A Special Summer

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Two friends have some fun during summer break.
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The place really seemed like something out of a fairy tale. Katie passed her eyes back and forth across the scenery as she drove to meet her friends at the secluded cabin. The trees rose high above providing a beautiful canopy and the various plantlife blanketing the ground completed the picturesque landscape. As she pulled up to the green A-frame cabin she saw D.J sitting on the front porch. She looked around expecting to spot her other friends but didn't see anyone else. She parked the car in a shaded area a turned off the engine.

"Where's everyone else?" she asked closing the door. D.J was reading and just barely gave her a glance.

"They were all going to ride together with Marcus but they had car trouble." D.J answered not bothering to put down his magazine.

"Oh, when did Marcus get a car?"

"It's Andrews. Marcus was just borrowing it." He turned a page not even looking at her.

"Those two are still together. Who would have thought?" her nonchalant comment passing from her lips as she looked around the woods.

D.J put down his magazine and stood up. "Yeah, those two, what a pair. Anyways, they said they'd be up later, you wanna go for a walk till then. I need to stretch my legs."

"Sure." she rushed her things inside and off they went.

They walked for a few minutes in silence both just enjoying the scenery. Surprisingly it was D.J that broke the silence.

"So how did you manage to get up here so quick. Didn't you have work today? He turned to look at her, seeing her head snap toward him as his question caught her by surprise.

"Oh," she said, gathering her thoughts to form a response, "I left as soon as I got off from work. I didn't want to keep everyone else waiting. Doesn't look like that would have been a problem."

"Yeah, Marcus was arguing with Andrew while he called telling him he should have taken it to a mechanic weeks ago. Meanwhile Andrew was yelling at him over something."

"Those two always seem to be at each others throats. It's a wonder they're still together." Katie turned her head again to admire the scenery.

"Somehow they make it work." As they came to a steel hill they stopped, both debating whether they wanted to continue or just turn around. "The view looks really good from up there." D.J offered in an attempt to keep them going. The sun was shining brightly and even though it was fairly shaded, they could feel the sweat beginning to form across their bodies.

"Then what are we waiting for?" goaded Katie as she began walking up the hill with D.J following suit immediately. As they climbed they both lost their footing more than once, and each had to stop a moment to catch their breath. Finally they reached the top and were rewarded with a beautiful sight of rows of trees in the distance and flocks of birds flying across the sky.

Sweat was rolling down both of them and Katie brushed her hand over the back of her neck loosing the strands of hair that were sticking to it. After taking a few minutes to catch their breath they began the trek back down, which was almost as difficult as coming up. They made it however and upon reaching the cabin, collapsed into the chairs sitting out front.

"That was quite a hike." said Katie breathing heavily. "You do this often?"

"Not really." replied D.J as he too tried to regain control of his breathing. "Especially not when it's this hot."

"You think the others have got the car fixed yet?" she asked her breathing becoming more steady.

"They said they'd call when they got ready to leave."

"Well in any case I think I'm gonna clean up." She stood up and stretched.

"Knock yourself out." D.J replied unenthusiastically, "showers right behind you." He motioned with his hand as he closed his eyes.

Katie turned around and looked up. She had seen the shower head mounted just below the window, but assumed it was just used sparingly. "Is this the only shower?" she asked, hoping there was one inside.

"Afraid so." D.J responded still with his eyes closed. "What's the matter, I'm not gonna look." His mouth formed a slight smirk under his beard. He was enjoying this.

"Yea right. Even if that were true I'd still be more comfortable if you went upstairs. So could you please."

D.J opened his eyes and turned to look at her. "You're kidding right?"

"No, I really need a shower and I would like some privacy." her voice was firm and her mind was set.

D.J stared at her for a few seconds before finally standing up with a groan. "Ok, you win." he walked up the stairs into the cabin. "But don't go asking for a curtain because that's just ridiculous." He heard her give an annoyed huff as she followed him inside. He climbed upstairs and waited a few minutes to give her time to collect her necesaary supplies then quietly crept back downstairs. No way was he going to miss this opportunity.

He reached the window located above the shower and peeked over the sill. Katie had just stripped out of her white tank top and was left standing in her cut off blue jean shorts that rose up into her ass and her highlight blue sports bra. He watched as she wiped the sweat across her body, trying to get as much off as possible. Having done fairly well she proceeded to remove the rest of her clothing.

He watched as she shivered slightly due to a sudden breeze blowing across her sweaty body. She bent over to stretch out her legs a little and peered closely as the wind left a trail of goosebumps up her spine. She stood up to remove her sports bra which was now clinging to her breasts as though they were a life raft. She peeled the wet fabric off and seemed to enjoy the exposure of her body to nature's breath. Reaching behind to unhook their final confinement, he delighted in the way they bounced free and how the air made her nipples stand to attention. She cast her zebra stripe bra onto the chair with the rest of her clothing and turned her attention to her brasts. She rubbed around them a few times, hefting them in her hands to admire their size. She let them go with a flop and reached down to slip off her shorts which looked to have ridden up uncomfortably in her ass.

Unbuttoning and unzipping her shorts she struggled with pulling them off; on account of the sweat soaked into them and on her legs and the fact that they were so tight. Eventually she managed to remove them and he could tell she felt her body temperature immediately lower due to the cool air now running between her legs. The thin fabric of her zebra print thong didn't offer much protection anyways, which was fine with him as he loved watching the air leave goosebumps as it brushed across her ass and run over her pussy. She spread her legs slightly to allow more air flow and peeled away the fabric sticking to her pussy. Finally she hooked her thumbs into the strap of her thong and pulled downward.

Bending over to step out of the clothing D.J watched her ass clench as the wind ran between her cheeks to caress the sweaty hole between. He pressed his face against the window for a better view, seeing her reach between her legs and spread her pussy to allow the air cool between her lips. Now naked and no longer sweating as much she walked over to turn on the shower. He heard the water hit the wooden platform as she adjusted the knobs to get the correct tempreature, but with no luck. Finally she just waited for it to heat. She stood there waiting with her arms crossed and legs together as she was now getting visibly cold. She suddenly dropped her arms to her sides seemingly relaxed. He stared intently at the girl below him and even more intently at what flowed from between her legs.

She stood there and let her piss pour from her pussy and run down her legs. It puddled around her feet where it battled with the spray of the shower over territory. He followed the stream as it spray from her pussy to flow over the sides of the raised platform. She reached out to test the water as he watched the last drops of piss drip from her pussy. She stepped into the warm rain and began cleansing herself from the days activities.

The water washed through her hair as she ran her fingers through its brown length. The jets of water cascading over her body as she rubbed away the sweat and dirt that had formed a layer across her skin. Her breasts seemed to swell in enjoyment to the warm water and he watched mesmerized as they heaved up and down with each breath. Once she had thoroughly rinsed herself she grabbed a bottle of body wash and poured some into her hand.

Working up a nice lather she spread it across her stomach working her hands in different directions. Her right hand moved upwards to soap her breasts while her left continued washing her stomach. He watched the sexy scene of her running her hand around her breasts, lathering the two orbs in the white compound. Realizing they were to much for the one she brought her other hand up to help with the job. She soaped all around them, running them over, under, and across until they looked like to giant marshmallows from all the soap.

Seeming satisfied she poured more body wash and began washing the rest of her body. She ran her hands across her arms washing them slowly and thoroughly. She raised them to wash under her armpits and then down her sides. He watched as she tried reaching her back, but was having visible difficulties. She strained her arms and he enjoyed the way her breasts jutted out, and her ass tensed as she tried to reach. Eventually giving up she started to work on her lower half.

She bent over to wash her legs giving D.J a fantastic view of her ass. She ran them up and down giving them the same slow thorough treatment as her arms. D.J followed her actions on both legs closely, taking in every curve and watching closely to see as much of what lay between them as possible. Finally she straightened and after pouring more soap proceeded to wash her final area.

She rubbed her pussy making sure to get the crease of her legs really soapy. D.J watched her rub back and forth from his birds eye view and then as she reached behind to wash her ass. He couldn't see, but he imagined the picture as she moved her arms in circles and then up and down as she washed her butt.

He was saddened to see her step into the water and rinse as he new his fun was almost over. Still, he enjoyed what time was left of his private show. The soap washed away revealing her wonderful body to his eyes. He loved how the pink nipples and large areolas stood in contrast to her white skin, and how when she raised her arms to let the water flow freely under them she was exposed even more. Eventually and much to his dissapointment she turned off the water and grabbed the towel laying on the chair. She wrapped it around her hiding herself from his view and he knew he needed to move fast before his voyeuristic activities were exposed.

Katie walked up the steps leading inside the green cabin. She wrung out the last drops of water from her hair leaving a trail behind her. Stepping inside she saw no sign of D.J and figured he had kept his word after all so she headed upstairs to get changed. Once there she saw D.J sitting on the bed looking at some sports magazine.

"Seems like you were a gentleman after all." she teased. When he turned to look at her she noticed the way his eyes grew slightly wide at her appearance. It was to be expected as the towel she was wearing was wrapped tightly around, causing her breasts to swell threatening to pop out. She enjoyed the feeling of knowing how aroused she made him.

"Yeah well, this magazine was pretty interesting." D.J tried to focus on her face but his eyes kept making their way down to her cleavage. Even though he had just seen her take a shower, the sight before seemed just as erotic.

"More interesting than a nude woman?" her voice held a slight hint of a challenge in it.

"Remove that towel and we'll find out." he replied with a smirk.

"Nice try, but you need to leave so I can get changed."

"Couldn't you do that downstairs?"

"Not when my clothes are up here." she motioned to her bag with her finger. "Now go."

D.J stood and walked down the stairs defeated by her logic. Once gone Katie wondered just how far she could push the redhead. She searched through her bag until she found just the right things. A white tank top and a pair of gym shorts. No bra and no panties. She really wanted to get him going. She slipped them on loving how the shorts rode between her ass and pussy, and how her nipples were slightly visible through her top. Oh yes, she thought, this is going to be fun.

They sat outside that evening, the sun casting orange hues across the landscape as it passed its final hour in the sky. So far Katie's plan to tease her friend had gone better than expected. She kept catching him alternating his gaze from her breasts to her ass all throughout the day, and she had to admit the way he looked at her made her a little aroused herself. So now they were both sitting around and they were both slightly horny. She was thinking of heading inside to relieve herself when D.J's voice once again broke the silence.

"Would you want to check out the hot tub?" he asked almost lazily.

She considered her options and decided a nice jet stream would work better than her fingers. "Yeah, that sounds great."

D.J had the hot tub going in no time. He had stripped to his boxers and she (not having any underwear on) just stayed in her clothes. The decision had an even greater effect it seemed. As she stepped in and lowered her body the water made her thin shirt almost see through. She looked at D.J and watched as his eyes almost popped from his head. Wanting to feel the tubs jets directly on her pussy she decided to start a conversation while trying to remove her shorts without being noticed.

"You ready for school to start back?" her question a smokescreen for what she really cared about. She found one of the jets and as she sat slid her shorts down her thighs in what she hoped was an unperceived action.

"Is anyone ever ready for school to start?" D.J replied. If he had noticed what she was doing he didn't let on.

"I guess not." she gave a small hmm to cover up her moan. The jet felt wonderful the way the water forced itself around her ass and through her pussy's lips. She was trying not to move so much but the sensation was causing her pussy to ache. "Good news is it's almost over." she smiled as she wiggled her hips attempting soothe the burning between her legs.

"Yea it's been quite a trip." he was staring at her as though he knew what was going on. The desire in his eyes blazing clearly.

"Remember that time Alex ripped her skirt during that flip in cheerleading? Not sure whose face was more red hers or yours." she continued teasing as she dipped her hands below the water to pleasure herself. The first touch sent a shock through her which made her jerk slightly. She covered it up by pretending she had a chill.

"It's not everyday a hot girl rips her clothes and shows you her ass. Can't blame me for getting a little hot."

Katie was now rubbing her pussy through the streams of water pouring under her. She was rubbing slow and deep so as not to draw attention, but the pleasure coursing through her was making itself known by the soft moans and wimpers escaping her lips. "Mmm true." She was trying desperately not to make noise but it was just too much. "I remember she tried so hard to cover it up but it was a pretty big rip." Her voice was starting to crack and she was losing her train of thought. Her only concern at the moment was bringing herself to climax.

"Mmmmm!" the moan was deep and not at all soft.

"What's wrong?" D.J asked thinking she was hurt.

A small whimper, "Nothing, I'm fine." she continued her now clearly visible masturbation session uncaring that her friend was sitting mere feet from her. She looked at D.J and saw the look of understanding cross his face. He sat back and she watched his hands sink below the surface to relieve himself as well. She watched his muscle contract from his actions which only caused her to become more turned on. She rubbed her pussy frantically now, moaning and whimpering as she adjusted herself to allow the jets full access to her pussy.

She plunged her fingers deep inside, spreading and massaging her inner walls. Her head was leaned back and her eyes were shut as she rocked her hips against her hand basically screaming at this point. When she arched her back she could feel the cool air against her wet shirt transferred to her heated breasts which only served to kindle her desire even more. Suddenly she felt her walls contract as her orgasm forced its way through her body. Overtaken by her lust she stood up as she pumped her fingers in and out of her dripping pussy. She applied pressure to her clit to send her over the edge, and when she finally jumped she made sure it was known.

Her climax shot through her as she screamed and moaned, hunched over and legs shaky. She continued fucking herself feeling the pair of eyes glued to her. It only enhanced the experience. The waves of ecstasy washed over her making her feel a little faint. Eventually though it was over and as the last few jolts of euphoria faded she remembered where she was.

She looked at her friend through glazed eyes seeing the look of release on his face as well. She slowly sank down feeling slightly self concious.

"Maybe we keep this just between us?" she asked hopefully. He nodded and they never spoke of it again.

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