A Whore is Born Ch. 02


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So, remaining just a few centimetres from her panting mouth, with measured assuredness but still speaking in a gentle, soft tone, the General said. "There is something I want you to do for me." He then paused for effect. Katie was still breathing heavily. Naively she thought he was about to ask her to kiss him. She briefly imagined how passionately she would kiss him, and how she would tenderly stroke his face when she did, just like she would with Frank.

"Yes, anything Daddy, anything..." She replied, looking lovingly into his cold eyes, desperate for some flicker of emotion.

Of course, none would be forthcoming. "I want you to continue to rub your Daddy's cock until it gets hard and then I am going to fuck you. And do you know where I am going to fuck you? I am going to fuck you in your arse, you dirty little bitch..."

Poor Katie let out a loud gasp in shock and horror. This horrific, crude request was, for Katie, totally unexpected and brought the poor girl right back down to earth. She realised then, in that second, that she would always be his whore, his piece of meat, to do with as he pleased and any ideas of being anything else was just a flight of girlie fancy.

She then had to make a split decision. Should she concede her bottom to her Master, or refuse? She knew that a "no" from one his whores would be unacceptable. And to remain in his circle of depravity, a "yes", to whatever he ordered, was a strict necessity. And Katie still so desperately wanted to remain in the circle of depravity. For that to happen, she knew she would have to sacrifice her bottom.

At the same time as the General made his request, the car made a sharp swerve as Frank also reacted to this unexpected turn of events. Frank knew that Katie was still a virgin in her tight little bottom and that she wanted it to remain that way. He had, of course, asked her numerous times if he could fuck her there but she had always vigorously turned him down. But of course things were slightly different with the General...

Meanwhile the General had moved his face away from Katie's and leant back into his seat, picked up the phone and started to dial away. The man was so confident, so Machiavellian, that he did not even bother to wait for a response. His wish was his command and he fully expected the poor girl to yield her tight, young virgin bottom to his big, old, ugly cock.

Katie's hand meanwhile remained where it was, nervously rubbing the General's member in preparation for her bottom. She found that she could not remove it from this beast, despite every sensible bone in her body telling her not to allow this animal to enter her tight, virgin arse. But that sensible part of her died a week ago in the General's studio. Her pussy had now taken over. That is why she was here in the car, rather than at home making her husband's dinner. As such, her hand continued to gently move up and down as she helped this evil man get ready to fuck her arse. Copious amounts of the General's pre-cum began to be spurt out and cover her little hand, which in turn caused a squelching noise. A few weeks ago, performing this act would have been unthinkable. Yet here she was, semi naked, in the back of a car with a man she barely knew, a man old enough to be her father and with whom she was happy enough to refer to as "Daddy", rubbing his cock in order for him to be able to bugger her. It was madness!

The General had started to talk on the phone and it had become clear very quickly that this conversation would not be about mundane military matters. "Yes, I am on my way, we should be there shortly. Yes, yes, she is with me. What? Yes, she is good. Very good in fact." He smiled as he looked over at the terrified bitch. He could see the fear in her eyes and this only made his dick harder. Clearly being buggered was something that she had not envisaged. "What has she done? Well, so far she has sucked my cock and she did that very well. Her pussy? No, but I am about to break her arse in, I think that should be more useful preparation bearing in mind what is likely to follow today." And as her "Daddy" spoke about her as if she was some horse that was being prepared for a show event, she felt that he was taking even more control over her young person. The fact that he felt able to demean her in such a cruel and horrible way, to a man on the phone that she did not even know, said to her that this man knew no bounds when it came to cruelty. And she was willing to take it. Perversely, for the poor bitch, this also happened to be a real turn on...

"Yes, she is rubbing my cock in readiness for some arse fucking. Yes, I am sure the Ambassador and his friends will appreciate her. They are still coming? Good. Good. She will be a useful asset in the negotiations. A useful asset indeed... Just hold the line for a second...

"Katie, my dear, why don't you be a good little girl and come and kneel between my legs... Yes, just as you did when you sucked my cock... Good... Good... Now, this time I want you take your big married tits and wrap them around my cock... That's it, you are going to tit fuck me... Rub your tits up and down my big cock... Excellent, you are a natural. Have you done this before? No, oh my, a tit fucking virgin. Beautiful. Beautiful..." As Katie tit fucked her Master, she noted the contrast between her beautiful, tender young tits and his big, ugly old cock.

"Yes, yes, don't worry. The bitch will do exactly what I tell her to do. Are Claire and Alice there yet? Good. Make sure they dress up as ordered... Yes, stockings, suspenders and no bra. And give Claire a good spanking, she always loves it..." Katie heard the name of the other girls and wondered who they were and what the General plans were? She was not allowed to dwell on it too long since the General had taken hold of her head and was guiding her mouth towards his cock. "Suck my cock, bitch, make it nice and wet. Remember, this will be going up your tight arse in a few minutes so you want it as slippery as possible. Yes. Yes, that's it, suck it hard you dirty whore...

"God, this bitch is good. To think she was just a normal housewife a few weeks ago and just look at her now; on her knees, in the back of my car, sucking my cock in order for me to bugger her senseless. Remarkable... What's that? Yes, I will make sure the bitch screams! Ha! Ha! Anyway, we are almost there so I need to take her now. Will speak to you shortly..."

The General hung up and looked down at Katie who was frantically bobbing her head up and down, clearly she too saw the benefit of lubricating his cock as much as possible. "Driver, there is a farm lane just up on the right, slow down and pull in... Yes, just in here. Pull in... Just park the car up against this hedge... I am just going to fuck this bitch and then we can be on our way..."

Frank slowed the car down and pulled up so that he was parked up against a huge hedge. The car was now no longer visible from the road. And even if a farmer or walker came up to it, whilst they could see the driver, they would be unable to see anything that was going on in the back due to the blacked out windows.

As he turned off the ignition, he looked behind through the dividing glass to finally properly see what was going on. And still there was no urge on his part to intervene. In fact, Frank removed his erect 5 inch pecker and gently started to rub it. The sight of his poor wife, kneeling subserviently on her knees, sucking another man's cock in order to help him anally fuck her, well, it was all a little too much for the poor chap.

Meanwhile, in the back of the car, the General grabbed Katie's head, by pulling on her blonde hair, and yanked her head off his cock. With the car now stationary, it was time. "My dear, Daddy's now going to fuck you in your arse. So, be a good girl, turnaround, get on all fours, arch your back a little so that I can see your delightful little anal hole and get ready to be buggered."

Katie looked up at the General in utter fear at what he was asking her to do. For a couple of seconds she did not move. She reviewed her options, obey and get arse fucked. Disobey, here, where there was no where to run? He could still take her regardless. So, in almost a trance like state, as ordered, she slowly turned around, shuffled on her knees a couple of feet forward, lowered herself down so she was on all fours, dipped her back and thrust her bottom out until she felt a rush of cold air on her anal opening.

As she slowly and innocently presented her young, married bottom to the General for him to fuck it, she thought to herself that this was more than any straight forward fucking. This was much more. For Katie, this was rape.

She had not asked to be buggered. She did not want to be buggered. She was being forced, against her will, to be buggered. The fact that she had got on to all fours and presented her bottom to her Master was, for her, irrelevant. What else could she do? Alone in a car, in an isolated back country lane with the General and his driver, there was no escape. She had no choice but to comply. Had she refused, the General could have no doubt taken her bottom regardless. So, technically, she was right, this was rape. anal rape, the worst possible kind.

As Katie waited to be raped, her head was now just inches away from the dividing screen between the passenger side and the driver's. Since it was just a mirror on her side, and she could not see through, she assumed that the same applied for the driver and this would afford her a level of privacy. She would have been horrified to learn that, not only could the driver actually see everything that was going on, but, more importantly, the driver was her husband whose face was now just inches away from his unsuspecting whore of a wife.

Frank pressed his face up against the glass to feel closer to his wife. Still she could not see him, all she saw was the reflection of a horny bitch, licking her lips and panting like a dog in anticipation of having her bottom brutally raped. And Frank had no intention of intervening. He wanted his wife to be anally fucked. He wanted her to be taken as roughly as possible. For him it was a win-win scenario, she got to feel pain, which Frank felt that she deserved, and he got to feel pleasure, watching his wife in pain by taking a huge cock up her arse. It was quite something for a husband to feel this way about his wife. How did it ever come to this?

As Frank mulled over this question, the General made his move and of course her "rapist" had no compassionate feelings towards his victim. She was there for his pleasure and his pleasure alone. He did not bother to worry himself with the ethics of all this. Her consent was of no relevance to him, all that he had to concern himself with were with the considerable needs of his mighty cock. And at this moment, hic cock required her bottom, notwithstanding her clear reluctance to offer it to him. If that made him a rapist, so be it. He had raped before, and would no doubt rape again. A bitch's sole purpose in his life was to satisfy his needs. Anything else, they could get from their loved ones.

As such, the General calmly lowered himself off his seat so that he was kneeling behind his poor victim's bottom. He looked down at it and marvelled at its flawless perfection. It had an innocent charm to it, the way it was framed by frilly white suspenders. Its innocence and virgin status, and the fact that she was being forced to offer it to him, just made him appreciate it even more. He placed his hand on one of the cheeks and tenderly stroked it. It felt so smooth and girly. He then noted the g-string that still lay snugly within the valley of her bottom cheeks. It was easy to miss, it was so tiny. And whilst its purpose was purely for his pleasure (no woman ever wore them for comfort), he now felt that it was no longer required, indeed he made a mental note to himself that in future, when in his presence, she would not be permitted to wear any underwear of any description, other than stockings and suspenders. A bitch should always wear these items to please her Master, but her pussy, arse and tits should always be readily available to him. So, grabbing hold of her g-string with both hands, he violently ripped it off causing poor Katie to scream out loud. He then dropped it on to the floor. For Katie it represented a white flag of surrender as her conqueror looked to take her bottom.

The General then took hold of his big cock and started to slap her cheeks with it. "My dear, do you want me to fuck you in the arse? Do you want me to bugger your poor little bottom?"

Katie turned her head to look at the General. The look of fear was radiating out from her. Naïvely though, she still thought that there was a chance that he could spare her bottom and, as such, she wanted to make a plea to him for clemency. "No, Daddy, p-please, don't fuck me in my bottom. P-please, take my pussy instead. Your cock is too big. I don't think my little bottom can take it. It will hurt me so much, p-please, Daddy, please take my pussy instead..."

"And Katie, would it make you happy if I took you pussy instead of your bottom?"

"Oh yes, Daddy! Oh yes!" Katie screamed back.

The General was of course playing with the poor young girl. He wanted her to plea for mercy. He wanted her to beg for him to stop. But he had no intention of stopping or of doing anything other than fucking her bottom. Her pleas only added to his dark pleasure. Indeed, the more she pleaded, and the more he let on that there was a chance of escape, the greater her sense of disappointment would be when the General finally entered her arse. And of course, the greater his sense of delight for the General that he had been so cruel with her.

He said nothing in response to her pleas and just carried on stroking her arse, looking down at its beauty. It would not be long before he would be taking it, he thought, but he could wait for a little while more.

Katie foolishly thought that she was making progress with the General and he could spare her bottom after all. So, sweetly and innocently, looking up at him with those big, blue eyes, which now had tears swelling up in them, she pressed on with her girly, naïve pleas, not realising how much they actually added to her attacker's dark pleasure. "Daddy it would please me greatly if you fucked my tight little married pussy! I know your cock is so big and it will hurt my pussy, but you have not fucked me there yet. You can take me there! And when Jack did, I did so enjoy being fucked by a real man... You see, I have never had a big cock in my pussy before Jack. Frank was the only one I had... Oh Daddy, please. Please...."

The General just gave her a sweet smile, it was almost one of kindness. Poor Katie, not yet fully understanding how the Generals mind operated, carried on. "And Daddy, I think my little pussy is still very tight. My husband has never been able to fuck me properly there, but I know you can. I know you can treat your little girl like the whore she so desperately wants to be. Oh Daddy, fuck my pussy. Fuck it hard..."

The General stopped smiling and started to lightly spank her bottom cheeks. He wanted them red for what was about to follow. "You really do want me to save your arse, don't you bitch?"

Spank! Spank! Spank!

A tear trickled down poor Katie's cheek. "Yes, Daddy, I do. Please don't fuck me there, I don't want it. Anything but that, please..." She replied, in all sincerity.

Spank! Spank! Spank!

"Are you saying that if I anally fuck you, it will be against your will?"

Spank! Spank! Spank!

More tears, more sense of desperation,. "Yes, Daddy, oh yes Daddy, it will be against my will. P-please Daddy, don't do it. Spare me..."

Spank! Spank! Spank!

"Are you then saying that if I were to bugger you, I will be raping you?"

Spank! Spank! Spank!

Katie had now turned her head back towards the front of the car and was starring at her reflection and that of the huge, towering presence of the General who, kneeling behind her, had a stern look of evil determination as he continued to spank her bottom. Each firm, crisp spank alternated between each beautiful, young, innocent cheek. She realised that her chances of surviving were rapidly diminishing. The look in his face as he spanked her was of a man determined to take whatever he wanted to.

But whilst she contemplated her fate, she found that the spanking, just as it had done in the film studio a week or so ago, was making her pussy soaking wet. This, despite the genuine fear she had of been anally raped. It was a strange contrast in feelings and one that she found difficult to explain. Was rape a turn on for her, she wondered?

"Are you then saying that if I were to bugger you, I will be raping you?" The General asked again, but this time louder and sounding annoyed that she had not responded immediately. His spanks also became that bit harder.

Still no answer as she pondered his question. Was this actually rape? Technically it was, if she refused entry. And she was refusing. Clearly she did not want her bottom fucked and the fact that the General was so obviously teasing her by asking her about being raped, meant that he liked the idea of raping her. This would fit in with the nature of the man. His penchant for very young girls and domination could easily progress into a fantasy of rape. Especially anal rape.

And had his attitude triggered in her an unexpected, dark fantasy? She actually had never previously fantasised about being raped. But alone, in a secluded country lane, where no one could help her, with a man as powerful, domineering and cruel as the General, on all fours, semi naked and having her bottom spanked, perhaps that was changing all that? After all, her pussy was now dripping wet. True, that was partly in response to the spanking, but she also felt that the prospect of being taken against her will could well have been a major contributing factor to her horny state.

She also realised that in order to please the General (and deep down that is all that mattered to her) she needed to respond truthfully to his cruel interrogation, which meant, whilst admitting that she did not want the General to anally fuck her, she could not however let on that she was turned on at the prospect of being taken against her will. After all, no rapist wanted his victim to consent.

Spank! Spank! Spank!

"Answer the question bitch!" The General growled.

Spank! Spank! Spank!

So, Katie answered the General honesty, and in a manner that would appeal to him. "Yes, Daddy, it would mean that you are raping me. I don't want you to fuck my tight little married bottom, so please, Daddy, don't rape your little girl. Don't rape her poor little bottom. I don't want to be raped. I want to be a good little girl. I want to be your good little girl but please don't rape my bottom..." Katie could now hear the General pant in excitement. His spanking was getting harder and harder in response to her desperate pleas. Clearly Katie was correct and the General was turned on by the prospect of raping this young, innocent girl.

And as the spanking continued unabated, Katie wondered how many girls he had raped before, just like this, in his car, in a dark, secluded country lane, or in a secluded part of town, where no one could hear the screams? She also wondered what the driver made of it all and if he ever partook in these activities, thus making it a gangrape? She groaned at the prospect...

In fact, the General's usual driver was sometimes offered a piece of whoever the General happened to be fucking -- a bonus for years of loyal service. But not today. Not when the piece of meat in question was the wife of the driver! Frank was actually frantically rubbing his cock, utterly turned on at seeing his wife being readied for the inevitable anal assault. He had fantasised about raping her anally. Many times. He just never had the balls to pull it off. Unlike the General, who he was fast beginning to admire.