A Slick Find

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An artifact hunter has a rather tentacle-y experience.
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While I try to keep revising my work to avoid annoying typos, I tend to miss some. If you spot any, please let me know down in the comments.



Julia held her respirator to her muzzle as the door of the compound hissed open.

Not that this was needed, the respirator was part of her survival jumpsuit, but it was a twitch she still carried from when she depended on cheaper and more piece-meal equipment.

She carefully stepped into the room while holding her scanner out. The small device checked the room for any potential toxic substances and dangerous levels of radiation.

It flashed a green light, "All Clear," and she felt the muscles of her small feline frame relax slightly.

Slowly, she skulked into the room while on full alert, her ears twitching and turning, looking for the smallest sign of danger.

It looked like an ancient storage room, but it was particularly secure, somewhere where the ancients kept their valuables, hopefully.

There were piles and piles of crates as far as her eyes could see in this dim darkness, all of them arranged in neat piles around ornamented and baroque looking columns. The ancients definitely had a flair for the grandiose and more resources than sense if they did this for even their storerooms.

But their artefacts went for a fortune in the different worlds of the Abyss, so these little excursions, while dangerous, were quite lucrative for Julia.

It would be impossible for her to carry off all of this loot on her own, so she would have to bring a crew to help with clean up.

Before that though, better to take a look and see if there was anything worth keeping for herself.

Her tail twitched with excitement as her cat-like eyes adjusted to the dim light of the ancient store room.

She ignored most of the run-of-the-mill ancient containers and receptacles, they all seemed to have basic security locks on them. There might be something valuable inside, but those with tighter security usually had the good stuff.

Bingo, she though as her eyes zeroed on what it looked like an onyx cylinder on a stand.

Julia carefully approached it, her paws utterly silent on the millennia old smooth floor.

The receptacle was about as tall as her, which mean not much as she was a bit of a short stack, much to her chagrin.

There was a barely visible slit across the surface of the cylinder, slashing it in half vertically. There was no obvious panel or pad to activate or open it, but this wasn't her first run in with something like this.

It was a security capsule. The ancients used them to carry particularly sensitive stuff, like weapons, which meant a big payday for her.

To open it, you needed the right bio-signature, though thankfully, many of these older than dirt systems were a bit dodgy. Though to be fair, what was a miracle is that they worked at all after probably millennia of just sitting around. The ancients truly built things to last.

Julia lifted her scanner and started to look for the frequency that this receptacle used.

It didn't take her that long, she had been doing this for years and had exchanged databases with many other scavengers, so her scanner gave her a green light when the right biosignature was located.

She grinned under her mask and inputted the code into her glove, this should trick the system into giving her access.

Carefully, she placed her fingers on the digital seal of the ornate cylinder, and it gave out a satisfying click and hiss.

The receptacle opened by sliding its sides inwards, giving it an effect as if part of it was literally vanishing.

Julia took a curious peek inside as it was finishing to open. On a small dias inside the cylinder, there was something really odd. It looked like a semi-solid blob of a sleek purplish-black colour. The only feature it had was a fist-sized gem-like orb "floating" in it, giving it the appearance of an eye.

She crept closer and took out her sampling rod, better to make sure it was safe.

Carefully she moved it closer to the blob, but as it was almost touching it to take a sample, she found herself pinned against the container right behind her.

Thick black tendrils had exploded outwards from the blob and slammed her against the solid wall of the container, leaving her stunned and dazed.

She was completely immobilized, her thighs, wrists and neck held by the blob, it's pseudopod-like arms strong like steel wires.

With desperation, she tried to lash out or reach her tools, but to no avail, there was no way she could wrestle out of her restraints.

Panic started to overtake her as small cable like tendrils grew from her restraints, and slowly felt their way to her ears.

Julia cried in abject fear, there was always a risk you would find something dangerous, and she had failed this dice roll.

Her thoughts melted as anxiety took over just as the wire-like tendrils perforated with ease her suit's helmet and slid into her ears.

She cried as they slithered down her hearing canal and, with a sharpness that defied understanding, pierced her flesh and bone, undoubtedly looking for her brain.

While it had not been painful, Julia was in such a state of distress that this mattered little. Tears were flowing from her feline eyes as she could sense the wires proving her.

Suddenly, her anxiety sharply dropped, and she felt her panic getting under control. A wave of soothing warmth washed over her.

It made her a bit drowsy, but it was a welcome change from before. At least she wouldn't die in pain, she thought.

"My apologies for this," said a soft and calm male-ish voice in her head, "if I do not integrate with you now, I will perish. I will attempt to make this as pleasant for you as possible."

Julia's eyes opened wide despite her drowsiness. "What?, who are you?!" she said as her eyes focused on the purple gem that floated inside the blob.

"I have no name," the voice in her head said, "please relax, I promise I will not harm you."

The creatures' tendrils that were restraining her, went from just sleek and solid to a warmer, more flesh-like feel, though they looked the same. They slid across her body sensually, rubbing, squeezing and pressing with shocking precision and tenderness.

Julia could not help but moan as they grew small protuberances that felt like hundreds of soft fingers were giving her a rather pleasant massage.

Despite this, Julia was still worried and in shock, she whimpered helplessly as the creature made her feel like soft putty under it, her body getting warm and aroused, despite her predicament.

For a fraction of a second, several bits of the creature that were fondling her with abandon, turned incredibly sharp and almost like a blink, and you miss it magic trick, they cut open her suit, removing basically everything but her boots, gloves and helmet.

Julia sobbed inconsolably, utterly resigned to her fate.

To her surprise, a pair of thin and gentle tendrils removed her respirator, and cleaned the tears off her face, almost like a lover consoling his partner.

"I'm sorry again, I promise, this will be pleasant," the voice said while the tendrils caressed her muzzle.

She whimpered as the thick arms of the blob on her body moved to her erogenous spots, almost like a guided missile to their target.

They softly rubbed the most obvious ones, such as the lips of her pussy, her little asshole and the tiny nipples on her rather flat breasts.

But not just there, they caressed her sides, making her feel as if she was being held by tender arms, and a slender and dexterous tentacle moved along her spine, ending on her tail and sliding just below it, on the spot between the back of her tail and her little ass.

She utterly loved being touched there, and this time it was no different, a whorish moan escaping her lips as the creature explored her.

Julia noticed that despite her fear, she was utterly drenched, her pussy making dirty wet noises as the creature played with her lips and clit.

The creature's appendage that was playing with her nether bits seemed to arrange itself to better caress her. It was like a pair of soft lips and a warm tongue were teasing and suckling her clit, just as another bit extended itself inside her, rubbing her silky insides.

Julia found this utterly overwhelming, almost like a hoard of lovers were giving her their all.

The tendril inside her grew in size and firmness until it felt like the most perfect cock she had ever had inside. It fitted her hole like a hand in a silken glove.

Her body was no longer able to give any resistance, and the creature released her grip on her while expanding in front of her torso.

Julia hugged the sleek black shape as it was a lover, and it felt like she was embracing a warm and welcoming plush toy.

The creature further adjusted to her, so she could better grasp it, and attached itself to the container, their bodies appearing to almost float next to its metal wall.

She allowed herself to relax and enjoy, shivering as the creature's tendril pushed deeper into her, caressing her cervix and pulsating with a delightful warmth inside her.

Julia was biting her lip and purring, making happy lewd noises and digging her short claws into the sleek mass of her lover.

"Is it true?" she managed to say between moans, "will you die if you don't do this?"

Her body had a small spasm as a delightful orgasm washed over her.

"Not this, precisely," said the creature, still speaking directly to her head via the tendrils in her ears. "My power source is almost exhausted, I was never supposed to stay this long without a host."

"But integration can be distressing, so I did a surface exploration of your thoughts and found how to make it pleasant for you."

The creature's "mind voice" for lack of a better term was quiet and almost drone-like. Julia could sense little emotion on it, but it felt like it was being truthful.

"What will happen to me when you integrate?" she managed to ask, too filled with delight to be afraid.

"I will merge with your body and reside inside you, but you will still be there, I'm not killing you or taking control." It said, calmly.

Julia nodded and held him (for she had decided it felt like a him) as close as she could.

"More please," she said sheeply, her eyes trying to focus on the purple gem that she thought was its eye or brain.

The creature gladly complied, and started thrusting harder into her insides. Julia could feel his meaty girth slamming against her cervix, which was just the right mix of pleasure with a little sting of pain.

Suddenly, the tendril that had been caressing her little asshole started sliding inside.

While she shuddered at this invasion, the creature was definitely amazing at what it was doing, for she felt no pain as it penetrated her deep, gently expanding to the maximum girth that she could take without feeling pain.

Her whole body felt overtaken, and she could do nothing but moan and whine as her very juices slid down the creature's sleek black shape.

Not done yet, the creature started suckling and teasing her nipples as she pressed them against it, and to her surprise, the top part of the blob extended and touched her lips, gently forcing open her muzzle and sliding down her tongue.

Julia started to happily lick and suck this new tendril, and as she did it moulded itself into the shape of a rather nice and veiny cock.

She had fantasized often about blowing a penis like this, and it's like the creature was giving her dreams shape.

Her legs were failing from the intense pounding she was receiving, and she started deep throating the penis shaped tendril in her mouth with anxious need.

The passionate and brutal pounding continued until she felt like a little purring ball of jelly, her body fucked everywhere till it was delightfully warm and numb.

She felt one final brutal orgasm build inside her, and as she succumbed to it, she felt as if the creature poured itself inside her, down her throat, nostrils, ears, nipples, pussy, ass and every single one of her pores.

Utterly overwhelmed and with her mind fucked into oblivion, a quiet and pleasant darkness fell upon her.

Julia was unsure how long it had been since she passed out, but when she came to, she was on the floor of this ancient place, still in front of the opened container.

A soft and thin black sheet that felt almost like silk covered her naked body, and she hugged it close, sore from the experience, but otherwise OK.

She slowly sat up, and as she did so the sheet hugged her skin and fur, wrapping itself around her like a skin-tight suit. It felt nice and comfortable, like a custom-made silken onesie.

On her belly, a small black blob, vaguely shaped like some kind of octopus, looked at her, for lack of a better term, with its purple gem-like eye.

Julia slowly came to herself and remembered what it was, and in a jolt of frustration punched it.

The creature did not flinch or seemed to register the impact. Julia had felt the punch, but it hadn't hurt, it had been like punching soft rubber.

"You piece of shit!" she said, enraged, "you raped me!"

Slowly, the creature readjusted itself and spoke directly in her head, like before, though she no longer had those tendrils sliding down her ears.

"I'm sorry for causing you this anxiety, I rushed through your surface thoughts, and it seemed the most pleasant way of ensuring you didn't resist the integration," it said, in it's drone-like but oddly pleasant tone.

Julia was taken aback by the creature's odd apology. Yes, it had felt amazing, but it had raped her.

She shook her head, this situation was just too weird, and she was still dazed.

"Just what are you?" she asked, trying to contain her frustration and anger.

"I'm a companion and support symbiote," the creature said in a laconic tone, "I was created to merge with a host and provide them with support and companionship functions."

Julia's ears perked.

"What kind of functions," she asked, her scavenger's curiosity getting the better of her.

The creature changed shape slightly, becoming a tad flatter on her belly, and suddenly she felt a pleasant vibration all along her core.

She could not contain a pleasant purr.

"That feels nice," she said, relaxing a bit.

"Amongst other things, I have partial control of your bodily functions and can help in various ways," he said, perhaps using the nice sensation to reassure her, "I can protect you from internal and external damage, help with toxins and blood flow, assist in dealing with diseases, and even help with anxiety and stress."

Julia carefully extended a hand towards the creature and started petting him. He didn't seem to register it, but touching him like this made her feel more at ease.

"That all sounds really nice," she said, trying to get more comfortable next to the container behind her.

"I can also accumulate biomass and use it to fabricate things, but they need to be in close contact with you. Some good examples are clothing, simple tools or close combat implements."

Julia's eyes glimmered for a second.

"Show me!" she said, excited.

She "felt" the creature nod inside her head, and it flowed forth from her very pore. At first, she panicked, but she relaxed when she realized it didn't hurt, and it was covering the areas that had been cut off from her environmental suit. The creature basically used itself to repair it with such precision, you couldn't tell it had been cut open.

"Wow!" she said in genuine surprise, "this is amazing!"

For the first time, she felt the creature being "happy" for lack of a better word.

"Thank you," it said, "I was created to be useful to my host, it pleases me to achieve this."

Julia stood up and caressed her side, feeling the fabric of the suit.

From the outside, it felt normal, but on the inside, it felt like the creature was giving her a really tight and pleasant hug, it made her feel fuzzy and happy.

"Are you hugging me?" she asked while checking herself in the rather reflective wall of one container.

"Part of my mass is wrapping itself around you for protection and warmth, so I assume it depends on how you interpret "a hug," it said in a humourless way that Julia actually found somewhat charming.

"What's your name?'', she asked while picking up her scanner and testing rod from the floor.

She felt a soft vibration inside her, as if the creature was rearranging itself.

"I have no name, though I do have a serial number and production code," it said.

Julia shook her head. She looked at her arm and the creature emerged from it as if she was a pool, and he was swimming through her, it's purple "eye" a pleasant bright purple.

It was extremely odd, but it didn't hurt. She didn't really know how to feel about this. This creature seemed friendly, but it's entry into her life had been rather distressing. On the other hand, he seemed useful and eager to help.

She let out a frustrated grumble.

"I think I'm going to call you Slick," she said, resigned to having this new pet or companion.

"Thank you," said Slick, still with its odd but pleasant monotone.

Julia rolled her eyes while petting the little blob protruding from her arm.

She sat cross-legged on the floor, trying to get her thoughts in order.

"Where are you inside me?, Julia asked, genuinely curious.

"Everywhere," Slick said with strange finality, "while I have stored lots of my biomass in spaces between your organs and similar, I'm actually bonded to your cells at a molecular level."

Julia tilted her head to the side.

"Is that what you did when... you know," she blushed a little.

"Indeed, it can be painful or distressing, so I dampened it by giving you a powerful orgasm."

She punched her thigh, hoping Slick could feel it, but she just hurt herself.

"Ouch," she said in a grumpy tone.

"I'm sorry, I can see remembering that causes you frustration, I will avoid mentioning it," Slick said.

Julia looked to the side, not focusing on anything in particular, still blushing.

"It did feel really nice," she finally said, almost boiling inside.

She felt Slick shifting inside her, it was like an odd wave under your skin, painless, but strange.

"I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it, I can do it as often as you want me to."

Julia's jaw dropped, her tail pointing to the heavens.

"Are you offering to...," she said with a shy and quiet tone.

Her body relaxed, and she could feel Slick spreading himself thin inside her, whatever he was doing was helping her remain calm, like being under a weighted blanket.

"I am at your service," Slick said, without hesitation, "I literally exist to support my host."

Julia shifted uncomfortably, but undeniably aroused.

"So if I asked you, you could, you know...," she said, babbling like a teenager.

Slick's blob-like shape emerged from her lap, looking at her with his purple "eye."

"Anytime you desire, just tell me what you wish me to do, or just ask me to take the initiative," it said, making her feel she was talking with some kind of friendly incubus, offering her heart's desire.

She bit her lip, nervous but positively wet from the ideas rushing through her head.

"Could you, well, make love to me doggy style...," it was good she had fur, she thought, for otherwise she would have looked like some kind of boiled crab.

"Certainly, would you like me to start now?" Slick asked.

Julia made sure the pads Slick had made for her knees and elbows were nice enough to support her weight against them, and content with their resistance and comfiness, she dropped on all fours, lewdly lifting her tail.

The miniature feline trembled in expectation, her pussy already wet under her Slick-made jumpsuit.

"Go for it," she said, with a quiet mewling tone that would have made many melt to their cores.