A Thankful Blizzard Pt. 05


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"So I was actually in there, rescued by the FBI," Kat finished. Agent Hubbard nodded.

"Underhanded, I know, but McMahon is nothing but that himself. We have enough now, with the raid of this warehouse, to search all his businesses. If he's got any other stashes going, he'll be in even deeper than he is now."

"Um..." I cleared my throat. I still had a couple of questions.

"Yes, Mr. Goodman?"

"The, uh... few crimes I committed... will they, will I have to, uh... will I be charged?"

Agent Hubbard laughed. "With what you did, I'm surprised you're not looking into a career in law enforcement."

"So... they'll be dropped?"

"Like they never even happened."

"What about that poor girl? The desk clerk? Will she get her car back?"

"We pulled some strings with her insurance company. In the interests of national security we prevailed on them to record her car as stolen by unknown perpetrators and unrecovered. Her insurance company, as an accommodation to the FBI, will replace her car - yet somehow her premiums won't increase," Agent Hubbard said with a grin. "But that used-car dealer is in deep doo-doo."

"So will I have anything to worry about from the McMahon family? What about the twins, Jasper and Jasmine McMahon?" Kat piped up.

"Don't worry, Miss White, I'm pretty sure our searches will find enough information for us to get the goods on them. Until then, you two are going to a safe house." As she said this, the doors of the van opened and two agents entered.

"Mr. Goodman, Ms. White, please come with us. You will be escorted to a safe location." One of them said. We rose from our seats, thanking Agent Hubbard.

"Agent Hubbard," I saw her eyebrow raised, so I quickly corrected myself, "Erica, thank you. I'm grateful you saved us. I thought I was going to die."

"Mr. Goodman, I should be thanking you. Your efforts helped save Miss White, not to mention you helped us uncover Edmond McMahon's criminal enterprise." She paused, looked to the side for a moment. "And the death of a fine scientist like you would be a great tragedy. Do take care, now." She waved us off, and the agents escorted us quickly out of the van.

As we headed toward a waiting Suburban, I caught a glimpse of a familiar face. It was the eyes - a cold icy stare - that drew my attention. Our eyes met, and I had an ugly flash of recognition. It was the one called Gecko - the one who had wanted to kill me himself, the one who seemed like a loose cannon with a fiery temper, one of the pseudo-FBI agents who had "arrested" me. He had been heading our way. When recognition registered on my face, he did not break stride but smoothly unholstered his sidearm and raised it - in the direction of Kat.

I did the only thing I could think of at that moment - I lunged forward, knocking into Kat, forcing her out of the way, just as the gun fired. I felt a piercing hot sensation rip into my upper chest, near my right shoulder. It was undoubtedly the most excruciating pain I had ever felt. I watched as Gecko, preparing to fire again, was riddled with bullets, his blood splattering and spraying from his mouth. I couldn't feel my right arm. My chest suddenly felt cold, really cold. And wet. It was getting harder to breathe too, as if something heavy was sitting on the right side of my chest. I realized Kat was holding on to me, screaming my name, as I was slowly sliding down to the ground. She was patting my hair, tears streaming down her cheeks. I wanted to raise my hand to wipe away her tears, but my hand wouldn't budge. Funny, it didn't hurt anymore. Things started to look fuzzy. Kat went out of focus, then came back into focus. She was crying still. What was making her cry? Why was she so sad? I just wanted to hold her. I couldn't move. I glanced down and saw the white coveralls weren't white anymore - they were red. Weren't they always red? No, they used to be white. I remember. So why were mine red? And it felt so cold. When did Phoenix get so cold, even in the early winter? Kat was still crying. There was that same man who had brought me the mask. He was yelling something to someone. Why was everyone so frantic? I felt more pressure on my chest. It was getting really hard to breathe. I just wanted to sleep. Sleep sounded good. I could just close my eyes and fall asleep. But someone was yelling my name. Kat? She was still crying. Sobbing now. Poor Kat. I had to comfort her. I tried to tell her I loved her, but something warm bubbled up and out my mouth. When did that happen? Maskman put something in my mouth. I heard a beeping noise. I felt movement, and suddenly I was lifted in the air. I saw buildings moving past me. Were they on wheels? The buildings came to a stop and I felt a few bumps. There was suddenly a roof over my head. Kat was still there crying. I heard the beep turn into a long, endless whine. Wasn't that me? Had my heart just stopped? It couldn't. I was still here. I was just so sleepy. I wanted to close my eyes again. I heard someone yell the word 'clear' and something made my entire body lurch. That was interesting. It felt like a tingle passing through my whole body. The same voice yelled 'clear' again and it happened again. A tingle, only this time followed by what felt like I had just been kicked in the chest. I saw Kat, crying. I'm sorry, Kat, am I making you cry? I couldn't say it. My mouth wouldn't work. But there was something in my mouth anyway. The tingle-lurching-kicking must have worked, cause the whine turned back into a beep. I felt whiteness closing around my eyes. It was so pretty. I just wanted to sleep. Just close my eyes. Just rest. So I closed my eyes.


"Paul?" I thought I heard my name being called out. My eyelids didn't want to open. What was going on? I tried moving, anything, but nothing would happen. I couldn't tell where my body began and where it ended, everything felt so numb.

"Paul?" There it was again. My name. I knew it. It was such a soft voice too. I liked hearing it.

"Baby, come back to me, please." Whoa, that sounded really familiar. Someone who really cared about me? And that voice - the voice of an angel.

"I love you, Paul. Don't leave me, please." The voice was sad. I didn't want that voice to be sad. It reminded me of someone I cherished. My eyes finally started opening. There she was. That someone I cherished. Red curls, emerald green eyes, although they were swollen and rimmed with redness, they still belonged to Kat. My Kat.

"Oh Paul!" She smiled, new tears pouring out of her eyes. "I thought I lost you! Oh God, I love you!" How would I be lost? I was right here. Then I vaguely felt a hand holding mine, two hands. I tried to turn my hand over and grip the hands. It wouldn't budge though. Why wouldn't my body do what I wanted it to? Was I in someone else's body? No, that was ridiculous.

"I was so scared, but you saved me. You saved me again! You keep saving me, Paul." My eyes focused more now. I saw Kat clearer. I tried to say something, to tell her I was ok, that I loved her, anything. There was a damned tube in my mouth. How could a guy talk with a fucking tube in his mouth? I couldn't even reach up to get it out. Uh oh, time to sleep again. I felt the pull of the darkness, as my eyes lost focus and closed.


"...when I knew I loved you. Even in those coveralls, you looked so handsome, so sexy. I couldn't believe I was so lucky even to know a guy like you, much less..." I heard Kat's voice. She wasn't sounding so sad now. I couldn't open my eyes though. Then I heard another voice.

"Well, it appears his condition is improving. He had a lot of blood loss, but he should make a complete recovery, with very little residual effects. Just thank God the slug wasn't a hollow-point bullet. He'd probably have lost his right arm. As it is, thankfully, it will just take time - and a lot of therapy - for his body to heal."

"Oh God, thank you, Doctor!" Another voice now. This one sounded familiar, too. "It's ok, Sweetie, Mommy is here." Ah, Mom. That must mean...

"Hi, Son, the doctor says you will get better with time. We're still waiting to have that meal with you and your girlfriend, so get better soon." My dad - that was just like him, focusing on keeping everything the same. Why wouldn't my eyes open though? I wanted to open them and tell everyone I was ok. I could hear them. I was here. I loved them.

"Katherine, thank you so much for being with him." My mother's voice sounded extremely grateful. She sounded as if she was crying too.

"Of course, Mrs. Goodman. I wish we could have met under better circumstances, but Paul's become the love of my life. I couldn't imagine ever leaving his side again." Wow, that was so sweet. I was such a lucky guy to have Kat. I wanted to let her know, but the darkness was closing in again. Noise faded out, and once again I was submerged into darkness.


My eyes slowly opened. It was semi-dark, the glow of instruments and monitors providing the light in the room. I could tell I was in a hospital bed, everything hooked up to me. And the memory returned. Gecko, that bastard who pretended to be an FBI agent - he must have been an actual agent after all - had tried to shoot Kat and I took the bullet instead.

Where was Kat? I tried turning my head, but it wouldn't move much. There was just a curtain on that side. I slowly rolled my head as far as I could to the other side. There, curled up in a chair with a blanket up to her chin, my own angel, my beautiful, precious Kat, was sleeping, her head resting on the chair's back.

"She's a sweet girl," a woman's voice suddenly said from my other side. I turned slightly toward it. "She's been with you every night, these past four nights. This is the fifth night she's stayed here, right by your side. You keep ahold of that one and don't you ever let go. Goodnight, Sugar." The nurse had taken my vitals and disappeared behind the curtain. I looked back over to my keeper. My Kat. I wondered how bad my injuries were. There wasn't a tube in my mouth anymore, so that was a start. I tried moving my feet. Yep, I could wiggle my toes; heck, I could even shift my legs. I tried my hands next. My left one started working, but I couldn't get my right one to work just yet. Well, it was a start. It was better than being able to move nothing at all. I tried my voice. I had to talk to Kat if I could.

"Kuh." Gah, it was pathetic sounding, like a cross between a gurgle, a strangle, and a cough. I tried again. "Kaa." A little stronger. I summoned up everything I could, and finally got her name out. "Kaaaat." It was as if a jolt of electricity hit her. Kat leapt straight out of the chair and was at my side in an instant, grasping my hand. Her eyes were wide and immediately, tears formed.

"Paul! Oh Paul, there you are, my Love!" She leaned over and kissed my forehead. "God, I've missed you. How are you feeling?"

"Ugh. I... feel... like I... got shot," I forced out. Kat burst out laughing.

"Oh Paul, I'm so glad you're alive. I really did think I would lose you."

"I... couldn't... leave... you."

"I love you, Paul."

"I... love you... too." Talking was so hard. The right side of my chest still felt like a ton of bricks was resting on it. "What... happened... to me?"

"They said the bullet broke into fragments once it entered you. Some of the fragments hit an artery near your shoulder and others pierced your lung. But the doctor says you'll make a complete recovery, Isn't that wonderful?" I nodded, trying to squeeze her hand in mine. "Ok, Sweetheart, get some rest." I nodded again, and closed my eyes.


The next couple of days passed in a similar manner, only I regained my strength, bit by bit. Soon enough I was sitting upright and feeding myself, talking more and more normally. Kat stayed by my side. She informed me that she had called and spoken with her professors and gotten an extension on all her coursework, so she could complete the semester. She had called my major professor as well, and all my deadlines connected to my Ph.D. thesis were suspended. She was an amazing woman. Each day brought a new and interesting visitor. One day I got to see Helen, the waitress from that diner. She was as sweet and bubbly as ever. Her parting shot was the same request as before, that we inform her when the wedding was. Inform, hell! Helen was going to be one of our honored guests!

A few days before my discharge date, I got a surprise visitor. He walked in and I was almost speechless. Even Kat looked shocked.

"Hello there, Mr. Goodman. I'm pleased to meet the man who has not only saved my daughter, but won her heart as well." Doug White stood near my bed and shook my hand - my left hand. "I've heard a lot about you. When you're released, I'd like to talk to you more personally."

"Of course, Sir."

"You can call me Doug. In fact, I'd prefer it," he smiled.

"Thank you, Doug. I look forward to speaking with you," I grinned back at him.

"Oh Dad, quit trying to recruit him already!" Kat playfully punched her dad in the shoulder. I must have missed something, for they seemed to be acting like a normal family that loved each other.

"What? I'm just chatting with the guy who saved my daughter!" He laughed. Doug stayed and chatted amiably with us for about an hour before announcing "duty calls," getting up to leave. Kat surprised me again, giving her father a huge hug.

After Doug had left, I had a few questions for Kat.

"I thought you two weren't on very good speaking terms." Kat just ginned at my observation.

"You've been out quite a while. What else was a girl to do while her love was unconscious?" She smiled warmly, grasping my hand in hers. "We talked. Quite a bit, actually. He apologized profusely, over and over, insisting it was his fault that I got into this whole mess. I just told him that if it weren't for this 'whole mess,' I wouldn't have found the love of my life."

"The love of your life, huh? That sounds hopelessly romantic," I said with a wink at Kat. "So if I feel that way too..." I trailed off as Kat moved her face closer to mine. She had a gleam in her eye. Her lips grazed mine and moved up to whisper in my ear. "I can't wait to fuck you silly and then get down to the business of making sweet, slow love to you." That sent a chill down my spine, right to my crotch. Wow, she got me going so easily. I felt slightly daring, maybe having something to do with surviving a gunshot.

"Why wait?" I whispered back, grasping her firm ass. She jumped with a light squeal.

"You're so bad!" But she tiptoed over to the door, peering out before closing it and thumbing the lock. "But we've gotta be quick then."

"You know they can unlock that really easily?" I asked, my eyebrow raised.

"Then they'd better be prepared to see a patient getting well and thoroughly fucked." With that, she peeled her shirt off her head, reached for my gown and lifted it up. "One thing that's nice about these hospital gowns," she paused, grasping my already stiff cock, "is the easy access." She disappeared underneath my gown as I felt her hot, wet mouth close around my shaft. She licked and sucked a few times before reemerging. "Oh, I've missed you," she cooed.

"I've missed you too," I added, groaning as she sucked me into her mouth again. I didn't think I could wait. "Oh, come here, get on me, I want you now!" I practically growled.

"Mmmhmmm," she moaned around my cock, popping off the head and appearing with a sexy grin. She unhooked her bra, shrugging out of it, exposing her gorgeous breasts to my sight. I doubted I could ever grow tired of seeing her naked. She hooked her fingers into the waistband of her pants and removed her panties as well, stepping out of them. She was completely naked as she crawled into the bed, right on top of me. I could see her glistening slit, and saw her lowering herself to me. She grasped my cock and guided it to her entrance. Just the touch of my head to her heat had me moaning in pleasure, but when she started sinking onto my length, it was everything I could do not to orgasm right then at the sight of her beautiful, slippery pussy swallowing me up. We both moaned in unison.

"Ahhh... Kat, you always feel so perfect." I pulled her forward on top of me, pressing my mouth to hers. I winced, aware of the gunshot wound that was still healing. She apologized, but continued to kiss me and wiggle her hips, creating a wonderful feeling.

"God I've missed you inside me," she hissed. She kissed me again, then rose up to a sitting position on top of me and started moving her hips in a way that I couldn't imagine was possible, yet made for intense pleasure.

"Kat, I'd stop a dozen more bullets for you," I panted as she rode me.

"Oh, I think one is enough."

"I love you, Kat."

"I love you, Paul, ungh!" She picked up the pace. She was gyrating fiercely on top of me. Her breasts wiggled and bounced with each movement she made, so I reached up and caught them, squeezing and massaging them in my hands, feeling the nipples press into my palms. It was such a contrast, seeing the IV in my hand, on her breast. My right arm was still a little sluggish and stiff, and there was a residual ache in the arm, but I didn't care at the moment, seeing Kat bounce and grind on top of me. The heart monitor must have still been connected, since I heard the rhythmic beep pick up speed.

"Ah, ah, they're gonna check on you, uh, uh, with that increased heart rate, Oooooh," Kat moaned.

"Fuck... oh God, Kat, I'm gonna cum soon!" She was doing amazing things to me.

"Oh, yes, pinch my nipples, I'm gonna cum too!" I did as she asked, rolling the buds of her nipples between my fingers, tweaking and twisting them. I heard her breathing pick up pace and her panting turn into moans.

"Ah, fuck, Paul, I'm gonna cum!" She rode me faster still, a squishing noise and the sound of the hospital bed squeaking, combined with the rapid beep of my heart monitor, all joined together with our moans. I felt the sensation rise, my balls tightened, and I knew it was approaching. Then I felt it - her pussy tightened into a clench, her breathing stopped and her hips came to a halt. Her whole body turned rigid, and her pussy walls seemed to vibrate on my cock. That sensation alone was enough to push me over the edge, as I felt my own release shoot up into her. We panted together, groaning our mutual releases and satisfaction. Kat fell forward on my chest, her breathing labored, gasping for air. I winced again, the pressure of her on my wound bringing an intense, sharp pain.

"Holy shit, that was good," she panted. "How you always make me feel good! Oh, God, your wound, I'm so sorry!" She sat up and frowned, gently patting the bandaged area.

"Fuck... it was worth it, Kat. But... imagine if every patient got a treatment like that..." I moaned, caressing her hips.

"Everyone would be pretending to be ill then."

"Or getting shot," we giggled together. The rush of having sex in a public place, risking being caught by someone, was intense. Couple that with the drugs I had to have been on, and my head was positively spinning.

"I better get changed quickly, they'll probably be checking on you soon with your heart rate increase and," she got off of me, carefully catching the cum dripping out of her with some tissues she had grabbed, "your sudden drop in heart rate." She was pointing at the monitor. Sure enough, my heart rate had dropped dramatically, from the rapid cadence it had been beating during our lovemaking to a slow and steady pulse now. My scientist side was curious if that happened every time after orgasm, what with the sudden rush and release of endorphins. Not my specialty or main interest, but it intrigued me, nonetheless.

Kat picked up her clothes and rushed off toward the bathroom, unlocking the main door as she slipped into the bathroom. I smoothed my gown down my front just as I heard a knock. Shit, already? I still had a partial erection.