A Walk On a Bright Sunny Day

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A woman gets a shock while on a walk during a sunny day.
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The following story has themes of non-consent sex, humiliation, abuse and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of gender, political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality.

"It's such a beautiful day," I say out loud as I walk on the sidewalk in my neighborhood. The sun is shining, there's a light breeze and the temperature is that perfect temperature where it isn't hot but not too cold. It's the perfect time to go walking, or jogging or bike riding or do anything outside.

From the moment I looked outside this morning, all I felt like doing is taking a walk. A walk around the neighborhood where I can enjoy the beauty of the day. Where I can smile and wave at neighbors as they wash their cars or work in their gardens. Just a beautiful day, in which a 35 year old woman can feel beautiful as well.

I'm wearing a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt at the moment, neither looking too hot. They are my house clothes, the sort you wear when going to do chores. The type not meant to accent anything but to just be comfortable. And with my sports bra on, at least my boobs aren't bouncing too badly.

I turn the corner at the end of this block, where there is an empty field/lot on the other side of the road. I shouldn't say it's empty as there is a huge tree smack in the middle of it. Not sure why no one ever built a house on it, but it is what it is. An empty patch that kids play in and people throw Frisbees with their pets.

"HI!" A man tells me, seeming to come out of nowhere. He literally jumps onto the sidewalk right in front of me, scaring me badly. In reaction I jump back at least 3 feet, my hands going up as if he's about to attack.

Thankfully he doesn't attack or even come at me. He just stands there, staring at me while blocking my path. It's clear now that he had been hiding behind the tree. When I turned to walk this way on the sidewalk, he came out...for some reason.

The guy has a strange vibe to him. Like, there's something wrong with him sort of vibe. Almost like he has manic energy in which people get scared they may catch it. Not to mention he's wearing really dark clothes on such a beautiful bright day, which is very strange.

Taking a good look at him, I will say he would be good looking if not for that weird smile he has. That smile seems to say that the lights are on, but no one is home. A smile that shows he is very much enjoying what he is doing or about to do.

Overall, the guy is much larger than I am. He stands at least a foot taller and has to have over 80 pounds on me. I'm no weakly or anything as I work out multiple times a week, but this guy looks rock solid. It makes me wonder if he's some sort of manual laborer the way he seems to solid. Like he could break a smaller person in half.

"Get behind the tree, now," the man orders in a strange, calm sort of tone. The way he says it sounds like he meant to say, "how are you doing today?" It is just calm and friendly sounding. It isn't the tone in which you threaten or order anyone.

"I'm sorry, w-what?" I ask, my voice quivering just a bit out of worry. The guy's expression doesn't change at what I ask. He keeps on looking at me with that strange smile which has really started to creep me out. It's extremely intimidating and I don't know why.

"Get. Behind. The. Tree," he tells me very slowly. As he says this, he wiggles his right hand that's by his waist. Finding this all to be extremely weird, I look down at his hand. When I do, I damn near scream.

He's pointing a gun at me. There's a gun in his right hand, aimed right at my head. He has it at his waist, pinned to him as if making sure no one can tell what he's doing. That if he stuck his arm out and aimed it at me, everyone would know what's happening.

"O-O-Okay," I stammer out, cold fear hitting me like a tidal wave. My breathing gets extremely fast real sudden as I start to walk again. All the blood seems to race out of me as I feel incredibly pale now. Pale and terrified. This makes me feel like I may collapse as I walk towards the tree with my legs feeling so weak.

I walk onto the empty patch of land, where the grass is about ankle high. Trembling as I walk, I move towards the tree, not knowing what in the world this man wants. Is he robbing me? If so, he's not going to be happy as I have nothing on me but my cell. Or does he want...something else?

The empty lot is the last lot at the end of this block so on two sides are streets, and then a house behind it and another to its side. As I walk, I can see the fences and sides of the two houses. My eyes keep scanning the windows on these sides in hope someone will see what is happening. That they poke their head out and see this madman with a gun.

"Put your back against the tree," the man says in a calm tone once I reach the tree. Gulping, I do as he wants, turning and putting my back against the rough bark of the tree. If I had been thinking, I would have put my back against the tree just a bit over, for where I am is the best place to hide from the streets. If a car drives by, there's a good chance they won't see me at all.

"I...P-Please...don't hurt-" I begin to beg as I don't know what he wants. I say this as he walks up and stands right in front of me, the gun still pointing at me. But he cuts me off before I can say anything more.

"Lift up your shirt and bra, and lower your shorts and panties," the man orders in his calm tone. My mouth drops down at this, not believing what I'm hearing. My eyes look into his, trying to find any hint that this is a joke. A very bad, poor prank.

My body is pressing against the tree so hard that the bark bites at my back. I've even grabbed the tree with my lowered hands as if it is giving me some sort of support to stay standing. I stay like this stunned in fear as he is but a couple of feet away from me, his eyes looking expectant.

Not seeing any other options beside do as he wants or get shot, I nod my head to show I'll do it. My trembling hands then move to the bottom of my shirt and grab hold. Feeling so scared and embarrassed, I lift up my shirt to show my stomach. Pausing when I get to my bra, I tuck my fingers into the cups and force it up as well.

My bare breasts bounce free as I jerk up my bra. They jiggle and bounce out, perfectly illuminated by this perfect day's sunshine. There's no hiding any part of them as I keep lifting my shirt up until I reach my neck. Only then do I let go, where both my shirt and sports bra just seem to stay. They seem to be in league with this horrid man, making sure they help in making sure my breasts are seen.

My face is bright red now. I've never felt so humiliated or exposed in my life. And I've flashed people too during Mardi gras. Hell, I've flashed crowds before. But this is different. This is beyond embarrassing. This is...this is...intense.

The man's smile doesn't change but his eyes do. When they look down to my bare chest, they grow larger, showing he really likes what he sees. They look, for the lack of a better word, impressed by my breasts. Like he didn't think they would be so large. I half expect him to ask what size they are, to which my brain already has the answer loaded; DD cups.

Now my trembling hands move downward. With my face still hot from embarrassment, I move my fingers to the button of my shorts. I very much want to look around to see if anyone is around, but I'm too scared. Any wrong move may make this crazy bastard shoot me. So I'm resigned to looking him in the eyes only as I undo my shorts.

A soft whimper comes out of me as my hands grab the waistband of my shorts and panties and pulls. I move them down slow, feeling the weird feeling of my own fabric rubbing against my skin. I do this slow in hopes that someone, anyone will save me. That they see what is happening and the entire police force is about to show up.

Then...it's too late. I've pulled my shorts and panties to my thighs, where my shaved womanhood can be seen. And the way his eyes widen again, I know he can see it to. With the bright sunny day around us, there isn't much about me he can't see. And now he stares at my pussy.

I stand there, my breasts and pussy out for him, not saying a word. I don't even let out a whimper. I just stand there, like an object on display, wondering what would happen if anyone in the nearby houses sees this. If they see me like this. And if they do, what they would they do? Hopefully call the cops.

The man reaches out with his free hand and grabs my right breast. When he does, I let out a scared squeal as his touch makes me cringe. He doesn't seem to care about this because his hand grabs my boob and squeezes. Squeezes hard too. Squeezes and lifts, groping me.

That hand moves to my left tit now, where he openly gropes it as well. Only he starts to get very rough. He digs his fingernails in as he squeezes, not to mention lifting too. The way he does it feels like he wants to take my boob with him. And to add to the humiliation of him doing this, he proceeds to start slapping my breasts to make them swing. But I'm made to keep my hands down so he can do this, feeling the unmistakable feeling of my tits getting slapped and swinging.

"W-W-Wait, please!" I beg as he leans over, but it's too late. His mouth is on my right nipple. He takes all of it in his mouth where he sucks on it hard. All of my nipple goes in, where his tongue flicks the hard body part, making me squirm with how it feels, for I feel how rough his tongue is.

He repeats this with my left breast, sucking it as well. He spends more time with my left breast, but then starts to go back between them, sucking each one over and over. And the entire time, he keeps the gun pointed at my stomach, saying without words that he'll pull the trigger if I so much as look at him funny.

The crazy bastard then puts his face between my breasts. He then shakes his head left and right violently while making a silly sounding noise. I can feel his tongue sticking out as he does this, making the entire act so humiliating.

He's motorboating me. The bastard is actually motorboating my tits. And I know he's doing it because he knows I'll hate it. That it's his way of saying how he's in control and I'm not.

"Nooooo," I beg once he pulls his head back, but his free hand cups my pussy. His hand palms my entire womanhood as if showing how it belongs to him now. That he has no fear at all of any consequence and that's why he's able to do all this in public.

But then he moves his fingers forward, where they run over my pussy lips until he reaches my clit. There he playfully rubs my clit for a few moments, before running his fingers back over my lips. His fingers barely make contact with me, but there's enough force that my body reacts.

"I....I..." I stammer out, trying to say the words "DON'T TOUCH ME YOU FUCKING PERVERT ASSHOLE DIPSHIT," but they won't come out. I tell myself it's my fear that is making them die in my mouth, but that doesn't feel right. It's partly right, but it's not the real reason. Not the main reason.

My body has started to react to him. As horrible as what he is doing, my body is getting turned on for some crazy reason. It's extremely shocking to realize this, as I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter the more that he does. Surely this is my body preparing itself for what's about to happen, right? That it is just a natural reaction to the fact sex is about to happen due to being touched. I hope that's right and it isn't some mental or emotional thing due to me enjoying it on some level?

A soft moan escapes me as when his fingers find my clit again, it sends a surge of pleasure all over. Thankfully he doesn't seem to notice as he doesn't look at my face to show he heard my moan. No. His eyes are looking down at my pussy, following his hand as he toys with my most private of places. And he looks at it so hungrily too.

"N-No. NO!" I beg and plead as his hand reaches to the top of my head and pushes down. He tries to palm my entire head like a basketball and push it down. I attempt to fight this, but when I see the gun again, I drop to my knees. There's no guessing what he wants and what he's about to make me do. And the worse part is when I go to my knees, my shorts fall to my ankles right before I land, making me even more exposed.

On my knees and trying not to pout, I am at eye level with his crotch. He then uses his free hand to unzip the zipper on his jeans slowly. Once it is open, he reaches his hand inside and pulls out his cock. His hard, violating cock.

Without any words he grabs the back of my head and pulls my face towards him. Pulls me towards that hard 6-inch cock. To the cock that seems to be pointing right at me.

I protest at this, but he has the gun lowered next to his hip. It a way it almost looks like another thinner cock the way it sticks out at me, threatening to shot me. He keeps it here to make sure I see it. So I know what can happen if I don't do as he wants.

My open mouth takes his manhood in. I feel the flesh-tasting body part go over my tongue and deep into my mouth, where I close my lips around it. In a daze, I tell myself to keep my teeth apart as to not bite him. Doing this seems to signal to him that I'm giving him the right to go ahead, so he begins to thrust.

I'm sucking the guy off now. I've started to move my head up and down his shaft, letting my lips trail over his cock firmly. While I do this, he thrusts his hips forward while holding the back of my head, trying to make his cock go into my throat. More than that, I think he's trying to humiliate me even more by showing he can do whatever he want, even make me gag on his manhood at the moment.

Neither of us say anything as this goes on and on. He's fucking my face out in the open, with just this tree to hide us. I'm still going down on him with each thrust, making my lips try to feel like a pussy as I gently suck and whip my tongue about. Soon a soft wet sound can be head when he thrusts forward as he gets deeper into my mouth.

I know he is greatly enjoying this because I can taste it. He's letting out precum as he gets rougher, which is what most guys do when I perform head. His grip on my head becomes a handful of hair which gives him the ability to whip my head violently. Now instead of bobbing on his manhood, I'm forced down with the fury of someone trying to clean a stain off with a rag.

I get dizzy from this as he starts to jam my head down on his cock. At points he presses it down as hard as he can, making me gag on his cock. Like, actually choke on it, where I feel it blocking my air intake. But this lasts only a few seconds before he resumes fucking my face. Each time he gags me, my face gets pressed against his stomach where his balls slap at my chin.

Finally he stops and pulls his dick out of my mouth. He keeps it out, where it is inches from my face, where I see how wet it is. That it is drenched in drool which drips off of it.

"Stand up and face the tree," he orders now. Again, his tone is very calm and collected. This is very surprising as he's damn near panting with all the work he just did whipping my head about. Yet when he talks, he shows no signs that he's done anything physical at all.

Humiliated, I spit to the side as I try to get the taste out of my mouth. The knowledge that I just blew a stranger is the only thing I can think about at the moment and for good reason. That this unknown man had his cock in my mouth. That I let him do it to me. I let him fuck my face like I was a porn worker or something. That I did something so dirty and horrible.

It's this knowledge that makes me even more aroused. I've heard friends tell stories of how they blew some good-looking guy's cock at a bar or party. That it is a one-time thing where they never saw the person again. But I've never done it. Never really wanted to...until now.

My body feels very warm as I stand up, my feet stepping out of my shorts and panties completely. I can feel how hard my nipples are, which can still be seen as my shirt rests at the top of my breasts. Overall, I can feel how excited I am for what's about to happen. How I actually want it to happen. That I've even allowed myself to become bottomless to make it easier.

Turning around to face the tree is yet another humiliating act as I know what it means. I'm about to be fucked. This stranger is about to have forced sex with me. In short, I'm going to be raped.

Telling myself only makes the heat inside grow. It reaches an uncomfortable level inside me, where I start to get scared I really am liking this. For if I am, what does that say about me? How messed up am I? I always considered myself sane and level-headed, but I'm finding this may not be true.

As I turn, I do look around. Only now I don't know if I want to see cops showing up or not. For sure I want them to arrive and take this guy away. For them to prevent him from stealing my pussy. But that aroused part of me seems to beg them to give me just five minutes. To let the guy truly have his way with me for just a bit before they show up.

I'm facing the tree now, my hands grabbing the sides of it almost in a hug. We both know what is about to happen, so I spread my legs to shoulder length. To this he steps in and uses his foot to spread my legs even more. He gently puts pressure on the inside of my ankle, making me spread myself instead of him doing it.

My breaths become pants as he presses his body up against me, where I feel his hard cock rubbing against my ass cheeks. Then I feel him lower himself while I stare at the brown bark in front of me. Staring and feeling my heart pound in anticipation.

He's holding his cock and trying to position it now. Rubbing it up and down my slit, trying to find that special sweet spot so he can enter. And then he finds it as his cock goes between my pussy lips, parting them like magic.

My body tenses and I let out a long moan as he slowly inserts his cock inside my wet pussy. Just slides it in nice and easy, where there is no resistance at all. Just inches it in until he's pressed against my back all the way as if trying to merge me with the tree.

I can feel his cock parting my insides. I know this happens whenever anyone has sex, but this time it's different. This time it's as if his cock is really violating me by forcing its way inside me. That it doesn't belong and it making my body do as it wants. That he's truly forcing me.

Now he pulls back and thrusts forward and up, letting his cock slide in me, creating so much awesome friction. I can't help but squeal again as it feels so great. My squeal is very high pitched too, making me sound like what I am, a dominated woman getting fucked. A dominated woman that is enjoying sex.

He starts to fuck me now. Truly fuck me. Over and over he pulls back and thrusts, shoving his cock deep inside me to make me squeal and moan. Each time he rams into me, making my body slam against the tree hard. It takes my poor boobs only a few times of this before they start to feel sore as they rub against the hard bark of the tree.

Moans come out of me now as a distinct clapping sound echoes about from him smacking against my ass. Not just that, but I can hear the wetness of my pussy as he slides his cock in and out. Loud, wet sounds at that, which I only ever hear when the sex is really good. Not to mention the sound of my body getting smacked against the tree like a boxer taking blows. All in all, the sounds of sex. And it's all happening outside on this beautiful sunny day.

I feel an orgasm coming and I don't know how to feel about it. On one hand, I hate it as it means I'm enjoying this. At least that's what I think it means. But on the other hand, I can't remember ever being this damn aroused and hot. Nor do I remember sex ever feeling so different. It makes it feel new. New and exciting. Makes it feel like a fantasy coming to life.