A Wonderful Life (750 words)

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Shafts of the late afternoon sun were slanting through window blinds making ribbons across the bed when Eve Sanderson opened her eyes and turned to look at the empty space beside her.

It was her golden wedding anniversary today. Fifty years ago, she had married the most wonderful man in the world.

For a moment she lay and wondered where her husband Adam had gone, then she remembered.

Adam and Eve!

Even now it made her smile just as it had all those years ago. She had been 12 and he had been a year older at 13 when they had first met. Everyone had been amused by their names but they had both known they were meant to be together and since that day, when they started out on what had been a wonderful life, they been virtually inseparable.

'You're to young' they had constantly been told by their parents and their friends.

But they hadn't listened and when she had turned eighteen they had married.

It been a deliberate decision on their part to remain virgins until their wedding day.

The thought of that night brought another smile to her lips.

Inexperienced and naïve they had fumbled and giggled through their first time and somehow, instead of a disaster, it had been perfect for them.

She recalled how they lay together afterwards, laughing and kissing enjoying the fact they had just consummated their love for each other.

As life went on for them there were things that caused them both pain; the deaths of their parents over the years being the worst. But even as they faced these adversities they found themselves becoming even closer.

Then there were the other experiences and occasions that had given them so much more joy and happiness.

The birth of their three children for one; Michael, Harriet and Sean.

Michael, the eldest had been born just two years after they had married and she could recall the look of sheer delight on her husband's face as he held him for the first time.

Harriet had come along eighteen months later and their lives had seemed complete with the addition of a beautiful daughter.

Their youngest, Sean, on the other hand had been a total surprise nearly five years later. Unplanned, unexpected but a very welcome addition nonetheless.

Those early years had been hard work but they had laughed and loved and been happy.

Eve paused.

'Where was Adam? He should be here by now.' She thought to herself.

Sometimes he was infuriating especially when he forgot the time but even though she was annoyed with him she knew she wouldn't want to change him.

Life had gone on and the children had grown up suffering all the usual trials and tribulations that came with being teenagers and reaching adulthood.

They struggled to come to terms with having an empty nest as the kids had gone to university and then out into the big wide world. Michael to become a solicitor, Harriet a teacher and Sean an engineer.

After that they had had the joy of watching them marry. First Harriet, then Michael and eventually her baby, Sean.

Despite having the house empty they were still a family and every year she had loved her man even more than the year before.

But then, as always, things got better and they had been blessed with the first of their seven grandchildren, Harriet's son, a boy named George.

Over time more grandchildren had followed, almost at regular intervals. Adding to their growing family and giving them the pleasure of spoiling the little ones whenever they had the opportunity.

'What were their names?'

Eve tried to remember.

'Where was Adam when he was needed? He always knew.'

"Hello Eve."

She looked up and to her delight her husband was finally there, standing with the window behind him, the light shining around him like a halo.

"It's time darling."

"Hello sweetheart." She smiled warmly at the only man she had ever loved.

"Are you ready Eve?"

"Yes my love. It's been a wonderful life."

"Oh yes most definitely a wonderful life." He held out his hand to her and as she took it, closing her eyes and sighing contentedly.

"She's gone." The nurse said looking across the bed at the two men and the woman seated opposite.

"What did she say?" Harriet asked her.

"I think it was 'yes my love, it's been a wonderful life'."

"It was and now they're together again." Michael said quietly.

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MysticMysteryMysticMystery19 days ago

Wow, how did I miss this one. What an excellent story, you never cease to amaze me.

JH4FunJH4Funabout 1 year ago
Outstanding Read ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Laptopwriter said it all. This one earned the Outstanding Read ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating I gave it.

Thanks for sharing.

Keep Writing


DazzyDDazzyDover 1 year ago

Just beautiful! 5


laptopwriterlaptopwriterover 1 year ago

I had originally missed this. I'm not a fan of 750 word stories. This, however, is a real gem.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 1 year ago

That was a beautiful story. 5*, of course.

Helen1899Helen1899over 1 year ago

5* what else can one say ( only I can hardly see to type with the tears in my eyes)

DessertmanDessertmanover 1 year ago

That was so beautiful and brought tears to my eyes.

I hope the woman I love can say the same of our time together.

Thank you!

SmuttyandfunSmuttyandfunover 1 year ago

Beautifully written. So sweet and yet so heart wrenching. Well done!

Deuce58Deuce58over 1 year ago

This one of my very most favorites, touched my heart.

ReddladyReddladyover 1 year ago

Lovely and poignant. Well done!

LT56linebackerLT56linebackerover 1 year ago

It is one of my favorites now. Right up there with "All My Fault" Lved it. The Bear approves. But then, underneath it all, I am an old softy. Thank you.


MsSuckMyLollipopMsSuckMyLollipopover 1 year ago

Simple and beautiful. 5*

Storyteller0112Storyteller0112over 1 year ago

Tears well up. Thank you!

MigbirdMigbirdover 1 year ago

Beautifully poignant.

dwoelfledwoelfleover 1 year ago

Loved it. Short and poignant.

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