A Wife's Fall Pt. 02


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"You heard her," I said, staring down my two former cohorts. "Sorry Maggie, sometimes they can't take no for an answer."

"They the ones that you cheated on my brother with?" Maggie asked, loud enough for my whole floor to hear.

"Unfortunately," I whispered low. I noted the disgusted look on her face as she shook her head in disbelief.

"Come on, we need to talk... somewhere more private," Maggie said, taking command of my arm and leading me towards the elevators. "I hope you're not still talking to those men?" I had no problem hearing the disdain in Maggie's voice when she asked me that. Not that I didn't deserve it. I did. After all I am now an official cheating wife. How I hated that label. I always thought I could be better than that, be better than what my mother is. Then again, all my life that's all I saw, my parents cheating on each other without a care in the world. Being faithful to a spouse was not something I was raised amongst. I really did hope that I could win back my husband. No matter how difficult Wane can be sometimes. He is still the man I long to be with.

"No, I'm not," I said, in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Good. Otherwise I'd let you do this on your own and watch you fail," Maggie stated as we stepped into the cab of the elevator.

"Why are you here then?" I asked, as the doors rolled closed.

"To help my brother, he is kind of stupid in the relationship sense," Maggie answered crossing her arms waiting for the elevator to reach the ground floor. "No matter what you did, albeit it was a very stupid thing to do..." She would get no argument from me there, "you are good for my brother. That's the only reason I am here," Maggie said, her green eyes glanced over to me.

"Okay, you wanted to talk in private," I said, as we took the farthest booth in the back, tucked into the corner of the restaurant within walking distance from my office. "I know I'm not your favorite person at the moment. Yet I am trying to redeem myself to Wane, as slow as that's coming along," I sighed.

"Yeah... that's why I'm here. Wane's not taking my calls," Maggie said, dropping a bomb on me. Wane always took his sister's calls. "I'm worried Betty, I'm worried Wane's going to do something that's going to land him in jail or worse," she whispered low. I glanced down as Maggie took hold of my hands. I could feel her trembling, and that scared me to no end.

"Has Wane done that before?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer to that question.

"Once. Only one time in our lives that he's cut off all communication to me. Is when..."

"He went dark," I said, finishing her sentence to which Maggie nodded. Yet I found that odd given while I might not be his favorite person at the moment Wane did take my calls and text albeit he allowed minutes to pass before he did. Whereas before all this they were answered immediately. I honestly don't know how to take that. Was he honestly keeping me close because somewhere in his anger filled mind he still sees me as his wife, or something far more fiendish? Lowering my head, my brown hair brushed along my chest knowing I was the cause of all of this. The cause of my husband cutting ties to his sister. The cause that he might do something... no, I know he'll do something. I can feel it in my gut. I might be a terrible woman for putting my husband through this, but I haven't slept beside him for all this time and not know that man like the back of my hand; or at least that's what I thought anyway.

"Does Wane talk to you? I mean you are still living in my parents' old house aren't you?" Maggie asked, causing my eyes to glance up at her.

"I am, although not in the same bed." The sadness I felt from being away from my husband's touch was evident in my words.

"But you're still there, right?" I nodded weakly, dropping my gaze. "The Wane I know wouldn't let you stay if you crossed him like you did." My eyes shot up, wondering what this could mean for me and my husband. "I mean he didn't change the locks, hasn't kicked you out, and all the other things he's done that I don't know about..."

"H-he came to my room this morning when he got in," I spoke with a trembling voice.

"Oh?! Go on, what happened?" Maggie asked, clearly interested in her brother's behavior.

"I don't know what happened when he was called in last night, but something had to have happened given how he crawled into my bed and held me tight. Wane doesn't do that," I stated watching Maggie nod in agreement. "The only time he's ever done that was when they were on the trail of that brutal child killer a few years ago, who was leaving parts of their bodies all over the city. Since then he hasn't held me like he did this morning since that case," I said, glancing down when Maggie had yet to remove her hand from mine. Noting how Maggie sat back in her seat as the waitress approached us. I knew Maggie well enough to know when it involved Wane she would become as tight lipped as her brother was.

"Hmm... see, this is another thing that isn't conducive to the Wane I know." I watched Maggie chew on her lip once the waitress left us. "Which means what advice I had to offer isn't going to work, at least not with this version of Wane," Maggie muttered deep in thought. "He must have changed a lot during his time with you," she said, those green eyes of hers bored into me. "To think my brother actually let a person past that cold exterior of his." Maggie had a genuine smile on her lips as she gazed at me. "I'm quite impressed," Maggie stated, I couldn't help but feel my own cheeks heat at her praise. "That's not something even I have done and I'm his sister," she chuckled. My heart raced; my ears twitched at the sound of the pleather that covered the seats squeaking as Maggie leaned forward. "I guess this means I'm just going to have to stay for a while to figure out this brother of mine," Maggie said, flashing me a smile.



Rolling out of bed around eleven after a three hour nap due to the late night I had. Stretching, yawning while I ambled into my bathroom. Knowing I had to get into work by one, to keep my hours below the overtime threshold. I so didn't want a long down time stuck at home with Betty at the moment. Maybe that will pass, maybe it won't, I really don't know. Double checking myself in the mirror when the scenes of last night flashed before my eyes. Granted I can think of some sick and disturbing things, especially what I want to happen to those two men that think they can defile my home and get away with it. What I saw in that room even chilled my cold demeanor.

"Hello?" I answered my phone as I stood in only my towel once I got out of the shower.

"Hey Wane, you coming in today?" Holly asked, arching my eyebrow wondering what her fascination with me was about.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, you know I rely on your blood splatter analysts more than I do with Grey's." I was confused, Grey was almost as good as I am, granted he flirted with far too much with the women in the bull pen. Yet his work was beyond reproach.

"You sure that's what this is about? Or are you just tired of his old, worn out pickup lines?" I asked, wondering just how far I can lead her down the rabbit hole I was currently finding myself in.

"Maybe?!" Looking down wondering why my cock wasn't responding at how sexy that giggle of hers sounds. I've never had that happen before; it was an odd experience to say the least. I hoped this didn't continue into Saturday. Shaking my head at the thought of what caused it. It couldn't be it. Not with what I am. It's just impossible. "So..." Her voice took on a sultry tone to it, "when can I expect you to be in?"

"Should be there by one," I answered, if she wanted the chase, I wasn't about to deny her. Laying out an aquamarine button down collared shirt, along with a black pair of slacks on my bed as I went about preparing to head into work. Lifting the right side of the dresser and pulling it away from the wall so not to leave scuff marks on the floor to give away the secret hiding place I had made for a certain item. An item given to me by a very dangerous man. Who shall remain nameless in this story, I am a man of my word after all. Let's call him Jeff for future reference. Why am I still alive if Jeff was so dangerous, you ask. Simple. I have the only evidence that ties him to a murder. I'm not about to get into the details of that case, you might know the details of it and well... things could get ugly. It's the only piece of evidence the man ever left behind. I should know given I now know what to look for with his kills. Where that piece of evidence has stayed hidden, safe from him all this time, until I needed a favor like I did at that moment. Sure, I could easily kill those two men without a care in the world. Yet I like not being in jail. I'm far to pretty. Sure they might suspect me at the beginning but with the alibi I'm going to make sure I have when it happens there will be no way they will be able to tie their murders back to me. Replacing the fake vent cover, and moving the dresser back making sure nothing was out of place. I couldn't let on to its location in case Betty grew suspicious.

I wasn't about to harm her, torment her oh yes, harm her, no. I'm me, I'm not stupid. I know I'd be the first one the cops look at if something happened to her. Getting Betty's sister or mother out of the picture was another thing I couldn't do. Those who think I should just kill her and be done with it aren't thinking ahead. They're allowing their emotions to get in the way. Emotions will only get you caught and a needle in your arm. Oh no, that isn't what's going to happen to me. Would it feel good to feel the life slipping out of my wife's body while my hands are around her neck. Most definitely. Would that get me caught? Again yes. I do work with some pretty good detectives. I don't need them sniffing at my heels for the rest of my life.

Pulling out the burner phone Jeff had left for me at a dead drop. I knew once this was done, my leverage over him would be gone. Worth it, I'll say. Powering it on, given how I had turned it off and removed the battery after our last conversation so Jeff wouldn't be able to track the phone. Yes. The police, and other law enforcement offices can turn your phone on, or in this case the man that rooted this phone. It's a back door that the phone companies had put into the software that is if the battery was still in place. Then it wouldn't have been all that hard for Jeff to pinpoint my location from the phone's GPS.

"We need to talk." I sent the text to the only number stored in that phone as I quickly dressed.

"Ten minutes." Was the only reply I received. Walking hurriedly out of my house, I know burner phones will make tracking the phone very difficult if the cops get on to me. However, by the time this is done, the phone will be lining some trash heap. Still, that didn't mean I wasn't going to cover my tracks. Again, I'm not an idiot. I had enough time to transfer the information along with their pictures to the phone after I had pulled into the gas station's parking lot a few miles from my home. Answering the call on the first ring. "Well now, I didn't think I would ever be hearing from you again." His tone was cold, calm, and devoid of any and all emotion as Jeff spoke over the line. "Has your conscience grown so great that you're finally going to turn me in?" I knew he was fishing, looking to see if he had to run or enough time to take me out.

"No. I need a favor," I said, plainly.

"Oh?! A favor from me, whatever for?"

"No need to play coy, we both know what you are," I said, slyly looking around making sure I wasn't drawing attention to myself.

"No more so than you, if you're calling me for a favor." The man rebutted. What could I say to that, the man was right after all. "And if I do this thing for you, what do I get out of it?"

"What we both know what you want. To become a ghost once again," I stated.

"I see, and what is this favor that you seek of me?"

"I'm sending you their info now," I said, sending the draft of the text I had already made beforehand. I knew where they both were staying since their wives had kicked them out of their homes. "I want you to do what you do best."

"You know I only..."

"They fit your criteria, they are after all serial cheaters," I said, sure I could have had him take out my wife. However, I want to watch her torment myself not have her snuffed out by someone else. Where's the fun in that? "As you see, their wives have filed their divorces under adultery," I spoke, I did find it odd that the man only went after people who have broken their wedding vows.

"And how do you know they're cheaters?"

Taking a deep breath, steadying myself, given how this was the first time I have spoken about of my wife's infidelity to someone that wasn't Betty. "Because I caught those two fuck nuts fucking my wife!" I growled. My eye twitched when I heard the man chuckling.

"And yet I don't see your wife on this list..."

"She's mine," I spoke forcibly.

"A man after my own heart. How do you want this done?"

"As publicly as possible, so I can't be connected to it. Next week. Tuesday and Wednesday I'll be at work, do it then," I directed.

"Very well. We do have a deal; I do hope you live up to your end." With that Jeff ended the call. Removing the battery and storing it in the middle console. I knew he wouldn't get in touch again not until the job was done. Starting my car, pulling out of the other entrance on the other side of the gas station. Going whichever way I could, to make sure I wasn't being followed. After a few miles and not seeing anyone behind me tailing me. I headed off to work.

To Be Continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great stuff. Second time reading this, but it's been enough time between that I dont recall details. And it is just as good a read as the first time. Granted some of the unknown is gone, but the anticipation is filling the void waiting for the next shoe to drop. 5 stars for the author. Thanks for sharing

Nato_Nato_over 1 year ago

Fuck anon. That was hilarious!



MarkT63MarkT63over 1 year ago

Betty needs to feel MORE pain, mental and physical...

Rancher46Rancher46almost 2 years ago

And the plot thickens, it appears that Wane is not a person you want to cross and fucking his wife might just get the two guys that fucked his wife the death sentence. Well written, a real good cloak and dagger story. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It certainly proves handy to have a serial killer at your beck and call. You just never know when you'll need some revenge murders arranged on short notice. All too often I've had to handle those myself. Most inconvenient...

enderlocke77enderlocke77over 2 years ago

I wondered what was going on in his mind as those cold, calculating eyes gazed off into the distance. I hoped that whatever it was wouldn't lead him to finding himself in a jail cell or doing time. I knew my husband; I knew when he found me that day he wouldn't kill us right out. Wane wasn't a fool, or stupid. He would wait until enough time had past to exact his revenge. I just hoped it wasn't something that I couldn't over look. and she wants to stayed married to that lol

well i mean easier for 2 crazy ppl to be together than 1 being crazy and the other sane

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

True crime drama with a little porn tossed in. Nice touch

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Sean and Dean, the cheating bitches’other black dildos might be in for some real trouble. Betty and Celine need some serious consequences too.

Ravey19Ravey19almost 3 years ago

Still rolling along nicely. Surprised he has a hold over Jeff but never mind it makes a good story.

MarkT63MarkT63almost 3 years ago

OK story. Great writing. Too bad the Dexter character is a RAAC cuck...

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