A Teacher's Past Ch. 05


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He opened his eyes to see the adorable pussy for the first time and marveled at the shaved beauty. The two long, distended lips ran from the raised pelvis to the narrow barrier separating the two enchanting entrances. He rolled the swollen clit in abundant juices and held the protective hood wide with his fingers to fully expose the tender bud. Encouraged by Kerri's reactions, Dean swooped down and flicked his tongue out to barely graze the pink flesh. He gave the fragile bud three or four quick strokes and felt the powerful hips respond.

Maybe it was the scene, maybe it was the location, or maybe it was just the feeling of not having any choice in what happened, but Kerri sensed unusual sensations deep in her epicenter. Suddenly, Dean's sharp teeth closed on her universe and she screamed out loud. Was it pain? If it was pain, it was very short lived. Kerri was confused and not sure what was happening. Things were traversing so rapidly and the villain nibbled on her tender clitoris without the slightest hesitation.

Then Kerri heard words that would forever be imprinted in her memory and she sobbed with embarrassment. "Holy shit, Dean. I think she's fucking cumming," Harv stated the obvious as Kerri's hips thrust up so madly that it was hard for Dean to hold on to her body. Dean skillfully released the throbbing mass from his teeth and battered it with his tongue. Kerri thought the top of her head was going to explode when Dean's hungry mouth performed illicit magic on her precious body.

This profound ecstasy was reserved for ones she loved or cherished but now a filthy bastard was stealing her last ounce of dignity. Kerri came from a family with a strict, religious background and the overly intense feelings filled her with fear. She would regret her actions at a later time but her body refused to follow the directions of her mind. Was it immoral, wrong, or sinful, she really didn't know but she sent a signal of consent to a madman who was using her body for his perverted pleasures.

Her last sane memory of the episode was hearing Harv say, "Yes, man she fucking cumming and her bald pussy is fucking gorgeous." Loud slurping sounds filled the car and Kerri's moans of ecstasy were yanked from her throat. Dean drank a river of cum like it was the sweetest honey and Kerri didn't care anymore.

Dean's brain yearned to taste sweet innocence and he knew Kerri was certainly a woman of grace. Ignoring the obvious remnants of Harv's orgasm, he sucked the tender morsel into his hot mouth. Kerri could not prevent her lithe hips from bucking wildly with every caress of the man's crude tongue and it took mere seconds for her emotions to soar into the heavenly clouds.

What she had endured with Harv was the result of Dean's wishes and now she was to be Dean's woman. Harv knew that, Dean knew that, and now Kerri knew that! Through blurry eyes, she saw Dean leave her pussy and hover above her body. His body language spoke volumes and Kerri obliged his silent requests. She held her legs open wide to allow his narrow hips to cross the threshold and into her sole domain.

It was time for the slave to be consumed by the master and Kerri wrapped her slender arms around Dean's muscular back. For the strangest reasons, she felt empowered to give this strange man, who she met mere hours earlier, a satisfying reward. The orgasm she experienced had broken her spirit and she used her legs and arms to hug the vile man into her womanly body.

As if by magic, his throbbing pecker speared her puffy, pussy lips with one violent thrust and the conquest was instantaneous. He started pumping his hard cock in and out of Kerri like he was possessed by an evil spirit. The earlier blowjob gave him newfound stamina and would aid in his conquest of the woman he considered a wanton slut.

He was brutal, very rough and fucked Kerri harder than any man but she clung to him as if he were her savior. The orgasm mere minutes earlier was only a beginning and she felt her inner regions go into convulsions. This was new territory for Kerri and her heart raced to keep up with her soaring emotions. Dean's hard cock seemed to have a million fingers caressing every sensitive nerve in her most responsive, internal core and another orgasm burst like a new beginning.

There would be guilt and shame in the future but for the present, it was an orgasm of gigantic proportions that robbed Kerri's mind of any reason. Dean wanted to hear her speak, to say that he was a strong, male warrior and bring a finalization to the degrading affair.

How she knew his most intimate desires without being told was a mystery. "Yes, yes, oh fuck you are so deep, I can feel your cock deep inside me. I can't stop myself. You're fucking me! Oh gawd, I can feel your seed filling my pussy," she moaned and was correct. He thrust with all his might and every muscle in his loins to plant his poisonous venom deep into Kerri's womb. The only remedy was complete obedience and Kerri felt her womanhood welcome the hard cock. "Aaaaah, it's so wrooong, so fucking bad. Fuck me, fuck me you bastard," she moaned in a last insane statement indicating she was a lost woman. Yes, she was Dean's woman for the moment.

Harv was simply amazed at how the once refined, untainted woman was succumbing to his buddy's rowdy demeanor. He had never witnessed a woman roll and thrust so passionately while being filled with a man's cock. Her filthy words of conceding defeat were ones he would always remember with fondness and he would most likely replay them over and over in his mind for many years. It would surely be reason for many occasions of self-gratification down the road.

It filled Harv with great trepidation to realize that it was well into the early morning and time to go home. With great reluctance, he discussed the departure with Dean and it was decided to drive Kerri back to her car at HumpT's. Kerri wanted to get dressed but that was out of the question with the men preventing any move to regain her dignity. Dean sensed a rejuvenation of his pal and volunteered to drive the short distance back to the bar.

It took several minutes for Dean to get into a presentable condition and while he was doing it, Harv had plans. He rolled the naked woman off the seat and onto his lap so that she faced her captor. Kerri was like a small breeze in a thunderstorm and unable to prevail over any of the man's advances. Her knees were bent and went around Harv's hips in spread-eagle fashion. She squatted over Harv's pelvis in an almost debasing manner and it left her extremely vulnerable and unprotected.

He groped the naked woman and would not allow her to put her dress back on. Suddenly the hunger was too much to endure and he succumbed to the temptation of feasting on Kerri's titties. They were mere inches in front of him and easy prey for a hungry mouth. She struggled and protested but Harv's determination won out. His appetite was huge and his greedy mouth consumed a tender nipple looking for fulfillment.

Kerri's dainty hands went to his chest and shoulders in an attempt to keep him at a distance but it did little good. Far stronger than Kerri, Harv quickly engulfed the enlarged nipple with his mouth and sucked it into his hot cavity. He used his teeth to caress, surround and rake the nipple and Kerri expressed a definite sob of defiance. She was quickly overpowered and far too weak to fight such a big, muscular man.

The car started moving and Harv was oblivious to the fact. He was only aware that his time was running out, as they would have Kerri back to her car in a matter of minutes. Having watched his close buddy fuck the naked woman had given Harv renewed virility and his plan was to relief pent up pressure using Kerri as a pawn.

Dean adjusted the rearview mirror so he could watch the struggle in the backseat and his eyes often riveted to the erotic scene almost ignoring the road. Luckily the roads were deserted and the weaving car was in no jeopardy of being in an accident.

"Oh gawd no, not again," came a sorrowful voice from the back but the action seemed to intensify. "Please, no, no, not again, please," Kerri begged but the plea had little affect on Harv. He had grown impatient and felt his male hormones beginning to race once again. It was similar to being denied something and wanting it even more.

He released the tender bud and allowed Kerri's boobs to bounce freely before his ogling eyes. Such splendid tits and they were his for the taking, he reasoned. Harv's mind was inflamed to a point where he didn't hear one word of protest from his victim. He easily held Kerri's lithe body in his lap and his long, pulsating spear lay along his belly with Kerri's crotch perched over it. There was no treat of penetration as long as Kerri could keep the flared head pointed away from her.

Suddenly Harv pulled her body into his rugged chest and held her steady with his throbbing pecker running along the narrow strip of fertile land between Kerri's velvety thighs. It was extremely dangerous but she was unable to escape the man's assault. Kerri arched her back in a futile attempt to keep her distance but Harv knew exactly what he wanted. He kept his arms around the struggling woman to hold her close to his chest and tried to reach his goal without a helping hand. His long, hard shaft rose in anticipation and Kerri could feel the end striking her flesh, first here, then there, as he attempted to plant his weapon inside her steamy grotto. She was well aware of what Harv intended and sobbed in despair. "Oh gawd, no, don't do it. Please don't," Kerri pleaded with the man without so much as an acknowledgement from him for her plight.

Dean watched the heated action in the mirror and wished he were free to join the tussle. He could see Kerri's naked back twisting and turning and below just barely make out the reason for her futile struggle. It was obvious to him that Harv wanted to fuck the teacher one more time before they dropped her off at HumpT's.

Dean's heart began to race and he heard the chilling sobs of a desperate woman. "Oh gawd, you did it! Your thingie is in me, oh gawd it's...," Kerri moaned and her breathing stopped. "Oooough, please don't, oh please don't," she said and her voice quivered. Dean could see his buddy grab the smooth, rounded hips with his large hands and pulled down with determination. The only thing Kerri could do was sob and she realized there was no recourse; this man was going to fuck her without her consent just like he did earlier.

Kerri cursed her abductors but she reasoned that they were not really to blame. It had been her seductive actions that led them on. Sky made her dress in an entirely inappropriate fashion and to act like a wanton woman much to the delight of Dean and Harv.

Dean noticed Kerri's body move lower with Harv's evil manipulation and his mind envisioned her precious womanhood engulfing Harv's big cock. "Oh fuck, fuck she's tight. It's great, so fucking wonderful that I can feel my cock ready to burst," Harv whispered. Suddenly he was in to the hilt and felt Kerri's raised pelvis press against his own. He was in fantasyland and held perfectly still for seconds dreaming of heavenly bliss. Harv could feel the pressure building to monstrous levels deep in his loins but wanted to cherish the tremendous thrill for as long as possible.

The heat of the fiery volcano took a toll on Harv's stamina and his hips thrust upward with two or three random jerks getting ready for a final assault. A small amount of pre-cum seeped from his throbbing pecker and Kerri could feel his muscles begin to quiver. She knew what was about to happen and a totally used feeling of helplessness filled her head.

Resigned to the fact that the man was going to have intercourse with her, Kerri fell against Harv's chest allowing him complete freedom to fulfill his desires. Dean's eyes opened wider as he witnessed Harv's face turn to stone and almost appear covered in agony.

The three occupants of the car were consumed by a man's animal instincts of sexual satisfaction. One man was making loud bestial noises and his hips were bucking madly up and down. The other man was holding his breath watching what he considered a truly erotic movie wishing he were part of it. The woman was also making animal noises but for an entirely different reason. She struggled to prevent the consummation of the affair without any chance of succeeding and wept while the man filled her delicate womb with molten lava.

Kerri remained in a kneeling position with her knees pushed into the back of the seat and around Harv's hips. His hands pulled down hard on her flared hips every time he thrust upward and he emptied his load deep inside Kerri. Harv prolonged the climax for as long as he could but eventually collapsed into an exhausted shell on the backseat. He hugged the troubled teacher tightly into his sweat-covered body while his heart rate slowly returned to normal.

The car had come to a stop in the almost vacant parking lot and it filled Dean with sadness knowing that things were coming to an end. It took Kerri a mere few seconds to retrieve her wrinkled dress and put it on once she gained her freedom from Harv. The comfort of finally covering her nakedness was a tiny relief compared to the memory of what she had to endure the past few hours. It was overwhelming and her body shuddered from the nightmare as she quickly got out of the car. Without a backward glance, she got into her car and speedily drove away from the nightclub.

The drive home was one in quiet solitude and Kerri slumped over the steering wheel after she parked in her garage. She hugged the wheel and many minutes passed when she relived the backseat adventure. All Kerri could think of was the willingness she showed towards a gruff and unmannered Dean. She hated such men yet she acted like a wanton woman who was being satisfied by his untamed actions.

One thing most vivid in her mind was the visualization of the hard, manly body above her. She depicted how Dean, without saying a word, forced her to beg him to continue. Kerri could not remember being so aroused and feeling such lustful passion. The vision of spreading her legs and willingly permitting him to take her, to fuck her like the whore he wanted, caused Kerri to whimper with regret. How could she act so brazenly and without any regard for her well-being were questions running through her confused mind. Had she ever yearned for a man to rob her soul like she did with Dean, she wondered?

It was almost sunrise by the time Kerri got to bed. Luckily, she didn't have classes first thing in the morning and she stayed in bed until midmorning. This gave her time to regain her thoughts and put her mind back together. Yes, she decided, she would confront Mr. Tovell and tell him once and for all that Sky was dead. Kerri would no longer do as he requested and he could not blackmail her anymore. The more she thought of it, the more it sounded logical and something that she should do. Her courage grew with the morning sun and by the time she got to the college, she was prepared to meet her destiny.

Kerri went directly to Mr. Tovell's homeroom and got there just when his class was leaving. Once everyone had departed, she entered the classroom and stared at the repulsive man as he fumbled with papers and books on his desk. He was smart enough and figured out that Tim was blackmailing Kerri for reasons he really did care to know. The fact Tim used him against Kerri gave him no regrets as he had certainly been rewarded with more than enough compensation. It had been the best sexual encounter of his life and for that he was grateful.

Mr. Tovell could see the determined look on Kerri's face and decided to take the initiative. He reasoned that she was going to confront him and that was probably the reason she phoned him last night. He certainly didn't want his wife to find out what happened between himself and the sexy physics teacher so he wanted to get the upper hand on Kerri. He looked up and spoke immediately before Kerri was ready to talk.

Mr. Tovell came right out and told Kerri that he was the recipient of rewarding details that enabled him to blackmail her. He only went along with the ruse so that he could have sex with her, he told the shocked teacher who was frozen with her mouth agape. "Hell, I can't tell you anything or I loose my nuts. This guy, or this person, will spill the beans on me and I'll lose my job as well as you if I say anything. All you have to know is that I'm not the guy you're looking for," he said and waited an eerie few seconds for Kerri to digest what he told her.

"There it is. This guy gave me everything. He told me what to say and exactly what to do and I did it," Mr. Tovell stated. "I can't and won't tell you any more and certainly can't reveal who it was," he said knowing she thought he was her tormentor. Seeing her expression turn to surprise and shock, Mr. Tovell knew he had succeeded in getting Kerri off his back.

Kerri felt like crying after hearing the confession. She realized that the identity of her original blackmailer was still a mystery and she was no farther ahead in the quest of finding out who he really was. She was totally speechless and her mind raced over all the things that happened to her since the first blackmail demand.

Mr. Tovell put his books together while looking at her like she were intruding in his space and she no longer needed to be in his room. Kerri was too shocked by the man's quick denial and her newfound courage had completely disappeared. She had to fight back tears of defeat and couldn't get away from the man fast enough. Wheeling swiftly, Kerri almost ran down the hallway to the sanctity of her own room.

The most disturbing factor of what was happening in her life was not knowing who was giving her the notes. She had been positive that Mr. Tovell was the man after what he had made her do in his classroom the other day. That was until he revealed that she had been duped once again by the person named Sky. A shiver ran down her back with the knowledge that this particular man was extremely vindictive and very shrewd.

Kerri was back at square one and would be forced to follow the directions and demands of an unknown fiend. How much longer could she keep up the charade, she wondered? It would soon be time for her class to begin and Kerri somehow put herself back together enough to continue. The red and puffy eyes would soon disappear but would the heartache of living with an indefinite and fragile future? Words from her childhood came rushing back to her. "Suck it up Princess," and Kerri was more determined than ever to survive Sky's control.


This will be the last chapter for a while as I have promised to do further chapters in some of my other series. If you like this series, please send me suggestions and ideas that I can include in Kerri's future. I appreciate any feedback and do listen to reader's comments.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A Teachers Past

I read this story years ago and loved it, just read it again and I still love it, such an exciting, erotic story, you keep the reader on edge every sentence.

I wanted the story to continue but I realize it has to end sometime, I enjoyed it so much I wrote my own story with the same theme, but I am not a writer, I can never get descriptive images and such feelings of despair and lust that I get from your words.

I love stories where the heroine or victim, depending how you view the story, to me she is a heroine, I love how she sub-comes to her own desires while being manipulated and used.

The lesbian parts are fantastic especially Jim’s mom, Laura, in her tight leather pants, I really loved that scene, you can actually feel the anxiety and turmoil that Kerrie goes through and then she gives in, this s the most thrilling part for me in any story, finally falling to her own lust, fantastic.

Okay, I wish there would have been something about her footwear, I happen to love boots, pumps and foot worship, but yours is still one of the best stories out there, thank you for all you have done.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
don't care for rape

page 3 and 4 were nothing more than kidnapping and rape. the erotic scenes were not up to previous chapters standards

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Awesome story!

Agree with other comments that you have a good grasp of the body's betrayal and how she knows she should resist... But ultimately she gives in to her lust and need to cum. In the next episodes... It would be erotic to read about her getting double penetrated by a couple of hung studs, gets her first BBC and then shared with his other BBC buddies. She is made to go to a strip club and forced to dance for money... Including a back room VIP fuck for money. This would send her down a path to get noticed and blackmailed by a pimp who will then sell her body to several men a day and night. It makes it hard for her to balance her teaching job and whoring job and she finally gets caught and loses job. She gives into her new life as a fucktoy. Her new pimp makes her work as a street whore...and she only charges $20 for a fuck and has to fuck 10 guys a day to pay the pimp. Soon she discovers her body is addicted to sex and she needs to be fucked several times a day or else go crazy. She visits gloryholes and attends gangbangs of 20-50 guys at a time. Gets tattooed as cumslut on her back. It ends with a count of the total number of guys and girls she's fucked in the short 1 year since being blackmailed ~thousands!!! - or something like that! Lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
swollen belly

Swollen belly is next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

You have a very special understanding of the betrayal of the mind by the body. Few understand it. Out of the few who do understand it, most are ashamed or embarrassed over it. I think it might explain why so many rapes go unreported. You did a fine job of showing Kerri as a very sensious hot woman who was also very repressed. I'd like to see her come into an acceptance of her sexuality.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago




AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
More Wendy

Absolutely great! The details and descriptions put one right there with Kerrie. Please continue.

mercianknightmercianknightalmost 13 years ago

And certainly time for another instalment. Please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
great job

your ability to show helplesness but still be pushed by urges beyond her control is very well done love it very much

foogyfoogyover 13 years ago

Susan's story is definitely an improvement.

however i will still want kerri's story to move forward.

Gradually she will learn to be slutty. She is to be taken to a strip bar, made to perform as a stripper. Then converted to a whore, given to a group of prison-fellows as their fuck toy for money, taken to a dungeon and fucked senseless in front of an audience.

There will come a time when any student can walk in and fuck her.

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