A Slave to the Servants Ch. 36


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"They have to learn fast, Mama," Mycah said clearly. "Men like that can't stay in the camp if they don't accept our values."

"It would be bad for them to be sent out," Rees stated. "They will not survive long without cousins to help them."

Niah agreed with his Brother and yawned loudly.

The boys were making virtually adult statements and I examined them intently. They were done with it, though, and looked like they were asleep on their feet. Hodlen's family bent and scooped them up, resting the children on their hips.

Spartian held a sleepy Jonathan and I stroked my boy's hair. The little blonde head dipped until it was resting on the man's shoulder. Jonathan fought to keep his eyes open and failed. He let out a snore as he fell to sleep.

"The Great Harmonious Spirit teaches them," I said out loud and in wonder as I realized what had happened.

Girls had their female breeder's memories, primarily, at birth and boys would have their male breeders', once they were absorbed into The Spirit. The teaching didn't start with boys until they bonded to the men. It linked the men through generations, just as the girls had their links.

Putting the men on the compounds and isolating them from one another had been designed to systematically erode this. It had been a devilishly effective system. Kept from their young and prohibited from forming bonds, the men lived in isolation from everything. They couldn't pass anything on at all.

"We are not isolated here," Damien informed me as Kein hugged me from behind.

"Quite the opposite," Kein whispered in my ear as I felt his erection nudge my posterior.

Damien and his Brothers demanded my attention and I felt the flow of their thoughts. Humans liked privacy, but my men really needed something. I'd shown them a part of me tonight they'd not seen before. In the past an aggressive female would have turned them off. Seeing it in their mate had a different effect.

They had sensed a fierce, protective instinct inside of me when I thought my family was endangered. There was no loss of control, only determination. I would have killed those men and left their corpses to rot. When they'd exited their rooms all the men had witnessed my steady gaze and ready stance. If The Spirit had not been in control, it would have been a very erotic pose for Damien and his Brothers.

"Spend a little time with us in the main room of our lodging," Kein pleaded quietly in my ear.

Damien and his Brothers knew I couldn't have sex with all of them tonight, not in my condition. They were more than happy to masturbate their sexual energy off, but it would be more fun if I was around. My men were shamelessly begging for something very simple. I could not deny them.

Damien addressed Hodlen as we walked back toward our chambers. The other men had no problem watching the boys while we took our time together in the main room. Damien quietly explained they just wanted a moment with their mate. The drape would be closed because humans liked privacy.

We walked into our rooms and Mycah's family was essentially asleep. Rees grumbled as his shoes came off, but the rest seemed oblivious as Hodlen's family took them to the bed. Injured little boys would sleep like this and the men knew it. Mycah's family was just taking what they needed to get better.

The heavy drape separating the rooms was closed and I stood in the sitting area looking at my family in the dim fire light. There was no noise from outside and the sleeping chamber was also silent. We stood looking at one another until Damien moved to place his weapons away.

All the Brothers placed their weapons to the side and I started to as well, but was stopped. Bane pulled my sword from it's sheath and placed it in my hand. I twisted the weapon in my grip and realized I had everyone's attention. Their attention was riveted on the weapon and on me.

The heat in their eyes was hard to deny. My mates were excited and the image of me holding my weapon was doing it for them. In response to their obvious interest I raised the blade and touched the tip to Bane's chest, they shuddered as one being. Every stripe on Bane's wide body flushed with excitement. This was what they wanted.

In the not too distant past, my men had suffered from the women's talons, but they'd always been rewarded with the gratification of release afterward. Now their brains were wired to appreciate a little aggression from their partners, especially since then knew I wouldn't really hurt them. The notion I knew exactly how to use the weapon I carried was actually exciting to Damien and his Brothers.

The sharp blade could easily slice into skin, so I was very careful as I touched the tip to Bane's chest. Our eyes remained locked on one another's and his breath caught in his throat. The cool metal traced the line of his sternum and down the firm muscles of his stomach.

In that moment I knew he'd do anything I asked.

"Take it off," I said in a low commanding voice as I tapped the wrap at his waist.

Bane was shaking with excitement as the material was removed. He dropped it to the floor without a second thought and waited for directions. I felt his eyes boring into me as he trembled.

"Eyes down," I ordered and watched him struggle to comply.

Never in his life had Bane had someone this near him with a blade and been unable to watch them. The relinquishment of power was maddening and exciting.

Slowly I circled him, my fingers touched his hips and trailed across his firm buttocks. I let the blade in my other hand follow my fingers. Cool metal contrasted violently with the heat his body was emanating. It was a vivid reminder of the threat I currently wielded.

A low murmur spread through Bane's Brothers as they all remembered the erotic pleasure he'd gotten when I'd dominated his ass. The big man had felt the intrusion of the plug in his ass and been excited by my ability to put it there. This control was similar and intensely exciting.

Bane's rock solid cock bobbed in front of him and I knew he needed release, the teasing was only to make it better.

"Stroke yourself with your hand," I ordered and Bane quickly complied.

The thick head swelled and stared to leak as his grip became more firm and the motions faster. I thought about the things I'd like to do to him and I felt his eagerness for more. My games were strange, he'd never imagined being treated in the way I imagined. Even odder was thinking he might enjoy it. The ideas excited him terribly.

I put the sword back in it's scabbard and ran my nails over the strong muscles of Bane's back. My left hand raised and buried in his hair, my right hand grasped the firm muscles of his buttocks. He was caught in the moment.

In all his life only the women, with their talons and spears, had managed to force Bane's submission. In my imagination, he was eager to bend to my desires. A willing supplicant that would crave my touch. It was unique and consuming, a role he wanted to try.

I delved a finger between his firm buttocks and teased the outside of his puckered little hole. The light teasing strokes were intended to make him want this and he did. Bane saw the image I held in my mind of a strap-on. He saw himself bent over, tied, and at my mercy. The teasing strokes became firmer and a needy moan left his lips.

As his excitement reached its peak and release, I reached forward and caught his spending. His knees were weak as the thick ropes coated my hand and slid toward the floor. Bane had no strength left as a grinning Christof wiped my hand clean.

I stepped back from Bane and he sunk into a chair with a glazed look in his eyes. The goofy grin on his face was the most relaxed I'd seen them since they returned from the battle at the compound. It was good to see.

"You know us, wife," Damien said softly as he approached.

I did know them. Each of them had needs different from the rest, but they had needs they shared as well. Right now they all needed release.

The tie in front of my outfit was made of a thick piece of soft leather. I undid it and pulled the strap free. The length of leather had run from the top to bottom. Its loss had allowed my night dress to fall open, exposing my belly and pendulous breasts to view. Teasing my audience I drew the leather strap over my breasts several times.

Folding the leather thong onto itself several times made it look like the leather whip with many tails that Damien had once used on me. His breath caught in his throat as he saw what I was doing. I had long fantasized about doing this type of thing with him.

Kein was enjoying watching my breasts hang so freely. He'd not been able to ogle them since he got home. Off to the side he sat down and began to pull furiously at his long staff as he stared. My outfit allowed them to peek out as the fabric shifted and the effect was intoxicating for Kein. It was hard not to laugh at his exuberance.

I wanted Damien's wrap off and his cock exposed, he obeyed without question, throwing the fabric to Evan. Damien's powerful form almost vibrated as he waited for me to start. He wanted to feel this.

Ever so slowly, I walked around Damien and took in the entire expanse of him I was presented with. The lead Brother was a large man, but more compact than Bane. The firm muscles in his back spoke to a life lived with a sword in his hand. Faint marks crossed his own natural stripes, were evidence of discipline at the compound. That had never been delivered like this would be, though. I took in his beautiful form and brought my makeshift flogger down on his back.

Damien tensed as I whipped the instrument across his back and firm buttocks. It didn't hurt so much as warm the flesh. Still Damien had never been treated like this by me. As I moved to start on his chest he began pulling on his cock. The mock abuse made him crave more.

I wanted more, too. As I whipped it across Damien's chest, Evan knelt before me. He scooted forward until I couldn't see him under my large belly. My right leg was lifted and laid over his shoulder. Christof steadied me from behind as Evan began to pleasure me with his long tongue.

The movements of my "whip" became more erratic as Evan worked. His tongue slid between my folds and I closed my eyes for a brief moment. It felt so good as his lips slid higher and found the bud buried there. My clit swelled and I nearly dropped my whip it felt so good.

Behind me Christof acted to steady me as he pleasured himself. One hand was on my hip and his body was flush to mine. His cock was nestled in the warmth of my buttocks as his hand worked furiously up and down. My friend's breath was hot on my neck as he watched me "discipline" his Brother.

Evan was relentless below me. He suckled my clit and ran his tongue over every part of my sex. His deft appendage even fucked me with shallow motions before he returned his attention to my swelling nub.

The intensity grew and I found myself striking Damien harder. He arched with each strike as I gave his skin a glow, from his neck to his hips and down over his upper legs. The soft striking sound reverberated in each of us as we enjoyed the erotic pleasure of this willing submission.

From my side I heard Kein groan loudly. His cock was ready to explode as he watched my breast. Beneath me I realized Evan was also seeking his own release as he took my flavor on his tongue. Damien eyes were lit with passion as his breathing became faster and choppier. I heard the same excitement from Christof and knew we were all close.

One last swipe of the flogger over Damien's chest and we'd all had enough of waiting. Evan's tongue pushed harder on my wet cunt making me insane. The pressure built and when it released it took all I had not to call out. Around me, my husbands all found their pleasure as well. Feeling the orgasm of the five of us all at once was so intense, I felt as though I was floating for a moment.

I woke up surrounded by strong arms and looking into large brown eyes.

"You were almost clumsy, wife," Bane laughed softly as he held me in his lap and re-laced my outfit.

In my moment of passion Bane had caught my dropping form. While I'd been in a haze of bliss, he'd made sure I was safe and unharmed. Now he redressed me as I lay languidly in his arms.

A cool rag ran between my legs and Evan grinned and cleaned me up. He was proud not to have lost his ability after our separation. I had to be glad also as we quietly got ready to go back to bed.

Hodlen's family was resting and barely spared us a glance as we opened the drape and crawled quietly into the bed. They may have heard our game, but they had no interest, which I was glad for. Mycah's little family was sprawled around the bed, most of them resting on their larger family members.

We found our spots and cuddled together. There was not much space and I tucked myself quite comfortably between Kein and Bane. The bed was soft, my family was close, and we were safe. It wasn't long until I was soundly asleep.

It was early morning when I was awakened again. The moons were not set, but this was the time my men liked to go to the public bath. Evan's humor at the situation was the first thing I noted; warm breath on my face was the second. Little fingers pried my left eye open and I was staring blearily at Jonathan's face.

"Are you awake, Mama?" he asked seriously, as though anyone could sleep with their eye pulled open.

Hands turned and twisted in my hair and I was positive Aiden was sitting behind me, feeling frustrated.

"Is she up, yet?!" Niah whined pushing himself past Jonathan into my field of vision.

Mycah's voice sounded behind me and he practically begged Evan to wake me. The little family wanted to go back to the bathing pool.

Grunting at the loss of sleep, I had to smile. A few moments of rest I would gladly give up to have my little boy here with me. Pushing myself up I heard Mycah's family cheer, now we could finally go!

The walk to the bathing pool was interesting. I soon learned that Damien's family was the lenient parent. Hodlen demanded Mycah and his Brothers walk together. If the boys wanted to see something, they all had to look as a group. It was not stifling, the way Damien and his Brothers had been raised, but it was more orderly. I thought the two families created a nice blend for the boys.

We turned into the tunnel leading to the bathing hall and I was immediately struck by the difference. Every torch in the tunnel was lit. As we reached the main pool, I sucked in a gasp. The place looked entirely different.

The men had installed torches all over the inside of the large cave. Even the secluded areas we used to use were well lit. There were men and boys in the pool, but I noted several nude families that carried weapons strapped to their thighs. They appeared alert and were not here casually. One of the families jumped into the water as we entered and began to patrol the pool.

I snorted and got everyone's attention. It was the Paterian equivalent of a lifeguard. Of course, these men intended to kill any sharks they found. I actually felt a little pity for any aliens that dared enter this pool.

Hodlen continued to be an excellent male role model. He and his Brothers had brought the boys' and their own dirty laundry from the day prior. Hodlen insisted they clean their clothes first, most especially the boys too, although Mycah's family wanted to just strip and jump in.

"You must keep your things clean and in good condition," Holden explained to them. "Your clothing is dirty and cannot be worn again until it is cleaner."

The little boys looked at the pool of water longingly, before turning back to Holden. I knew what they wanted.

"I could wash the clothing for Mycah's family, so they can swim," I offered the group.

Holden was firm, but polite as he refused the offer.

"They must learn to care for their things," he told me. "Life is not like it was in the compound. Men care for themselves and the boys must learn. We will help them, but they will be self-sufficient."

The logic made sense and I understood. This was a new world and I had a lot to learn about free Paterians.

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Sassybutterfly99Sassybutterfly99almost 3 years ago

Please write a second part of this. A spin off. I love this story and not just for the sex.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Wah! Wah wah wah...

I'm so sad that this is the last chapter! I've grown to absolutely adore these characters and am amazed by the evolution of their utopian society. We human could learn so much from them. Some times I question the ideology of a God bestowing so much free will. We could so benefit from some form of collective consciousness. I will do miss the giddy excitement I get from looking forward to a new chapter of this engrossing story!

HalaMaksoudHalaMaksoudover 6 years ago
Such a Planet!

By comparison Earth's cultures are in a pitiful, weak place. I think that humans are predators who devour their own.

This is such a charming story to me. Thank you so much. The sex does not matter to me at all, save the relational part.



LatchkeyLatchkeyabout 8 years ago

Love the way you built to the unifying theory of TGHS. Beautiful!!

jott50jott50over 9 years ago

nothing i can add to the comments other than im so addicted to this series.

NENE03NENE03almost 11 years ago

I am reading ch 37 when I started it was 13 pages but now that I'm going to finish its 7 what happened?

observer7observer7almost 11 years ago
Men have their equivalents...

Indeed, it's interesting how women have needed to write under a man's name to be accepted in sci-fi (or even in literature) in recent history.

But men have their "bodice-ripper" equivalent, summarized quite well by a recent comment on both Intrepid_Fate and Lien Geller's stories, which cater to said fantasy:

"Any more great stories here in literotica with one man and lots of women devoted to him (meaning not having sex with other men)?" (Fate of Terra Ch 16)


"Great story man! It's a shame Talina and Greg didn't work out. Would be nice if Greg has his harem of devoted women. Great story though." (Missing Dragon, Ch 3)

(This is despite, I'll add, what Mr. Geller said himself about why he wrote Talina's choice the way he did--the boys who want their harem fantasies just didn't want to listen to him or accept this. They hated Talina for being a whore fucking another guy other than the alpha, and that was that. Never mind that real love was involved in the second pair where there wasn't real love between Greg and Talina. For that, I commend Lien Geller standing his ground.)

So, given a popular male fantasy is to have the "manic pixie dream girl(s)" who really have no internal life of their own and devote themselves to improving the man's life for no really good reason, and if she should have actual feelings and jealousies and act like a real person and not get along with all the other women boning her guy, well then, it's just not good enough. The next time I hear men ripping on some (admittedly) equally ridiculous fantasies women have about romance and men, I'm going to bring this up.

You can imagine some men on here behaving with the same petty level behavior as some women if they have similar fantasies and expectations for said fantasies. But...you can still expect that many more men are more mature and more reasonable. It's the way with people in general.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Female writers constantly voted down in scifi

I don't think it's people in general voting this story down, but a guy or couple of guys who vote stories written by women down so that the top 10 or more spots in this category are held by male writers. I've noticed this for over a year now. This guy/guys are also voting Etaski's drow series down (from mid to high 4.9s for various chapters to a 4.89 for one chapter and less for others over the summer). I hope DoctorWolf realizes how impressed we are with this story given the volume of praise. It's a shame female writers here can't go by their ratings.

LevanaHyllLevanaHyllalmost 11 years ago

Can't believe people have knocked this story down into the 4.80's. no sense at all.

mila_22mila_22about 11 years ago
Loving this!

I am loving how it is all wrapping up! It feels good that things are going somewhat back to normal... or as normal as they will get now that they are free. I love it all. Great chapter, and I loved the last ones too:D

LeahbeLeahbealmost 12 years ago
Only one more chapter 2 go!

I've stuck with this story since the first chapter was released and I am so glad I did it has been an amazing journey. Thanks for the great story, and I know its a bit late, but congrats on having a healthy baby!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Write Soon!

Thought the story would be complete by now but I'm happy to see that it will continue. Took me awhile to like Ciara's character but she grew on me. I really enjoy DoctorWolf's stories. Take your time with your baby but please squeeze in some writing time too.

pleasureseeker5pleasureseeker5almost 12 years ago
Yes, we're all anxious for the new chapter, but

let's give DoctorWolf a break! I know how difficult it is to go back to work full-time with a newborn at home. She's got enough on her plate without our nagging. (Hope all is well with you and your little one, DW.)

6033Live6033Livealmost 12 years ago
I am suffering!

Where oh where is the next chapter!!!

Please let me out of my misery!

Send it in.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
This is just cruel!

Oh, how I have been looking forward to the new chapter! Please, please submit. My symptoms of withdrawal are becoming dire.

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