A Student Body Protest Ch. 02

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Westridge tries to shame the women into quitting the protest.
9.1k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 04/06/2024
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"You shaved it all?" Sally's eyes were fixated on Amy's hairless sex, the smooth pale skin down there now showing no obfuscation behind the patch of hair she had had the day before.

"I thought it would be prudent to do so." Amy stood at the end of the table, looking at her handiwork. "I rarely put much consideration towards grooming in the area as I rarely found myself undressed around others."

"Smart idea." Claire spoke, uncrossing her legs in a very un-lady-like fashion. "I had to shave this morning as well. When the whole school is going to be looking between your legs, suddenly you have to put so much more consideration into how you wear your hair."

"I just trim." Leah pat her stomach, admiring the evenly-spaced patch of hair she had trailing down to her groin. "It's the best of both worlds; You get the smooth, sanitary feeling down there with so much less maintenance."

Sally looked underneath the table she was sitting at, eyeing the area between her own legs as she felt conflicted about the lack of hair. She had never found the need to shave her private areas as very little hair ever formed in the first place - just a few thin strands near the front that disappeared depending on the lighting. Part of her was glad to have a low-maintenance bush - the other wished she at least looked older when undressed. She simply pressed her thin legs together and tried to change the subject.

"Your hair looks nice today, Amy." She turned to the other girl. "I mean, the hair on your head."

"Oh, thanks!" Amy patted her twin braids, fluffing the loops she'd formed that morning that hung below her ears and gave her head a sophisticated shape. "With the time I saved by not having to select an outfit this morning I was able to dedicate more time to other things."

"I was able to spend far more time than usual on my own face." Claire spoke, "And that's no small feat."

Sally noticed that she was indeed much more made-up than she was on the previous day - Leah was as well, though her style was much more subdued. The only makeup Sally ever wore was when she was trying to cover something up. Maybe after all of this was over, she would ask for a few tips.

Her planning for the future was cut short, though, as the double-doors in the front of the women's dorm began to clatter with the sound of unlocking as a shadow passed in front of the sunlight gleaming in. Nobody but residents were supposed to have a key to enter and most of the girls who lived there had already left - the naked ones staying behind to limit the amount of exposure they would have to tolerate that day.

The woman who entered was only slightly familiar. That is to say that all four girls recognized her face only. She was the secretary sitting outside the dean's door who had shown them in when they were being written up on disciplinary charges last week. Her nameplate said Ms. Evelyn Earhart, but she had introduced herself as Eve.

"Oh thank goodness." The dean's secretary sighed. "I was able to catch you before you left."

Claire, recognizing the frazzled woman, stood up as if to say something strongly-worded before Leah stopped her outburst with a hand.

"What is it that we can assist with?" Leah asked, her face the picture of professionalism.

"I need you all to stop this protest before something terrible happens!" Eve locked the door behind her.

"What we're doing is for the good of women across the entire campus." Leah said. "We're hoping to rea-"

"I know! I know!" The secretary cut her off. "I get why you're protesting, I really do!

"But last night, the administrators had a private meeting about your stunt."

"You get invited to the private meetings?" Claire asked, apparently somewhat familiar with what went on behind those closed doors.

"They make me serve drinks..." She seemed embarrassed to admit this. "But that's not important! What matters is that they're scheming to stop you!"

"That's... good, right?" Sally spoke. "If they want us to stop, that means we're actually doing something."

"If they sent you here to harass us into compliance, that means they have switched to the defensive." Claire smiled. "That sounds like good news."

"No, no, no, no!" Eve grabbed at the air. "They didn't send me here, I had to sneak out. I came over to warn you!

"Please, put your clothes back on and give up this protest! I couldn't bear to see something happen to you all!"

"In case you are unfamiliar with the previous day's events," Amy spoke up. "This 'something' has already happened to us. Yesterday was not at all easy."

"Nor were the weeks leading up to this protest." Leah shook her head. "If we quit now, we're surrendering all the progress we've made thus far."

"I - I only..." Eve realized the women were dead-set on their mission. "I understand I'm not going to talk you out of this.

"But if you change your minds for any reason, don't hesitate to come to my office at the front! I have some spare clothes there that I can give to you if things get too heavy."

"We'll be fine." Leah spoke with finality. "Yesterday was the hardest, but today will be easier! Remember my promise?"

The other girls all nodded in mutual approval. But Eve simply frowned, shaking her head as she made her way to the door.

"I hope you can keep that promise." She muttered, closing the door behind her as she left.


The rest of the protesters realized that their first block of classes was going to begin soon so they went over their tentative plan one last time. As they all had a lunch break at roughly the same time, they would meet up in the cafeteria after their first two classes. This would give them some time to give one another emotional support before going in to the last stretch of the day, then they'd meet up back at the dorm after school just as they had done the day before.

With that, they left the building, stepping naked into the bright sun.

Sally's feet were more used to the sidewalk than before - after only a single day she'd managed to shake off the initial discomfort of stepping on the occasional pebble or uneven ground and embraced the feeling of having her toes free. Or at the very least, she was better at hiding the faces she made when the ground suddenly felt different.

After the next corner, the school building came into view. And so did the girls. People were more prepared for them than last time, the pointing and staring being much more subdued as the whispered words of the men hanging out outside the building seemed to be quieter than before. Sally was feeling more courageous than yesterday and didn't bother attempting to cover her nudity, carrying her books for the day underneath an arm as she walked proudly alongside her taller friends.

As the four women got closer to the front entrance, the words spoken by the men surrounding them did not seem to grow louder and bolder as they had yesterday. Was the campus already beginning to get used to their nudity? Leah must have been right about the first day being the hardest.

Leah stepped forward to open the door to the building, letting the cool air-conditioning blow onto Sally's skin in a way that nearly gave her a chill.

"Well, this is where we leave for now." Leah smiled. "I hope you're okay being alone on the walk to class."

"Yeah." Sally nodded. "I can do this."

The other three girls, having dropped one of their group off, said their goodbyes and left Sally alone there, the door slowly shutting itself behind them. She was once again naked inside of her class building, but today she was confident she could manage by herself.

There were a few whistles as she confidently strode into the building that she forced herself to ignore in spite of the redness growing in her face. Sally forced herself to take deep breaths through her nose as she took even steps, the feeling of being watched weighing on her every move.

"I heard she's naked because of something to do with a dress-code."

"Wait, the women have to come to school naked now?"

"That's not it, idiot. She's just an exhibitionist."

Sally suddenly felt a different kind of chill than the air conditioner as her free hand made its way up her face to latch on to a curly strand of hair. She looked back and forth, noticing the lustful looks in the eyes of her peers as she made her way to her first class with a faster pace.

She was one of the first to get to Spanish class that day and thought carefully about where to sit. The front of the classroom would make her the most visible, but in the back of the classroom there was a bigger threat of harassment where the teacher couldn't see her. An aisle seat would make her nudity more exposed, but a seat in the middle of a row would more likely than not have her surrounded by men. She chose a seat near the middle of the classroom and on the aisle, hoping she didn't just choose the worst of all the options.

The empty chairs around her filled up over the next few minutes as the last few students came in after her, all adjusting the seats they were taking to ensure they had a line of sight to their naked classmate. The rows on either side of her filled up first as people used walking to the end of the line of chairs as an excuse to touch her shoulders for support. She felt like if she were a bit taller, they may have been grabbing elsewhere instead.

Her professor, Sr. Nuñez, entered the room with a briefcase at his side, sliding the case beneath his desk as he sorted a few things out before stretching his neck a bit and shouting at the mumbling classroom. He was a handsome man, though not Sally's idea of handsome. Other women might have swooned over his thin mustache, square jaw, and a smile of bleach-white teeth, but Sally only thought that look was sketchy.

"Attencion!" Sr. Nuñez shouted in a slightly Spanish accent. "Please no being distracted before the lecture today!"

He snapped the class out of their uproar and tried to draw their attention to the front of the room where he was already standing behind the lecture podium. While some students looked up at him, the few people sitting around Sally did not break their focus.

She scooted to the edge of her seat and squeezed her legs together, hoping to make her frame even smaller than it was in a futile attempt to get further away from the men to her side, though she could only go so far without ending up in the aisle.

Then, she heard something lightly fall to the ground, bouncing uncontrollably beneath her. A rubber eraser stopped its roll right by her feet, the man who dropped it already leaning back to pick it up as he started to crawl beneath her legs.

"L-let me." Sally said, leaning over to grab the eraser before her could. She gave the men on the other side of the aisle a nice view of her ass as she did so, but it was better to be exposed than fondled.

But before she could sit upright, she felt something poke her in the butt, right between her cheeks as she leaned back to her other position. There was a crumpling noise as the paper airplane was smashed under her and a few students in the back of the classroom celebrated their aim.

Sally turned around to see who threw it, only to feel a squeezing sensation on her thigh as the guy next to her had already moved over a few feet in his chair during the moments of distraction. The sudden shock made her jump back, but she was already so far out of her seat that she ran out of chair space and collapsed to the floor, taking the metal chair partially with her.

People mumbled and laughed as she felt the shock of the floor hit her in the back. One leg remained underneath the desk, propping her up against the chair and keeping her legs spread apart. She tried to pull away from where she was before but noticed something latching on to her foot - the guy who had dropped the eraser was holding her there, nearly dragging the naked girl back to him. Sally let out a short scream.

"Madam!" Sr. Nuñez shouted. "If you are going to continue to distract, I will have to be taking away your chair!"

"But professor, they grabbed me!" Sally protested.

"Did they do this?" He chuckled. "I saw no such thing.

"But the throwing the chair and the yelling on the floor, this is something I know you did."

"But-" Sally cut herself off, remembering what Eve had told her earlier that day. Her warning.

It was entirely possible that the teacher knew exactly what was going on and simply chose to look the other way.

"Now, are you to be returning to your seat or would you prefer to come to the front so you are not bothering the others?"

The professor pointed to the ground next to the podium, clearly indicating that his idea of the front of the room was not simply a chair in the front row. Sally looked back at her seat and saw that the boy sitting next to her was staring directly at her ass, his upturned palm on the chair with the fingers wiggling lewdly.

She didn't have much of a choice.

Sally picked up her things from the desk and clutched them tightly to her chest as she began the walk to the front of the classroom, prepared to sit on the ground at the professor's feet. She had to walk in the center of the aisle to avoid the arms that occasionally swatted out at her, fingers very briefly grazing her thigh.

Once she got to the front row of chairs, the professor shook his head.

"This is, uhm, against the rules." He pointed to the books covering Sally's chest. "They say you must have a bookbag for these things but you carry them loosely."

If you are dropping a pencil on the floor and a student steps on it, they may be falling and they may be hurt."

Sally looked at her loose books and papers and realized he had a point, although the enforcement of this rule was likely another one of those arbitrary things. It hadn't been told to any of the girls yesterday and was likely a part of the meeting the dean had had with the faculty before.

Hands shaking, she handed most of what she was carrying to the professor. He took them from her, only to continue looking at the naked girl's hands expectantly - namely, the one thing she had kept. Her room key.

"This too, will be handed for safekeeping." He set the other things aside. "Do not worry. I will take these things to the front office and you will be getting them back at the end of the day. But you cannot carry them now."

Sally clutched her key in her hand, the metal leaving an imprint on her palm as she took a deep breath. Then, she handed it over. The last escape plan she had. Again, the memory from that morning returned to her, the secretary offering to give her a change of clothes if she felt she was losing her nerve. The offer was seeming better and better with each passing moment.

"Very good." Nuñez carried Sally's books to his desk and placed them on the floor beneath it, her key gingerly set on top of it alongside her pencils and other miscellaneous items. "Now, you may kneel to the side of the board."

"Kneel?" Sally asked. "I thought I would be allowed to sit."

"Sit, kneel," He rolled his eyes. "These are not so different. But I do not want a woman's tender parts on the floor of my classroom as they are not suitable. It is already so much that you sit on my chairs and leave the stains."

The class started to giggle as the boys near Sally's vacant seat all leaned over to look at the chair. She felt herself blushing as she began to wonder whether or not she had left the seat spotless. There wasn't anything between her legs at the moment, at least, she didn't feel any slickness when she walked to the front of the classroom.

Eager to get today over with, she knelt on the ground to the side of the podium, placing her hands in her lap as she paid attention to the lecture. With no notebooks or writing tools, she could only listen as the professor spoke about conjugations and grammar rules. It was a struggle to see the board from this angle and harder still to force herself to memorize the conjugations as he wrote them. But Sally was a good student (one had to be smart to get into Westridge) and felt confident about her ability to remember what she was reading.

But before she could get comfortable, the professor turned to her and beckoned her closer. Sally was hesitant at first, but she didn't know whether or not she had a choice in going along or if she could be considered a nuisance for rejecting the offer.

She stood at the front of the classroom, almost covering her chest but stopping short as she tried to force a brave face for the other students. Other students who were all looking intently at her body.

"We must be learning some vocabulary for this lesson." He started. "And I remember that I am yet to teach the language of the body. We will learn the anatomy of a person with help from this girl, since she already volunteers to sit at the front."

"D-do I have to?" She asked. She already had some idea of what parts of the body he would be teaching about."

"Well, no." He shrugged. "But if you do not want to be assisting, I ask that you return to your chair."

The man who had grabbed her before began to smile, patting the seat she had just left. Sally swallowed, then shook her head. It was better to be exposed than fondled.

Sr. Nuñez nodded and began his lesson, asking Sally to cooperate as he would call out the name of a body part, then ask the class if they knew the English equivalent. If they were stumped on the answer, he'd tap the relevant spot on Sally's body a few times with a wooden pointer before somebody eventually got the answer.

It started out tame, if not still embarrassing - the vocabulary was mostly simple parts of the body; Her head, her hair, her hands. It was a bit awkward when he asked her to lift her bare foot up to show the class - leaning against the podium and giving the people in the front row a low angle view of her slit.

But predictably, the lesson got worse and worse as he started to grab her by the arms and legs, pushing her this way and that to give lessons on the more obscured parts of her body. It felt shameful enough to have to lift her arms over her head as he used his pointer to touch her armpits, chest, and then make small circles to signify her nipples. The prodding was not comfortable at all despite a few boys in the classroom whispering to each other as they insisted she was enjoying it.

He had her turn around, then bend over with her legs spread apart as he had the pointer tap against various, more sensitive areas of her anatomy. He even reviewed the difference between 'left' and 'right', tapping her buttocks with his pointer to an aimless rhythm as he had the class go back and forth between the two words.

Once the class had seen every inch of her body (and learned how to refer to it) she was finally allowed to stand up again. But the humiliation wasn't over. They had also learned a bit of past-tense grammar and Sr. Nuñez was insistent that they get some practice examples in.

"Now, Sally, would you answer the questions in Spanish, please?" He smiled. "First, I will ask... let us see..."

"When did you last masturbate?"

Sally shuddered as she felt her legs close together. Leaning forward, she tried to enunciate.

"I- I do not."

"Oh, but this does not use the past tense!" He sighed. "Let us pretend, then, that you do this every single night before bed. As a practice example."

"When did you last masturbate?" he asked again.

Sally looked at the class full of students who were already leaning forwards in anticipation.

"I... I masturbated last night." She spoke the sentence slowly, hoping people would understand it was only an example.

"And how often do you do this?" He spoke. "Answer both questions and be sure to come up with a full response. Tell me why! Improvise if you must."

"I... I masturbate every night." Sally stammered. "I masturbated last night. Because I love... I love to masturbate.