A Wish From The gods

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A woman seeking a "wish" gets more than she bargained for.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/07/2024
Created 01/15/2024
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The following story has themes of extreme humiliation, non-consent sex, fear and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. All characters are 18+. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of gender, political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality. If you have issues with such kinks, please do not read.

"Status?" The stern woman asks, loudly. Saying she "asks" this is putting it lightly. It is much more of a demand than asking. Much like punching someone in the face is considered getting someone's attention rather than tapping them on the shoulder.

Daniel, who is manning the "computer station" of the boat looks at Bert, who is the captain. The two men share a commiserating look, revealing both are more than tired of the woman who stands and looks out the window.

"The same as 30 seconds ago when you asked," Daniel tells her after checking all his screens. His voice is filled with annoyance as he's never been good at hiding his emotions.

The 30 year old woman, who has told them her name is Sarah, whips her head towards Daniel and gives him a deadly look. If looks could kill, Daniel's entire bloodline would have just died.

"What? " Daniel states, returning Sarah's look. The look he gives is showing that he's done nothing wrong and is being honest. That Sarah is the one being rude and he's just giving it back to her.

"Remember who is paying you, boy. Now find it," Sarah growls to Daniel. She turns to look back out the window, leaving Daniel to give her a look close to what she gave him. The way she says this plainly shows how little she thinks of the man. That he is so far below her that she's offended they have to breathe the same oxygen.

Sarah has been high strung for most of this journey, but for the past 30 minutes she has been nearly unbearable. Bert already regrets taking this job, even if it would give him a year's salary in just a couple of days. It's turned out to be more annoying than he could ever believe.

Bert, who is forty-three, owns a small fishing boat. Nothing fancy, just a standard boat to which he's made a few modifications, such as the cot inside the cab so he can sleep at sea if needed. Or the updated navigation systems that are satellite based.

Bert's ship is used to sail out into the Gulf of Mexico from Texas to fish for whatever he is looking for at the time. It's not glamorous, nor is it much fun, but it is what Bert knows. He's been fishing since he was a little boy as it was taught to him by his family.

Several years ago Bert hired Daniel. Daniel is 20 years younger than Bert and has a way with technology. Daniel, who is a college dropout, oversees all computer related activities on the ship, from updating the software to producing reports as needed on their trips. In this day and age fishing is based more on technology as much as it is based on skill.

Working together the two men have been able to earn enough revenue to keep the lights on and their stomachs full. They have never been rich, but considered themselves free as they can go where they want and do as they want. They have no boss dictating what to do and when.

A week ago, Sarah approached Bert as he sat in a sea side bar. She revealed she knew of him and his boat and that she wanted to hire him. She proceeded to make a deal to be chartered to special coordinates out in the Gulf. Coordinates that were much further out than Bert liked to go. Coordinates that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere.

At first Bert said NO for many reasons. The first being that he knew Sarah wasn't her real name. He had no clue what her real name was, not that he cared. What he did care about is that he knew the chick was hiding something, and that wasn't good. She might be wanting to go to some secret island where the drug cartels store their drugs. Or wanting to dump a body in the middle of nowhere so it couldn't be found. People with secrets were always bad for business as they got you in trouble.

Another reason he told her no is because of the woman's demeanor. She clearly came from money by the way she was dressed, as well as her attitude. People like her grew up thinking that everyone in the world worked for her. She wasn't a "Karen" but an "Uber Karen." The type of person that would consider Bert a slave instead of a human being.

Sarah, for her part, had experience with this. She knew what people thought of her and she didn't care. She simply proceeded to do the standard procedure in such a situation, which was to throw money at it. Sarah offered Bert and Daniel money, and a lot of it.

Bert, as well as Daniel prided themselves as not the type to be bought, but this year has been different. The changing climate has made fishing a lot harder of late. Fish seemed to go in and out of season without warning, as well as travel to weird parts of the sea. It was becoming quite a challenge to make the same amount they were used to. It was the topic they talked about nearly every day.

After a day of negotiations, Bert and Sarah made a deal. It was understood that Bert would not be hauling cargo of any type to or from the coordinates. Just as it was understood that Bert and Daniel would not discuss any part of the trip with anyone. They knew if they were asked, they were to say they were giving a rich customer a chartered tour of the Gulf.

The very next day, the three of them took off in Bert's boat. And now, after a day and a half of sailing, they were getting close to Sarah's coordinates. So close that they should be able to see whatever it is she is looking for. So close that Sarah was on edge, acting as if her life depended on finding whatever it is.

"Doesn't look like there's anything out here," Daniel states, not in a mean or unkind way, but a truthful way. He's checked every possible instrument in the ship for anything in the nearby open sea. There's just nothing topside out here. No islands, no dingy, no whales, no nothing. Just wide open sea.

"It's here. It's here...somewhere, I can feel it," Sarah hisses as she stares out the window like a terminator. Her hands are now on the window as she damn near puts her face against the glass. Her head moves left and right constantly as if scanning the sea like a computer.

"It'll be dark soon. The storm really slowed us down," Bert states. He says this to try and ease into the thought that they are going to have to head back and get closer to land. That the storm they had to sail through is the reason for arriving so late.

"Might be best if we head more inland. There we can anchor for the night and come back in the morning," Bert suggests, knowing this to be the safest act to do.

Being so far out to sea concerns him. Sure, he has been out further than this plenty of times, but something about this time concerns him. After all, when you are this far out, it takes longer for help to find you.

"It's here. It's trying to hide. To prevent me from finding it," Sarah states, saying yet another cryptic and downright crazy comment. These sort of comments were becoming more frequent from her.

Daniel and Bert look at each other again. It is comments like this that concern them. Sarah has made several comments too. Like when the thunderstorm started, which wasn't forecasted at all, she told them that "it" knew she was coming and trying to stop her.

When asked what was trying to stop them, Sarah refused to say. She didn't try to deny what she said, but just became quiet. It didn't make either man feel good as she was obviously hiding something. Rather that hidden thing be that she's crazy, or that they were messing with some sort of powerful force, it concerned both men a great deal.

"What in the fuck is that?!" Daniel asks suddenly. Bert notices the odd high toned way he says the word "fuck" which leads him to believe that Daniel probably doesn't even know that he just cursed. That shock made him ask that question instead of his brain.

Looking at his friend, Bert sees Daniel staring out the window. His eyes are locked onto something in the horizon, but then he snaps out of it to jerks his head down to look at his screen. After reviewing the screen, Daniel looks back out the window as if what he saw is supposed to disappear. He repeats this several times in a damn near comical fashion.

"Bert! What the fuck is that?!" Daniel asks genuinely concerned while pointing out the sea. Bert finally looks out the window to try and see what Daniel may be pointing at.

"Impossible," Bert says under his breath as he finally sees what Daniel is pointing at. He blinks several times, wondering if he's gotten a bit of sea blindness. Where you look out at the endless nothing of sea and your mind plays tricks on you.

"There it is! I've found it!" Sarah shrieks out as if she just found the lifesaving cure for cancer.

Out at sea, there is what appears to be a house. A single story run-down colonial type house. A house that is in dire need of a paint job, as well as many repairs. It stands in the midst of the sea as if on a perfect spot of land underneath it.

Waves smack against the house, but it doesn't move at all, showing that it's not on any sort of platform. But there's no sign of dirt or earth underneath it to show that it's on solid land. It really does look like a house that's plopped right on top of the sea.

"Is...is that a house?" Daniel asks the question that both Bert and he have.

The house sticks out so badly, and not just because it is where no house should be. Everything about it seems wrong, like the dull colors it is painted, which clash with the bright blue of the sea. Or the way that the roof looks to be nearly flat, which wouldn't keep rain from pooling on top. Even the shape of the house looks weird as it seems to be a perfect square.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" Bert yells, unable to control himself. When he yells this, it isn't because he's excited, but worried. He knows something paranormal is going on, and he actively avoids such things.

Being on the sea for most of his life, Bert has seen things that couldn't have existed, to which he's turned and ran away. It's why he is still living in his opinion. There are just some things you shouldn't mess with if you don't know what you are doing.

"el Deseo de los dioses," Sarah says softly, in awe of the house. Her eyes are wide and her smile big as she stares at the house. To look at her one might think that house was her lover that she hadn't seen in years.

"The what of what?!" Daniel yells out, getting even more scared than Bert at the situation.

The concern in Daniel's voice does knock Sarah out of her joy. She finally turns to look at him, and then at Bert. Once she does, she offers them what she thinks is a comforting smile. In actuality, it is more of an annoying smile because she knows she has to give them something so they don't turn around and flee. Sarah is smart enough to know in this situation, all the money in the world wouldn't help.

"That is our destination, gentlemen. I must get to that house," Sarah states in a calm and stern manner. She's regained her "I'm the one in charge here," demeanor which she uses every day. The type of tone that showed everyone that she owns the world.

"Being men of the sea, I am sure the two of you have heard more than one story about the olden gods. Stories where the gods blessed one of their followers upon showing their loyalty, or blessed them after they completing some task. Possibly that Poseidon blessed some sailor with good fishing after he killed some monster," Sarah says as calm as she can, but her excitement upon seeing the house is too great.

"That house, isn't a house at all, but a wish from the gods," Sarah reveals as if this is the single most important information of all time. The sort of info that should make the two men drop to their knees.

"Long ago, before the white man ever sailed these waters or stepped foot on these lands, there lived a man named Amnon. Amnon was a very special man, marked from birth. He was to be the proof that the gods needed to show they didn't make a mistake in creating us humans. Proof that we were not the simple, selfish beings that would destroy the world, but capable of greatness," Sarah begins her story.

"Get to the fucking point," Daniel demands as the house is much closer now. So close that he can see the dirty windows. Not to mention the mold that has grown all over the outside of the house, which comes when you are this close to the sea.

"In turn, from birth, each god tested Amnon. They tested him in horrible, dangerous ways. But Amnon survived. Not only survived, but bested each test, showing just what we humans are capable of," Sarah explains passionately.

"When Amnon turned twenty, the gods appeared before him, revealing to Amnon how he had passed all their tests. That he alone proved the greatness that humans possessed. For this, they pooled their powers to gift Amnon the greatest gift possible, a wish," Sarah continues, looking to Daniel and then Bert.

"Only Amnon was furious. He never knew he was the plaything of the gods. He didn't like being tested, nor all the pain he had to endure. In his fury, he took the wish given to him, which was the single most powerful thing ever placed on the earth, and threw it. He threw it as hard as he could into the distance," Sarah explains even more passionately.

"That...house-thing is the wish I take it?" Bert cuts in, pointing at the house they are quickly approaching.

"Yes!" Sarah exclaims, turning to look back at the house with such excitement it makes her appear demented.

"They say Amnon's throw was so powerful the wish went around the world multiple times before finally landing," Sarah says in awe as the house gets closer and closer.

Daniel and Bert look at each other again. Both men have the same exact look on their faces. The look of "Is this really happening?"

"I've found it. I've finally found it. I knew it was here. I knew it! The others laughed and said I didn't know what I was doing. Laughed and made fun of me for being a woman. Saying I didn't have the brains because I wasn't a man," Sarah says, this time to herself. Congratulating herself on achieving what no one else in the world has.

Hearing this makes Bert's anger and confusion soften somewhat. He was a child of a single parent, his mother. Growing up he saw with his own eyes the way men treated his mother just because she was a woman. Where she had more brains than a group of them, but they treated her barely able to empty the garbage. It was his upbringing that made Bert declare he would never think a woman wasn't able to accomplish something because she was a woman.

"How you find it?" Bert finds himself asking. He only now realizes how impossible a task this would be. Afterall, this is in the middle of nowhere. In the openness of the sea. How could she have figured it was out here? How would you track a throw that happened thousands of years ago, if it really happened?

"Doesn't matter," Sarah states, returning to her stern manner. Her in-charge attitude returns again, only this time it is much worse. Bert can tell that not even death would keep her from getting what she wants now.

"Pull alongside. I must get inside that house," Sarah orders. And in that moment both Bert and Daniel know that if they said no or tried to stop her, she would have no problem killing either one of them. Both men also know that they didn't check her for weapons, so she could easily be holding a gun.

"Alright. I'll do it, but I don't like this. The pit of my stomach is telling me this is going to end badly," Bert tells Sarah, being as upfront as he can be with the woman.

"Duly noted. Now get alongside it," Sarah responds, showing she doesn't care about the older seaman's opinion.

"W-What's supposed to happen? I mean, I'm guessing you have to go inside. Then what?" Daniel asks.

Sarah doesn't catch the fear and worry in his voice, but Bert does. He too has the same feelings and questions, mainly because he feels that whatever that house is, man wasn't meant to fuck with it. Almost like it is a living entity.

"It gives you what you want. What your heart really wants. Makes your ultimate dreams come true," Sarah answers, her eyes locked on the house as it comes upon the right side of the boat.

"How...how does it know what you want? It reads your mind or something?" Bert asks as he too looks at the house. To this Sarah smiles widely.

"No. It reads your heart. It knows what you really want if you know it or not," Sarah explains, her eyes on fire now with possibility.

"As you no doubt have guessed, I don't give a shit if you go in or not. I only care that I'm the first one to go in. After that, you two can leave or go fuck each other. I really don't care," Sarah states, back in her stern manner.

"That's all you," Daniel tells her, motioning to the house. He makes it clear that he won't be going anywhere near the house. That only she is going to be going inside of it.

Already Bert is taking steps to try and anchor. To try and make sure the boat will stay in place, at least for the time being. Where he works to make sure the boat doesn't crash into the house.

"Should I try and tie the boat off to the house?" Daniel asks, sounding confused about what to do in this situation. He asks in a manner that implies he isn't sure this would even be possible.

"It won't let you," Sarah states as she heads to the door. When she reaches it she looks back at the two men.

"That house isn't a house at all. It's power. Pure power from the gods. And the first thing the gods always did was to protect themselves. Any attempt to touch that house, no less try and destroy it, will lead to your own deaths in a horrible fashion," Sarah informs the two men. With that, she leaves.

"What the fuck man!?" Daniel asks Bert once Sarah has shut the door behind her. Bert doesn't respond to this, but is deep in his thoughts as he watches Sarah walk to the side of the boat where the ladder is.

"It grants the wish of anyone that enters? Or once she enters, will the house disappear?" Bert then asks, needing some sort of rules very badly. He asks not because he wants to go inside, but because it all feels wrong. Like there are no rules that you can protect yourself with.

"Who cares?! Let's get the fuck out of here," Daniel declares, his voice higher pitched than normal. Only Bert seems lost in his own thoughts.

"W-Wait. With as much money as she has, what the fuck could she want?" Bert suddenly says, this thought moving to the front of his thoughts. The two men look at each other at this, with neither having an answer.

Bert considers that people with money tend to want the same thing, more money. But something about that doesn't feel right, just like the house doesn't feel right. What also doesn't feel right is that whatever she wants, she isn't going to get. Like the Monkey's Paw, Bert knows that house is going to fuck with her and twist whatever she's after.

"Do me a favor. Take a fuck-ton of pictures of that thing. People aren't going to believe this," Bert orders.

"Not possible," Daniel states. He then motions for Bert to come over to his station. When Bert does, he sees what Daniel is referring to. The multiple cameras that are on the boat should be showing the boat. Only on camera, there's nothing there. Just endless sea. For some reason, the house isn't captured.

"We need to get the fuck out of here," Daniel tells Bert, showing his extreme concern, again.

"Oh, I agree with you there. But we can't leave her. For one, she still owes us half our payment," Bert says, the two men looking out the window to see Sarah climbing down the side ladder as she makes her way to the house.

"We give her 5 minutes once she goes in, no, 10. If she doesn't come back out or give some sort of word, we split. Money or no money," Bert then declares, knowing just how serious this situation is.