A Wife's Fall Pt. 03

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Betty's remorse, can Wane learn to forgive, are they doomed.
14.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/01/2020
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A Wife's Fall part 3



Thanks to WAA01 for the edits



Hugging my sister-in-law while we stood in front of my office building. I had hoped that with her help and the marriage counselor that we have an appointment with on Monday of next week, Wane and I could start to put this part of our lives behind us. Even though I am the one at fault in this whole ordeal. It was my infidelity that had caused this, my straying ways that had put me at odds with my own husband. Still, even with Maggie's help, it wasn't going to be easy dealing with Wane.

"Alright, I'm going see Wane, you keep your nose clean and your legs closed," Maggie said, I noticed how those green eyes held no joking light in them when she spoke those words. While it hurt, hearing her speak to me like that, I did earn it. I couldn't refute that.

"Should I call him, you know how he doesn't like people just showing up," I stated which was the truth.

"No, I want him on edge, at least then I know how to get him to open up to me." I nodded after Maggie said those words after a few moments of contemplation. She did have more experience with my husband's mood than I did. So, I would defer to her judgement this time. "Tonight you'll be sleeping with Wane." My eyes widened when she said that. I wasn't too sure that was wise so soon. "Relax," waving off my look, "if Wane came to you, for whatever reason that was, he'll be fine."

"I don't know if I'll be," I said, feeling my face flush with heat. Just the thought of feeling Wane's body pressing against mine, the feel of his manhood pressing into my lower back. The feel of his hands on my body just set my body on fire. From my sister-in-law's chuckle I knew she noted my current aroused state.

"That's kind of the point, Betty, he needs to get over this and be a husband again. I know you fucked up royally. Yet if you two are going to remain man and wife then you two have to be a couple again. And what do married couples do? They fuck," Maggie said, with this rather coy smirk on her lips. My groan drifted on the air feeling my pussy throb just at the thought on being on top of him, feeling that cock of his filling me up like it always does. To the way his hands always cradled my breasts when we had sex. "See, if you're this hard up, Wane should be too. Whatever Wane is he's still a man, a man who hasn't had sex just as long as you. You know what to do," Maggie said, with a smirk. I waved at her as she walked towards the parking structure that was attached to the building. Feeling my nipples pressing hard against my bra at the thought of Wane's lips plucking at them like he always did before I had my moment of insanity.

My fingers curled into fist as every step I took rubbed my panties against my aching clit. Thinking back to the early morning hours that Wane had came to my bed, the way he held me, like nothing had happened between us. I know I had a lot to do to ensure I wouldn't find myself on the other end of a divorce, yet I was determined to save my marriage. A marriage I had wholeheartly put on the rocks because I was foolish enough to listen to my sister. Not saying my sister was to blame for everything, I was the one who did the act. I was the one who defiled our marital bed.

"Please, God," I prayed up to the cab ceiling as the elevator doors rolled closed, "please, see it in your grace that I can earn Wane's trust again."



I sat at my desk preparing blood samples to be tested from the backlog of crime scenes and the samples I had taken from the one I had been called into the other day. That was until my desk phone rang.

"Hello, this is Wane, in forensics," I answered. "Who did you say was there?!" Surprise filled my voice when the front desk told me that my older sister was there. "No, no, send her up," I stated, getting control of my voice. My eye twitched at the fact my sister showed up unannounced; she knew how much I disliked it when people did that. At least she didn't do it at my house, then... well she knew what would have happened. I figured she came here knowing I wouldn't chew her out in front of a bullpen full of cops. There had to be a damn good reason my sister was in town. My parents were in good health as far I was aware. So the question remained; why was she here? I kept my face placid as I stood by the elevator waiting for Maggie to arrive. Noting how Holly was shooting me glances when she and her partner were going over the 'Murder board' as they called it that held the crime scene photos from the other day. I could feel her eyes undressing me as I stood there. I still couldn't understand what her fascination with me was. Maybe I was just the last one she had yet to sleep with given how she didn't care if her husband found out or not. "Hmm... maybe I should rethink about next weekend?" I muttered to myself. I did have enough going on at the moment that I didn't need the added headache of dealing with another unfaithful woman.

My eyes glanced up at the ding of the bell before the doors rolled open and out stepped my sister. I could see she wasn't sorry one bit about dropping in unannounced in her eyes when we stared at one another.

"Well, is there somewhere we can talk?" Maggie asked, breaking the silence. I noted how she glanced to the left, at what I couldn't say.

"Fine," I grumbled, leading her to one of the free interrogation rooms. "In."

"Wane I know your upset..."

"More like annoyed, what are you doing here?" I asked, crossing my arms as we stood roughly three feet away.

"To help you save your marriage." I arched an eyebrow at that.

"Why? So you think it's worth saving?"

"So you're just going to throw away all these years you and Betty have been together?"

"Why not? It didn't seem like those 'years' mattered to her when she had two men in my house, in my bed, fucking her, now did it?" I asked, with a pointed look.

"Okay, but that was a mistake..."

"Losing your car keys is a mistake, dinging your right fender is a mistake. Having a threesome, knowingly, is not a fucking mistake!" I said, darkly. Seeing my sister taking a step backwards.

"Wane, I know how life is difficult for you to understand. Yet people stumble and fall, has she ever done something like this before? Has she ever once stepped outside your marriage? Don't let this one flaw be the downfall of your marriage," Maggie pleaded.

"Tell me one good damn reason why I shouldn't divorce her?"

"Because, you idiot, you still love her! As she does you, I'll admit what Betty did was stupid and foolish, but don't let that get in the way of things. She's good for you and you for her. I know what she's done can't be forgiven easily, and I'm not saying that you should forgive her right now, but in time. I'm only trying to help you from making the stupidest mistake of your life if you lose Betty."

"Uh-huh, is that all?" I asked, clearly not swayed.

"Fight it all you want Wane, but you know you still love her. Whatever love is to you, it's still there. Why else weren't you staring at those tits that woman was flaunting in your face? Huh? Come on, tell me, why weren't you, unless you're like a Ken doll down there," Maggie stated, I noted the fire in her green eyes as we stared each other down. "Tell me if you don't love her why did you go to her? Come on, out with it." How she waved that hand of hers infuriated me. Not because of the action, that would just be petty, no, because as much as I hate to admit it at this point in time, she was right. My sister can be quite insufferable when she's right. Yet, that didn't mean I was simply going to let Betty off the hook, then she would never learn her lesson. "I don't have all day, Wane." I heard the impatience growing in her voice. Good. Let her, serves her right for butting her nose into things, into my personal business. I could never understand why she did when I never intruded upon her like that.

"I guess you're just going to have to stand here all day, I got work to do," I said, turning around only to feel my sister taking hold of my arm.

"I'm trying to help you here, Wane, can't you see that?"

"How? By accepting that I have a fucking cheating wife? That I'm now apart of some statistic? That shit isn't going to happen," I growled, ripping my arm out of her grip.

"Then you'll lose her, and be a lonely, bitter man," Maggie said, from behind my back.

"You seem to forget, I was alone before I met Betty, I survived. I'll do it again," I stated, peering back at her. "Now leave, you're disrupting my work," I ordered before leaving her there. No matter how much she was right, I wasn't about to divulge my plan to her. Obviously, she talked to Betty. Which meant Betty would know about it if I had told her. Maggie would find what I was going to do to Betty quite distasteful, yet if Betty wanted to be a slut so damn much, I'll turn her into one. Just my own personal slut.

"I hope you know I'm staying with you." Maggie's voice stilled my advance to my office. I saw the sheer delight in her eyes when I gazed back at her. "Don't think this is over between us, Wane. This is only act one, I'm not leaving until I'm sure the two of you are on the right track, and no amount of your honey words will sway me to leave." With that my sister strolled to the elevator, her hair swaying in triumph thinking she had gotten the better of me in this.

"Fucking psychiatrists!" I hissed before returning to my lab.



"Relax, Betty, it won't do you any good pacing around like that." I heard Maggie say as I circled the island in the kitchen while dinner simmered waiting for Wane to return from work. It wasn't the fact that Wane was due home soon that had me nervous. It was the thought of going to bed with my husband since the only intimate contact I've have with him was that early morning and I was asleep for most of it. When Wane fucked my face didn't count either, that was just him fulfilling his need for release. No matter how much I loved feeling his hot cum sliding down my throat. I always do. What wife doesn't like knowing they brought the utmost pleasure to their spouse that they would unload in their mouths.

"Maybe, but... I'm so horny! I don't want to say or do something that will set Wane off!" My face grew red at my sister-in-law's chuckle.

"That's why phase one is needed, to get that physical connection between the two of you restored. Then we can work on fixing this emotional connection that you damaged by your selfish actions." I hung my head, as much as I wanted to flip her off, cuss her out, and whatnot, I couldn't. I am the maker of my own plight. "The second part is going to be more tricky with someone like Wane." I turned to look at her as she looked up at the ceiling appearing to be deep in thought on the matter as her finger tapped her chin.

"How would you normally go about it?" I asked, knowing she had worked with a few cases that were similar to Wane.

"You want my honest opinion?" The way Maggie looked at me told me I wouldn't, but I needed to know. I needed to know how I could get my husband back! "You can't, at least not for a very long time. People like Wane have very severe trust issues. To do what you did, and still be in this house, and not under it, given how many of my patients tend to be on the violent side, says something, I don't know what that is yet, but it's something. I've known Wane to toss people away for the littlest of things that you or I might not deem important but to people like Wane, who's mind solely operates on logic and not emotion... Not saying they don't have any. Even if it's a limited form, they are still there, unless of course there's damage to the emotional center of the brain. But that's neither here nor there, let me ask you before Wane gets home. Why?"

"I don't know, it was something I've always wanted to try. The more Wane said no, the more of an obsession it became to me," I said truthfully, I knew she would know if I was lying to her. Plus I knew she would pack her bags and leave and let me slowly die knowing I was going to lose my husband.

"Have you ever wondered or tried to find out why you had this obsession in the first place?" I noted her questioning look on her face as she peered at me.

"Do you think it would help, now?" I asked, I was willing to try anything and everything to still be Wane's wife.

"It couldn't hurt. I mean you already fucked up royally, if you came to me with this I might have been able to help you find out why you have this obsession and help you focus it in a more productive way than betraying my brother." I heard the harshness but also the understanding that I was still human, and humans do make mistakes, mine was just monumental. "Excellent timing!" My heart raced as I heard Wane's car pulling up. Although, I wasn't so fond of the smile on Maggie's lips. "This way Wane can come to understand your obsession."

"What?!" I stammered; I really didn't think that was going to be something Wane wanted to hear about.

"Trust me, this will work..." I heard the words yet I also saw the uncertainty in her eyes as well. My blood pounded in my ears as it seemed like the turning of the doorknob went on for eternity. Quickly, I scurried out of the kitchen to greet my husband, the sometimes rather difficult love of my life.

"Welcome home, Wane, how was work?" I asked, noting that he was stressed about something.

"Where's my sister?!" I was taken aback by the somewhat growl in his voice.

"In here you cold-hearted brother of mine." I really didn't think taunting Wane was such a good idea at the time.

"Shouldn't you be... I don't know taking care of your own husband and not sticking your nose into my and my wife's business?!" My hand flew to my mouth. My eyes quivered, that was the first time since we've been at odds that Wane had referred to me as his wife. How I just wanted to kiss that man right then!

"Bah," I felt Wane's tension when his sister waved him off, "Griffin will be fine without me for a couple of days, or a week, depending on how difficult you make this, brother of mine." I knew she only used that phrase to get under Wane's skin.

"Then your husband is going to die alone because it ain't happening!" I jumped when Wane slammed the bedroom door. It wasn't long before Maggie surged from her seat and stomped her way across the room. I wondered how many times that has happened in this house. I quickly found myself back in the kitchen listening to the shouting coming from Maggie. Wane wasn't one to raise his voice too often. He really had to be irked for that to happen. So I knew he wasn't quite as upset with his sister as he let on.

"Now grow a god damn pair and get out there and greet your wife! Or do I need to slap some more sense into you?" I felt my cheeks heating at that. Not the slapping part, but the first part, I could already feel myself wanting to lean back against him like I always did before I had my fit of insanity. "You would think I was talking to a sniveling child and not a grown man!"

"Hey! Don't you talk to Wane like that!" I shouted defending my husband. I might have fallen from grace but I haven't forgotten my wifely duties. I always defend my man. Even if I am now called a straying wife.

"See, that just proves it!"

"That proves nothing!" I couldn't help myself I chuckled at their bickering as Wane stormed out of the bedroom.

"Don't you walk away from me!"

"It's my house I'll do whatever I damn well please in it! You're the visitor here, not I." As I was pouring the sauce into the bowl our eyes met when Wane entered the kitchen. I felt my cheeks heat like they always do whenever Wane looks at me.

"Dinner will be ready soon, why don't you wait till after, okay?" I stated noting the pack of cigarettes in his hand.

"Why are you even smoking again, huh?" I saw Maggie winking at me from behind Wane's back. "I thought you gave that up?! Or am I under the assumption that my dear cold, thick-headed brother just so can't quit the habit?"

"Wane will stop when he's ready. Won't you?" I asked, knowing why Maggie was being so argumentative with Wane to show him that he could still trust me to have his back, so to speak. "I made your favorite Wane. Won't you help me set the table?" We've always done it together. I know it probably sounds silly to some people. Yet it's the little things that draw you together. It was my hope that Wane remembered that. That no matter how stupid I have been that didn't take away the love I had for him. Keeping my smile to myself, Maggie however didn't, as Wane stuffed his pack back into his pocket and got out the plates from the cabinet.

"We having salad with it?" Brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear feeling rather bashful when Wane peered over his right shoulder at me.

"Mmmhmm. I just need to toss it, and it will be ready," I stated, knowing he loved having a salad with this meal. Seeing him pulling out three of our salad plates that were wedding gifts that went along with the rest of our china. Every chance I could I would lightly touch Wane as we both worked to get our dinner to the table.

"You know, if you're going to stay here, you could get off your ass and help set the table." I heard Wane grumble.

"Told you why I'm here, I'm very expensive and you're getting my services for free. So a little gratitude would be nice." Again, I knew why she was doing this. It was so that Wane would have another person to focus his attention on and not think too much about what I did to him and to our marriage. I bit my lip at Wane's 'Hmpf' as he spun around. I wondered if Wane knew what his sister was up to. Yet, I didn't care, my husband was talking to me! I tried to keep my body from heating but that was easier said than done as my hands ran up his back when Wane fixed us all drinks as he stood in front of the open refrigerator door.

"Hand me the vinaigrette," I whispered into his ear. Lightly pressing by breasts into his back, praying that his body still yearned to feel their touch, when his mind was still locked in his anger. "Thank you," I cooed taking it from his hand when Wane held it over his shoulder. Placing a kiss on the back of his neck before returning back to my task. Humming as I placed the hot bread into the bowl, I did know my husband, especially given how his eyes followed the bowl as I set it down in the center of the table. Sending a silent prayer to God as my hand lightly covered his left as I lowered myself into my seat.


"You want to tell me why I'm here, listening to this... hogwash?" Wane asked, glaring at his sister while I sat in his favorite chair while he sat on the couch when Maggie stood over me after she had gone over what she had planned to do.

"Because, you stubborn man, this is to find out the cause of her obsession with threesomes. Unless you wish to go through this all over again."

"It's unproven." I heard the argumentative tone in Wane's voice.

"Wane, I want to do this. I need to do this. I don't want to ever hurt you again, baby," I said, seeing how Wane wanted to say something yet simply closed his mouth.

"Fine, let's just get this over with," Wane grumbled leaning back against the couch, crossing his arms. Yet I noted how he shyly peeked at me from the corner of his eye.

"Now, Betty, just listen to the sound of my voice, allow it to lull you into a relaxing state." I sat there with my eyes closed, taking long but slow breaths like Maggie had said to me before she had started. "I want you to relax some more until your mind is clear and focused."

"Okay," I whispered I so prayed this worked.

"Good, good, focus your mind on the touch on the back of your hand. Allow it to let your mind wander and your body to let go of this burden. Can you hear me Betty?" Why did her voice sound so far off? I had no clue, I knew she was right beside me yet it wasn't, at least in my mind it wasn't. "I want you to go back. Back into your memories and look for the cause that made you want to have a threesome so badly."