A Space Oddity


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Doctor Yes fingered me again, at the same time giving me a delicate lick from perineum to clit and I caught my breath. I could almost have enjoyed this if I hadn't known of the fate that awaited me. I just hoped that Doctor Yes took her fucking nice and slowly, then maybe something would turn up.

To my delight Doctor Yes did like it leisurely and there was none of the fiendish criminal leader in the way she went about it. The first thing she did seemed a bit weird, kinky even. She slowing moved up and down my body, sniffing gently here and there. She glanced up and saw what must have been my puzzled expression. "It's the scent I had the girls anoint you with following your bath," she explained, "It's outrageously expensive and my very favourite. It comes from a small planet one hyperspace jump from here where all the natives are artisans of one form or another. This scent is called Song of the Stars and is prepared from the crushed blossoms of a plant which flowers only once every fifty Earth years. Perhaps needless to say, the parfumeur gives it to me as a gift." She winked. "That way he gets to keep his balls."

She rubbed a forefinger in an hollow where my legs meet my torso and held it to my nose. This time the finger didn't smell of pussy but of a glorious heady scent that made my senses whirl like the galaxy. I think even Kew could win me over if she presented me with a flask of that (oh, perhaps not).

Doctor Yes continued by kissing and sucking my toes, one by one, starting erotic tingles. I had vowed to myself not to succumb but my body was betraying me. My captor certainly knew what she was doing and as she kissed her way up my legs delicious shivers wormed their way from my feet to my scalp. I gave out several tiny moans.

Doctor Yes grinned up at me. "Enjoying it, Jaimie Pond?"

"No!" I hissed. I didn't sound very convincing, even to myself.

"Aw, that's a shame," she replied, oozing insincerity, "I'll just have to try harder, won't I?" She rubbed her face against my belly and wriggled her tongue into my belly-button. I could feel myself seeping nectar and Doctor Yes took another swift lick. "You may not be enjoying it..." she mocked, "But Lady Jane down here certainly is."

Without warning she jammed two fingers into me, finding my g-spot instantly. I came like a shooting star, crying out and flooding Doctor Yes's hand. She nodded satisfaction. "I knew you were lying. Now, where was I? Ah yes..."

She returned to licking my belly-button and reached up with both hands, seeking my nipples and giving them a gentle tug. She licked and kissed her way up from my belly-button, burying her face between my boobs while tracing circles round my pebbling areolas with fingers and thumbs. My nipples are long and sensitive and as Doctor Yes's lips fastened on one, I let out a series of groans and then came again as she sucked harder. "That's interesting," she observed, "I've never made anyone come before just by sucking their nipples. Let's see if I can manage it again." She did.

Score so far: Doctor Yes-three; Jaimie Pond-nil.

"Time for a change of venue," she told me and moved back between my legs. "No doubt about it, that's certainly the cutest pussy I've ever seen." She eased my lips apart and added: "Such a darling little clit, too." She teased my pussy and clit with the tip of her tongue while she slid fingers into me once more, this time more gently. She fingered me for a while and then sat up to straddle me. It wasn't all that easy for her because my legs were shackled far apart and she was so much smaller. But she managed and started to dry-hump me, rubbing our bare pussies together. Well, not exactly dry-humped, I suppose, because we were both leaking heavily. And this time we both came within seconds of each other.

"Right, Jaimie Pond, I think I can give you a little treat now." Moving up a little, she dangled her boobs with their long nipples over my mouth. "Go on, my lovely spy, enjoy." With a hand behind my head, she lifted me a little and fed first one and then the other nipple into my mouth. By rights I should have resisted and rejected but as this was likely to be one of my final independent memories, what the hell... I sucked and licked and nibbled in turn at each boob and nipple until Doctor Yes was panting heavily.

She moved up to straddle my face, lowering her glistening pussy with its prominent clit to my lips. There wasn't much I could do, shackled as I was, so I gave in and licked her folds with a certain amount of enthusiasm. I'll say this—arch villain she may have been but boy, she tasted good. And when she came, she bounced up and down on me like a rubber ball, yelling like a fiend. "Wow, Jaimie Pond, that's the best orgasm I've had in ages, perhaps the best ever!"

Final score: Doctor Yes-four; Jaimie Pond-two.

A smug Doctor Yes climbed down from the bed and considerately cleaned her come from my lips and chin. "It really is a pity I have to wipe your mind, Jaimie Pond. I think we two could make a fine partnership. But no, I don't think I could trust you. And you will make a fine addition to my harem. So, I'm sorry but..." She turned to the table bearing the hypodermic syringe.

Suddenly there was some sort of kerfuffle in the outer chamber, much bellowing, hollow female voices raised in protest, the sound of heavy combat boots clumping nearer and nearer and then someone knocked at the door.

"Fuck off!" shouted Doctor Yes, "My orders were not to disturb me! Whoever you are, you're in deep trouble!"

The unknown gave the door several brutal kicks. "Open up before I get mad!" shouted a familiar voice. Felice!

Furious, Doctor Yes strode towards the door promising dire punishments for whoever was disturbing us.

Felice shouted again. "Right, you've asked for it! I'll count to five and if this door's not open, I'll blow it away! One... two..."

Whoomph! She blew the door away with her Smith & Wesson .789. In situations like this, Felice gets excitable and her counts of five are flexible. She rarely gets past 'two'. What remained of the door, still glowing red, flew across the room and crumbled to ash when it hit the far wall. As Felice, Laserblaster in one hand, a stun-pistol in the other, stepped through the smouldering door-frame, Doctor Yes made a dash for the table with the Desert Beagle.

"Quick! Knock her out!" I yelled.

Felice fired a snapshot from the hip with the stun-pistol and Doctor Yes immediately became a sleeping master criminal. I'll say this for her—she fell to the floor very gracefully.

"Who's her?" Felice asked ungrammatically.

"That's Doctor Yes."

Felice study the recumbent nude body for a moment. "Hmm! Good disguise. Looks just like a woman." She holstered her weapons and turned to look critically at my helpless state. "What sort of fine mess have you got yourself into this time?"

"Torture," I lied shamelessly, "She was going to torture me beyond endurance before wiping my memory and turning me into a zombie-slave."

Felice looked at the bed suspiciously and I hoped she couldn't smell overworked pussy. The scent seemed very strong to me but I did have some residue clinging to my mouth and tongue. "Strange torture instrument, looks very comfortable," my partner observed. I think it was my X shape and the manacles that persuaded her I was telling the truth. After all, I'd never suggested handcuffs or similar items in our love life. She came over and tugged at one. "And how do I get these damned things off?"

"There's some sort of release mechanism on the side of the bed."

Felice fumbled around briefly, said: "Aha!", there was a click and the restraints snapped open. As I clambered off the bed, she indicated the recumbent villain. "You sure that's Doctor Yes? Looks just like a gorgeous naked lady to me."

I pointed to the inner and outer shells of armour and briefly explained how Doctor Yes deceived her crews. Felice made some sort of coarse comment about the outsized prick but we won't go into that. Then I remembered the syringe and picked it up. The doctor had been going to use it on me—well, sauce for the whatever as they say... I told Felice what I was doing and then emptied the hypo into Doctor Yes's arm. "Get out of that one!" I said.

I turned to my lover. "Felice, you've rescued me from a fate worse than something or other... My turn to do you a favour. You see that big dial there. Turn it up as far as it will go... that's it... now press the big red button beside it..."

I went to the window and looked upwards to the sky. I counted ten instant tiny flashes of light, pin-pricks almost and far, far away. Guessing the pirates were now just a bunch of molecules floating round in the ether, I told Felice what had happened. "So when I prepare our report, I'm going to give you full credit for rescuing me, capturing Doctor Yes and personally destroying the pirate fleet. Then maybe the tight-arsed bureaucrats on the top floor will give you a much-deserved promotion. Anyway, how come you left the ship and came to rescue me?"

"Easy. I got to thinking things over and started to get suspicious. You'd have expected both of us to get the lung adjusting operation, not just you, and you had no problems with the ship's air supply. So knowing how devious Kew is and how much she hates you I asked Sweary if the Feminan air was fit to breathe. He analysed a sample and, deleting all the expletives, confirmed it was identical to Earth normal and I'd better get my backside in gear and rescue you from whatever merde you'd landed yourself in. When Sweary confirmed that, I knew you were in trouble. Fortunately I'd had the foresight to fasten a micro-tracker to your tunic in case of emergency and so here I am."

"It was a plot by that bitch Kew to get me as well as Doctor Yes. She betrayed us," I told her, "but there's not much we can do about that. There's no solid evidence, it's my word against hers. So heavens bless Sweary, and double bless you, Felice." I pulled her into a hug and then realising I might reek of pussy stepped back quickly. "I'd better find some clothes."

"Uh-oh... before you do that, I think we've got more trouble. There's something vaguely resembling a human being standing there glaring at us. And it's holding three planks of wood." Felice reached for her S&W.

"No, wait," I told her, "I owe this lot something and I need to get it out of my system. A good fight should do it." I approached OddSlob. "Come on, you big bastard, if you think you're tough enough."

OddSlob seemed puzzled then lifted his planks and smashed them with his head. "Urk?" He looked at us as if expecting to see us disappearing in a cloud of dust.

"Wow!" breathed Felice, impressed.

I threw myself into a Phlung Dhung attack pose. "Aieeee!" I don't know why we're supposed to scream "Aieeee!" each time but we are. Tradition I guess. Plays hell with the throat, though.

The monster flinched and took a step back. "Urk...?"

I sprang forward again. "Aieeee!"

Shuffle back. "Urk...?"

Crouch then leap. "Aieeee!"

The next moment OddSlob was backed into a corner, cowering down and sucking his thumb. What the hell...? Realisation slowly dawned. "You can't fight, can you OddSlob? You don't know how to?"

He shook his head. "Ner..."

"All you can do is smash planks with your head."

OddSlob nodded frantically. "Urk..."

"And Doctor Yes just used you to intimidate people. I'll bet you were taken away from your family and friends at an early age, never to see them again."

More nodding interspersed with a few "Urks..."

My spoiling for a fight faded away and I felt sorry for the wretched creature. "Poor old OddSlob," I said, "Look, would you like to stay here and work for the Feminitas if they agree? They'd be kinder than Doctor Yes and I'm sure they could find a use for someone who can break planks with his head."

More nodding. "Urk, urk..."

I patted his head and told him to wait outside for us. "You meet some strange people when you're a secret agent," Felice said. I couldn't agree more.

There was a sleepy murmur from where Doctor Yes was struggling to sit up. Her eyes were unfocussed and she blinked at us. The drug had obviously worked fast and her voice was as deep and hollow as the members of her harem. "Oh, hello. Who are you?" she asked.

"I'm Jaimie," I told her, "and this is Felice. We've come to take you home."

"My, that's kind of you..." She slumped back.

"I'm just going to find you something to wear," Felice said and left the chamber.

Probably just as well she did. A moment later Doctor Yes sat up for a second time, murmured: "I think I smell pussy..." then promptly passed out again.

Mission accomplished

The first thing we did was to get Doctor Yes back to our ship and put her into the hibernation unit before she recovered consciousness. She was soon in the deepest sleep and could remain there until we made Earthfall. I gave Sweary strict instructions on this point. "Who'd be a pissing robot, do this, do that," the machine complained, "Bloody work's never done, not a word of thanks. Set the co-ordinates, pilot the ship, take it through two hyperspace jumps, act as shagging nursemaid to a sleeping woman, tote that box, lift that bale..."

We left him to his moans and returned to The City where we released Madam Secretary and gathered the High Council together. By the Great Black Hole, what a crowd! They were typical politicians, little or no gratitude and so pompous I wondered if they were really men in disguise. They convened and immediately began bickering among themselves. "It's all right for you two," Madam Secretary whispered, "You'll be going back to Earth soon. I've got to listen to this lot every day. You'll see—in a few weeks time you'd think that they defeated Doctor Yes's outlaw band and you had very little to do with it."

It wasn't all political hot-air though. Ordinary Feminitas threw a number of parades and dinner parties for us and I made sure they recognised Felice as the real heroine of the hour. We even found work for OddSlob, toiling in the fields alongside the horses. He liked them, they liked him and they worked well together—they lived on oats, he lived on oatmeal, they lived in stables, he lived in stable lofts. And anytime anyone needed firewood...

Among various papers in Doctor Yes's quarters we found what might be an antidote formula for the memory-wiping drug. I passed it to the Feminan medical authorities in the hope they could restore the twelve beauties to their former selves.

Getting close to our final days on Femina, Madam Secretary asked if there was anything special could be done for us. Felice looked me in the eye then pointedly gazed pussywards. "Oh yes," I said, "Do you know a first-class trustworthy surgeon?"

"Yes indeed," said Madam Secretary.

"Good, then I've got a little job for her, a small extraction..."

* * * * *

We were in deep space once again, this time homeward bound in triumph, the way all good spy stories should end. I was looking forward to handing Kew her now disarmed miniature cobalt bomb and watching her face become all smeared and horrid with rage. It might be cruel of me but I'd no intention of telling her it was harmless. I anticipated her usual reaction to disappointment, that she would dash it to the floor in a temper, jump up and down on it, realise what she was doing and hurl herself under the nearest desk, hands covering her hears. Thwarting Kew and provoking one of her childish tantrums always made me feel I'd achieved something worthwhile.

I couldn't foresee any trouble from Kew either, not in the immediate future anyway. Although I had no concrete evidence of her treachery, she knew that Felice and I knew and there was no harm in a little moral blackmail.

Doctor Yes was comfortable in suspended animation, her sleeping face so innocent-looking that you'd never believe the fear she'd inspired on so many planets. As her memory had been wiped clean on Femina, Service HQ psychologists would rebuild her mind and no doubt turn her into one of our agents. I looked forward to that and possibly working with her—I owed her an orgasm or three, even if she didn't remember (oh, but not a word to Felice).

As if she could read my thoughts, my beloved called out to me: "Oh J-a-i-m-i-e!"

I turned away from the co-ordinates charts Sweary had been programming. As expected, there it was, the sweet smile. And the Smith & Wesson being twirled on a finger. "What is it, darling?" I prompted.

Felice gesture towards the deep-freeze unit where Doctor Yes lay. "Tell me, when you were captive did you and that woman...? When I came to rescue you, I half thought I could smell pussy but in all the excitement I wasn't sure."

Secret weapon time. I widened my eyes and allowed the hurt to creep into my voice. "Darling, how could you think such a thing of me? You saw the way she had me securely shackled down. What could I possibly have done to her?" I let my bottom lip quiver and then brightened. "Maybe the shock of the stunner made Doctor Yes come a little bit when you shot her. It is a recognised shock reaction."

"Mmm, that could be it. Oh, Jaimie, I'm so sorry for doubting you! It's just that I love you so much, I can't help feeling jealous at times. You're so damned attractive, a real babe-magnet, and I'm always having to beat the bitches off with a club." The sidearm was holstered and Felice hurled herself at me. Passionate hugs and kisses followed. Crisis over.

"How long before we reach the next jump point?" she asked.

I glanced at the computer bank and our robot pilot. "How long, Sweary?"

"Three hours, twelve minutes and forty fucking seconds," the robot replied.

Felice gave me a little smile, a genuine one. "Then there's just enough time."

"For what?"

She whispered.

"Oh, that..." I said.

"Yes, that... " she purred, unbuckling her gun-belt, "So get your clothes off now, Jaimie Pond, and show me your perfect pussy. After all, Double Oooh Eleven, you are licensed to thrill."

"Oh, for fuck's sake," groaned Sweary, "Here we go again!"

The End

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 1 year ago

That was bonded close to, mmmmh some disney characters? No catain black beard and captain sparroow, mmmmh not sure ...... It doesn't matter, have been watching or reading about a bond and kew, may pornstars ...... So this was funny and made me smile , fab entertaining


DessertmanDessertmanalmost 2 years ago

Excellent, it was great fun, I love your imagination!

redpoppiesredpoppiesover 2 years ago

Delightfully ridiculous!

Candy_Kane54Candy_Kane54almost 4 years ago


I loved it. I laughed out loud at this. Thanks for telling this tale.

vanmyers86vanmyers86over 5 years ago
What a fun read!

This is the first of your stories I have read, and I really enjoyed it! The classic sci-fi and spy fiction references made me smile, and in general, the story was a delightful and funny romp. Not everyone can write humor, but you have a deft touch.

Thanks for writing this one!

JodiHutchinsJodiHutchinsover 5 years ago

Oh, this was awesome. I didn’t know what to expect at first. The humor and wit were perfect and I couldn’t stop reading once I started. Also, I need a fucking Sweary bot, damn it!

AnonymousWriter244AnonymousWriter244over 5 years ago
Science Fiction Golden Age with a twist

Space opera at its finest! Or Bond comedy? Either way a delightful voyage to the past. You seem to have caught the escence of that Age while adding a sexy twist (I don't know why but 1968's movie 'Barbarella' comes to mind. The 60's are back Baby!).

kozostorieskozostoriesover 5 years ago
Great Fun

I really enjoyed your story. Loved the fun references to another genre of stories - Em, Kew, and laughed out loud at the Sechs Drive!

Well done, write more like this!

stroudlestroudleover 5 years ago

I was grinning from start to finish. Funny, sexy and a saucy little plot twist.

You really let your imagination run wild on this one, for which I say a big Thank you.

I want a Megacomf sex-sofa and Double Oooh Eleven to go with it would be nice too, please.

Thank you

careythomascareythomasover 5 years ago
So cunning, you can put a tail on it and call it a fox!

Bravo!!! I was absolutely delighted by this romp of a story. Well done!!

VyresOfTheArtVyresOfTheArtover 5 years ago

Hahaha perfect. Loved it from beginning to end. There were loads of humor and action and hot sexy sex! Everything that can greatly benefit a story.

TrueMortTrueMortover 5 years ago
And the winner of the most movie quotes is...

So loved this. absolutely golden (gun)

I honestly didn't stop laughing all the way through.

and seriously sexy to boot :)

possibly my favourite story of the year

certainly your very best story by a mile

gnome_mangnome_manover 5 years ago
Amazingly Funny Story!

I just about laughed my ass off. There were so many jokes and puns and... everything in this story. So many references to James Bond and to a bunch of old Sci-Fi stories that really made me roll in the aisles.

It was such a funny story!

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