A Trip in the Fall Pt. 06


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As the top of the seventh rolled around, Brandon got the three guys up around him and said, "Look, we don't have to do it on one swing. Play our baseball, make him pitch to you, and just find me a little grass."

The first batter up got out after fouling a ball straight back, an easy grab for the catcher. The next batter hit a solid shot between the center and right field gap on an easy stand up double. The third batter hit a short blooper that dropped in front of the right fielder, giving the Panthers runners on the corners. The fourth batter worked the pitcher, but ultimately struck out looking on a full count, outside fastball.

With two outs, and runners on the corners, the fifth batter of the inning stepped to the plate and dug in, he took the first two pitches, the first a strike, right down the middle, but a bit high and the second, a ball inside. With the count one and one, the pitcher delivered the third pitch; anyone who knew baseball could tell immediately the pitcher had missed his spot; the catcher shifted upwards to meet the pitch, but the Panther player took full advantage of the fastball down the middle right above the belt, driving the ball into center field. With the hit, the runner on third crossed the plate easily and the runner from first one standing on third after sliding to beat the throw.

The crowd cheered as the dugout erupted as the Panthers went up by one. Sarah even found herself getting caught up in the moment, cheering and yelling as the action played out on third base. With the focus on third, the batter who scored the go-ahead run, easily made it into second, removing any force the other team had. All of that wouldn't matter as the sixth batter for the Panthers struck out ending the top of the 7th with a score of two to one.

Brandon came running across the field, clearly as excited as his players were, "That's what I'm talking about! Great job out there, now we've gotta play defense. Good fundamentals, no stupid shit!"

As the players ran towards their positions, Mitchell was still standing in the dugout, "Coach?"


"You want me back in?"

"You feel okay?"

"I feel great."

"Then why wouldn't I want you in?"

"There's just a lot on the line."

"You're right, there is. Do you think you can handle it?"

The kid was quiet for a second, "I can handle it."

"That's what I thought, now get out there and finish it for us."

The young man trotted onto the field and Brandon found Sarah by the water cooler, unsure of what to say she just smiled then said, "Three outs."

He nodded his head and let out a nervous sigh, "Exactly, just three outs."

He grabbed a cup of water and moved back to the steps of the dugout, finding Matt leaning against the rail, "What you think?"

Brandon let out a breath and said, "Call me crazy, but I think I'm going to let Zach and Mitchell end this on their terms."

Matt shook his head and spit out a sunflower hull, "Yeah, you're crazy. We've called the entire game, why stop now?"

He shook his head, "Yeah, let's see how this first batter goes, where they at in the line up?"

"Four, five, six."

Brandon nodded his head and signaled in the first pitch, getting a strike on a fastball. Brandon signaled the second pitch to be another fastball, this one inside. Mitchell delivered, jamming the batter, and causing him to foul the ball off the ground in front of him. Brandon signaled the third pitch down in the zone on a change-up, which got the batter swinging wildly, recording the first out. As the batter walked to the dugout Brandon said, "Let's see what they can do." He stood up, "Time!"

The ump called time and Brandon jogged out to the mound, signaling for the entire infield, "Okay gentlemen, two outs away, we are in the middle of their line-up. A little bit of power, but not a lot of speed. Zach, the call is yours, Mitchell, shake him off if you need to, but let's play smart."

The ump walked towards them, "Let's go coach."

Brandon nodded fist bumped Mitchell's glove, "You got this kid."

The player took a deep breath and turned back towards the plate as Brandon left the field. When he returned to the dugout, Matt said, "I hope you know what you're doing."

"Me too."

Turns out Brandon did know what he was doing, it took Mitchell on 11 more pitches to sit the last two batters down, giving the Panthers the win. As the last batter struck out swinging, the crowd erupted, as did the dugout. The players swarmed the mound, tackling Mitchell as Brandon, Matt, and Mike all hugged and shook hands before joining the players on the field to celebrate. Sarah rose from her spot and hugged Mya, both smiling. Sarah smiled, "Go celebrate with them!"

As Mya joined the team on the field, Sarah stood at the top of the steps, enjoying the scene in front of her. Seeing the players swarm Brandon and the smile that she fell in love with never leaving his face. He turned and they made eye contact and he smiled, motioning her to come out. She smiled back and shook her head no, not wanting to draw any attention away from their accomplishments. He jogged over and met her at the top of the steps, "You can come out here."

"I know, but this is about you all. If I come out there, people might recognize me, and take the attention off you, I'm just going to stay here."

He wrapped his arms around her, picking her up slightly, causing her to squeal as he kissed her. After setting her down he smiled, "Thank you so much for being here and supporting me and us."

"Of course, now go celebrate." He let her go and as he walked to rejoin the team she smirked and yelled his name to get his attention, when he turned around, she winked and said, "We can celebrate tonight." He laughed, before jogging to return to the team.


After the awards ceremony, the team returned to the house where the celebration continued; the players showered, then they all ended up around the pool where the parents had set up a spread of food. Someone had even stopped and gotten a cake and ice cream, making it a real party. Finally, around 11, the players began to drift off towards bed since they had to be at the airport around 11:30 the next morning for their flight at one. After cleaning up the trash from the party, everyone else filtered back to their rooms, allowing Brandon and Sarah some much needed alone time.

Sarah had excused herself first, saying she needed to pack since her flight left at 9:30 in the morning, so she and Brandon needed to leave around 8:30. When Brandon finally walked in the room around midnight, he was greeted with "Hey coach."

He smiled, "Hey there." He shut the door and took in the sight before him; Sarah was reclined on the bed, wearing his black jersey that the team hadn't worn. The jersey was completely unbuttoned, exposing the swell of her braless breasts. As his eyes traveled down, they found that instead of the gym shorts she had on earlier, she was now wearing a pair of black lace panties.

He stepped towards the bed, removing his shirt; as he did, Sarah moved to the foot of the bed and rose onto her knees. Their lips crashing into each other, kissing passionately as their hands began to wander. Brandon slipped the jersey from her shoulders and dropped it on the floor. As he tilted his head down, kissing her neck and nipping at her collarbone, she let out a soft moan and pressed her nails into his bare back.

As he pulled away, she smiled, "I told you we could celebrate later."

He stripped his shorts and boxers off, then climbed onto the bed as she moved backwards. He straddled her and as he hovered over her said, "Yes you did, this trophy is better than the one out there."

She giggled and stripped her underwear off, leaving them both naked. Their lips once again met and he lowered himself onto her, pressing their bodies together. She groaned into the kiss as she felt his hardening cock press against her pelvis, causing her body to react involuntarily, pressing into him. They broke their kiss, but Brandon began to trail kisses down her body, paying special attention to her breasts.

Her nipples were erect, begging for attention that he was more than happy to provide. He took one into his mouth as she moaned again, softly sucking on it while cupping the other one. As the waves of pleasure flowed through her, she pressed against him, trying to feel as much of his body as she could. As he allowed her nipple to slip from his mouth, he raised up slightly, made eye contact, then said, "Are you okay?"

She replied with ragged breath, "YES! I'm trying to keep it down."

He smirked, "That's a good girl." He lowered his head back down, taking her other nipple into his mouth, nibbling on it as she continued to squirm underneath him. He bit it slightly harder, causing her to let out a moan that was slightly audible.

As he stopped, she whispered, "I'm sorry, I can't help it."

He chuckled and said, "Try harder."

He began to kiss lower, passed her belly button and then between her legs. She felt his warm breath on her slit and whispered again, "If you do that, I dunno if I can keep it down!"

He laughed again, spread her lips with his fingers, then said, "You probably need a pillow then."

Before she could protest even more, she felt his tongue give a firm lick along her slit; she reached out grabbing a pillow, putting it over her mouth as she let out a moan. She heard Brandon say, "That's better." First it was the licks up and down her slit, then it was him pressing the tip of his tongue into her opening, then another lick before he zeroed in on her clit. When he finally focused on her clit, she was already withering in pleasure, and the sudden suction, then flicks of his tongue across it sent her over the edge.

As he focused on her clit, he felt her body begin to move more, before feeling her hand grab the top of his head, holding his mouth against her as her juices flowed onto his face and short beard. He heard her muffled moan and did his best to lick her juices, relishing the taste of her and enjoying her moaning, quivering body, quivers that were his doing. As her orgasm began to wane, he let her clit slip from his mouth and softly continue his licking until he heard her breathing begin to slow.

He licked her slit one more time, felt her shiver again before moving up beside her. She turned her head, "God I love you."

He smiled, "You're just saying that cause you just came."

She giggled, gently pushing him onto his back, "Nope, that is just an added perk." She leaned over, kissing him and tasting her juices; she moved her hand to his face, deepening the kiss for the next minute until they broke to catch their breath.

He rolled up onto his side and looked into her eyes, he smiled, "Thank you again for being here. It means a lot."

She kissed him again, "No place I'd rather be right now." He pushed her gently onto her back and climbed between her legs. She felt his hard cock resting at her entrance and shimmied her hips trying to get it inside of her. Brandon shifted his hips and the head spread her lips and slipped inside of her, they both groaned, but she managed to say, "Don't you dare pull out tonight."

He moved again, pressing himself into her the remainder of his length, both letting out a slight moan as they came together. He lowered himself onto her, their lips met again as he began to thrust. With each thrust, their breath became more ragged, and as her pleasure began increase, she released the sheets she had been grasping, and moved her hands to his back, pressing her nails into his skin.

His thrusts continued to speed up and they were forced to break their kiss to breathe, but as Sarah began to moan, his lips camped back to hers, stifling her moan. With another thrust, her orgasm washed over her, her nails digging into his back and her legs wrapping around his waist, holding him inside of her. Feeling the walls of her pussy contract around him, combined with her nails digging into him, he groaned into their kiss and as his own orgasm started, he pressed against her, pumping his cum deep inside.

As their orgasms faded, they both relaxed; Brandon attempted to roll off Sarah to keep from putting his full weight on her, but she cooed, "Don't go." Instead, he rolled to his side, taking her with him; once they were on their side, she wiggled and somehow got her leg out from underneath him, without his cock slipping from her pussy. They kissed softly and stroked each other's flushed skin.

Brandon smiled, "I love you so much."

She gave him what could best be described as a dopey smile, "I love you too." They kissed again and Sarah grinned, "You know, I'm not ready for kids yet, but damn practicing with you is great."

Brandon burst out laughing, causing Sarah to join in, which caused them to finally separate as they both rolled to their backs laughing. Once their laughter died down, they lay quietly for a moment until Brandon said, "Want me to get you a towel?"

"Not really, do you have to strip the bed in the morning?"


"Then no, I want to hold onto you a little longer."

Brandon couldn't help but laugh, "I'm sorry, I know you are being sentimental, but I can't help but laugh at you talking about a creampie that way."

"Brandon! Language!" As much as she tried to say it with a straight face, she couldn't and started giggling again. Once their laughter died down again, she smirked, "What can I say, I love when you cum inside of me."

He smiled, "I'm glad, because I hope to keep doing it for a long time."

"Me too; although, the other options are fun too."

He laughed, "I love this side of you that only I get to see. Deep down I know you're just as perverted as me."

She laughed, "Only for you babe."

They cuddled a bit longer, making small talk about the house before they both drifted off to sleep, each one not looking forward to the morning.

Chapter 10-Monday

Brandon's alarm went off at 7:30, he groaned and realized that he was slightly pinned underneath Sarah. He gently wiggled out from under her, hopping in the shower and washing off the residue from the night before. After finishing and dressing, he gently woke Sarah, and after kissing her good morning, headed to the kitchen to round up something for breakfast. As usual he found Lisa and Mike already awake, but a few of the players were also up, moving around. He also found Mya sitting at the bar, typing away on her laptop. After pouring a cup of coffee for himself and one for Sarah, he looked over Mya's shoulder, "What are you working on this early?"

She sighed, "A stupid essay for AP Lang. It's due tomorrow and I just started."

"Nothing like waiting until the last minute, huh?"

She rolled her eyes, "I don't need your smart remarks, I just need to get this done."

Brandon laughed and sat down beside her and munched on a bagel while reading the news headlines. Sarah emerged about 10 minutes later, dressed in leggings and longer crop top while carrying a crewneck sweatshirt that she had bought when they were in Vegas. She greeted everyone and Brandon pointed out the coffee and the bagel he had toasted for her.

She thanked him then walked over beside him and said, "Scooch."

Brandon gave her a playful, yet annoyed look and moved over a chair, allowing her to sit beside Mya. Mya's tune with her was very different than that with Brandon as she explained her essay and the book that it was based up. Brandon shook his head and returned to his phone and made small talk with Mike and Lisa. When his phone read 8:25, he looked over at Sarah and she shook her head knowingly, "I know, time to go."

"Fraid so."

Sarah stood up and walked around the island, and after getting rid of her trash she paused in front of Mike and Lisa, "Thank you both for everything. You all made me feel at home and welcome, and frankly normal. I appreciate it so much."

Mike replied that it was no problem, but Lisa stood and wrapped Sarah in a hug, "You're welcome! Thank you so much for all your help, you did more than you realize."

Sarah hugged her back, "I'm just glad I wasn't a distraction."

"You weren't, I hope you got a break, and all of the drama will blow over soon."

Sarah agreed and stepped back to Mya standing in front of her suitcase. Sarah smiled, "Come here."

Mya walked over and gave Sarah a long hug and said, "Thank you for coming and hanging out with me."

Of course! Thanks for letting me hang out and teaching me about baseball. Remember what I said about self-tanner, get the good stuff."

Mya nodded, "I've got the stuff you said saved in my phone."

"Good, and you have my number, right?"

Mya scrolled in her phone to a contact that said, "Gal Pal Sarah"." Everyone laughed as she showed it to everyone.

Brandon smiled, "Okay, sadly we need to go. Can you tell everyone they need to strip the beds and get their towel by the washer."

Mike nodded, "Done. When will you be back?"

"Should be around 10:15." Mike nodded and they wished everyone goodbye and made their way out to the convertible again.

The 30-minute drive to the airport passed way to quickly and before they knew it, they were pulling into the parking lot. Brandon followed Sarah into the terminal where she gave her name, and they were told that the plane would be arriving in about 15 minutes. They took a seat by the door and began talking about the next few weeks. Sarah asked, "So you're still good to come to the opening weekend?"

"Yeah, I'll fly into Dallas the evening of the show, I should get there before you all go on. Then I'll fly the early flight out of Phoenix on Monday."

"Oh! I almost forgot; we have our own bus this year!"


"Yeah! We've rented three this year, Amanda has one, I have one, then the band has one."

"That'll be more comfortable for sure."

Sarah nodded, "Then I'll fly into Newark on the 14th, we will drive the 15th and the 16th. We will have two days to unpack and get situated before I fly out on the 19th to rejoin the tour."

Looking at his phone, Brandon nodded, "That sounds about right. I told Josh my first day of work would be the 20th."

Sarah nodded and squeezed his hand, "How much are you going to have to be in the office?"

"I dunno, Josh told me once I get the hang of everything, I'm free to do what I want unless I have meetings or proposals."

"Okay, I'd really like for you to spend time on the road with me. Where you don't have to leave after a couple of days. When you were with us before, it was pretty low key, but we can go hiking and other things; be a real couple."

Brandon laughed, "Are we only a couple when we are together?"

She playfully smacked his arm, "Oh shut it, you know what I mean."

He smiled, then frowned as they heard, "Ms. Bixby, the plane is on the ground."

They both stood and embraced, he kissed her head and said, "This time is only 3 weeks, then three weeks after that, then you're stuck with me."

She pulled away and wiped the tear, "You would think this would get easier, but it's not. I'm stuck with you by choice, plus my life is crazier."

He laughed, "I dunno, all the drama in our relationship seems to stem from me."

She laughed, "That is true, maybe you are the problem."

They hugged again as the receptionist said, "Mr. Bixby, your flight is here."

They thanked her, kissed again and Sarah made her way out onto the tarmac and boarded the plane, waving as she reached the top of the steps. Brandon waved back and once the door was shut, he made his way back to the parking lot. After pulling out of the lot he said aloud, "Six weeks, then you'll be together." He scoffed and shook his head before saying, "Six weeks of chaos."

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muskyboymuskyboy11 days ago

Not worth waiting for at all. This overly drawn out story has become mired in minutiae.

olddave51olddave5116 days ago

I do hope Ben and Marissa have a happy ever after. I love the story so far.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy19 days ago

Outstanding chapter!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I have read this story in one day & enjoyed it immensely. Can't wait for the next exciting episode.


well worth waiting for

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