A Storied Romance


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I went through the motions at ITI Financial, but my heart was not in it. Because of my son I could not--and would not--work late, but I regularly brought things home to deal with after Peter Iain went to bed. I fell into a comfortable--if somewhat restless--routine. I missed Fin horribly.

October 25 came and went. I took several days off and took Peter Iain on a trip through Scotland. The thought of being alone in the flat on what would have been our second anniversary was too painful. No matter what Fiona did at the end of our marriage, we had enjoyed some wonderful times. I really missed those moments.

As November crept toward an end, I realized that I was facing the holidays with only my son as family. The prospect was not a pleasant one. After all, Peter Iain's second birthday would not come until a month after Christmas.

Ewan urged me to join him and his family for the holidays. I declined. It sounded nice, but I knew I'd feel like a fifth wheel. I'd rather be alone than be the resident "pity-person."

Imagine my surprise when on Saturday, November 21 I answered a knock at my door only to find Sara standing outside. "Can I come in and talk, Peter?" she asked, somewhat sheepishly.

Sara looked absolutely stunning. Her hair was longer and well quaffed. She had lost quite a bit of weight, and looked trim and toned. And the Christmas red dress she wore hugged her frame and made her look absolutely gorgeous.

Well, they say that time heals all wounds and since I was feeling pretty wounded, I saw no reason to turn her away. "Sure! Glad to see a friendly face." I turned to lead the way into the lounge. Peter Iain had trucks and cars spread across the entire floor making walking difficult.

When I turned to speak with Sara, I noticed a tiny face peering out from behind her skirt. She looked just like her mother, though she seemed only slightly older than Peter Iain.

The look of surprise on my face must have been telling. With a coy smile, Sara said, "Don't be shy, honey. He won't bite you."

Then the little girl spied Peter Iain on the floor playing and scurried off to join him. They immediately fell into a comfortable parallel play.

"Here name is Rachael Lynne Miller," Sara said. "She was born October 27--two days after our divorce became final."

She bore the full name of my mother. I was touched. Sara barely got to meat my mom before she died. Mom would have loved her granddaughter and spoiled her rotten.

O God! Suddenly a great many things became clear. Now I understood the delay in the divorce--as well as the sudden turnaround following Todd's visit. I also suspected that Sara's pregnancy was behind her short temper the day of the argument.

Rachael! My daughter. Her hair was blonde, but, like her mother's, it would likely darken as she aged. Here eyes were green like her mine. I watched Rachael and Peter Iain play, in awe of what I was seeing. Rachael had enough "Miller" characteristics that I didn't need to challenge her parentage.

"When I found out that Rachael was coming, I was beyond excited. I couldn't wait to tell you." Sara paused for a moment. "She is yours, you know. Please don't doubt that--though if you want to have her tested, I'll understand."

"No. It's ok." I was almost too speechless for words.

"I hoped and prayed that you would come and see me or at least call. I wanted so badly to explain things to you. I never stopped loving you, you know." Sara choked back a tear. "But then Todd called me while he was visiting you and...."

"Oh God, Sara, I'm so, so sorry. I was a fucking asshole." I wept at the realization of how quickly I had jumped to the wrong conclusion.

"And the stories...?"

"...were a horrible mistake. When you were gone, I had some time on my hands and decided to write up some fantasies. I wanted to create stories of the romance I knew I should be living with you. I don't know why I ever posted them. I guess I never believed that anyone I knew would find them. It was so stupid!"

"Sara, I'm so, so sorry. I was a fool for thinking that you would cheat on me. I made such a mess of things."

"It was my fault too, Peter. I have spent every day of the past two and a half years regretting the irrational way I responded to your fears. When I realized how it looked from your point of view, I couldn't blame you. I just wanted to talk--but you had moved on by then."

"The irony of it all is that I got my just deserts. Fiona actually did what I accused you of doing. I guess I deserved it for the way I treated you."

"No!" There was an emphatic quality to her voice. "Peter, no one ever deserves something like that."

"So what brings you to London?" I asked, praying that I could change the subject.

"You did, silly! I wanted you to meet your daughter and if you won't come to me, I figured I had better come to you." Sara forced a smile. "Besides, I figured that you might need a shoulder to cry on."

"How long can you stay?"

"I have an open return ticket, but I didn't plan to go home until after Christmas--unless you want us to leave sooner."

"Where are you two staying?"

"Todd found a place for us. A contact of his is offering us a place to stay."

I just nodded automatically, not interested in pressing.

"You might know them. Ewan and Paula MacAdams?"

Now I truly was surprised. That was definitely not what I expected to hear. No wonder Ewan and Paula were so anxious for me to spend Christmas with them.

"Todd called Ewan not too long after--well, after your wife's funeral. Ewan told Todd what had happened. Todd asked if he could tell me and Ewan said that it would be a good idea. Then Todd shared with Ewan why he wanted me to know about your loss. Ewan evidently thought you needed some cheering up because he called me directly to invite me to come. I took a leave of absence from my job, and--here I am."

I sat back and watched the two little ones playing so contentedly on the floor. A boy with no mother and a girl who had known no father. They were only six months apart in age. Both were mine. What in the world was I supposed to make of it?

"Is there hope for us, Peter?"

"Sara, you and I were both hurt badly. It's too soon to think of an 'us'. I'm not even sure I'm ready to think of a 'me' yet. "

"I understand, Peter. It took me a long time to get to the place I am now. I'm ready to wait. In the meantime, Rachael needs to get to know her daddy--as well as her brother."

I arranged for Peter Iain and I to have lunch on Sunday afternoon we had a good time in spite of the horrible weather. Sara and I kept a friendly--if respectful--distance. She spent a great deal of time with Peter Iain and I spent mine with Rachael. The two kids had plenty of time interacting. They were still at that shy and uncertain stage, but they got along famously.

"Sara," I began as I pulled into the MacAdams' driveway to drop them off. How about if I take off work on Thursday. I could cook dinner for the four of us. Interested?"

"Sure! But what's so special about Thursday?"

"What! I've been in London for almost three years and haven't forgotten, but you have been here a few days but don't know what Thursday is?"

Sara gave me a puzzled look.

"Back home it would be turkey, the Macy's Parade..."

"And football," she groaned. "How could I forget Thanksgiving? But it's not a holiday here."


We both laughed. It was the first time we shared a laugh in years.

"Does that mean you'll come?"

"I wouldn't miss it!"

I got up early on Thursday and went to the local market. I wanted to make the meal as special as possible, so I dropped by the bakery on the way home and bought what I knew was Sara's favorite pie as well as a nice loaf of bread.

Sara and Rachael were supposed to arrive for a formal dinner at 2:00. Everything was set by the time they arrived.

"Smells wonderful, Peter. I didn't know you could cook. This is a side of you that I never saw before."

"Necessity is the mother of invention, they say. Fiona and I had busy work lives. We shared the cooking detail."

The formal dining room that Fiona had arranged so nicely was spread out elaborately. Candles sat in the center of the table on either side of a nice flower arrangement. Sara noticed that they were unlit and laughed.

"With two toddlers, no need to tempt fate," I retorted.

Dinner was somewhat untraditional, but I knew my son. He would not go for turkey--or anything that once bore feathers. Spaghetti and meatballs was his "to-die-for" meal. As it turned out, Rachael enjoyed my homemade sauce too. For Sara and I, bird was in--though the bird was somewhat smaller than roast turkey. Two game hens, stuffing, roast potatoes, and fresh asparagus topped off with a bottle of a wine that I knew Sara would enjoy.

The two youngsters tore into the Spaghetti. Thankfully, I prepared by converting two plastic trash bags into poncho-style bibs. It turned out to be a great idea. On top of that, Sara got a big kick out of it.

After dinner, I put Aladdin in the DVD player and my two kids fell asleep together watching a Disney classic. They never looked cuter. Sara and I talked--sharing a great deal of the pain we both had experienced from our inconsiderate spouses. It hurt like thunder, but at the same time it was cathartic to finally have someone with whom I could share all of the hurt and pain I had bundled up inside. The day ended too soon.

Over the next few weeks, Sara and I spent a great deal of time together. At first, most of it was with the two kids. After several "family dates", Paula MacAdams volunteered to take the kids. Sara and I shared several very enjoyable evenings together. She especially enjoyed a trip to the Royal Festival Hall. The London Philharmonic presented a fabulous all Beethoven Concert.

We planned to spend Christmas with Ewan and Paula MacAdams. They had insisted. I really wasn't looking forward to it--not because I was regretting the holidays any more. In a bittersweet way, I was looking forward to it. I still missed the Fiona I had once known and loved--before the miscarriage drove her into a depression. Sara's presence and our newly rediscovered relationship was wonderful.

What I hated about the holidays was the realization that Sara and Rachael would soon be returning to the States. I wasn't sure I liked that at all. Buying presents for the kids was no trouble. Buying something for Sara, however, took much more thinking.

Finally, the perfect gift came to me--literally. It arrived on Monday, December 21 shortly after I arrived at the office.

"Mr. Miller, you have a call from Daniel Price on line one," my secretary announced.

It was not too unlike a dozen other identical announcements I had received during the three years I had spent at ITI Financial. Daniel and I talked regularly, though I couldn't figure out what prompted this call. There was nothing new brewing between ITI and Parker Price.

"Daniel! To what do I owe the honor of this call? Merry Christmas, by the way!"

"I have a favor to ask you, Peter. It's a problem that has been puzzling me for weeks, and I think you are the only person who can solve it for me."

"I'll give it a try. What's up?"

"It's a personnel issue. Helen wants me to retire and I'm finally going to do it. I think she will come to regret it, though. We decided to compromise. I will cut back my responsibilities, keep my position as Chairman of the Board and CEO--at least in name. I will hire a new Chief Operating Officer and President who will have all of the usual CEO functions to run the operations. The problem is finding the right man. Todd Brooks came to mind."

"I love Todd, but he has spent a career in sales. He hasn't had much management experience. If you want to go that way, he'd be a good choice, but you might find that you need to do more than be a figurehead CEO."

"That was my thought exactly. Then I thought about Maria Santoro."

"Maria will be the best in the business--someday. I haven't seen her work in three years, mind you, but last I knew she was a rising star. She'd bee a great number two on the team, but I'm not sure if she's really ready to be COO."

"Again, I agree with you completely. That brings me to my last choice. He's the best in the business, but he's not part of the Parker Price team."

"Coming in from the outside wouldn't be bad. Could bring a new perspective on things."

"Peter, you and I think so much alike on this!" There was a long pause on the conversation. "So, will you take the job?"

"Me?" I don't know who that came as a surprise, but it did. "I have to think about this for a while. I owe it to Ewan to get his input, too. When do you need to know?"

"The next board meeting will be on January 15. I hope to propose my replacement as COO at that time."

I didn't get much work done that day. Instead, I took a legal pad and started making notes. On the top of the page I listed the positive results of the move; on the bottom were the negatives.

I hated taking Peter Iain away from his grandparents, but they had not been too friendly with me since Fiona's death. I knew they loved Peter Iain completely, but he and I came as a package. On the other hand there was Sara. But was I ready to go there again? It would be a terrific step up, career-wise, but I loved it in London.

By mid-afternoon, I took my lunch break and went for a walk to sort things out. I met Ewan in the hallway shortly after I returned to the offices. "Can I talk with you, Ewan?"

"Sure thing. Here? Or fancy going out for a pint?"

Even though I had just had lunch, I chose the latter. After we were served two pints of Guinness, I shared my dilemma with Ewan.

"I knew I couldn't keep you as my number two forever. Since I am not ready to retire myself, that makes things tough. I was hoping that your wife would keep you here, but...." His voice drifted off in the sorrow we both felt. "What do you want to do?"

"I want to stay here at ITI Financial."

"Good, but what about Sara?"

"I know. I'm beginning to suspect that we are going to end up making another go at it."

"Have you told her that?"

"We've hinted, but she says she will wait for me."

"I was hoping to hear that. I like Sara. You two made a muck of things last time, but after the pain you both experienced, I think you might just make it this time."

"Maybe Sara and I should talk tonight. Maybe she we could live here after we marry."

"That would be great, but what about Sara's job--her career? She might not be able to find one like it here in London. The economy isn't great, after all. Besides, she has a lot invested in her job back in the States."

I nodded absently. This was not helping.

"Peter, I appreciate your loyalty to ITI, but the time comes when a bird must learn to fly. I stole you from Daniel Price. Now it's time for me to give you back to him. I did make him a promise, after all."

I gave Ewan a puzzled look. "Daniel Price talked to you about this?"

Ewan shook his head. "Not recently. We talked before you took the job at ITI. He told me that his retirement was in three or four years. He also said he wanted you back. I was hoping for four years, but I guess I will have to live with three."

"What if I don't want to go back?"

"I have a great deal more than three or four years before I want to think of retirement, so there's no place for you to move at ITI Financial. Besides, a deal is a deal. I'm afraid I'd have to give you the sack!"

"Wow! I guess it's settled then."

I thanked Ewan for his help and left to finish my Christmas shopping. I found the perfect thing at a jeweler shop. It was a beautiful three stone diamond engagement ring. I had it wrapped in Christmas paper. Later, I placed that box in larger box and wrapped it in Christmas paper. Finally, I put that box in a shoe box and wrapped it in bright gold paper with a red bow and ribbon.

After dinner on Christmas Eve, we all exchanged presents. I got Ewan a very expensive bottle of scotch whisky. For Paula I got a book that I knew she wanted, together with a gift card for her favorite department store. Sara's gift was the last one distributed. She gave me a hard time when she kept finding new boxes to open, but when the final one was in front of her, I dropped to my knee.

As she flipped open the little box, I said, "Sara, will you marry me--again? I promise not to be such an asshole this time."

Sara responded by throwing her arms around me and showering me with kisses.

We were married in a private ceremony on January 2. Ewan and Paula stood up for us. December 31 was my last official day working at ITI. Leaving it was a bittersweet moment for me. I had come to love everyone I had worked with and would miss them.

We spent a full month honeymoon in London, staying at my flat. It was actually a working holiday, since I needed to clear it out for a move back to the States.

I'd like to say that we lived happily ever after. By and large, we did. There were some tough times re-acquainting ourselves to each other's habits and preferences. Our two children learned to fight like any other siblings. They also learned to take care of their baby sister--who arrived one year to the day from our return home.

Happy ever after? Not sure yet, but we are working on it as hard as we can!


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PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore1981about 1 month ago

Interesting turn of events he accuses and divorces his ex for cheating just to get with a new girl who actually was cheating on him now that was funny the fact saying she cheated cause she was depressed is complete bullshit she was more than likely already cheating on him before hand the child she lost which was screwed up to begin with was probably her lover's and she just kept it going then figured she would use depression as a excuse to keep her marriage if caught if she truly was depressed she wouldn't have wanted to be around anyone much less fuck them and spend a week with them it doesn't work that way that's not how depression works it was clear this writer doesn't understand that cause they didn't do proper research to learn about the actual actions of someone who was depressed

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore1981about 1 month ago

Not surprised there was reconciliation involved here cause the writer doesn't even know how the saying he used as his tag line goes its fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me he said fool me once shame on me and didn't even know the rest of it so the fact this story is about reconciliation and the husband being a little bitch is not surprising for that and for the fact most people who write on this sight honestly believe that a cheating slut is a loving wife and that men all cuck bitches those people clearly never met a real man nor ever raised to know what a truly loving wife is

SmellerSmellerabout 1 month ago

When the MC just left because his wife was angry that he was accusing her of cheating without any evidence but some stories I stopped reading and skipped to the end. That was one of the most moronic things I ever read. It's on par with being angry because you had a dream your partner cheated.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Biggest problem is the automatic assumption that just because Sara was pregnant with his child that she all of a sudden wasn't a cheating whore, all the clues including her reactions and the fact that you want us to believe anyone would write a story mirroring reality so perfectly and then add complete fictitious lies about infidelity, add to that keeping the secret of being an aspiring erotic writer from husband and posting it online, it all is to much to be explained. Anything short of video evidence of those nights showing that no possible paramour actually existed I would not be convince otherwise.

Cracker270Cracker2703 months ago

Enjoyed it very much

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

How did he get on at Parker Price with so many subordinates that he'll never convince that he's not a cuckold? Do they still laugh at him behind his back?

(The fact that he divorced her makes him look very bad for taking her back - to any dirty minds that may be around at work)

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The MC is copping a lot of flak, some deserved, some not for his actions but Sara escapes unscathed for hers. Let's not forget it was she who initially walked out on him rather than discussing the issue like a rational adult and it was she who told him that she was going to stay the night with her lover which was an insanely stupid thing to say especially considering that it wasn't even true, or at least so she says and it is not mitigated in the slightest that it was said in the heat of the moment.

Sara's behaviour was completely self destructive and it was good that she came to realise that in the end but she doesn't deserve to escape criticism for her actions.


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Terrible story all around. A fictional story being the absolute proof of his wife cheating is just ridiculous. I will bet you every dollar i've ever earned that every single human that has been cheated on has demanded to know WHY of their cheating partner at least. MC is an absolute mental midget and coward as his reaction to reading a few stories on a 'literotica' style website is to just book the fuck out and end everything without EVER even trying to talk to his wife about it.

The wife or todd or anne or any of the other people in his old life NOT telling him about her pregnancy and just going years keeping their mouths shut and living in misery is also just stupid. His new wife fiona quickly written in as being all ga ga over him, in love, supportive, blah blah and then just goes off the rails with no explanation and just as quickly written out to set up the painfully contrived reconciliation for the ending. Rare to see an author work so hard to earn a one star rating.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Hmm. MC is not a good person. Comes off as a self righteous coward who when unhappy takes his ball away and runs off. His lack of confrontation after their one argument (in which he got pretty much everything wrong) and then his premeditated flight and disappearance was loathsome and craven. Yeah she didn't articulate things well and was pussed off and ashamed, never thinking her fantasy writing would be read by others so close to her at work, let alone her husband. Then his second wife just goes off the rails for inexplicable reasons once their child is born. And somehow Sarah just suffers in silence for years and the fact that she and the MC had a daughter is never communicated by anyone at all. Whether via email, text, courier or through their lawyers until years later. Eep.

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