A Serpent in Paradise Ch. 06


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Katya was wearing a scanty French maid costume. It looked incredibly sexy on her if you took it at face value and just considered the generous amounts of her superbly toned and fit body in revealed, but utterly ridiculous when you took into account her true personality. She, however, showed no sign of embarrassment. If anything, she seemed to be in a good mood.

Delilah had no doubts what it meant, "Ah ... you had to fuck Mills then? To keep up the illusion he was controlling you."

"Oh, I see, I'm sorry," said Matt. However, Katya just grinned at him and light suddenly dawned, "Oh, my god, you actually enjoyed it!" he said.

Millie laughed at this and Delilah said, "Good on you, girl" but Katya said nothing in response other than to ask Millie to return the pistol which she had loaned her so it wouldn't be taken by Mills.

Instead, she just said, "Come on Matt, I'll take you to Mills. He's not expecting anything; in fact, he is massively over-confident. So, we go in, grab him and you do your stuff."

"And once we have controlled him what then?" asked Millie.

"Let's end this once and for all," said Delilah. "We should kill him."

Matt was reluctant to take such extreme measures, but what to do with Mills was indeed a puzzle -- except that Katya had already made up her mind as to the solution. "I want you to give him to me. Use your mind control to make me his Mistress and obey my orders. I promise I'll ensure he causes no more trouble afterwards. I'll make it my personal task to guard him."

"You want him for yourself," said Matt with certainty. "How could you desire a monster like Mills?"

"Maybe I do, but does that matter if I take the responsibility?" Katya asked. "He won't be the same man once he loses his free will. We can programme him not to cause harm."

"All right," said Matt reluctantly, "I suppose at least it's better than killing him."

Katya turned to lead them through the trees to Mills' hideaway. Matt was unable to resist glancing at her bottom, revealed by the tiny skirt she had on. To his surprise the shapely globes of her buttocks were reddened and marked from a spanking with some kind of implement. He was unable to take his eyes off the sight as she walked in front of him, displaying a delightful feminine wiggle with each step. Matt heard Delilah behind him give a low murmur of pleasure and he knew she was looking too.


After all the trouble Mills had caused it amazed Matt how swift and easy his defeat was. Katya led them through back routes into the building. Perhaps, given more time, Mills might have made it harder but as yet security was rudimentary. Within ten minutes of entering the compound and two of accessing the house, Katya opened the door to Mills' bedroom. Mills was there with Carly and Nikki.

Katya and Millie seized Mills while Delilah went to the two girls. The latter gave no trouble, indeed Nikki smiled broadly at seeing her wife and her Master arrive. Mills himself, taken by surprise and no great fighter anyway, was overwhelmed by the two combat trained women.

"What the fuck ..." Mills started to say and then he focussed on Matt, "Mitchell. How? ... Let me go."

"You have to be fucking joking Mills, after what you've done," said Matt, angry at the sight of his enemy with one of his girls.

"What are you going to do?" asked Geoff, suddenly scared. Katya had drawn her gun. "Are you going to kill me?"

"No. The gun's so you know to keep quiet. We have something much more appropriate in mind as your fate," said Matt grimly, drawing out his mind-control device.

Realising what Matt intended Mills relaxed a little, "Ha, that thing. I know your method doesn't work on men."

"Correction; it didn't," said Matt, "but necessity is the mother of invention they say. Why don't we find out whether I've made some improvements?"

And so it was. With Katya holding him a gunpoint, Geoff Mills was compelled to look at the pulsating blue light from Matt's device. Although Matt knew that the recalibrated version began to work immediately on men, just as it always had on women, he credited Mills with a strong and stubborn will, based on arrogant self-belief, so he took no chances. For a full minute, twice as long as usual, he shone the light in Mills' eyes while repeating: "You must look at the light. You want to look at the light. Keep looking at the light".

Geoff struggled at first against the effects, although even he found it difficult to look away, which would have been the only real salvation. Matt knew Mills would be feeling his conscious mind losing control, but in Geoff's case he had no guilt about this; the bastard deserved anything that happened to him.

Finally, he felt it was safe to move on to the next stage. "Keep looking at the light. When I speak to you, I want you to repeat my instructions so I know you have understood. Do it now."

"I must repeat your instructions," Mills said in that familiar monotone induced by the process.

"Keep looking at the light. You will obey any instructions I give you." Matt was keen to get that control embedded early.

"I will look at the light and obey your instructions."

"I am your Master and the woman known as Katya, or Natalia Rostova as you know her, is your Mistress. You will obey her instructions as you do mine."

"I will obey my Master and my Mistress," Mills replied. Matt didn't doubt that the instruction had embedded and would be enforced but still Geoff managed to look disgusted; this submission was no doubt causing his ego massive pain. Matt certainly hoped so; the more Mills suffered the better as far as he was concerned.

Matt looked at Katya. "Do you want to take it from here? He's your responsibility after all."

She put down her gun and took the device from Matt, pointed it at Mills and said: "Kneel at my feet worm," Mills did so. Katya thought for a moment before adding, "Your current mind-controlled slaves -- when I tell you to do so you will instruct them you are no longer their Master and you will tell them to instead obey the person I designate."

Mills confirmed his understanding of this order and Katya explained to Matt that she would tell him to transfer Matt's girls back to him -- after which he could help them as necessary -- while she would undertake to sort out the Swiss contingent and look after Carly until she could be returned to Mike.

Then she turned her attention to Mills. "You will never mind-control anyone ever again. You will have no slaves or servants and force none to obey you for the rest of your life. Tell me you understand this."

"I ... I will never mind control anyone again or have slaves or command others," Mills said. For the first time he sounded beaten down and broken; this was his life's work.

"Your scientific talents will be at my disposal and you will work only on the things I order," said Katya, and then, with a look of deep satisfaction she added, "And you will only have sex at the times, places and in the ways, I permit you."

"I will work only for you and have sex only with you," Mills said.

"Actually, that wasn't quite what I ordered," said Katya, but then added with a small smile "Still, close enough I suppose."

"Are you done, Katya?" Matt asked.

She nodded, "For the moment."

"In that case you need to tell Mills to remember the orders you have given him and that they are truly what he believes. Finally tell him to forget he was mind controlled by you, then you can release him," Matt explained.

Katya had just completed this and Mills was still kneeling before her when they all received the next surprise of this weird day. The door to the room opened and through it came Albrecht Haller, Helga Beck, Mike Roberts and two heavily armed bodyguards.

Haller was beaming happily. "Congratulations, Mr Mitchell; you had already completed your assigned task, but it is pleasing to be here able to witness the final denouement. All very neatly wrapped up, if I may say so. You get your girlfriends back, Mr Roberts is here to collect Miss Stone and Ms Wade will look after Mr Mills for us. Meanwhile, you -- assisted by Mr Mills and Ms Wade -- have finally fulfilled your allotted destiny and given me what I need."

Katya had started to move a hand toward her gun, but Haller wagged a finger at her, "Now, now, Ms. Wade. There is no need for any violence here. We all have what we want -- well apart from Mr Mills of course, but that can't be helped. However, these gentlemen with me are here to ensure no one does anything silly." He gestured to the two guards.

"What the fuck are you talking about Haller?" said Matt.

"Oh, there is no need for me to explain. I believe that Ms Wade has figured it all out and I'm sure she will enlighten you. No, I'm here to tell you that I shall trouble you no longer. I am retiring from all my official roles and duties. Fraulein Beck here will be taking over my business empire; the papers are all drawn up. Some of the board and shareholders won't like it much, but it's legally watertight and they'll either get over it or leave the company. Helga will ensure that that you, Mr Roberts and Ms Wade are adequately compensated so you can run your various establishments in peace."

"Retiring?" said Matt, bewildered.

"Indeed. Your seaside properties in Fiji and the Virgin Islands look rather nice; perhaps I'll go and lie on a beach somewhere." Haller gave a small smile. "Goodbye Mr Mitchell, Ms Wade, Mr Roberts, ladies. We won't meet again." And with that he turned on his heel and left the room, followed by one of the guards.

Helga Beck looked at them, "I am sure you have many questions, but don't concern yourself with those for the moment. Freeing your associates is much more important. Katya, this house is yours. Please use it as a base for yourself and your own circle. I suggest we meet tomorrow to discuss the details, including what happens to the Swiss contingent. Matt and Mike, I suggest you see to your ladies immediately, they need you. Don't worry about the Romania business, I will ensure that the authorities drop all investigations. May I wish you all long life and happiness from now on. You have all served Herr Haller well and deserve that much at least."


Matt and Mike realised that Helga was right; their women needed them. They had Mills release his control back to them, although thereafter they took a different view as to the next step. Matt asked Mike what he intended to do regarding Carly.

"I'm going to wipe her memory of all this. She will recall going to Hamburg with Georgia and falling asleep in Haller's office, but the next thing I want her to know is waking up with me by her side as I take her back to the Jessica, Park Manor and her home. That bastard Mills ruined her life once, I have no intention of letting him do it again; maybe he is a genius and she's just an ordinary girl, but in my opinion she's worth a thousand Geoff Mills'."

Matt understood and respected his reasoning, but he took a different line with Ilse, Nikki, Lana and Georgia. He felt he had messed around with the heads -- and their lives -- too much already. They deserved to know what had happened. So, their memories of these events -- good or bad -- were theirs to keep.

Perhaps both men were right. Mike knew Carly best and knew she needed to be protected from the reality of what had happened. But Matt would later have confirmation that he was right to trust his girls. In fact, Georgia's main interest after being released by Mills was to tell Matt what Haller had said about how the death of his lover had made him determined to change the way the world was run.

Only once Matt was sure that the four women were ok, did he seek out Katya and ask her what Haller had meant.

"I imagine you've worked out most of it for yourself," she said. "We know that Haller's aim is to use mind control to exercise influence over important people. For that Geoff Mills' method was pretty useless. Such individuals have protection and tend to be constantly surrounded by people. Drugging and processing them over an extended period would bound to have been noticed."

"So, my method was of interest to him because it is quick and effective," agreed Matt. "I can get complete control over someone in minutes. Hence why Haller was monitoring my work."

"Exactly. But when he bought it from you there was a problem. It only worked on women and most of the key decision makers in the world are still men. I expect he thought his scientists would soon figure out a way to solve that problem, but obviously they failed. Without wanting to inflate your ego, they lacked the deep understanding of the process that allowed you to succeed in the first place. You showed it again in Romania when you worked out the new setting."

A thought hit Matt; something suddenly made sense. "So that was why he was inserting his own mind control triggers into my girls. Presumably it was part of some plot to get them to influence me into researching male mind control."

"Yes, but you discovered it too early before that had got anywhere. So, Haller had to come up with another plan," said Katya. "I reckon all that business with sending you round the world buying properties and acquiring more girls was nothing more that distraction to keep you busy while he did so."

"Well, at least that's not so bad for me," mused Matt, "both the girls and the houses are very nice. I assume this plan you mention had something to do with Mills?"

"Yes, Haller realised you would never voluntarily research male mind control; you simply had no interest or reason to do so. Therefore, he needed to put you in a situation where you had no choice due to a pressing need, and the easiest way to engineer that was to threaten your harem. Haller knew you had grown to cherish them and would do whatever it took to rescue them. Geoff Mills was the perfect weapon."

The implication hit Matt, "Mills didn't escape from that Swiss facility ... Haller let him go!"

"Oh, I don't doubt Geoff thought he had escaped by his own cleverness, but I suspect Haller was fully aware of what he was doing and could have stopped it at any point had he wanted to. Look at the way Geoff got access to the files with all the details of you and your harem -- including the fact that Ilse was living a few hours' drive away. Haller fed Mills exactly the information he wanted him to have and from that predicted his actions; Mills was played every bit as much as you and I."

"That bastard," Matt said, meaning Haller, "he knew what Mills was like but he was totally happy to let him get hold of innocent women, provided it helped his plan. But why do you say he was playing you?"

"Haller gave me orders to help you. He knew that I would go with you. You already know how he trapped us in Romania, although even that was subtler that I realised -- note how the police were only informed of our presence at Hawk Castle at a timing that allowed us to escape. Haller probably thought that even in those circumstances you still might not research male mind control, but he knew that if I was present, I would push you to do it -- which I did; making me just another small piece of the jigsaw," Katya sounded bitter about being used.

"When did you first figure all this out?" Matt asked.

"Only when we got to Munich. I received a text from Haller. It asked for the data on the frequencies you were using to mind control men. In exchange he offered full details of where Mills was, who was present, even plans for the building. I realised then that Haller had been monitoring everything we were doing and suddenly it all made sense. I also understood that if I gave Haller what he wanted it would be over. He would happily let us defeat Mills and get the girls back. Therefore, I sent him the true answer and that's why I told you it would all be ok."

"So, Haller wins," said Matt, "and if he has really chosen this moment to go off into retirement then I'm a purple banana."

"Well, Matt, you haven't exactly lost either. You have your girls back, you get to keep your homes and it sounds like Helga is going to pay you well for the privilege." Katya thought for a moment, "And I think my life is going to be interesting too. I just hope Carly's alright and Mike, Jessica and the girls finally get to enjoy the peace they deserve."


Matt, Ilse, Delilah, Georgia, Millie, Nicoleta and Svetlana were in an expensive hotel suite in Frankfurt. Matt had had no intention of staying at the forest lodge a moment longer necessary and once again the advantages of wealth came to their aid. Matt, Delilah and Millie were all the better for good food and some sleep and the others for the opportunities to bathe and rest, while all the girls had appreciated a shopping expedition for a change of clothes.

Matt was still concerned on behalf of the four who had fallen victim to Mills and what psychological harm it might have done them and, deciding openness was the best policy, he asked about this.

"I always knew, right from the beginning you would come and rescue me," Ilse said. "I think we all did." There was nodding and murmurs of agreement from the others. "I had faith in you and I never forgot who my true Master was and I was right. You came through for us Matt. When we needed you the most you were there and saved us. You are truly my Master and I'm so happy that I belong to you."

"We've talked it through, Matt, and that's how we all feel," Georgia added. "It was odd. While I was with Mills, I sort of recognised him as my Master and that made the things he did ok -- if I'm being completely honest the sex part was actually pretty enjoyable -- but I still knew that in the end I would be coming back to you."

Matt was a little taken aback by Georgia's sex comment. He recalled Katya saying that Geoff Mills was good in bed and felt a sudden flash of jealousy. But before he could get too paranoid, Svetlana saw what was thinking and said: "But we all prefer to be with you, my love. In fact, I think it's time we showed you how much. You've done such a lot for us -- what would you like us to do for you?"

"Yes," added the romantically inclined Nicoleta, "you're the handsome prince and you've rescued the princesses and so we owe you the traditional reward that always goes with that."

"Fairy tales don't usually include the scene where the hero fucks the heroine's arse off," laughed Millie.

"They'd be more fun if they did," muttered Delilah.

Matt looked round at the half dozen beautiful girls, three blondes, two brunettes, each with long beautiful tresses, and the auburn-haired Delilah, their lovely faces smiling at him and six hot bodies waiting to be stripped for their own and their Master's pleasure. He wanted them all and it was impossible to choose, but how could he, one man, do these six magnificent women justice?

Delilah read what he was thinking and suddenly said, "Damn, I nearly forgot. I got talking to Katya and she'd been speaking to Mike and ... to cut a long story short ... she gave me these." She had been rummaging in the shoulder bag next to her and now triumphantly pulled out a bottle of clear liquid and a long thin pencil like device.

"Mike found how to use Mills' drug to ... what shall we say ... increase his 'sexual potency' using mind control. The results were pretty awesome apparently. He told Katya about it and she thought we might have a use for the same thing, so she gave me a bottle of Mills' drug -- she says she has plenty -- and an ultrasound."

"What does it involve?" Matt asked.

"Well, Mike used some on his girls to make them more submissive, but we wouldn't need that -- you can just use your 'slave' command on us. Therefore, all we need to do is you drink a little of this drug and one of us uses the ultrasound to convince you that you are ... well ... a sort of sex god."