A Story of Guilt


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Women almost never called him when he worked out of his home office, which was just a spare bedroom, except for a few older married ones looking to get themselves fingered. Even those were few and far between, that is why he had given the spa a shot.

The bad part about the spa was he needed to be very careful, the owners would not stand for any messing around.

Yep. Finally, a babe! He was thinking this one might be fun. If he did a long slow buildup, then it was just a matter of time.

One thing Randy did have was a lot of patience.


The massage session was normal, Randy was completely respectful. Sandy kept expecting him to say something, do something, perhaps try to peek but he didn't. She was reasonably sure he never even got a glimpse of her underwear except for perhaps her bra strap. His hands came to the edge of it but never touched it.

He also found the spot on her right hip, so he cautiously drew the drape back, folding it carefully to the edge of the waist band of her panties.

That part was wonderful, starting out as mild pain and ending with a relaxed feeling.

What she did notice was he was much stronger with his work, stopping right at the edge of pain with every stroke.

That session was amazing! Randall was easily as good at his trade as any of the women at the spa and she really liked the much firmer pressure.

Still, he was a very handsome male and she felt just a little bit uncomfortable about it, so the next time she went back to having a woman work with her. She saw him briefly at that appointment, talking to an older lady in the lobby he had apparently just finished with.

"Hi, Sandy." He looked over at her and smiled. She smiled back, then went into the hot tub and sauna room.

That evening Sandy mentioned to Jack that they had a male therapist at the spa. She had thought a lot about that, it had been totally innocent and she really did like the firm pressure.

She certainly didn't want to hide anything from Jack, although she was fairly sure he would not be upset.

"Oh, really? I hope he is cute, babe." Jack teased her.

"Yea, he is, I guess. I got one session from him a couple of weeks ago because the girls were off sick, but I went go back to having the girls work on me."

"Oh, really? Why just once? Didn't you like his work?" Jack was rattling his newspaper, not paying a lot of attention.

"I think the difference is..men are...stronger I guess?" She asked, feeling him out for a reaction.

"Yea, probably. Those guys are all usually gay anyway, so it shouldn't make any difference. Besides, they are professionals so it's no different than seeing your Doctor."

"I kept my bra and underwear on anyway, plus the sheet of course."

"Bashful, huh?" Jack laughed.

"I suppose I was being silly." She said.

"Yea, probably." Jack reached for the TV controller.

"You wouldn't mind if I asked for Randall then?" Sandy asked.

"Of course not, it's just a massage. If it helps you to feel better, that's a good thing." He answered.

Sandy decided right then, since Jack obviously was not concerned there was no reason for her to be either.


The next week Sandy asked if Randall was available, blushing slightly when the receptionist grinned.

"Sure is, want me to send him in?"

Sandy nodded, then went in for her usual short soak in the big hot tub.

Once again she was wearing the soft white robe when the knock came at the door. She had quickly tugged on her bra and panties before pulling the robe securely around herself.

"Hi, Sandy! Nice to see you again. You know the drill, I will be back in in a few minutes." The man had that same relaxed manner, the same confident and disarming grin.

Sandy began getting undressed, she had just released her bra by force of habit when she thought about that. Then she decided why not, and stripped off her bra but left her pantie on.

That session was just like the first, he never mentioned the lack of undergarment, although he knew when he stroked her bare back through the drape.

"Is it all right if I bare your back? It makes the work a lot easier." He asked her quietly.

"Yes, that is fine." She answered.

That was much better because he didn't need to work around her straps. He did keep the sheet fairly high and slid his hands underneath part way, he even used the sides of his hands to tuck the lower portion up to cover the outside edges of her breasts. Next he produced a hot towel from somewhere and placed that over her shoulders, that felt so delicious she very nearly drifted off to sleep.

Sandy wasn't too concerned about being nearly nude, lying flat against the padded table he could see nothing anyway.

He also took no liberties at all, when she turned over as he held up the sheet, he first dropped the drape into place, then placed a towel over her bust and slid the sheet out from underneath.

It was just like the first time he had worked on her except she was now completely aware of her breasts being naked beneath the drape. Dragging the sheet across her nipples as he slipped it out from under the thin towel caused them to stiffen and she knew the bumps she made in the drape were showing.

But he did nothing at all that could be considered anything other than a massage, carefully keeping his hands outside the towel.

It was several sessions later with him that things did change slightly. By that time she was comfortable enough with him that she also removed her panties, thinking he could work out her hips more properly that way. Randy did slide the sheet down to bare her back so he could use the lotion, that was much better, and now he could work the outside edges of her fanny and hip without staining the undergarment with the oil.

He always stood on one side and drew the drape towards him before working on the opposite hip, then pushed it back before crossing over.

Then came the next small change.

She had just turned over onto her back, Randy lowered the sheet over her body and reached for his small towel he used to cover her bust.

"Are you bashful about your breasts?" He asked her calmly.

"No, not really, but I...." Sandy said, not sure how to reply. The women did work on her there sometimes and that felt good, but with Randy being a male..?

She really wasn't all that bashful, but other than her husband, some Doctors, and a boy friend she let touch her a little bit on prom night years before, no other man had ever even seen them, let alone actually touch them.

"Well, work there can be very beneficial, but I can tell you are a bit shy about that so let's just leave that be today, OK? I don't want to make you uncomfortable. You just let me know if you decide that part is all right."

Sandy didn't answer and Randy once again slid a towel over her upper body and pulled the drape out from under it. He carefully finished the session. Once again she felt marvelous, the stiffness she still felt in her hip was gone again and she knew it would be for several days.

Randall was now Sandy's regular therapist, she really liked his work. Over all of the sessions he stayed completely professional, no sign at all of doing anything, so she felt herself becoming more comfortable with his touching her as time went by.

Sandy began to think he was gay like Jack had suggested, so there was no reason to be concerned about anything sensual. It even crossed her mind to ask him about that, but she could not find the words and she didn't want to insult him.

She asked Jack one evening after dinner what he thought about allowing her therapist to do her bust.

"You said the women do, didn't you?" He asked her.

"Yes, sometimes, but I wanted to be sure you won't be upset."

"Why would I get upset? He is gay, isn't he? So what's the big deal? Even if he isn't, he is a pro and it's a job to him, so as long as it doesn't make you uncomfortable suit yourself, hon."

"Yes, I think so. I guess I am just being silly." She answered.

"Does he ever say or do anything?" Jack asked.

"No, all he ever talks about is muscles and how to keep my body healthy."

"That would drive me nuts." Jack shrugged.


"You can do my bust today if you don't mind." She blurted out during the next session after he had just had her turn over. She had formed the words in her mind at least a dozen different ways, no matter what she thought of sounded silly so she finally just said it.

Those were the exact words Randy had been waiting for. He had carefully planted the suggestion, then let things take their natural course.

"All right. Do you feel in pain or any sensitivity in that area?" He asked, keeping the sudden excitement out of his voice.

"No, not really, just where the straps of my...my bra rub me."

"You might try a different design, that is a big concern with ladies like you that are heavier breasted. That can lead to all sorts of spinal issues, low back pains too."

He even suggested a couple of brands to her, explaining the benefits of each type.

Sandy managed to not giggle, here was a good looking male that knew about bras, that was funny.

Randy lifted the small towel he normally used and slid it aside. Even expecting that, it was still a mild shock to her. Sandy's big breasts were now naked, she saw Randy glance at them and then turn to reach for his lotion.

"Coconut, it keeps the skin nice and soft. It's a bit more slippery than the Almond oils I use mostly." He said.

For just an instant Sandy felt like she wanted to be covered back up but he began to work calmly and she soon relaxed. She watched him through slitted eyes for a few moments, but he might as well have been rubbing her feet for all she could tell.

He did a series of circles on each of her soft breasts, starting at the outside and working his way inward, avoiding touching her nipples completely.

Her large breasts always rolled off to each side of her chest slightly, and Randy used both hands to pull each one inwards gently, his fingertips stroking the outer muscles underneath on each side. It felt so good, she closed her eyes and accepted it.


Randy took a quick look at Sandy's big soft nipples, they were nearly two inches across. There was no missing the slight tightening of them, the tip right in the center began to stick up.

He wanted to lean down and suck on them but he kept a straight face. Everything in due time, he thought. He knew very well that if he moved too fast at any point then it would all come to a stop.

He finished up quickly, a bit too quickly for Sandy in fact since it really did feel good, and placed a different modesty towel back over her. The towel was a soft one he had heated, that felt simply wonderful.

This time when he was doing the gentle probing clockwise work on her stomach, his fingers drifted lower than normal and brushed across the top edge of her pubic hair.

Sandy was already feeling a mild tingling from the delicious efforts on her rather sensitive bare breasts, the brief touch close her pubic mound caused her to dampen slightly. Her breath shuddered a couple of times before she managed to control that, still Randy did not react.

"I guess you were right, Randall is gay I think." She mentioned to her husband that evening.

"What makes you say that?" Jack asked.

"Well, the girls usually do my bust so after asking you about that I told Randall it was OK. He did, but he never showed even the slightest reaction at all?"

"Yep, he is either queer as a three dollar bill or he is dead if he didn't like this set of titties!" Jack grinned, scooting sideways on the couch and grabbing her.

"You are such a pervert, getting all hot about some homosexual man touching me." She giggled.

"Actually, the idea of one of the women doing that is what gets me kind of hot." He grinned.

Sandy knew very well that Jack had a not very secret fantasy of watching two women together. It wasn't anything that she would ever consider of course but it was fun to tease back and forth about it. She also knew very well that just a few comments along those lines were enough to get Jack raring to go.

"God, you really are a kinky man, aren't you?" She snickered again, then Jack was busy fondling her and her mind went into a swoon.

That was a fun time, Jack made love to her a couple of times a week but normally just in bed, this time they started out on the couch and ended up on the carpet, giggling and having fun. Then after Sandy was still turned on so she sat deliberately cross legged and gave Jack a glorious hand job, letting him spray his seed all over her bare breasts.

That was so naughty but delightful, with her body flushed with blood from the massage earlier that day, she somehow felt more eager than normal.

Later when she was in the shower Jack climbed in with her and they soaped up each other before rinsing off. Dropping to her knees as the warm water cascaded down over them, she kissed Jack's now half hard penis lovingly, even letting it slip into her mouth.

That was actually rather rare, but she wanted to please her man. Jack was spent from their earlier efforts though, so they dried each other off and went to bed.

Sandy didn't mind really, she had climaxed as strongly as she could remember, and not just once but several times.

She also slept wrapped up in his arms, feeling so safe and warm that she slept more soundly than she had in ages.

"Maybe I should let gay guys rub my titties more often if I get a reaction out of you like I did last night!" She teased Jack over breakfast.

She also let her housecoat gap open so he could get a look at her, she was still feeling sexy but Jack had to go to work.

All Jack did was laugh.

"It's probably more interesting letting the women rub them than some fluffy guy." He said again with a big grin.

Sandy didn't answer, she saw no point in mentioning that while Randy might be gay, he still was one very good looking man.

There didn't appear to be any harm in not mentioning that, even being a homosexual, there was something about the way he touched her that just got her to thinking about sex with her husband.

She had always loved being with him, those moments were a high point and lately they had increased in frequency.

Sandy even began to go bra less around the house, noticing his eyes kept returning to her whenever she moved.

With her body now back into the kind of shape it was when she had been barely 20, Sandy felt more womanly and alive than she had for quite some time.


Sandy found herself looking forward to the weekly sessions with Randy, he now folded the drape over and rubbed out her fanny, his fingertips tugging up right at the crease of her round bottom and back of her leg. The first couple of times he did that she had tensed, but his fingers did not go further around so she relaxed. Those moments were delicious, little shocks of excitement poured though her. She did feel mildly guilty at allowing that, but it felt so nice.

Besides, the sheet was tucked snugly over her vagina, Randy used one hand to pull the drape upwards as he tucked it in with the edge of his hand, baring the cheek of her fanny one side at a time. It was all on the naughty side but innocent too.

While she lay on her back he would sit on the edge of the table, place the drape carefully between her legs and then stroke the insides of her thighs while holding her knee over. She was aware of the outside edge of her leg resting against his for support.

The first time he did that she had felt very exposed but he had carefully tugged the drape into place, drawing it around her buttocks so it could not slip. He had also stopped barely halfway up her thighs the first couple of times.

She was aware that he probably got a brief glimpse between her legs when he was adjusting the sheets but there was no way to avoid that, not really. That didn't matter anyway since he didn't even really look, so over several sessions she had gotten used to it. She had lost her basic modesty since he never did anything at all out of line.

When he stroked out her thigh even higher, Sandy didn't protest, then when the edge of his palm lightly brushed the drape covering her loins she said nothing.

Some of his work had gone a little bit further than she had expected, especially the part where he rubbed the inside of her legs with those long dreamy strokes but she found she loved the sensations.

"I can feel your body becoming more limber." He told her, as he stretched her leg upwards, having her take a deep breath and then blow it out.

He did that gently and slowly, his hands turning so he could use his fingertips to make soft little circles fairly high up on her thighs.

That was actually very intimate, but she allowed that because by now she was sure Randy was just trying to make her body feel good.

It was such a sensuous sensation that Sandy felt herself come very close to an orgasm. Several times when the edge of his palm would barely bump her groin through the cloth she assumed that was accidental. He also now let his hands drift over her nipples briefly after massaging her breasts, sending a flash of sensation through her each time.

Sandy often watched Randy as he worked, he always had that careful manner. Had he ever shown any reaction at all she knew she would have stopped him instantly.

She now loved those days, by the time she got home she was ready for Jack to make love to her. Things had really picked up in that department.

Now sometimes he would lick her while she sucked on him, those were things that they really didn't do that much before.

The part she liked the very best of all was when Jack was not erect, she slipped her lips over him and then she could feel him harden inside her mouth.

Once she woke up earlier than normal, it was just getting light. Jack lay there softly snoring, so she pulled the covers down and lay there looking at him. Then swept with desire, she leaned down and suckled his limp penis into her mouth. She could actually get all of him completely down her throat until he began to stiffen, then it became too large and she had to back off.

His breathing changed as she felt him harden, then he woke up mildly surprised.

"God I love you honey!" He mumbled. Sandy could not answer, she had her mouth full of him. She kept right on until he ejaculated, that caused her to climax right with him. With both of her hands holding his testicles gently, she could feel the power of him as he reached his orgasm.

There would have been more of that, she was sure, but Jack usually woke up before she did.

Jack sometimes rubbed her legs a little bit like Randy did since she coaxed him some about doing that, but he never quite got the hang of it since after perhaps a half dozen strokes he would have his fingers in her pussy.

Fully recovered from the accident, her life was now perfect.


When one day Randy handed her a normal sized bath towel for a cover up, she thought nothing of it.

Usually he left the room while she undressed, this time he had mentioned that he wanted to go get some more schooling and she was interested in that. As he talked, she undid the buttons on her blouse and slipped it off, then tripped her bra and dropped that too without even thinking about it.

For just an instant she realized what she had done, now she was standing there half naked with him in the room, but he did not act like he even noticed. Then he told her he would be right back and left, so she undressed the rest of the way and got on the table, sliding the bath towel over her behind.

Being nearly naked in front of him meant nothing, it was now just natural.

That day he also mentioned he was no longer going to be at the spa, he had plans on going back to school for more education.

Sandy was unhappy at that until he suggested that he would have a home office and was going to take a few clients there a couple of days in the afternoons each week.