A Taste of Spice


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More noises and voices came from the living room beyond the bedroom door. Nara's pulse added a few beats.

"Rekha?" she repeated, whispering.

She sat up on the side of the bed and after a moment she stood and tip-toed over to the door. It was definitely voices she was hearing but she couldn't make out what they were saying. She peeked through a small crack in the doorway. Her small eyes instantly widened at the sight.

Even though the power in the building was out, the lights from the buildings across the street filled the small dark living room. The shimmering white light cast two figures on the floor in a glimmering silhouette. Their creamy brown nude bodies were aglow, bluish-white highlights etching the curves and edges along their skin.

Nara backed up, blinking.

"Ahh," a soft female gasp trilled through the crack in the door. It sent a flutter through Nara's heart.

Crouching down, she leaned up close to the door and peered through the crack. She tried to convince herself that she was doing so just to be sure of what she was seeing.

The couple was kneeling on the rug. Rekha pressed her back against the bare chest of Revish, draping her long hair over his shoulder. Her head tilted to the back as their mouths folded over one another slowly, gently. The man's hands reached around, one enjoying the feel of the woman's supple breast the other sinking down between her thighs, staying there as he rolled his loins behind her. Rekha matched his rhythm, her smooth belly undulating, the curve in her back arching sharply. It was like they were still dancing the way they moved and flowed with one another.

Nara watched her friend from behind the door just a few feet away. She listened to her whispery gasps and silky moans and could hear both of them breathing deeply yet steadily. Rekha's body was glistening and every so often as they moved, Nara caught a glimpse of her face in the glow of light. Rekha was in ecstasy. Her face showed sheer delight, her mouth yawning open and her eyes showing no strain or anxiety. Her brow every so often would suddenly twinge and she would inhale a sharp gasp, her body stiffening momentarily, before loosing a long breathy moan.

However erotic her friend looked at this moment, it was the man moving behind her who demanded Nara's attentions. He was covered from the light from the window by Rekha's body, but his dark silhouette still revealed a rugged body, with long, sinewy muscles. He moved with such precision, rolling and bucking gently against and into Rekha, as if Revish was following some unheard music or casually guiding a horse down a path. Even in the dark, Nara could see his abdomen contract and release as he relentlessly pleasured the woman before him. His movements were like his looks, handsome and confident.

Nara couldn't pull herself away from the doorway. She watched as their bodies shifted. Revish withdrew from Rekha to reposition her on the floor. It was barely a glimpse but as he slid between Rekha's thighs, Nara saw him handling his piece in the darkness. Once again she blinked and gasped, pulling her head away from the doorway.

She gathered her thoughts together, rattling the fluster from her head, then quickly peeked again. By that time, though, Revish was already once again moving inside Rekha.

The top of Rekha's head faced towards Nara, as she was rolled up into a ball, hips raised off the floor, her legs wrapping around Revish's, locked at the ankles. He glided his hips, leaning over her on his hands and knees. He pressed his body over her, always keeping the same slow and steady beat of passion, sinking his dark cock deep within Rekha. The frequency of her gasps and sighs increased rapidly. Even in this heat and all the energy sizzling from the two of them, Nara couldn't help but note that Revish barely seemed to be breaking a sweat. His muscles tensed and tightened, his body was in constant motion, yet he showed no signs of fatigue.

Just sitting there watching, Nara already felt hot and bothered.

Nara's face was practically wedged into the crack of the doorway. She couldn't stop herself from watching Revish move so fluidly. She could only imagine what Rekha was feeling, though she told herself that she really didn't want to. So caught up in his motions, she didn't know how long it was before she realized he had raised his head, no longer looking down at Rekha. His gaze was peering through the dark, right towards the gap in the doorway. He paused in his strokes for just a second. Nara thought she saw a smile shift onto his lips as he looked towards her way, a diamond spark on his pupils as they caught the light through the window.

The woman at the door slipped backwards in her seat, startled. She pushed away from the doorway, staring at the crack she had been peeking through. She had seen his eyes, his shimmering green eyes.

But he hadn't seen her. He couldn't have.

"Mmm!" Rekha's voice slipped into the bedroom.

The incessant cooing and gasping of her friend chased Nara back into bed. She buried her face under a pillow, despite the heat. But while the pillow dulled the sounds of building desire coming from the next room, her mind was able to fill in the blanks all too easily. Her body was slick with perspiration. She swallowed hard as she listened to the couple's intimate encounter flow towards a groaning and growling peak.

Rekha's breaths pitched sharply before she let out a deep sigh.

Nara was stunned to discover her hand had moved down between her clenched thighs, her palm cupping the crotch of her panties. They were moist. She barely could stop from caressing herself. Her own breathing was unsteady as she sucked in warm, stale air. She clutched at her damp top as her friend's moans slipped through the pillow and rattled her to her core.

"Ahh! AHH! Oh god!"

"Shit," Nara squeaked through gritted teeth, her eyes squeezed tight. As she slipped her fingers under the waistband of her panties, she felt the perspiration roll down her face. She swallowed and sighed. Her other hand made its way under her top. She cupped her small, soft breasts and caressed her taut nipples with her fingers. When Rekha cooed a sultry moan, she sank a finger into herself and croaked a quiet, quivering groan.

It was way too hot. As each seductive minute passed, the temperature in both the living room and the bedroom rose quickly.

"MMnnn!" Nara moaned hoping her voice would be lost amongst the sounds of ecstasy coming from the other room. She bit down on her lower lip and dragged the side of her perspiration covered head against the sheets. Her panties were pushed down to her thighs, her top gathered over the tops of her breast. Her bare skin found little relief from the heat against the bed sheets. She rubbed her clit rapidly and hooked a damp finger into herself and pulled and teased her aching nipples. Every muscle was clenching. Her body twisted and arched on the bed.

"Re-Rev!" Rekha called out followed by a long breathy groan.

"Rev," Nara sighed. She had no time to think about what she had just uttered, instead burying a languid groan into her pillow and succumbing quickly to the dripping, warm release from within her body.


The electricity kicked in just as Nara heard the apartment door close. The air-conditioner mercifully heaved back to life. She listened as Rekha walked into the bedroom and then into the bathroom. She remained motionless in the bed as her friend climbed onto the cot beside her.

Thinking for a few seconds in the dark, Nara finally said, "Rekha?"

"Nara? Are you still..." Rekha paused, "How long have you been awake?"

Still without moving, Nara replied, "Not long. I just heard the front door close a few minutes ago. Did you just come home?"

There was another long pause then Rekha said, "Yeah. Actually Revish wanted to take me home so he walked me up to the apartment."

"Oh, okay," Nara said and feigned a yawn. She continued, "So did you have fun tonight?"

"Mm-hmm," Rekha replied barely containing a little laugh in her voice.

"Good," Nara said pulling a pillow close to her chest, "Tell me about it in the morning."

"G'night, Sweety."

"'Night," Nara sighed, then added, "By the way..."


"I didn't know you were so flexible."


The crowds at the outdoor market began to build just after the first rays of sunlight found their way down onto the city streets. Nara enjoyed these early morning walkabouts amongst the mats and stalls, checking out the produce and soaking in the energy of the sellers and consumers. The smells of floral and spice, the colours of food and fine woven material, the sound of haggling...it was a great eye-opener in the morning.

It was her alone time. She was already an early riser as compared to Rekha. After last night, however, she didn't even bother to wake her friend up and ask her if she wanted to join her on her stroll. The way she was spread out on the cot, Rekha looked like she needed to recover from the previous evening. Who wouldn't?

Actually, strolling around without a plan was a good way for Nara to recover her own thoughts from the previous night.

Shopping for breakfast, Nara handed her Rupee over to a man standing beside a cart of various nuts and fruit. He passed her a small bag of plump dates and she added it to the contents of her tote bag. She was about to thank him when she felt somebody press up against her back.

"You're paying too much," a male voice said from behind.

Nara leaned to the side and looked back. Through the lenses of her sunglasses she looked up at a smiling, dark handsome face.

"Huh? Revish!" she said. Her mind, along with her heart, instantly seized up.

Revish looked over her shoulder towards the stall-owner. "Is that the way we treat guests in our city?" he said to the man.

The older man just shrugged. Nara continued to stare up at Revish whose smile had disappeared as he glared at the stall-owner. Her mouth opened to say something but nothing came out.

After a long moment of silence, the old man blinked and sighed. He filled another small bag with some nuts and dried apricots and held it out to Nara.

"What? No, that's alright," she said, startled by the sudden offer.

"Take it," Revish said, his smile returning. "The man is being generous."

Nara thanked the vendor profusely as she took the bag from him. She felt flushed in the cheeks, uncertain if it was because of the extra bag or something else. She turned and walked away, fully aware that Revish was following close behind.

"Getting some breakfast?" he asked.

"Yeah," she nodded. She struggled for something else to say then finally added, "I wasn't expecting to see you so soon again. You surprised me."

"Just good fortune to run into one another, I suppose," he replied.

"You're up early. I would have thought after last night...," her thoughts trailed off.


"Well, uh, Rekha got in late last night," Nara stammered slightly, "I couldn't wake her up this morning."

"I hope that means that she had an enjoyable evening," he said.

Nara chewed her lower lip, her eyes darting left and right behind her sunglasses. Images of what occurred in the apartment living room filled her mind. She was still hoping that Revish hadn't actually caught her watching them. She had already stressed herself enough trying to block out how busy her own hands and fingers had become at the same time.

"There's so much to choose from here," she finally said, changing the subject. She focused on the aisles of produce lining the market.

"Allow me to do some bargaining for you," Revish said, stepping ahead of her and heading to a stall selling bread.

Nara stopped and watched the tall, suave man work the vendors. He was charming but undeniably aggressive as well. As he moved from stall to stall, the owners were literally thrusting food into his hands, his cool stare and sharp smile making up for what little he was actually paying them.

Revish finished negotiating for a small jar of honey. He turned to hand it Nara but the woman had moved away. After a minute, he found her conversing with more vendors. He watched her for a moment. Looking relaxed and natural as she spoke with the locals and admired their wares, her whole face lit up when she smiled.

She crouched down in front of a jewelry seller displaying his merchandise on a rug. Revish knelt down beside her and followed her line of sight to a large ornate necklace, a gold chain decorated with a complex arrangement of multi-coloured stones.

"Like it?" he asked.

Nara shook her head, "No. No. Way too showy for me." Still, he noticed her eyes lingering on the delicate piece for a few seconds more before she stood up.

As she checked her now full tote-bag, Revish asked, "Going back to the apartment?"

The woman cocked her head and thought for a moment then said, "Mmm, I'll let Rekha sleep in longer. Maybe I'll just find a place to sit outside and eat."

She was surprised to see the man offer her his hand. She stared at his outstretched palm uncertain of the gesture.

"Come," he said, pointing his thumb towards the main street, "It's too noisy around here. I know of a quiet place. Come on."

Looking up into his cool green eyes, like marbled malachite, his brown lips drawn to a calm smile, Nara hesitated.

"You're not going to eat all of that by yourself are you?" he asked with a wink.

"Okay," she nodded and walked ahead without taking his hand.

Revish continued to smile as he followed her close behind.

After giving the driver some quick directions, the two of them rode a taxi through the labyrinth of streets and maze of traffic. They drove for about ten minutes but they could very well have only gone maybe a couple of kilometers before Revish told the driver to stop and let them out.

Revish led the way through a few narrow alley ways and Nara followed quietly. The twisting paths seemed to go on forever. Just as she was starting to feel a little anxious, the two of them emerged in a small courtyard garden, buried amongst the buildings. There was a babbling stone fountain in the corner and in the middle was a large tulip tree, its reddish-orange flowers in full bloom. Despite the fast rising temperature of the city, this little haven felt surprisingly cool.

Nara looked all around, duly impressed by the small oasis.

Revish grabbed a woven mat leaning up against a wall and unrolled it under the tree.

"Shall we have breakfast?" he asked.

Sitting on the mat listening to the trickle of the fountain, the two ate the food they had bought earlier. The dates were plump and the nuts were crunchy and delicious. Nara savoured the refreshing taste of fresh yogurt mixed with honey. As her empty belly quickly filled, she found herself relaxing more and more as they chatted. He was definitely an engaging man. To her relief, Revish made no mention of the night before and he seemed to prefer asking about what Nara thought of India.

"I love it so far. It's so amazing here. It's like sensation overload," Nara said with a sigh.

"The land of spices," Revish said. "Just let it soak into your being."

She nodded thoughtfully. "We haven't actually seen much beyond the city though. We were supposed to start traveling a bit tomorrow..."

"But?" Revish asked.

Nara shrugged and said, "Well, maybe Rekha has a reason why she wants to stay close to the city while she's here." She flashed him a knowing smile.

Revish leaned back and nodded. "Ah," he simply said.

Nara eyed him. "I think she likes you," she said, pressing the man slightly.

He continued to nod and stare ahead thoughtfully. "I like her, too," he replied.

She paused, flashing him a skeptical look.

Taking a moment to look back at her, seeing his reflection in her sunglasses, Revish laughed warmly. "Okay! I know that look," he said, "I promise to you, I swear, I will be good to Rekha during your stay."

Nara cocked her brow towards him and said, "You'd better."

Revish couldn't help but laugh some more as he looked at her serious face, her jaw fixed and her small pink lips, pursed into a tight tulip shape.

"Take those off already, will you?" he chortled pointing to her large sunglasses, "You make me nervous staring at me through those!"

Nara chuckled and relaxed. She folded up her glasses, revealing her hazel brown eyes, and put them in her bag.

"And how about you?" Revish said, "Shall I hook you up with one of my local friends?"

"Uh, no thanks!" she quickly answered, smirking at him.

"Not interested in brown men?" he chided her.

"I didn't say that," Nara replied, "I've seen a lot of good-looking Indian men. I'm just not here for that, though."

She was trying her best here to sound convincing, to him and to herself. The thoughts she had last night...chalk it up to the heat in the air and coming from the living room.

In truth, in the few times Nara had been to the club she'd found herself attracted to at least a couple of guys. Actually, one evening she had even ended up alone in a booth with a man, cuddling up close together. That had ended abruptly when a couple of the bouncers inexplicably yanked the guy out of the booth and tossed him out of the club. From that point on, no guy came near her, but she never really thought much of it.

"Ah, don't you want the 'complete experience' of a different country?" he asked, a broad smile affixed on his face. He leaned in close and winked, "You know what they say: once you go brown, you never turn back around!"

Nara nearly spit up a mouthful of yogurt as she laughed. His brashness was to the point of ridiculous and she didn't take him seriously for a moment. She coughed then swallowed and said, "You nut! Just shut up about that already!"

They both laughed.

"Besides," Nara continued, "There's also once you go Asian, you don't go Caucasian. I can't be responsible for crushing one of your friend's hopes!"

Revish's laugh echoed throughout the courtyard.

After they finished up their breakfast, Nara did some yoga stretches on the mat while Revish stood back, his arms pressed up against a tree branch overhead. He watched in silence as the young woman stretch her slim body slowly, her eyes closed.

"Remember to breath," he said to her.

Nara opened her eyes, "What?"

"Breath," he repeated, "You're holding your breath. Breathing is the most important part of this."

He knelt down behind her. Nara immediately felt his closeness and tensed slightly.

"Hands up straight over your head," he said, "Palms side-by-side facing forward."

Nara hesitated, not turning her head to look back at him. Finally, she raised her arms up and stretched.

Ever so gently, Revish placed his hands on the side of her ribs from behind. He felt the slightest quiver through her shirt.

"Breath," he said in almost a whisper.

Nara's chest rose and fell, feeling his warm hands on her body but not restraining her at all.

"Pull your leg back," he continued to guide her with a milky voice, "Stretch it out. Keep breathing. Arch your back gently. Belly forward. Breath."

For whatever reason, Nara felt it was easy to follow his instruction. As he slowly guided her into various positions she reminded herself of how close he was to her, how she knew his eyes were on her. Even with his strong hands barely touching her body, she continued to relax under his tutelage. The sounds of the city that had trickled into the courtyard slowly faded away.

At one point, Revish placed Nara's hand on the back of his and they raised them upward to the sky. Silhouetted by the light from above, her lighter skin blended into his darkness.

"Not so different," Revish said.

Nara concurred with a quick nod.

"You're very limber," he said after a few more stretched positions.