A Trip in the Fall Pt. 06


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When Sarah reached the fence, she could hear Brandon talking the players through the game, then what was next. He was complimentary of the team for handling the pressure well, then gave them a quick run own of the scouting report Mike had created for their next game. Their next game was scheduled for the following morning at 9:30 against a team from West Virginia also named the Panthers, and then a second one scheduled for 7:30 against a team from Pennsylvania.

As the talk wrapped up, Mya emerged from the dugout and smiled, "What'd you think!"

"I don't know a lot about baseball, but I know that was a good game!"

"We just have to stay on it, the next few teams have really good pitching, especially the kid we face tomorrow. Mr. Cline, say he has a nasty curve." Sarah nodded, trying to show Mya she was paying attention, but not really understanding what she was saying. Mya chuckled, "It's fine, I'll explain at dinner."

Sarah gave a slight smile, "Thanks, I appreciate that." Mya gave a slight nod, causing Sarah to turn around, when she did, she found Brandon smiling at her, "Hey babe."

He reached out pulling her into a hug and a quick kiss, a kiss that was shortened by the "Oooos" of the players and Mya. She blushed and he rolled his eyes, "Hey to you too."

"Is this where I am supposed to tell you good game?"

He chuckled, "Sure, and maybe a pat on the ass."

She smacked him on the chest, causing dust to stir and making her sneeze, "Cut it out."

He laughed, "So how does seafood sound for dinner?"

"Sounds good to me, Mya said she's going to explain to me what a curveball is."

He raised his eyes knowingly, "Ah, well your time is going to be monopolized."

Sarah gave him a sideway glance, "It's just throwing a ball."

"Oh no it is not, there are tons of mechanics behind it, trust me."

"If you say so."

Their conversation was broken up by Lisa with Mya by her side., "Sarah, if you don't want to ride the stinky vans, we are going to get going and give the restaurant a heads up."

Sarah nodded and Brandon looked at Mya, "You got those stats for me so I can call back home?"

My handed him a sheet of notebook paper, rolled her eyes, and said, "Of course."

They all laughed at her attitude and parted, Brandon to get the players rounded up before heading to dinner, and Sarah, Mya, and the moms to get to the restaurant to make sure everything was situated.


Dinner was at a local seafood place called Original Benjamins; the buffet style made things much easier on the team and the staff because all they had to worry about were drink refills. As promised, Mya pretty much absorbed all of Sarah's time, explaining the ins and outs of baseball. Brandon was pretty sure she covered everything from the field dimensions clear down to the tricks of hitting certain pitches. When Mya got up to get desert, Brandon leaned over, nudging Sarah, and said, "Are you taking notes?"

Sarah's eyes got big and replied, "Holy smokes that girl talks a lot."

Brandon laughed, "Just about things she likes and to people she likes."

Sarah laughed, "I guess so, I sure hope she doesn't expect me to remember all of that."

With a wink, he replied, "Oh she probably does, maybe you need a study session later."

Sarah nudged him with her foot, "Oh really? I could get behind that."

Brandon smirked and turned his attention back to the table, but not before moving his hand to Sarah's leg, softly stroking it before squeezing her knee, causing her to smile as Mya returned. The rest of dinner was spent talking about a whole host of things with Brandon, Mya, the parents, and the players. As Brandon and Matt were settling the check, Sarah leaned back, full from dinner and thought about how nice it was to be a normal person. The players and the parents were treating her no different than she would expect being the coach's girlfriend and based where she was sitting, none of the other patrons had given her a second look.

With the check all settled, everyone began to shuffle out when Lisa found Sarah, "We are going to stop at the grocery store and get things for breakfast and lunch tomorrow, do you still want to ride with us, or do you want to head back to the house?"

Seeing the boys walk back to the vans and seeing the dirt on them and their uniforms, Sarah laughed, "I think I'll stick with you guys." Lisa laughed and after Sarah filled Brandon in, she made her way to the car."

Shopping for 15 teenagers plus five adults was an experience like Sarah had never been through. They each took a cart and went down most of the aisles. They grabbed multiple bags of chips, fresh fruit, Pop Tarts, Gatorade, Liquid IV, energy drinks, sodas, lunch meat, cheese, vegetables, bread, and other odds and ends that somehow appeared on their list. When it was all said and done, the bill came to over $400 and as Sarah stood astonished, the other moms began to sort out paying with the money Brandon had sent.

She shook out of her shock and said, "You know what, I've got it."

The moms all turned to her with Kim saying, "No, the boosters have the money."

"I know, but I don't think I'm paying for anything, let me buy the groceries for this go around."

Lisa softly smiled, "That's really sweet, but there is paperwork involved."


Lisa continued, "Yeah, we have to account for all the money in, and all the money out."

"Okay, so what does that mean?"

Lisa turned to Jen, who replied, "Basically we will have to write it up as a donation and you'll have to sign a form?"

"Is that a problem?"

"Not really, I'll call the school in the morning and have them email one over."

"Then it is settled, this one is on me."

All three women thanked her as Sarah dug in her pockets, finding her ID and credit card along with some cash. She handed the card to the cashier who looked at her, then at her card then swiped it. The girl was obviously trying to place her, so Sarah quickly looked away and said to Lisa, "Is there any way to sneak away for a glass of wine with you ladies?"

Kim laughed, "Not really, especially for Lisa since she is technically chaperoning."

Before Sarah could reply, she heard that cashier say, "Miss, your card."

Without looking back, Sarah took her card and receipt, thanked the cashier, and then began to gather the bags in their cart before making their way out to the parking lot. Sarah kept her head down and when they reached the car, she let out an audible sigh, causing Kim to ask, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I think that cashier almost recognized me."

Jen said, "Ooo, that's not good." They looked back towards the store and didn't see anyone looking towards the lot and Jen continued, "I think we are good, why don't you get back in the car while we load this up."

"You sure?"

Lisa putting on a bit of a motherly tone replied, "Positive, just get in the car."

Sarah did as she was told, and the car was loaded soon after and they began to make the 30-minute drive back to the house. As they pulled in, Lisa texted Mike and immediately six players appeared and helped shuttle the bags into the house, where Lisa directed them where to put everything. Once Sarah said goodbye to Kim and Jen who were heading back to their hotel, she made her way into the house and found that most of the players had already been through the shower with some lounging around the pool and the rest sitting on the deck.

She looked around and didn't see Brandon or Matt, figuring they were both probably showering, she took the opportunity to make her way back to their room. When she opened the door, she found his uniform draped over a chair and she could hear the shower running and a podcast on his phone. She set the things from her pocket on the dresser and quickly stripped off her clothes, leaving them in a pile on the bed, before quietly opening the door.

She could hear the latest Danger Close podcast playing on his phone, so she softly closed the door and then seeing his hand appear above the bar closest to the showerhead, she pulled back the curtain and said, "Want some company?"

"Woah! You scared me!"

She giggled and stepped in behind him, "I'll make it up to you."

Before he could reply she had climbed in behind him, wrapping her arms around him, pulled him against her, smashing her breasts into his back and kissed, then nipped his shoulder. He sighed and managed to say, "That sounds wonderful." He turned around in her arms where their lips met, and their hands began to wander over each other's body.

With his body blocking the shower head, Sarah dropped to her knees and took his rapidly hardening cock in her hands before kissing the head and licking the shaft as he softly groaned. She opened her mouth, taking his head into her mouth and sucking gently, causing him to let out a moan. She released his cock with a slight pop and looked up at him, "You have to be quiet, or I'll stop." He nodded his head earnestly, causing her to giggle and add, "Good."

She resumed sucking his cock until it was completely hard; she glanced up at him to see him bracing himself against the shower wall with his eyes closed. She relaxed her throat and took him as deep as she could; as she gagged slightly and withdrew, she felt him shudder and heard him moan again. After letting his cock slip from her mouth, she stood up, looked him in the eyes as she softly stroked his cock and said, "If I promise to be quiet, will you bend me over?"

He pulled her against him, kissing her before replying, "You better be quiet." He cupped her ass, causing her to let out a groan into her into his neck. He grinned, relaxed his grip, moved his hands to her hips and spun her around. She let out a slight squeak in surprise, but with her back to him now, she shuffled her feet, backing them both up before bending at the waist and placing her hands on the back wall of the tub.

She felt his hands come to rest on her hips, then felt him pressing against her. Feeling his head splitting her lips, she could help but take a deep breath then let out a slight moan as he pushed into her. With his all the way inside of her, she wiggled her hips, getting her legs under her and let out another sigh as she felt him withdraw and press back into her.

Over the next few minutes, her soft moans and his subtle grunts fill the bathroom as the pace of his thrusts increased. He slowed for a moment, and just as she was about to complain she heard him say, "Should I cum inside you?"

She groaned, looked over her shoulder and replied, "Probably not if we are going back out with everyone." He shook his head and resumed thrusting, making her brace herself again. As he got back to the pace he had been to, she removed a hand from the wall, finding her clit, and began rubbing it. With the new waves of pleasure, she had to stifle her moans and it wasn't long until she felt the weeks of pent-up passion wash over her as her orgasm began to cause her body to shake.

As Sarah bent her head back and tried to hold her moans in, Brandon felt her walls contract around him, quickly him sending him over the edge also. We quickly pulled out with a frustrated groan, and with a stroke of his hand, his own orgasm rolled through him, leaving the evidence on her lower back and ass. As both their orgasms subsided, he braced himself against the wall as Sarah stayed bent over, catching her breath.

After a few moments, she stood up and turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck as his wrapped around her lower back. She giggled as she tried to kiss him and felt his hands pull away, now covered in cum. She managed a quick peck then pulled away, "Now you know what I feel like in the morning."

He gave her a screwed-up face and stuck his hands behind them, rinsing them off, "I've never heard you complain." He placed his hands on her hips and they did the shower gymnastics of getting her under the water.

She signed as the warm water washed over her, "Okay, this feels really good."

He bent down, kissing her, "I'm glad. Is it okay if I get out?"

"Yeah, I'll be her for a little bit, I want to wash my hair."

"Sounds good, I'll be out in the living room." She rose on her tip toes, kissed him again, then smiled, "I love you Brandon Baker."

He gave her a soft smile, "I love you too Sarah Bixby."

Chapter 7-Saturday

Sarah heard her alarm go off, rolled over and groaned as she smacked her phone. Knowing that it was 7:30, she sat up, rubbing her eyes. She looked around the room, finding Brandon gone; he and Matt had told the team the night before that they were leaving at 7:15 so they could get a short batting practice in before warm-ups and their game at 9:30.

She had decided the night before that she would ride with Lisa, Jen, and Kim again, allowing her to sleep in just a little bit, she had heard Brandon's alarm go off at 5:30, felt him kiss her on the forehead, then he was out the door. After using the bathroom, she pulled on a pair of Nike running shorts, a white sports bra, then the red tank top and hoodie that Brandon had gotten her. After dressing, she made her way out to the living room where she found the three mom's, all who greeted her with smiles.

She poured herself a cup of coffee and Lisa pulled a plate from the microwave with a couple strips of bacon and a small portion of eggs, "Coach saved this for you, there is fruit on the fridge."

Sarah nodded, savoring the first drink of coffee before making her way to the fridge and getting some grapes. After taking a bite she said, "What time are we leaving?"

Kim replied, "We will leave here about 8:30."

Sarah finished up her breakfast while talking with the mom's, getting to know them each. She already knew that Lisa was a nurse, but found out that Kim was an accountant, and Jen worked for the state of NJ as an engineer. Sarah found herself genuinely enjoying their company and while they asked her questions about the music industry and touring, they didn't treat her with kid gloves or seem to be star struck, something that she really was enjoying.

After eating and washing her plate, she checked her phone and had a text from Morgan, "Call me when you have a chance."

She verified the time they were leaving and stepped out on the balcony, taking in the salt air breeze and the early morning sun. She found a chair where she could put her feet up and hit Morgan's name; the phone rang once, then she heard Morgan say, "Girl, please tell me you are sitting on the beach!?"

Sarah laughed, "Not quite, I'm sitting on the balcony looking at the beach."

"You suck. It is cold and rainy here."

Sarah laughed, "That is the exact opposite of here. 80's and sun every day. I think it is supposed to rain Monday though."

"Isn't that when you're coming home?"


"Again, you suck."

Sarah laughed, "So what's up?"

"Did Amanda fill you in on Josh's meeting?"

Sarah sighed, "Yeah, she said he talked to Jake and Jake is going to get TMZ to back track."

"Right, did Brandon fill you in on my friend Mary?"

"Yes. She was supposed to call and talk to Brandon's ex to help get the whole story out."

"Right, I have the first draft and interview notes. Do you want to look over them?"

Sarah sighed again, thinking, and didn't say anything for a minute, "No, I don't."

Morgan sounded surprised when she asked, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure Morgan. I just want to put this behind me. I'm having a great time this weekend. I can just be me, not the country superstar Sarah, but instead Sarah, Coach Baker's girlfriend."


"Yeah, I trust you and the rest of the team, I assume it's good?"

"Yeah, she took responsibility and explained that she was having trouble letting go of Brandon. She apologized to both of you."

"Okay, will there be a statement from us once it has been released?"

"Yes, something short, about being glad the truth is out; reiterating that you're sorry for your reaction and wishing her the best."

"Fine, anything else?"

"I think that it is. Sooo, what have you been doing!?"

Sarah laughed and they spent the next 10 minutes talking about the trip until Lisa stuck her head and signaled to Sarah that it was time to go, "Okay Morgan, Lisa is saying it is time to go."

"Okay! Tell Brandon I said hello."

"Will do, I'll talk to you in the next day or so."


The women got to the fields and got settled in for the game. The game started out slow, staying scoreless through the first four innings. The team from West Virginia, also called the Panthers finally scored two runs in the top of the fifth and another in the top of the sixth. Going into the bottom of the sixth, there seemed to be some life for Brandon's Panthers, they managed to get two runners on with no outs but were shut down with three straight strike outs.

Brandon brought in a new pitcher for the seventh, he allowed one hit to the leadoff batter but then settled in and got out of the inning. With one inning to go, the Panthers got on the board finally with solo homer from the leadoff bater. After two back-to-back walks, the walk off run came to the plate, and the opposing team called time and switched pitchers. Sarah watched as Brandon met his runners behind second base and talked over strategy. Sadly, that talk was for naught as the last two batters struck out, dealing them a 3-1 loss.

Sarah looked at Lisa and said, "So now what?"

"Well, they play again at 7:30 tonight. They need to win tonight to get out of the loser's bracket. It is a double elimination tournament. If they lose again, they are done."

"What about tomorrow if they win tonight?"

"They will play in the morning, then it's dependent on the rest of the teams. They could have one or two more games tomorrow afternoon and evening."

"Wow... that's a lot."

"Yeah, come on, let's get down there."

They made their way down to the fence as the players were streaming out. Sarah found Mya sitting on the ground writing stats down on a legal pad, she looked up and saw Sarah, "Well that sucked."

"They seemed to play well, just couldn't hit."

"No, we sucked, they didn't listen about the kid's curveball."

Remembering their conversation from the night before, "Oh, yeah, I remember us talking about that."

Mya nodded and went back to writing before standing up and handing the sheet to Brandon who was talking to Mike. Sarah stood to the side and waited for Brandon to notice her; when he finally did, she smiled softly, and he did his best to return it. He yelled at the players to get back to the vans then approached her, "Well that sucked."

Sarah nodded, unsure of what to say, "Mya said the same thing."

She could see him thinking hard, so she let him process before he said, "So we will go back to the house, eat lunch and I'm going to make them rest. We need to be back here at 6:30."

Sarah nodded again, "What do you need from me?"

"Can you help the parents get the lunch spread out?"

"Of course." She leaned in and kissed his cheek, "I don't know how to help, but tell me and I'll do it."

He smiled, "There's nothing you can do unless you can hit a curveball, but I appreciate that."

She giggled, "I now know what that is. I'll see you at the house."


Sarah and the moms rushed back to the house to get the sandwiches, fruit, and chips set out for the lunch. Knowing that they had the night game, the plan had always been for a lunch of cold cuts at the house, but after the loss, Lisa was making sure that once the boys got there, they could eat, then get rinsed off before they were under mandatory rest.

Right at noon, the plays streamed in and made their way to their rooms to change and quickly wash up. By 12:30, the spread for lunch was out and as the boys filtered back out, they filed through the line before taking seats at the table. The stark change from the previous day was obvious, instead of the laughter and goofing off, the players were talking quietly amongst themselves; it was almost eerily quiet.
