watching her orgasm for the first time at the hands of another man was hotter than I imagined. I now had higher anticipation for watching her orgasm while riding his cock.

He pulled off of her breasts and moved his hands to the waistband of her jeans. He unbuttoned and unzipped them, and my wife seductively wiggled her hips, as he pulled them to the floor. She stepped out of her jeans, leaving her topless in her lace thong. I saw him step back and take a look, before he hooked his thumbs into her panties and pulled them to the floor.

His hands now had free access to her hot, wet, shaved pussy. As he leaned in to kiss my wife, his finger softly parted the lips of her pussy and headed for her clit. The sight of my wife, naked in front of another man, turned me on more than I imagined it would.

He continued to kiss my wife and play with her clit. Within seconds, my wife was throwing back her head and arching her back, as orgasm number two began. I could see that his finger was now inside her, searching for her G spot. When I saw my wife clamp her hands on his shoulders and buckle at the knees, I knew he found it. She hung onto him for dear life, completely unable to support herself through the waves of the ecstasy she was experiencing.

As her orgasm subsided, he stepped back and began to pull his shirt over his head. As he was doing this, my wife seized his belt buckle and began undoing his pants. He was in good shape, as you would expect someone in their early 20s to be. Toned arms, chiseled pecs and a six pack. I work out regularly, so my biceps and pecs are in pretty good shape. But I did not have his six pack. I knew my wife would be fixated on it.

And I wasn't wrong. As she pulled his jeans down to the floor and he stepped out of them, she knelt down, face to face with his tight stomach. She ran her hands over it and then began to trace his abs with her tongue.

I could see his cock straining against his boxer briefs. And so did my wife. She leaned back ever so slightly and grabbed the waistband of his boxers. She was staring directly at the bulge in his shorts, as she pulled them down over his thighs.

His cock sprung forward against her cheek. It looked to be slightly longer than mine, but a little skinnier. I wondered if she would be able to feel the difference.

I watched as my wife leaned forward and examined his cock, before she took it in her right hand. She then cupped his balls with her left hand and licked the length of his shaft. She got to the top and I watched as the head of his cock penetrated her lips. I had long fantasized about watching my wife giving a blow job to another man, and it was happening!

At this point, I had to free my own cock, as it was straining against my jeans. I pulled it out and began to stroke, as I watched my wife's head bobbing up and down on the stranger's shaft. I was transfixed.

Mr. Twentysomething reached down and lifted my wife, from under her arms. He sat her on the edge of the bed, standing before her with his cock at face level. He took his cock in his hand and fed it once again into her waiting mouth.

As I watched my wife swallow almost his full length, I realized that she wasn't simply taking his cock in her mouth. She was devouring it, with the ferocity and excitedness of a lost traveler finding water after three days in the desert. She pulled his cock from her mouth and licked her way down the shaft, like it was a popsicle on a hot summer day. She then tilted her head and placed her mouth underneath his balls. She began to lick and nibble his balls, as she stroked his shaft.

I was the only man she'd ever given a blow job to, so she would always ask me if she was doing a good job. This gave me the opportunity to teach her to give blowjobs exactly the way that I liked them.

She was now putting those skills to use on Mr. 20. Something's throbbing cock and he was loving it. I knew she was swirling her tongue around the head of his shaft, while it was planted deep in her mouth. He put his hand on the back of her head and began to fuck her mouth. She allowed him to dictate the rhythm, while she used her fingertips to gently tickle his balls. After a minute of this magnificent stimulation, she pulled his cock from her mouth and stepped back.

I watched as he gently pushed her back onto the bed. He lay down next to her and began to kiss her. At the same time, his right hand made its way to her swollen, dripping pussy. I could see him, circling her clit with his thumb, as he penetrated her with his third and fourth fingers.

My wife began to wiggle her hips around his fingers. Suddenly, she broke their kiss and arched her back. She pushed harder against his right hand, pressing it further into her pussy. My wife continued to roll and lift her hips under his touch. With one sudden movement, he lifted my wife's ass off the bed, using her pussy like a handle. He had an entire handful of it, with three fingers now inside her.

She lifted her ass 6 inches off the bed and then allowed it to drop back down. When her ass hit the bed, he adjusted his grip, so that the palm of his hand was pressed tightly against her clit. The friction against her clit set her over the edge.

Her hips began to shake and quiver. He continued to stroke her pussy, as her orgasm continued. And then, right about the time that it appeared the orgasm was subsiding, he started feverishly shoving his fingers in and out of her pussy. I could hear the palm of his hand slapping against her labia and clitoris. It was almost violent. She let out a gasp, like I had never heard before. Suddenly, her ass was again bouncing off of the bed. Only this time, he was not lifting her. Her orgasm was so intense that she was thrusting her hips up in the air, with each spasm.