A Witch's Spell

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A witch's thralls turn against her.
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The progress was slow. Alishra had become used to the pace but it was still bothersome. She had already scoured through her spellbooks twice already but maybe it was time to look for a third time. There were countless wonders she could accomplish with her magic but something as mundane as moving a pile of dirt wasn't one of them. All she wanted to do was plunder the treasures from the crypt and be done with it. It seemed like such a trivial task but it wasn't the sort of work that her magic was made for. Potions, charms, and illusions, yes, manual labor no.

It had been a simple thing for the witch to enchant this part of the graveyard and to keep the people from the town from coming near while the word was done. It had been just as easy for her to link a pocket dimension back to her cottage so she could keep her home nearby. When it came to moving dirt though the only thing that would do was manual labor. Not hers, of course, Alishra couldn't even recall the last time she had resorted to doing something so menial herself. Perhaps when she had been an apprentice all those years ago?

No, she was above such things now. But the work still had to be done. She could have bewitched some men from the town to help her but there were easier ways to handle things. Charms would have raised more questions and she would have had to charm anyone who noticed as well. It was better to just make use of a couple of dozen husks.

Alishra had used them a few times before and the ritual was simple enough. Once she had brewed the potion it had just been a matter of enthralling the graveyard caretaker. Unlike everyone else in the town, he lived near the graveyard and no one would notice him missing, but he would notice the work being done. She usually preferred not to make thralls of people, yanking a person's soul out was such messy business, but it was either that or dig the hole herself. The choice was clear.

The enthralled caretaker had begun acting on her will immediately upon consuming the potion and began digging up the most recent graves. He was hardly different from the husks she was going to make; a mindless, soulless creature that would be driven by its most base desires if it wasn't for her magic keeping it focused.

Once the caretaker had pulled the bodies out of their graves, Alishra began to work. For a witch as talented as her it was a simple matter of using the concoction to reanimate the body and revitalize it and then to use her magic to bind it to her. There was a limit, of course, once the bodies were skeleton they didn't serve any purpose for her, her magic could only do so much. In a few hours, she had a score of husks working for her and digging out the hidden crypt underneath the mausoleum.

The desiccated grey-skinned husks weren't the quickest of workers, but they didn't complain and they worked tirelessly. That left Alishra to relax in her cottage and wait for them to uncover the crypt. After nearly a week they had and she had ventured down into it for the first time. Unfortunately, portions of the building had collapsed, so more work needed to be done. Fortunately, there were more bodies here and they had been preserved, so after a bit more magic her workforce had doubled.

There had been some interesting discoveries. The crypt was older than she had suspected, which only made her more impatient to discover what relics might lie within. After a staircase had been cleared out by her husks she had ventured down deep enough to see a pool of green liquid. Something stirred within it, but whatever the creature was it could sense her power and it kept to itself, leaving her and her husks alone.

Still, the excavation was taking longer than Alishra had expected. She had hoped to have this all done in days and now it had been going on for over a week. Between maintaining the glamor around the graveyard and binding all of the husks she had been finding herself more and more exhausted. This all better be worth it.

Alishra had taken to checking on the progress once a day. A few passages had been blocked and they should have been cleared out at this point. A thin silver line appeared in her cottage and it opened into a circle for just long enough for her to step through it and then it winked out of existence. She was in the graveyard now and passed by the grey bodies of her husks and down into the crypt.

They walked past her, carrying stones and sacks of dirt they had been removing. Their shambling movements didn't lend themselves to speed but at least they were working around the clock. The white-haired witch stopped at the bottom of the pool and watched as something moved through the green liquid. She didn't let her thoughts linger on what it could be. It wasn't worth killing whatever it was, it would only drain more of her energy and it seemed harmless as of yet.

She peered down the corridor the husks were currently working on. It wasn't cleared out yet, but it was close. Alishra resigned herself to remaining here the score of minutes it would take her minions to finish it. It wasn't in her nature to wait for anything and Alishra found herself pacing around the pool.

Alishra had often been accused of being vain, and while she never admitted it, it was undeniable. The only creatures who had laid eyes on her in over a week were mindless husks and she still didn't leave her cottage without looking just perfect. The witch was draped in long back robes, she wasn't above playing to type. The robes didn't hang and obscure her body though. She had made sure they were well-fitting and highlighted her form. It wasn't worth being nearly ageless if you didn't show off a bit, was it? The soft black fabric was held around her waist by a cloth belt and the front of her robes hung open.

Regardless if the eyes were undead or not, Alishra had to look her best. With the front of her robes spilling open the tops of her busty pale breasts were revealed. She had the robe open in such a way that it clearly showed what she had on underneath. Her breasts were barely held back in a tight-fitting if revealing bra that was attached to a collar around her neck. The sides of the robes were slit up along to her hips, revealing the black thigh-high boots she had on that attached to a garter belt around her waist. The slit climbed up so high that it even flashed the bands of her panties as she impatiently paced around the crypt.

Finally, a husk went by carrying the last part of the collapsed ceiling and Alishra was able to walk past her husks and into the chamber. As soon as she was inside the chamber she put her hands on her hips and shook her head in disappointment. All there was in the room was a single sarcophagus, hardly the relics she was hoping for. Still, there were other chambers to clear and this was at least one more husk to work for her. She gestured to the stone lid and two of her husks walked up to pull it off.

Inside was a single body, tried and preserved just like the rest of the ones that had been discovered down here. Alishra retrieved the vial hanging from her garter belt and dripped a few drops of the potion onto the body. Almost instantly it stirred to life, ancient dry muscle revitalized and given new purpose. The desiccated body turned grey and the husk lurched up into a sitting position. Alishra put a finger on its forehead and wove her spell onto it, binding the creature to her will.

With her part of the work done she turned and left the chamber. She gestured to the passage opposite where she was and her husks began shambling towards it. "How long is this going to take?" she murmured to herself. Perhaps all of this wasn't going to be worth it by the end.

Alishra turned on her heeled boot to head back outside when one of the husks bumped into her. The creature being in her way was unusual, she controlled them, not consciously, but they should never be an inconvenience to her.

"Out of the way," she said. The annoyance was clear in her voice. The husk kept standing in front of her and it didn't obey her order. "By the Six Circles, what do you think you're doing, you worthless husk?"

The witch brought up a hand, ready to turn him from a husk into a pile of dust. The dull lifeless face stared directly at her. The black void-like orbs that served as the creature's eyes focused on her. They moved along her body, roaming over the expanse of pale cleavage on display, and settled on her pale blue eyes as if the creature was seeing her for the first time. Alishra barely had a moment to question what was happening before the cold hand of the husk wrapped around her arm.

"How dare you touch me!" Alishra roared. Her other hand came up and her fingers twisted to cast a spell. Her deep red lips were already mouthing the incantation to reduce the disobedient husk to ash.

The creature's other hand suddenly came up as well and seized her. The grey-skinned creature was incredibly strong, one of her reasons for using them as labor. Once his hand wrapped tightly around her, Alishra didn't have a chance to pull away. The husks' fingers dug into her pale skin and her creation pulled her forward, suddenly completely free of her control.

Alishra's spell was interrupted and her blue eyes grew wide. What had happened? The husk was a mindless creature, how could it disobey her? The witch didn't have time to consider the possibilities before the husk had seized her completely. It began pushing her down onto the floor of the crypt until she was on her knees before it.

She opened her mouth again to begin the spell anew but no words came out this time. The husk that was attacking her was one of the ones she had raised from inside of the crypt. While his body had been preserved to a degree, his clothes had not been. He was in little more than rags, and from inside those rags, a thick grey cock was stirring. It stood out from among the bits of cloth that had once been the husk's trousers and was hanging directly in front of her.

"You wouldn't dare," Alishra hissed. "I brought you back to serve me, you are nothing, husk. I will-"

She didn't manage to get another word out. The husk's hand moved through her long white hair and grabbed hold of her head. His fingers brushed against her scalp and he yanked her forward. Her mouth had already been open and he shoved his swollen cock between her parted lips. Alishra's eye grew wide. Not only had the lesser creature disobeyed her commands, he was now working directly against her. She had never experienced anything like this from any husk she had ever created.

The grey cock plunged into her mouth and down her throat. There was no hesitation in the husk's movements, he was simply acting on instinct. The thick length had Alishra's mouth stretching even further to take him inside of her. Her teeth scraped along his stiff cock but the creature didn't care. The strong hand in her hair dragged her downward, forcing her to take even more of the grey pole.

Alishra's pale skin was tinted red with humiliation and anger. How dare her creation turn against her like this! She would destroy him in an instant but she wasn't able to; with his cock surging forward down her throat she couldn't speak out the words of the spell. Without her magic, Alishra was helpless before the stronger creature. She hadn't felt powerless since she had been a child. Whatever had happened with the spell she had placed on the husk had reduced her from a master of the mystic arts into a hole for her own husk to fuck.

The creature let out a wordless groan of pleasure as he thrust between her full lips. The thick length ran along her tongue and brushed the back of her throat before he yanked himself back and sank into her again. Husks were thoughtless creatures that had no purpose. They only existed because of a witch's potion work and couldn't think on their own. He plunged into her throat again, pushing deep inside of her enough that his balls pressed against her chin.

Alishra had never seen a husk that hadn't been spelled before. What did a mindless creature do when it wasn't given a purpose? It seemed as if they gave in to their most base compulsions. They didn't want for food or drink, not technically being alive. What other drive could a husk possibly have? The answer seemed clear now as his cock slid in and out of her mouth. Strip away a man's mind and all that was left was a lust for sex.

The crypt was filled with the wet sound of the husk humping her face. In her position, Alishra couldn't do anything to stop him. The husk's hands were both holding tightly onto her head, keeping her in place and letting him thrust against her beautiful face. She tried pushing the creature away from her but he didn't budge. Alishra had always been more of a reader than a worker and now she was paying for that.

As distasteful as all of this was, Alishra would get out of it eventually. Once the husk had finished, it pained her to even consider that, she would be free of it and able to torch his body for doing this to her. She didn't consider how much worse things could get. This was just one husk of two dozen she had raised. It was a mystery to her why her magic had failed on this one, but she would dedicate all of her time to discovering why once she was free.

Alishra's attention was solely focused on enduring getting facefucked, she didn't even notice what the other husks were doing. Her vision was filled by the cock of the thrusting husk and his hips pressing in against her. It wasn't until the other creatures closed in around her that she became aware of them. Her heart began racing even faster. This wasn't some fluke of her magic not working on this body. Something had gone terribly wrong with her spells and they weren't just failing on the one husk, but all of them.

Suddenly it wasn't only one pair of hands on her. The first husk kept trapping her in place and pounding deep into her throat, but the bony hands of the other husks began moving along her body. There were too many to keep track of. At the same time as some were feeling up her thighs, others were pawing at her breasts through her robes. A pair of cold hands clutched onto her ass and groped her cheeks through the fill cloth. Alishra was suddenly the center of attention for all of the husks.

Her mind was racing a mile a minute. What was going on? It was difficult to think as a cock was pressed balls deep down her throat and a half dozen hands roamed along her body. She had created hundreds of husks in her life, why was her magic failing to control these? With time and research, she might be able to find an answer, but as it was there was no solution for her. She might have been able to endure a single one of the creatures betraying her, but she had brought back two dozen of the things. What was she going to do?

The touch of the husks became more and more insistent on her. Their fingers pinched and seized every part of her body. It wasn't long before they began to tear her robes off and leave the garment shredded on the ground. Alishra was left in just her revealing black bra, panties, thigh-high boots, and garterbelt. The cold touch of the husks only became more insistent as her pale curvy body was exposed to them.

Now that they were out of her control they only had one driving purpose and unfortunately for Alishra, she was the only outlet for their desires. All around her the husks were freeing their cocks. Their rock hard thick lengths pressed along her curves as they continued feeling her up. Some stroked themselves as one hand roamed her body, others rocked back and forth against her, using any part of her they could get.

The witch had been trying to push the first husk off of her this entire time, but now the creatures drew her hands away and forced her to take hold of a pair of still grey cocks. The husks thrust up against her soft fingers, moaning out at her touch. Alishra was in no position to refuse the creatures anything. One of them had overpowered her physically and now there were two dozen of them. Without her magic what could she do?

The horde of husks pulled her back up onto her heeled boots but kept her bent over so the first husk to keep sinking his cock into her throat. They began feeling up her hanging breasts as the one directly behind her began to rip her panties off. Suddenly her sex was bared to the chamber of ravenous husks. Her exposed pussy was capped by a neatly trimmed bush of white hair. A pair of cold hands gripped onto her ass cheeks, holding onto them tightly as a cockhead pressed against her folds.

Alishra looked back as much as she could, but with the front husk's balls on her chin that wasn't much. The cock that was pressing against her pussy belonged to one of the husks from the graveyard, an older man that had been buried in a suit. Now his trousers were down around his knees and the head of his cock was slowly pushing into her. The witch couldn't even scream in protest as the husk entered her. Her mouth was stuffed with cock and she only managed to mumble around it.

The husk made steady progress into her. The thick grey cock pressed into her warm sex, spreading her lips around him. Alishra's entire body shuddered as he took her. The sensation of the cock inside of her was so unusual. The shaft was as cold as the grave but alive and hard. Her eyes rolled back as the creature entered her and she sagged between the husks as the feeling overwhelmed her. There was no danger of her collapsing with so many hungry hands on her body.

Her cries of protest died down as the husk's hips pressed against her full ass. His entire cock was buried inside of her pussy and the other husk was up to the hilt in her mouth. Alishra had never been in this sort of position. Obviously, her husks had never turned on her before, but never in her long life had she bent over and taken like this, and certainly not by two men. Not that the husks were even men at this point.

The witch's will to fight was shaken as the husk slowly pulled out of her and then slammed forward back into her body. Even with all the anger and humiliation, she was feeling she couldn't deny the pleasure of it. The husk was hung and it wasn't as if she made much time in her busy schedule for leisure activity such as this. Honestly, Alishra couldn't remember the last time she had sex, a witch's life was never without a dull moment and she always had a dozen different things begging for her attention.

Now there was nothing else to distract her. The husks had made sure of that. All around her all she could see was them standing around her, lusting over her body. The witch let out a whimper as the two of them fucked her, filling her body with their wretched cocks. The anger was still there, when this was over she would get her revenge on the husks, not a single one of them was going to be recognizable when she was done with them. But she couldn't deny that she was beginning to enjoy this whether she wanted to or not.

The husks didn't care about her, or her feelings about the situation. They wanted to be satisfied and they wanted her body. Her pleasure was a byproduct of that. Alishra was helpless between them with no control over what happened to her, but that didn't matter to her body. The thick grey cocks pounding her holes felt good, even if she didn't want this and certainly not from a horde of husks.

In fact, it started to feel too good. Alishra didn't know what the husks would do to her long term, but she knew if she gave in to the pleasure she would be lost in it. She wasn't even putting up a fight right now, how would she be acting after a dozen of them had a go with her? The relentless fucking they were giving her could be addicting and she couldn't give in to it, even if part of her craved to.

It became even more difficult to hold out against it as the husk buried in her pussy brought a hand down and slapped her ass. The smack sent a wobble through her cheek and then her entire body. Alishra couldn't help but murmur in pleasure at the contact. At this point, she was trying to deny their pleasure, not slip further into it. The challenge only grew when more of the husks gathered around her, their clammy hands roaming over her entire body.
