A Simple Act of Kindness

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Others take notice when a devoted bachelor extends a helping.
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Willie Nelson: "Leave me, if you need to, I will still remember, angel flying too close to the ground."

+ + +

Life is pretty good right now. I have my own auto body shop where I employ six very talented and devoted workers. My name is Simon and I've never been married. I'm thirty three years old and marriage just doesn't fit my lifestyle. I enjoy a steady diet of willing ladies. If at all possible I avoid married women. I've had a few pull the wool over my eyes, but I've never knowingly sunk my cock into the marital promised land.

Things couldn't have been worse about ten years ago. I was deployed overseas and my fiancé, Susan, and I vowed to be true until my return. I upheld my end of the bargain. The monthly letters from home left me believing the same could be said for Susan. Hooking up electronically never seemed to materialize. Even though I had sent word that I was returning, I was met by no one at the airport. I knocked on the door where Susan's parents lived. They informed me that Susan hadn't lasted two months before hooking up. She didn't want my overseas stay to be sad, so she continued the charade with the monthly letters. Susan now has a one year old and is pregnant again. Don't blame PTSD, I wanted to kill her. Now I have a heart that might never see the light of day.

I'm pretty predictable. I wear a long sleeve white shirt, blue jeans, cowboy hat, cowboy boots, and a black sports jacket. I drive a pickup truck. It's just a few years old with lots of bells and whistles.

I have breakfast and lunch at Rose's Cafe. I've been doing that since I returned home. At night I'm a regular at the bars and pubs. I'll hook up for an evening but I quickly douse any attempt to turn it into something else.

On weekends I spend my time restoring a couple of '57 Chevys. I shop around at junk yards, swap meets, antique stores, and following up ads I find on the internet. I ran one through Barrett-Jackson a few years ago but it didn't fare as well as hoped. I've learned from my mistakes so I hope these will do better.

My shop in on my little piece of heaven. My grandparents had a home here but it burned down when I was just a kid. Apparently there was no insurance and it was never rebuilt. The view is magnificent. There's a small lake and a little stream that runs along the back edge. All in all it's about one hundred acres.

My parents are aging yuppies and this chunk of land doesn't fit their lifestyle so they sold it to me. They have an apartment in Manhattan; not the one in Kansas. They like to rub elbows with the in-crowd. I was named after the singer-songwriter who they met at a party. I can't tell you how relieved I am that it wasn't Garfunkel at that party.

I could build a beautiful house but, without anyone to share it with, what would be the point? At this stage I could pay cash for the whole thing. My business is quite profitable and has been improving year over year. I used to get all grimy doing the grunt work but now I push papers around. The reality is I could use a personal assistant.

I choose to live in a single wide trailer next to my shop. My shop is about ten times bigger. I turn the lights out at 6 pm, regardless of deadlines. We aren't going to kill ourselves making a living. I think that's why my crew is so loyal. I'm more than willing to help a young lady who' having trouble with her insurance deductible. When she suggests a possible trade to reduce her bill, or move her car up in priority, my bedsprings get a workout. A few have dropped by, even after their car has been repaired, to make sure I was paid properly.

The crew at Rose's is not nearly as stable. Rose is the cook but the cast of waitresses seems to change weekly. Missy, my waitress this morning, has been here for about four months. Her fiancé, an airman named Jeff, was killed in a training accident on the military base. That was about a month ago.

Rose stays in the kitchen. There's a sign near the kitchen 'You may order what you want but be prepared to eat what you are served.'

She seems to have just a few things to say 'Hello', 'Thanks for coming in', and 'Somebody get the phone!'

Missy is bulging around her belly button. An educated guess would be that she is pregnant. I learned a long time ago to never ask a woman about her pregnancy unless she announces it, or I see eyes peeking out. For whatever reason, a woman who is not pregnant takes offense when you ask her when she is due.

This morning she looked distraught. Her eyes were bloodshot and her makeup was not evenly applied. She poured my coffee and left quickly. When she came back by, a few minutes later, I asked when she'd be on break next.

"In about five minutes. Did you need something before I go on break?"

"Missy, your eyes tell a story that your smile can't hide. Meet me out front and let's talk. I can be a really good listener."

She nodded, filled my coffee and spun away. I was sitting on the bench out front when she joined me.

"Missy, I can see the sorrow, pain, and heartache in your eyes. I'm listening."

"Simon, you know my fiancé died last month in the training accident."

"Yep, I knew that."

"Since we weren't married, I'm not immediate family, and they've evicted me from the military housing. I'm not entitled to any of his benefits. I'm living in my car. I'm worried about my baby. It's the only thing of Jeff that I have left."

"Missy, I've got a camper parked on the side of my house. You can stay there. It doesn't have running water but you can always come inside my place."

She beamed "Can I try it for a few nights and see if I like it?"

Writing my address on a napkin "Sure, I'll make sure it's unlocked. I need to get to my shop. Make yourself at home."

When I left my shop at six I saw that the clunker out front had a low tire. The lights were on in the camper. I found some wet towels in my bathroom. I grabbed a can of the fix tire crap and filled her tire.

At breakfast Missy hurried over.

"Thank you so much. It was perfect. What do I owe you?"

"Keep it clean. Let me know what needs fixing" earned me a peck on the cheek and a matching hug.

"Thank you!"

Rose came over "What's that all about?"

"I let her stay in my camper last night. She said she was living in her car."

With an evil eye "That's all?"

"Rose, she's a baby. What is she, eighteen or nineteen? Besides, she's been through enough recently, don't you agree?"

Well that got me a peck on the cheek from Rose. First time that's happened. Rose is a very shapely woman. She's packing some extra pounds, but it works well for her. If she eats her own cooking, I know why she's carrying the extra weight. She's married to Frank. About the only time you'll see Frank is around holidays, when Rose is hosting some event. I can't think of the last time I saw Frank.

Missy never wants to come inside, when I am home. I changed the porch light to a green bulb. I turn it on when I'm leaving. She spends a lot of time in the paddle boat on the lake. I've never seen a woman so alone.

I'll share with her the leftover pizza and donuts from the shop. We sit and talk by the camper. She hangs out in the office at the shop, just wanting to be with people. She doesn't appear to have much contact with the people she grew up with. As time goes by it's like having a little sister. I care for her wellbeing. I just don't consider her relationship material.

Missy's got a ton of built up anger towards her parents. They didn't care much for Jeff so she and Jeff ran off together. She didn't finish her senior year in high school. They moved here when Jeff was assigned to this military base.

The regulars, at the cafe, were teasing both Missy and myself about our perceived shenanigans. We managed to keep the banter PG rated.

Missy started doing my laundry and sewing even though I never asked her to do those things. She let me know it was no problem, she was just trying to pay her way. I reassured her that her happiness was the only payment I needed. The first time she entered my trailer, when I was home, was when she was just a few weeks away from delivering.

I had just turned in for the evening when a violent thunderstorm rolled across the mountains. The lightning was sharp and closing in. I felt a bounce on the bed and heard her whisper "I'm scared. Can I lay here?"

"I'll lay on my side. Put your back against mine."

She was fully clothed. It still felt nice to have a warm body next to me. She was gone when morning came.

As she poured my coffee she whispered "Thanks. And thanks for being a gentleman."

When the rush died down Rose stopped by "So I hear she slept with you last night?"

"Rose, it wasn't like that. She was afraid of the lightning."

Rose giggled "Just making you squirm honey. She said nothing happened. Missy says you have a very active bedroom. When do I get a guided tour?"

"Well Rosie, I don't do married women. That little band on your finger is my kryptonite."

"Simon, Frank left over a year ago. Remember that redheaded waitress with coconuts for tits? He just couldn't resist climbing all over that palm tree. I kicked his ass out. I don't need all you drifters hitting me up for a quick piece of ass, so I wear the ring."

"Well if quick is what you want, show me your supply room."

Blushing "You know what I mean!"

"Well then Rosie, upon further review, can this drifter take you to dinner this evening?"


Well that sent me reeling. The look on my face gave me away.

"I serve dinner at the shelter tonight. If you can shut your mouth long enough to mumble another day, I might accept."

"You are a minx. Rose, can I take you to dinner TOMORROW night?"

"Maybe. I'll let you know in the morning."

She winked and wiggled as she turned away. I liked the game she was playing. I spent the rest of breakfast and lunch imagining having my way with her.

The following morning my steak wasn't the tiny piece you get on weekdays. It was the larger one reserved for weekends. When the rush died down Rose wiggled on over.

"If I let you take me out are you going to be a gentleman?"

"But of course."

"Oh, that's too bad. Maybe another time then?"

"Wait! I misunderstood you. I'll hold the door, like a gentleman, then do all those things you're mother warned you about."

"Momma was really paranoid. There's no way you could do all those things in one night."

"Well, make a list. We'll see how many days it takes to polish it off."

Handing me a folded paper "Here's my address. Pick me up at 7 pm."

Rose gave me a peck on the cheek then spun away wiggling as she went. Things were definitely stirring down below.

+ + +

At 7 pm I found Rose dressed like I'd never seen. A very cute pink blouse with a dark bra pushing up some nice melons. The slacks hung tightly to her shapely ass. The small heeled pumps worked nicely.

"If there was a place like Rose's Cafe, I'd take you there for dinner. Since there isn't it's my favorite pub."

"Not a problem. They're probably not used to you bringing a classy lady in."

"Good point. You, still having all your teeth, will draw the attention of all the slackers."

That earned me a sharp elbow in the ribs.

We ate quickly and Rose encouraged me to take her home. She was very passionate and extremely horny. I tried to take my time. I enjoyed her nipples and brought her to a quick orgasm with just my fingers. Once my condom was in place I tried to take my time but she was bucking and squeezing so hard that I shot my load a lot quicker than I would have liked. I used my palm to give her second orgasm a chance to shine.

After we snuggled for a bit she used her lips and tongue to raise the dead. She rode me cowgirl style to her third orgasm. Since I had plenty left in the tank I flipped her over and took her doggy style. She was very sensitive at this point and the orgasms were shallow but quick. Her final tally was double digits. I finally slipped out with a hard ridden limp dick.

We fell asleep with her mostly on top of me. An alarm clock woke us early enough for one more quick discharge. I would have to remember to bring more condoms next time as this was my last one.

+ + +

Missy had a stern look on her face when I sat in my regular booth "Where we're you last night?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but I had a date."

"Well bring her back to your place. What if I had gone into labor? Who would have taken me to the hospital? Huh?"

I reached over and took her hand "My bad. I'll take that into consideration in the future."

There was a tear in her eye "Thank you."

She had trouble making eye contact the rest of breakfast.

Rose dropped by as I was getting ready to leave. It was pretty busy in the cafe this morning.

"I thought of some things momma forgot to warn me about, so I added them to the list."

"This is going to take a lot longer than I thought. We barely dented the list last night. Change in locations though. Apparently I'm the designated driver when Missy goes into labor. Do you mind slumming in my hobo jungle?"

"Hmmm, I may have to bring clean sheets. Rumor has it that you bed a few ladies every day."

"Rosie, since we've been dating there's been no one but you."

She giggled "Only because you crawled out of my bed two hours ago. See you at lunch then sometime after 6 pm at your shack."

I got a very nice kiss and hug. Missy gave me the evil eye.

+ + +

I stopped and picked up a new set of bed sheets. The cafe closes at 2 pm daily. When Missy arrived she tracked me down in the shop.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure Missy, what's up?"

"Not here. Let's go outside."

We walked towards my trailer.

"Is it because I look horrible all bloated like this?"

"What do you mean? You're actually quite beautiful, even this close to delivering."

"Then why haven't you tried anything with me? I've been here almost four months. Am I that undesirable?"

Well this was a conversation I was unprepared to undertake. I knew I needed to be as diplomatic as possible.

"Missy, with you staying here, if I tried anything sexual with you, people would assume you had whored yourself to pay your rent. I could never do that to you. You are a very sweet and beautiful young lady."

She didn't know how to respond "Well I have needs too. You think about it."

"Missy, just remember. The ladies I have sex with mean nothing to me. I use them. They use me. You mean more to me than that."

If she hugged me any harder she was going to go into labor.

+ + +

Rose arrived just after 6 pm. I ushered her into my mansion. I showed her the empty package for the bed sheets.

"Only the finest for you my dear. Fresh out of the package."

"I'm somewhat surprised. This place isn't a mess."

"Missy keeps it clean. She won't come in when I'm here, but she cleans it when she gets back from the cafe, while I'm over in the shop."

"Well I knew I needed to get my shot at you because she's been dropping hints that she's really sweet on you."

"I guess I'm a little dense. I had no idea you liked me any more than any of your other customers, and you won't believe the conversation I had with Missy earlier today."

We talked about Missy while Rose did a seductive strip tease.

"Maybe this will help take your mind off of your pregnant girlfriend."

She engulfed my cock and proceeded to give me one of the best blow jobs I had ever experienced. Not a drop was missed.

"Momma warned me that you might really like that."

"Momma was right. Did she mention that you might like something like that too?"

"She did. I don't know what she was talking about. Maybe you can show me."

I had her on the brink when I stopped.

"Damn you. Don't you dare stop yet!"

When I stopped just short again it was "Bastard, keep going!"

I think she wanted Missy to hear her orgasm. I've never had a woman have so many little orgasms after the first big one.

"Now you know why momma warned you."

While we were recovering Rose got curious "Did you do any other women today?"

"Rosie, I told you this morning I haven't been with anyone since our first time."

"Nobody wanted a discount today?"

"Pretty much."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Technically you just did. Ask away."

"I don't want to be the first, middle, or last of many who you have sex with in a day. On the days we have fun, can I be the only one?"

"Does it work both ways?"

Her eyes flared and fortunately my shit eating grin calmed her down "You know I'm not that kind of women. YES it works both ways."

I was pummeled into apologizing. We had a round of monkey sex but then we made love. She wanted to be taken standing up. I slowly worked my cock into her warm snatch while she bent over and spread her legs. The moaning let me know she was getting close. I enjoyed her tits until she seemed ready then I lifted her feet off the ground and pistoned until she shook and screamed. I continued for a few more strokes until I climaxed. She rolled the condom off and licked my cock clean.

It was after midnight when she rolled another condom on me. I had an orgasm before she did. She rolled off and announced "Ok, it's a new day and we just had sex. The list is still pretty long. Should I come back this evening?"

"Oooo, you are a clever one. Got me locked up for another day. Yes, more fun tonight."

We hugged and kissed as she left for her place. The light was on in the camper.

Before I could get to sleep I heard the door open "Simon! It's time! My water broke!"

I grabbed a stack of towels and got Missy as comfortable as possible in my truck. I alerted the hospital that we were on our way. Missy handed me an envelope with her ID and other pertinent cards. I was surprised that she had medical insurance.

We were met at the ER and they whisked her away. I dealt with the admissions person then grabbed a cup of coffee and waited. Around 5 am she delivered a normal size and weight boy. I phoned the cafe but it went to messages, so I left one. It occurred to me that Rose and I had never talked on the phone.

I had to wait until visiting hours, at 8 am, to see Missy. She was holding her baby.

"Thank you for everything Simon. Isn't he beautiful?"

"Both of you are. Does he have a name?"


"Good choice. When do you get to leave?"

"I guess I had a little problem so probably not today. I forgot my cell phone, can you bring it?"

We chatted for a few minutes before some of the cafe regulars wandered in. I excused myself, but not before I got a very long and hard hug from Missy.

I set an alarm for two hours and took a badly needed nap. The shop was going to have to run itself today. I made it to Rose's for lunch. Rose understood why when I cancelled our date for this evening. I stopped by the hospital and delivered Missy's cell phone.

"Do you want to hold Jeff?"

What choice did I have? "Sure."

I had just sat down with Jeff when Rose sauntered in "Well, well, well, turns out Casanova has a soft spot. Can I hold him?"

I stuck my tongue out "No, you have to wait your turn. Sit! Mope! Pout!"

After a few minutes "Missy, make him share!"

"Oh alright. Are you qualified to do this?" was rewarded with a sneer and her tongue sticking out.

While Rose was baby talking, Missy and I went over the list she had prepared. Lots of supplies to be picked up. I got a very long and hard hug from Missy. This time I also got a warm kiss on the lips to go with it. As I went to leave, Rose pulled my head in and also gave me a kiss on the lips. I embarked on my scavenger hunt.

I dropped by the shop to see how the day had gone. Some calls to return but nothing that couldn't wait. It was after six when I made it back to the hospital. Rose was still with Missy. Jeff was back in the nursery. After exchanging pleasantries, all three of us watched while the nurses attended to the newborns.