A Visit to the Spa


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Wait, smooth?

Samuel opened his eyes and looked down. His chest and stomach was free of mud, but more importantly, it was free of any body hair. "What the fuck?" he yelled, stepped back. He ran his hands down his chest, amazed at the smooth feeling.

Shocked at the smooth feeling.

"Sir?" Nick asked, looking puzzled. "I need to clean you up, sir."

Samuel kept running his hands up and down his hairless, smooth stomach. "What the fuck did you do to me?" "Uhm, sir, I have the wash the mud off you to finish the treatment."

Samuel glared at Nick, moving forward and grabbing him by the shirt, curling his other hand into a fist. "Where the fuck has my hair gone, you little bitch?"

Nick gulped, dropping the showerhead. "Sir, the hair removal is part of the Twink Special! Just like with your face!"

"You said I didn't need to shave!"

"No, because the mud does that," Nick replied, his hands on Samuel's biceps. "Sir, please, let go of me and let me finish the treatment."

"What, so I can be some smooth, hairless freak all over? Fuck no. Cindy put you up to this, didn't she? Fucking bitch." He slammed Nick against the tiled wall. "You fix this, or I'm gonna sue the fuck out of you."

Nick's eyes were wide and panicked. "Sir, if you don't let go of me, I'll have to call security."

"Oh really?" Samuel snarled, glaring at Nick. "There was no one else here, you little bitch. Who's gonna hear you? Now, tell me how you're gonna fix this!"

But Nick ignored him, and reached out with one arm, straining to grab a red cord that was hanging in between two showerheads. He gave the cord a sharp tug, and then Samuel pulled him away, slamming him against another part of the wall. "Sir!"

"You can tell Cindy I'm not gonna let her get away with this shit," Samuel said, furious. "I'm gonna sue her for everything she's got."

"Let go of Nick, now."

Samuel turned his head to see that a big, beefy guy was standing in the doorway to the shower area. The blond man was also wearing the tight, white trousers and white t-shirt that Nick was wearing, but where it made Nick look harmless, the tight outfits only emphasized how broad and muscular this guy was.

Samuel already opened his mouth to yell at them angrily, but another part of him was impressed by him. "No," he said, eventually.

The man stepped forward, towering over Samuel. "Let go of Nick, now," he said, glaring down at Samuel, his voice firm.

Samuel let go of Nick immediately, and found himself unable to break the man's gaze. "Okay." Part of him felt the need to say more. To do more. But the rest of him was still angry and confused.

The man nodded and took a step back. "What seems to be the problem?" He turned to Nick, holding up one hand to Samuel, signaling he needed to stay quiet.

Samuel closed his mouth, and Nick started to talk.

"He just freaked out here when I was washing the mud off! Started to ramble on about Cindy putting us up to this, but he asked for the Twink Special! I assumed he knew what it meant." Nick shrugged. "There wasn't anything in Cindy's notes about maximum costs, and she wanted a mud wrap treatment that would remove his body hair, so I assumed the Twink Special would be fine."

Samuel's thoughts were all over the place. He should be arguing with the security guy! Not meekly stand here. And what the hell was up with Cindy's notes? Why would they pay attention to them? "Wait a minute -"

The blond security man glared at him, and Samuel shut up immediately. "Did you ask for the Twink Special?"

"Yes, but -"

"Then what are you complaining about?" The man gestured at Samuel. "You're getting what you wanted. A smooth, hairless body. So shut up, and let Nick finish washing the mud off."

Nick picked up the showerhead and looked at Samuel expectantly. "Sir?"

Part of Samuel wanted to obey the security guard and let Nick finish. But part of him thought that was ridiculous. Yes, he had agreed to the Twink Special, but he hadn't know what it was! "I didn't know what it was gonna do," he said. He had intended to shout it, but found himself unable to shout at the security man. It felt wrong to shout at such a man.

The blond man huffed. "Did Nick offer to explain?"

"Yes, but -"

"Not my fault you're too dumb to listen," the blond man told him. "Face the wall, hands against the tiles over your head, now!"

Samuel had turned around to face the wall before he even knew what he was doing, and he placed his hands against the tiles over his head. He winced when Nick turned the water back on. It was colder now, and the spray was harder than before.

He looked down, and saw more mud be washed off his body, along with his hair. His legs and thighs were left smooth and hairless, and he winced when the cold water hit his asscrack and groin, and he jerked forward when he felt a hand there. "Hey!"

"I need to wash your body, sir," Nick reminded him, his hand running up and down Samuel's asscrack, then fondled his balls and stroked his cock. "All of it." He spread Samuel's ass cheeks.

"Stay quiet," the blond man told Samuel, and Samuel promptly shut his mouth.

He turned his head slightly, and saw that the security guard was watching him closely, and that sent a tingle down Samuel's spine. This man was watching how his body hair vanished down the drain, was watching how Samuel was washed, was watching Samuel wince when the water hit a sensitive spot.

Eventually, Nick finished up, and turned the water off. Samuel was left shivering and turned around to face the blond security man, feeling thoroughly ashamed. His entire body was smooth and hairless, even his groin, and his penis had shrunk from the cold. He covered his groin with his hands.

The blond man smiled. "Good. Nick, fetch him one of our towels. I'll escort you both back so you can finish the treatment."

Nick ducked out of the shower area, leaving Samuel alone with the guard and his confused thoughts. The blond man just looked Samuel up and down slowly.

"We will contact Cindy over this. We take the security of our employees very seriously here."

Before Samuel could reply - to argue? To apologise? He wasn't sure - Nick returned with a towel. It was tiny, and he gave it to Samuel.

"To wrap around your waist," Nick said.

Samuel hesitated. "But -"

"Do it," the blond security guard told him.

Samuel immediately wrapped the towel around his waist. It barely covered his ass and he could only barely wrap it around himself properly. It left most his right thigh exposed.

"Follow me," the security guard told Samuel, and stepped into the hallway.

Samuel followed, still dripping wet and cold. There were more men in the hallway now, not just employees but also other clients. They were all wearing comfy bathrobes, and some of the guys were grinning widely as they saw Samuel walk by, taking in his smooth, exposed body and his nipples, hardened from the cold.

Samuel averted his eyes, looking down as he passed the other clients. He felt his cheeks redden as he caught some of them looking his body up and down, leering at him openly.

Finally, the blond security guard opened a room and led Samuel in. It wasn't the same room where he had started the treatment, although it looked similar. "There. Now stay quiet while Nick finishes the treatment."

Samuel stood still in the middle of the room. He was aware of the blond man's gaze on his body as Nick got to work, first removing Samuel's tiny towel.

"These are just some essential oils," Nick explained, as he ran his hands up and down Samuel's calves. "They'll leave your skin feeling smooth and fresh, just like a twink's skin should be."

He couldn't help it. He had to ask. "What exactly is a twink?" he asked, then blushed when both Nick and the blond guard burst out in laughter.

"Oh wow, you don't know?" Nick asked, rubbing the oils all over Samuel's thighs. "Well, I guess I'm a twink. You know, young, slender, attractive, as little body hair as possible... I don't wax my pubic hair, but everything else? Yeah." He ran his hands across Samuel's ass, squeezing his cheeks firmly and running his fingers up and down Samuel's asscrack. The oil was getting everywhere. "Now, you're maybe a little too muscular to be a proper twink, but I'm sure there're plenty of guys who like some muscle on their boys."

Samuel's eyes widened in alarm. "Guys?" he managed. He watched Nick and the security guard exchange another amused look.

"Uhm, yeah," Nick said, smiling. "Twinks are gay." He eyed Samuel, then stepped back.

Samuel was starting to get angry again. This fucking spa was making him gay?"

The blond man kept his eyes on Samuel, his gaze stern. "Don't fight it," he said. "Don't argue. Accept it."

His words made Samuel's anger die down. "Okay."

Nick let out an impressed whistle. "I see the hypno-music is really working on you, huh?" He grinned. "Guess you didn't know about that either, but that relaxing music you were listening to put you in a trance. It's made you more obedient to big dominant studs. As for the aromatherapy, that was designed to make you appreciate the musky sweat of a real man, so because you were listening to the hypno-music as well, you're primed to obey sweaty dominant studs especially." He winked at the blond security guard. "I'm not saying you should take a shower, but..."

The blond man glared at Nick, then looked at Samuel. "Just finish his treatment, Nick." He smiled at Samuel. "I see the trance worked really well on you. Most guys struggle more, but maybe part of you was always meant to be a good obedient boy."

Nick shrugged. "Well, the aromatherapy and the hypno-music combined tend to have a stronger effect than just the music on its own. The effect should last all day. We have several treatments with hypnotic trances," he told Samuel. "Some to make you more obedient, some to make you naughtier." He smirked. "Whatever the customer wants."

"But I didn't ask for a hair removal mud wrap," Samuel said, remembering what Nick had said about Cindy booking that for him. "Cindy did."

The blond man chuckled. "Whatever the paying customer wants," he said. "We get plenty of boys here like you, who get their treatments as a gift."

Nick nodded. "Lots of sugar daddies have made use of our services over the years." He rubbed his hands over Samuel's smooth chest, rubbing circles around and over his nipples with his thumbs, and then walked around him to do his back and arms. "There, all done." He led Samuel over to a full length mirror in the corner.

Samuel barely recognized the man he saw in the mirror. It wasn't just the lack of body hair, it was more than that. His face was different too. His lips were fuller and plumper, his face was rounder and his features were more delicate. He looked a lot less like the square-jawed man he was, and more like one of the young spa employees.

Finally tearing his eyes away from his face, he looked down the rest of his body. He was still muscular, but Samuel frowned. His biceps and chest looked smaller, or was that just the lack of body hair? His cock, still flaccid, was fully exposed, along with his ball. Samuel turned to the side, intending to get a better look of his cock and balls, but gasped when he caught sight of his butt.

He had never paid much attention to his butt. It was a little flat, but had become more toned when Samuel had started focusing on his legs and thighs when working out. But now his butt had become fuller and more round.

He ran one hand down his ass cheek, which was still smooth from the oil Nick had rubbed all over it earlier. It looked so different.

"Yeah, that turned out well, didn't it?" Nick said, and Samuel met his eyes. Nick was smiling proudly. "You've got a great bubble butt now. It's hard to predict what effect the Twink Special has, I mean, we always try to give our clients a good, round booty, but it worked very well on you."

"The treatment did this?" Samuel asked, still staring at his ass. A bubble butt, Nick had called it, and he could see why. It really was round.

Nick nodded. "Yep! The mud wrap takes some muscle from the rest of you, and gives you a firmer, rounder booty."

That explained why he thought his arms looked smaller. Samuel frowned. He didn't want a bubble butt, or smaller arms.

"It looks good," the blond security guard told him firmly. "You should be happy with how well the treatment worked."

He felt a warm, happy glow inside of him. Now that he was getting used to his different look, it was kind of nice. He could see his muscles much better now that he wasn't covered in so much hair. And his new butt looked good too. It definitely felt good too, as he rubbed it. Really good.

He pulled his hand away when he felt his cock harden, all too aware that Nick and the blond security guard were watching him. "Yeah, it, uhm, definitely worked," he muttered.

"It's okay to touch yourself," Nick told him. "Those essential oils I rubbed all over you will make you more sensitive to the touch, especially your ass and nipples."

Samuel looked at him. "Is it - is this all permanent?"

Nick shook his head. "No. You'll have to get repeat treatments if you want it to last. The hair will grow back, and your butt will grow flatter. If you want the muscle back, you'll have to work out more, though." He shrugged apologetically.

Samuel wasn't sure how he felt about that. Now he was looking at his new body, he was really starting to like it, although part of him was relieved it wasn't permanent. "So, uhm, what now?" He looked at the blond security man.

The blond man gave him a small smile. "I will make some inquiries with Cindy as to how to proceed after what has happened so far. Until then, you can have lunch and relax. We have swimming pools and whirlpools available at the spa. Nick will show you to the restaurant."

Samuel wrapped the tiny towel around himself. Now that he had seen his butt in the mirror, he was all too aware of how much of it the towel didn't cover.

"Here, take this bathrobe," Nick said, offering him a white bathrobe with the spa's logo on the breast pocket. "Bathrobes are mandatory in the restaurant."

Samuel let Nick help him into the bathrobe. It was short, coming to his mid-thigh. It covered his ass, but that was it. It also left most of his hairless chest exposed, even after Samuel had pulled it as tight as it could go. "Uhm, is this all right?" he asked, turning to the security guard.

The blond man nodded. "You will be accepted into the restaurant, yes. Nick, show him the way. I have to go back to the office to make the inquiries."

Nick led him down the hallways of the beauty centre. "Okay, first up, avoid the saunas and the gym," Nick told him.

Samuel tried not to look at the other clients, most of whom were older men, all watching him. Some were looking at his legs and thighs, others were looking at his chest, and some were looking at his face. It left Samuel feeling like he was on display, and he wished Nick had given him a longer bathrobe. He'd seen other men wear the white robes of the spa, and those came down to their ankles. Why was he stuck with a tiny robe that barely covered his body? "Uhm, why is that?" Samuel asked, keeping his eyes on Nick.

"Duh, because of your aromatherapy?" Nick said, lowering his voice.

Of course, the aromatherapy. He'd been primed to obey sweaty dominant studs, and Nick was right. There'd be plenty of those in the gym. Big guys working out, pumping iron, working up a sweat... and the sauna wouldn't be much better. Samuel would have to expose his smooth, hairless body to all the other men in the sauna, and the more men were there, the more sweat would fill the air...

"Unless, of course, you want that," Nick added, winking. "You know, while you're here. You seemed to like obeying Ryan just then."

Samuel shook his head, his cheeks red. Ryan, so that was the name of the big blond security guard. "No, I didn't."

Nick smirked. "Sure. I saw the way your cock twitched every time he gave you an order. Come on, restaurant is right around the corner."

Samuel followed, still thinking Nick's words over. He was wrong, obviously. Samuel's cock hadn't twitched whenever the security guard had told him what to do. He had just obeyed because he'd been hypnotized to do it. It wasn't because he enjoyed it.

Nick showed him to the lunch buffet. There was a salad bar, bowls of yoghurt with cereal, and chefs preparing bacon and eggs along with other pieces of meat, and lots of different sandwiches. "The buffet doesn't cost extra," Nick told him. "Drinks are included as well, except for the smoothies from our special smoothie bar." There was a stand in the corner of the buffet area, with a spa employee behind it. In front of him were five carafes, all filled with different smoothies from the looks of it. They were pink, purple, yellow, green and blue. "I'd avoid those if I were you."

"Why?" Samuel asked. The smoothies would cost Cindy extra, after all.

Nick shrugged. "Because they have some special effects. Since the treatments so far have been working very well on you, the smoothies might do too."

"Ah, right. Yeah, I'll avoid them," Samuel replied. He could feel some of his simmering anger start to return, now that Ryan wasn't here to tell him not to argue. After all, he'd been hypnotized to obey dominant, sweaty studs, and Nick was anything but that.

Nick gave him a sunny smile. "Unless you want those special additional effects, I suppose?"

Samuel glared at him. "I didn't even want these effects," he said, gesturing at his hairless, smooth chest.

Nick didn't look impressed. "Sure, sure. I'm just telling you to be careful. Some of these guys -" He gestured at the other clients who were sitting and eating or selecting something from the lunch buffet, "love making use of a suggestible twink like you are now. Best not to let anyone know what kind of treatments you had, or they're on you like a pack of starving hyena's."

Samuel frowned. "Won't they be able to tell I've had the Twink Special just from looking at me?" Considering how the other men were sneaking glances at him, they must've noticed his hairless body, delicate face and plump lips.

Nick shrugged. "They might think you pretty much already looked like this when you got here this morning, and all we did was some hair removal. After all, it's your first time here, right? It's not like any of them saw you when you came in here."

Samuel supposed not. "Okay, so, what do I tell them if they ask anything?" he demanded.

Nick rolled his eyes. "You lie, Samuel. Just tell 'em you had a relaxing massage, or that you only had a facial treatment, or whatever. Now, take a plate and enjoy your lunch. You can sit wherever you like. Ryan'll find you here once he's done talking to Cindy."

The thought of Cindy made Samuel annoyed again. Fucking bitch. She had probably put Nick up to this, and Charlie, who had suggested the Twink Special in the first place. Well, he'd show her. First, he'd make her pay for all the treatments. Then he'd sue her and this spa centre for how they had changed him against his will and made him parade around in a tiny towel and a tiny bathrobe.

He walked around the lunch buffet, trying to avoid the busiest sections. He poured himself freshly squeezed orange juice from a carafe first, then looked around. Most of the men here were wearing regular bathrobes, but there were a handful who, like him, were wearing tiny robes that showed off their bodies. They were twinks too. Had some sugar daddy sent them here? Were they here with an older man like that?

Now that he was looking for it, he could see one of the older men put his arm on a twink's lower back, pushing him gently forward, then smiling down at him as the twink leaned into him. They were definitely here together. The young man was carrying a tray, and the older man would occasionally put food on the two plates on the tray.