A Thousand Ways Good


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She closed her eyes in response to his, and his lips, slightly open, pressed upon hers. The first kiss was soft but not tentative; his lips inviting and commanding, hers receiving and giving. She took in his sweetened breath, his musky fragrance, the slight push of his hand upon her back. He imagined is heart swelled with desire, sensed all the world around him vanished but for this.

Their lips parted, ever slightly, eyes still closed to possess the moment. Then, together, mouths open to the other, their pace not yet abandoned, but fervent, seeking to communicate the passion the rest of their body screamed; their tongues still in retreat, almost knowing that their meeting would send restraint over the edge.

They slowed, honoring the kisses before, anticipating the next. Talia felt Scott's tongue slide against hers, a gentle touch, and open question. She answered with her tongue hungry for his. The French kiss a slow step growing into a waltz, no beat missed, stride for stride; Talia had never experienced such natural orchestration, a kiss without thought that defied rationale. Their kiss was finally lost to abandon, the waltz now a frenzied street dance-off, the soft music in the background out of place with the fury of mouths and tongue thrashing for the other. Wet kissing; hard kissing; hands pulling and rubbing kissing; his erection hard against her kissing and her waters flowing kissing.

Finally, mouths apart, heads together, they catch their breath.


"I know. Me too."

She was the first to reach. She brought her hands to the belt of his robe and unleashed it. She placed her hand on his chest, trailed her fingers through his coarse, blonde hair. Her finger brushed over his nipple, and she heard his sharp intake of breath. Her hand played down the center of his stomach. The whole time, she kept her eyes on where her hand traced, absorbing the sight of his body. She placed both hands on his chest and kneaded slightly, testing his firmness. Pleased, she let her hands follow the curvature of his chest.

Then she brought her lips to his nipple. Scott drew in a deep breath. This was the first either one had claimed a part of the other's body for their own. She sucked to her pleasure; let her tongue run over and around. Her saliva was like a first rain on his skin, the rain one craves after a drought.

Talia could feel his hard erection press against her as his body moved in rhythm with his moan. She didn't want to think about that yet, but it registered nonetheless; harder, taller, with more girth than she had experienced.

She moved her lips across his chest, placed her mouth upon his other nipple, played more aggressively, faster flicks of her tongue, nips of her teeth.

Suddenly, Scott's hands were on either side of her face. He drew her mouth to his again, savage in his approach, causing her to moan into him. Talia ripped Scott's robe off his shoulders, heard the fall of soft material. Scott would not release her yet from the kiss, so her hands felt all over his back, clutching at times as her body responded.

Talia felt something deep within her begin to build. Scott's leg moved between hers. She began to ride it, matching her movements with the opening and closing of her mouth upon his. Finally, Scott released his hands. Talia broke the kiss and panted, hugging him tightly as she placed her face against his chest hair. She slowed her shifting against his leg, like a wild animal, pounced to attack, relents and withdraws into the shadows.

The light of the fire seemed to glow off of Scott's undressed body. He stood before her only in gym shorts, fiery red. She took in the contours of his abs, the bulk of his shoulders. She wanted to place both hands around his arm, feel the bulges of his biceps and triceps.

Before she could reach for him, he stretched out his hand. Scott caressed her face, and then ran his hand down her silk robe, marveling at the decadent texture and the soft rise of her breast. As enjoining as their kisses had been, the simple act of touching her clothed breast broke any single thread of holding back. Talia wanted Scott. Wholly, carnally, wildly, tenderly. Most of all, fully. In his simple touch, Talia became more to Scott than any woman he had been with physically. Nothing, including his own damaged heart, could keep him back from her.

His hand found its way to her tied belt. With a tug, he unfurled her covering. The robe acted as a final veil, trailing across each breast, her nipples partially visible, her flat stomach framed, as if a sculpture could be so captured.

"Turn around."

Scott lifted the robe off her shoulders and laid it to the side. He traced the form of her back; he let his hand rest just above her laced panties. He placed both thumbs together just inside them and moved his thumbs outward, caressing the top flesh of her ass. His hands shifted, and he placed his fingers just inside the front. His fingers gently moved against her hair, and then pressed slightly.

Talia's breathing quickened. She was ready to be touched, ready for him to discover her body's desire for him.

His fingers traced outwardly, and then he hooked his thumbs and pulled down. Scott cherished the visual as the material drew down her legs; he experienced his heart jump as one foot came free, and then the other. Before he rose, he knew his dream stood before him, his, this beauty that had seemed as out of reach as the Mona Lisa.

He wanted to kiss her legs as he stood, to kiss the flesh of her bubbled-ass, to inhale her scent; instead, he rose determinedly, and he pulled Talia back into him.

She felt her back against his chest hair; sighed with desire as his hands circled her breasts, his thumbs rubbing against her nipples. He was firm in his grip, gentle in his caress. His lips fell upon her neck. Talia rubbed herself against his draped erection, slowly. He reached up and tilted her mouth toward him, their lips melted together.

Scott turned her. Their kiss was frontal, their chests against each other. Talia forced off his shorts. He stepped out of them. They pressed together, hands against the back of each other's heads, driving their kisses to join them as closely as possible.

Both knew they were moving to the only act that could come close to making them feel inseparable.

Scott's erection rose above Talia's entry. She could feel the head of his penis press against her mound.

Talia reached down. She cupped the underside of Scott's balls. Scott inhaled, and then reached and cupped her cheeks.

Talia broke the kiss. She lowered her body. Scott watched as her tongue stroked the underside of his penis. She took him in hand, and let her lips kiss along his shaft. She leaned back, and Scott watched as Talia gazed at his erection her hand, at the slow movement of her fingers playing him.

She looked up at him. She rarely talked during lovemaking, letting her actions speak. But now she couldn't resist, and mouthed the words, "I want all of you."

Scott watched as Talia's lips enclosed his head. He groaned as her tongue played upon his slit. He fixed his eyes on her mouth closing upon him, gliding, her lips moving as more, then less, of him disappeared in her mouth, each move seeming to dance in step with the flames.

Scott felt himself begin to tense. He took her hands and stood her up. He lifted her in his strong arms. They did not kiss but clung to each other tightly as Scott walked into the bedroom. A richly textured, white bedspread, accented with colored pillows, welcomed them. Plants rich in green foliage breathed out exotic air and stood sentry to their sacred space.

Scott laid her softly upon the bed. He crawled over her, captured her eyes with his.

"Breathe like this," he whispered. He breathed in for several seconds, held it, breathed out slowly. Talia followed his repetition.

"Keep doing that."

Scott moved his body upon her and down. Talia felt his hard erection glide down and brush against her. He positioned himself to kiss her breasts, and in so doing, the head of his penis teased at her labia.

She kept breathing in rhythm even as her wetness slicked his head. She tried to move to feel more of him, but he lifted himself out of touch each time.

Scott concentrated on her breast. His tongue massaged the sides of each breast, and then his lips closed around her nipple, his tongue on the roof of his mouth as he sucked, and then licks that teased every nerve. She could feel her body's current move and fire into her clitoris, could feel it call deeply into her vaginal palace.

"Keep breathing."

Scott moved his kisses lower until his tongue caressed the inside of her legs, outside her swollen lips, and then, finally, upon her opening.

Talia felt his tongue enter her. She bucked, and then gripped the sheets as his tongue circled and danced upon her clit. She struggled to pace her breathing. She could feel the palace guards retreat; her lusts burst through the gates, and as they gained momentum, she clutched Scott's hair. His mouth was fully alive, and when Talia cried out, her juices rewarded Scott with exquisite taste. Her body shook, quivered and quieted. Breath was now a pant.

Talia reached for him, pulled him up to her. She knew she had blacked out for seconds, into nothingness and pleasure, the state only a woman can enjoy where there is no pain, no worry, a glimpse of true heaven.

Scott saw Talia's eyes look into every corner of his heart and claim him; he willingly let her clutch onto him. He slipped his arms under her back.

Her hips rose.

Scott slid his erection into her. He was aware of every quarter-inch of entry. His head penetrated her slowly, his shaft felt her tightness around him. Talia sensed every moment of Scott's erection taking residence. She softly gasped as he broke through; she breathed deeply at his fullness in her. She squeezed her muscles around him.

Scott whispered, "Look at me.

Talia opened her eyes. They gazed at each other as he began his slow movement. Scott kissed her briefly. He pulled his mouth back and kissed her again, holding the press of their lips a little longer.

His paced quickened, as did the variation of his thrusts. Talia closed her eyes as he rotated. Scott began to thrust, and she met his movement with hers.

"Scott, come in me. Don't pull out."

Scott shifted his hips slightly higher, began to make his thrusts longer and deeper. His play heightened the pleasure of her clit.

"O, Scott. Yes!" Talia felt electrified, filled, possessed.

"Scott, I'm..."

Scott felt the wave hit her. Talia's whole body tensed. Her hug was as one who clings on for dear life.

In response, Scott released his measured thrusts to all-out pursuit. Like a horse ungated, he bucked freely, the slap of slick flesh drowning out the music's serenade.


Scott tensed, and then released into her, his ejaculate streaming as his erection pulsed.

He planted kisses upon her cheeks and neck. He found her mouth, and their tongues tasted the other as Scott slowed his movement and finally came to rest inside her.

Eventually Scott pulled out, rolled on his back and brought Talia to him. She lay on her side, her face atop his chest. Her hand played with his dampened chest hair, and then moved down to caress his scrotum. She gently felt along his penis, and let her fingers dab into the mixture of her juice and his ejaculate pooled at his base.

Scott scooted slightly in order to bring his lips to hers. He kissed her, and then spoke softly.

"My brother died when I was twelve. He was at a camp. Freak accident. When I found out, I was inconsolable. He was my best friend, my only brother. I remember after the funeral, I was sitting by myself, and the pastor came up to me. He put his arm around me."

He said, "Scott, this is a defining moment. You will always remember this. Your love for your brother will turn this into a source of strength. I know you don't understand now. But you will."

"I looked at him, and then looked down. I wanted to believe him. I couldn't see how. I couldn't see how I could never feel so lost."

Talia said, "Scott, I'm so sorry."

Scott kissed her forehead.

"The pastor continued to talk to me."

"This will not be the only defining moment for you. There will be good things, great things really, that open up a whole new world for you. It will take the best of all that has been and catapult it to a universe you never knew you could occupy. Do you understand? It's not always easy for an older person to explain to a young man as yourself. But it will happen. You will know, because in whatever moment it is, you will realize you are not the same, and therefore, life ahead is different in a thousand ways good."

"Talia, this with you. This weekend with you. This is a defining moment for me - a thousand ways good."

Talia rolled on top of him. Her petite build rested easily on his larger frame. She placed a kiss on his chest, on his neck, and then upon his lips.

"Words are hard for me. I never quite find a way to say what I feel. I believe you. Believe me when I say it is true for me too. You had already changed my life. Now I think you have changed me - a thousand ways good." She smiled, and kissed him.

"But I need to ask you a question. I suck at timing. But I need to know. Why me?"

Scott closed his eyes before answering. "I need to tell you something. Almost a year ago, I was leaving my office at night. I thought everyone had gone. I heard voices. I realized it was you and Paul. It didn't sound like work talk. I didn't know what to do, so I ducked into an alcove. It was weird. Stupid, really. But I did it. I saw him make a pass at you. I also saw you deflect it."

Talia tensed as he reported this. She rolled onto her back.

Scott rolled toward her. "So why you? Let me tell you why not. It's not because I wanted to see if I could do what Paul could not. It's not because I'm the guy that people thinks takes what he wants. You are not a conquest. You are not a commodity. It's also not because I want to break up your marriage. Though the truth is, I want you forever. But I will accept the bounds you give me. Please look at me."

Talia opened her eyes. Scott saw cautious belief. He pressed further.

"Here is why. You arrest me. Because of you, I look deeper within myself. Because of you, I treat others with more consideration. Because of you, when I need a moment to check out and get my balance back, I think of you. Yes, you make my life easier by the work you do. But it's more than that. You make my life better, period. No matter the limits. Though, being with you like this, I'm not a big fan of limits. Please believe me. I didn't mean to keep a secret. I didn't make you a conquest. I dreamed of a night like this, but I didn't think it was possible. The gifts and dinner had no other agenda than just being us."

Finally, Talia leaned up. She looked into Scott's eyes.

"Okay. And so you know, Paul was different. I liked him. A lot. I was grateful to him. But I knew none of that meant I should give myself to him. No amount of wining and dining on his part was going to change that. Your gifts didn't cause me to let my guard down. I made a choice out of my strength. I did what I wanted to do. Do you understand that?"

"I do."

"I also know so much has not changed. But now is not the time to talk about that. So, Scott Press, just know this. I am yours in as much as we can be. I am connected to you in a way that can't be broken. And I love you."

Scott smiled, and accepted her kiss again.

Talia continued, "I know I shouldn't say it, but I do. I did before this weekend. I do now, a little more fully than I expected. But I'm happy."

"I'm happy too, Talia. And I love you. And I'd say you are pretty good with words after all."

"Yeah, well, I prefer to show it then tell it. So close your eyes. And breathe."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Thank god… shitforbrains just wrote two dumb tales,! Hope he does better in his daytime job of latrine supervisor!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

quit with the garbage and get to real writing

InfosaugerInfosaugeralmost 3 years ago

This needs a sequel

Dunny69Dunny69about 4 years ago
Hate this shit husband home holding the fort

Not my cup of tea, another cheating wife getting away with it and poor stupid loving husband at home holding the fort. Fk her ...... oh he did grrrr.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

please stop writing this is rubbish

SikemSikemabout 4 years ago

Why not just divorce before breaking vows? I do not understand. The marriage exists only on paper and in the husband's ignorance. I do not find this a fun or sexy scenario.

It is well written however. Thank you for sharing your story.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

I agree with Kimmi. The husband is necessary only to make her a wife. The rest is a description of a cheating whore who will continue to cheat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

another story of a slut wife and hubby that has no clue sorry just like all the rest why do men think every women is a whore most of the writers do on lit no score

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 5 years ago
Enough cheaters get away with it in real life.

Why read about it here?

widowedidiotwidowedidiotabout 5 years ago

I didn´t really like this story. With her boss? Really? You nevet get involved with anybody from work especially your boss. Guess thats why he stayed behind, so he could buy her at the end. So what happens now? Is some poor trusting sucker getting hit with a divorce?

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