A Test of Survival


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It was bitterly cold. The trail they had come in on was only barely visible, and Mr. Baker attempted to use that trail to orient himself, walking in the opposite direction. His legs shivered with each step, but he pressed forward with determination, knowing that a precious life was in his hands.

They walked for an hour, both Amelia and Mr. Baker shivering the entire way. They walked for two hours, and the shivering never ceased. They walked for three hours, only generating a small amount of heat, while Mr. Baker's body neared the breaking point; his arms ached from the awkward load and sleep deprivation.

Finally, Mr. Baker stopped. "I can't go on." Mr. Baker carried Amelia under a pine tree, dug out a little bed for them, and laid down as spoons. Mr. Baker brushed snow overtop of their legs and lower torso, only leaving their heads and upper bodies free. The snow acted as a decent insulator, and soon the shivering lessened.

Mr. Baker was unsure whether the sudden warmth he felt was insulation from the snow, or the final stage of hypothermia before death. Fearful of the possibilities--death, wild animals, suffocation--he could not sleep, but instead rested behind Amelia, counting her breaths as she dozed off into a world of dreams.

* * * * * * *

It felt very early when the sun began to rise. In reality it was much later, because it was the winter, and at these high latitudes the sun would rise as late as 8:00am. But the night brought little rest to Mr. Baker, and that made it feel very early. Even Amelia was still tired despite her occasional bouts of unconsciousness.

But they weren't going to get rescued by hiding out in a snow drift, and they weren't going to find the highway by not moving, so they got up. Amelia and Mr. Baker snacked on some snow for breakfast--a snack that was not very filling, but offered a small amount of satisfaction. Mr. Baker peed, grabbing Amelia between the legs to protect her crotch from urine splashes. Amelia tried to peek without looking too obvious about it but she saw nothing. Amelia rotated back to facing Mr. Baker before taking her turn to pee, with Mr. Baker again pulling her leggings and panties down while her butt was blasted with the unforgivingly cold wind.

Once they were ready, they were off. Mr. Baker noted with regret that the trail he walked the night before was not perfectly south, as he had become disoriented without the sun to guide him. Amelia pressed her full body into Mr. Baker, as she now found his presence comforting in the midst of the crisis. She had full confidence in her teacher's ability to get her to safety.

Mr. Baker and Amelia made significant progress that morning. The wind died down a little in the morning, and the snowfall stopped, allowing them to see the mountains around them. It was an alien environment--reminiscent of home, yet no landmarks were familiar. They were in uncharted territory.

The will to survive was strong in Mr. Baker as he continued to trudge for hours and hours. But as the sun hit noon, and with no sign of civilization yet, Mr. Baker began to feel very hungry. It had been 24 hours since he had last eaten, and he had been involved in heavy physical exertion for most of those 24 hours.

Still, he pressed on.

In the late afternoon, he was so hungry he began to grow weak. Amelia noticed this sudden weakness in her teacher and protector.

"What if I tried to walk for a bit?" Amelia asked.

"What, and you carry me?" Mr. Baker asked incredulously.

"No. We walk together, like we're in a four-legged race."

Amelia lowered herself down and turned herself around. For the next two hours, they attempted to walk together--Amelia and Mr. Baker walking independently, yet joined at the torso as they were both wearing the same coat. It was clear from the beginning that it was not working very well, yet Mr. Baker was too exhausted to return to carrying Amelia, so they trudged along inefficiently. The coat grew damp with sweat, yet neither of them dared to take it off, fearful of the cold that would bring death.

The sun began to set, and the wind began to pick up again, as another blizzard approached on the horizon. This twist of bad fortune seemed to be the nail in the coffin for Mr. Baker. His will began to falter. Finally, he sat down in the snow with Amelia, minutes before the blizzard would arrive.

"Amelia. I have done all that I can to keep you safe. But I don't know if we can survive another snowstorm. I'm hungry, exhausted, and cold, and I'm sure you are too. I'm completely out of ideas. Would you like to pray with me one more time?"

Amelia was shocked to hear this confession from her teacher, but she refused to allow it to shake her faith. "I still believe that we're going to make it; and I believe that God will keep us safe. But if you need to pray to restore your faith, then we should pray."

So Amelia and Mr. Baker knelt down in the snow, and with equal parts desperation and tenderness, they prayed to God to bring them assistance.

After getting up, the first blast of the blizzard smacked them in the face. Amelia and Mr. Baker--the four-legged creature--walked directly into the wind, in a fight for their lives.

They walked for an hour, when Mr. Baker thought he saw a building to the right. Was this an illusion? Was he at that stage of hypothermia that he was now hallucinating? Despite his doubts, he directed Amelia to walk with him to the right. The building flickered in Mr. Baker's vision, occasionally being obscured by the snow, and occasionally reappearing like a castle on a cloud.

But as they neared the building, Amelia saw it too. With hope in their footsteps, they nearly ran to the building, tumbling over each other a few times, until they got to the front door.

The door was unlocked, and they burst inside. It was a small log cabin, no more than 60 square feet. The sign on the door said that it was an emergency shelter for hikers on the way to the volcano. The cabin had a fireplace and a supply of dry logs. It even had a clothesline for drying clothes. The food supplies were completely empty, so there would be no cure for their hunger. But at least they could get warm--if they could start a fire!

Mr. Baker took some kindling and tried to think back to his boy scout days. Taking the shoelace out of his frozen boot, he attached it to a pencil and began spinning the pencil round and round in the kindling until it began to smoke. A little bit more smoke and he began to blow on it, and the kindling ignited. Mr. Baker gradually added larger and larger sticks until the logs were ablaze and the cabin began to grow warm.

Amelia and Mr. Baker sat in damp clothes as close to the fire as they could stand, desperate for the first true heat they had felt in days. With Mr. Baker's senses returning to him, he remembered a bit from his first aid training.

"Amelia, you need to take off all of your clothes!"


"Damp clothes make you cold. As the water evaporates off of them, it sucks energy out of you, making you even colder. The first thing someone suffering from hypothermia is supposed to do is take off their clothes and let them dry off."

Mr. Baker began to remove his shirt and pants and hung them on the clothesline conveniently located near the fire. Amelia followed suit, stripping down to her bra and panties.

"No, Amelia, you need to take off all of your clothes."

"All of them?"

"Do you want frostbite down there?"

Amelia and Mr. Baker removed their underwear and stood completely naked, Amelia covering her genitals while Mr. Baker covered his penis. They carefully hung their underwear to dry on the clotheslines, without uncovering their private parts.

"It'll be easier if we just agree to stop covering up and get warm."

Amelia looked skeptical.

"However, I won't make you do it if you don't want to."

Amelia looked at the fire longingly, noting that her posture of privacy was preventing her from fully drying off.

"Fine. I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Amelia admitted after a few minutes.

It didn't take long as they watched each others hands slowly drop from their genitals. A bout of curiosity quickly ended with a howling wind that pierced the walls of the cabin. They returned to the fire to dry off and get warm.

* * * * * * *

Once they finally got warm, Mr. Baker spoke up. "Amelia, we should probably check each other out to see if we have any injuries."

"What do you mean?"

"We might have frostbite, or bruises. We should look each other over to make sure that we're okay."

"You're probably right. I'll look at you first."

Amelia watched Mr. Baker's nude body as he rotated by the fire, as that was the only side of the cabin with light. She observed Mr. Baker's buff physique with awe. But it was also clear that he had taken a beating over the last couple of days, as he had bruises in a few places and appeared to be leaner than she expected.

When Amelia had finished, Mr. Baker sat down and it was her turn to show off. She did a pirouette as Mr. Baker observed her soft, beautiful body. Her breasts were full, yet not too full or saggy. Her pubic hair had clearly been curated, albeit a few days ago, while her legs had about three days of growth. Mr. Baker made a motion for her to open her legs for examination, and after a moment's hesitation, she sat down on the rough carpet and let her legs fall to her side, revealing cute symmetrical labia majora and a tiny bit of inner labia poking through around her clitoris.

With the health check complete, Amelia returned to curiosity and stared at Mr. Baker's penis. She noticed it was uncut. "Mr. Baker, is it true that the foreskin rolls down?"

"Yes it is." Mr. Baker rolled his foreskin down to demonstrate, revealing a plump glans.

"Can I touch?"

"It would probably be best if you didn't."

Amelia pouted slightly.

"But you're welcome to look as much as you want."

Amelia scooted up to Mr. Baker until her face was six inches from his now erect penis.

"It's so big!"

"It gets big when it gets erect."

"Why is it erect this time? I didn't touch it."

"As I said before, there are many reasons why it can get erect. In this case, it could be erect because I rolled the foreskin down. But it's probably erect because there's a beautiful naked girl in front of me."

Amelia drew back in self-righteousness. "How could you? How could you be attracted to one of your students? You have a wife!"

Mr. Baker defended himself. "Men's penises often have a mind of their own. If any man sees any attractive lady, he's going to have an erection, whether it's appropriate or not. But I am not my penis. Just because my penis finds something attractive doesn't mean I'm going to do something about it. I can find you sexually attractive and decide not to have sex with you because I know it would be inappropriate to do something with my student; and because I love my wife.

"What sets a pedophile apart from a normal man is that the pedophile has no self-control. He will develop the same sexual attraction any man would develop to a naked eighteen-year-old girl like yourself, but then he'd actually try to have sex with you or rape you. A normal man will get an erection from seeing you naked, but then decide that it would be smarter not to act on it."

Amelia accepted everything Mr. Baker said as if it was written in an encyclopedia. "So you're not going to hurt me?"

Mr. Baker smiled. "I do enjoy seeing you naked, but I will not engage in any sexual relations with you. I promise."

Amelia let her guard down. "Okay then. I trust you." She relaxed completely, and for the next hour, Amelia and Mr. Baker took turns ogling each other. By the end of the hour, Amelia was dripping wet, while pre-cum soaked the tip of Mr. Baker's still-erect penis. Mr. Baker demonstrated the stringy nature of his pre-cum, while Amelia reached into her vagina and showed off her egg-white discharge, indicating that she was at the fertile part of her cycle. There was no portion of their bodies that they had not exposed to each other.

"What's sex like, Mr. Baker?"

The question caught Mr. Baker off guard. "You've never had sex?"

"I attend a Christian school."

"Do you think that stopped your classmates?"

"Of course not. But I've never had a boyfriend. Who would I do it with?" Amelia parted her labia to show off her still-intact hymen.

Mr. Baker took a few moments to admire Amelia's virginity. "Even your hymen is cute."

He spoke as if he was finished, so Amelia had to remind him: "What's sex like?"

"Well, the man takes his erect penis, and guides it inside his girl's vagina. For the man, it feels warm inside, and the girl feels full down there. Then the man thrusts in and out of his girl, and they continue thrusting for a number of minutes. Eventually the man starts breathing more deeply and rapidly, and if the girl is getting enough stimulation to her clitoris, whether by the man's pubic bone, his hand, or her hand, then she starts breathing deeply and rapidly as well, and eventually it builds to the point when they orgasm."

"What's orgasm like?"

"It's like a release. You know how when you're about to sneeze there's this feeling that you really need to sneeze?"


"Well the buildup to orgasm is like that feeling that you really need to orgasm. And it keeps building and building until orgasm happens, and just as everything relaxes after a sneeze, everything relaxes after an orgasm and it's over."

"That's it?"

"It feels good, if that's what you're asking. Not amazing, but pretty good."

"I'd like to know what that feels like."

"Haven't you ever masturbated?"

"I don't want my first orgasm to be masturbation; I want it to be sex."

"Fortunately, you have a lot of time."

"But what if I don't make it out of here?"

For the first time since the start of this adventure, Amelia expressed doubt that she would survive this ordeal.

"Well, what then?"

"If I'm going to die in the cold, I don't want to die as a virgin."

"How are you going to manage that?"

"Would you have sex with me?"

Amelia's question caught Mr. Baker off-guard. On the one hand, he had a wife whom he loved very much. But if he and Amelia died out there, would it really matter that he had stayed faithful to his wife?

"What about God, Amelia?"

"If we ask forgiveness afterwards then He'll forgive us."

"I don't think that's how it works, Amelia. You can't plan to ask forgiveness before you do something bad, and then do the bad thing anyways, and then ask for forgiveness afterwards as if you're being honest about your repentance."

"I'm sure God understands that we're in a difficult situation."

Mr. Baker looked for more reasons to avoid having sex with his student, a line he was loathe to cross.

"Why me, Amelia?"

"Because I feel like I've grown close to you as a result of this experience. I feel like I'm closer to you right now than I've ever been to anyone else in my life."

"Are you sure you're not being dramatic?"

Amelia looked offended. "We're sitting here naked together, we almost died together, and you don't feel even a little closer to me?"

Now it was Mr. Baker's turn to feel attacked. Mr. Baker repented. "No, you're right, we've gone through quite an experience together. No matter what happens for the rest of our lives, we'll always have this experience together. This moment of honesty and intimacy in front of this fire."

Amelia didn't fully accept Mr. Baker's apology, but she accepted it enough to offer again: "Okay, so will you have sex with me?"

"Why me, Amelia?"

"Do you see anyone else here who's going to take it?"


"That means that only you can save me from dying as a virgin."

Mr. Baker was having difficulty restraining the growing desire he had for Amelia. From a need standpoint, Mr. Baker certainly didn't need to have sex with Amelia one last time before he died, because he had all the sexual experiences he wanted with his wife; in fact, his wife had drained his balls the morning he and Amelia were abducted. But Amelia was sitting in front of him, legs spread, with absolutely no sexual experience; if he didn't take Amelia now, he would condemn her to a virgin death. If it was he who was facing a virgin death, would he be so sure? No wonder Amelia wanted it.

On the other hand, would he forfeit his place in heaven just to satisfy Amelia? Could he be sure that there was a heaven? Mr. Baker believed that God is a God of love; would it not be a loving act to satisfy Amelia this one time? Besides, how could a God of love allow him and Amelia to starve or freeze to death in the wilderness? Where was God in his classroom yesterday?

God was crying, that's what. God believes in free will so much that He would allow that stranger to come into our school and commit that crime. He did that so that I could have free will in my own life. He gave me the free will to decide whether or not to sleep with Amelia here, tonight. And He would be disappointed if I failed Him here. I must stay strong and resist this absolutely gorgeous young girl who doesn't fully understand what she's doing. What do I tell her?

"That's true, Amelia. I promised I would do everything I could to save you, and I'm going to do just that. You are not dying out here in the cold! We are going to make it to safety. You are going to get to safety, and then you're going to recover, and you're going to find a nice boy your age that you like and you're going to lose your virginity to him. You're going to get married and you're going to have lots of sex and you're going to make lots of babies. Because you are going to make it out of here alive. Do you understand? You will not die here! Besides, I just promised you thirty minutes ago that I wouldn't engage in sexual relations with you, and I'm going to keep that promise."

Amelia looked disappointed, but she understood. "Okay."

Amelia was left alone to her thoughts for a few moments. Perhaps she was rejected because she didn't look pretty enough? She had always been the least developed of her peers; perhaps even now her breasts weren't large enough to attract a man. "Do you think I'm beautiful?" she finally asked.

"Of course you're beautiful. Look at my penis, standing at attention for you. My penis doesn't lie."

She looked at his glistening penis and saw that he was not lying. "I did that?"

"Yes, you did. You are gorgeous."

"So why won't you have sex with me?"

"Because I respect you enough to not take advantage of you in this moment. I'm not going to take advantage of you just to experience a little bit of sexual pleasure at your expense."

"Is it at my expense if I want it?"

"Yes. Because you don't fully understand what you're asking for. I saw your cervical fluid earlier; you're fertile. Are you prepared to get pregnant? Are you prepared to be ostracized by your friends? Are you prepared to drop your university dreams to raise a child whose father is married to another woman? If I had sex with you, I would be making your life more difficult for the next five, ten, twenty years, just for what? An orgasm? Thirty minutes of sexual pleasure? No. I'm not doing that. I'd enjoy having sex with you and your extremely hot body, but I love you too much to do that to you."

Finally, Amelia began to understand. "You would give up sex with me, to protect me?"

"I promised to protect you, and I meant that."

Amelia snuggled up to Mr. Baker, with the same amount of trust that a young child has in their parent. "Can I sleep beside you tonight?"

"Of course you can."

Amelia pulled Mr. Baker into a spooning position beside the fire. She pulled Mr. Baker's left arm and positioned his hand on her naked breast. She pulled Mr. Baker's right arm and positioned his right hand on her pubic region. She pulled on his penis and placed it next to her vulva, with the glans next to her clitoris.