A1386G Ch. 05


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My mother looked over at Jay, and then myself from her place at the table, and spoke. "You should probably get her vision checked." My mother said, gesturing at Jay with a glass of wine, "I really don't like the way she's holding that book."

I looked over at Jay, who was indeed holding the book up awfully close to her face. "Yeah, I'll make an appointment for her with Doctor Schmidt tomorrow."

My mother ended up going out to spend the night at her girlfriend's place while Jay and I read, only being interrupted when Jay rotated her laundry. When the cool color load finished up in the dryer, I taught her how to fold clothes, and then watched her do it herself a good hour later, after which I went to bed, and took Jay along with me.

"Master, do you want me to sleep on the floor?" Jay said nervously, as she surveyed the room, and found that the only bedding in there was my futon.

"What?" I replied with a wave of my hand, "No, not at all. I just have to unfold my bed."

"Unfold?" Jay said, as I shoved my folded duvet and pillows into her hands. She was adorably confused, with her head tilted to the side and everything.

"Just watch" I said, as I turned back towards the futon, and focused on remembering how to actually unfold the damned thing.

After a couple of false starts, and hitting the wall with the frame only once, I managed to get the futon into bed-mode, albeit now with a foot gap between it and the wall. Jay actually clapped once the pillows and duvet were back in place, although I wasn't sure if it was sarcastic or not.

With my mother out of the house, I wasn't about hesitate with what was going to be next. Of course, my body decided differently, and I was out like a light the second my head was on my pillow.

I awoke later that night, and felt Jay cuddling up against me almost like a cat, as she mumbled incoherently into my shoulder, her head atop my splayed out arm. I reached over with that same arm to brushed her hair with one of my fingers, and she only nuzzled into my shoulder more.

I fell back asleep a few minutes later, only to wake up in the morning when my alarm went off. Jay woke up at the same time, and as I was rubbing the sand out of my eyes, she looked over at me. "Master, I'm feeling full. Do you want to drink it, or should I just go express it?"

I sat up before Jay could do anything else, surprising her. "I'll drink it," I said, remembering my plan from last night, "But I'll need your help with something."

"Of course master," she replied as she sat up. "Is it sex?"

"Yes it's sex. Wait, how do you know about sex?" I said confusedly.

Jay clapped her hands together eagerly, and her eyes had an odd glimmer to them. "I saw an episode of Nova on it master. So, what should I do? The episode I saw didn't cover the um, mechanics of the act."

I shrugged. I guessed I'd have to ask Constance to give her the lecture at some point. "Okay," I said, "I'll make sure you get the whole lecture later, since it'll be an important part of your duties, but for now, just follow my instructions. First off, lay down, and spread your legs."

Jay nodded, and did as I instructed while I licked my fingers. I positioned myself atop her, and when my penis was close enough to her mouth, she began licking the tip, and otherwise toying with it, as I busied myself fingering her, and working over her clitoris. In no time at all she started moaning as her arousal was evident only inches from my face.

After I decided I was good to go myself, I rolled off of her, and sat down with my legs spread. Jay took the hint, and got up, moving so that her entrance was hovering over my erect penis, and I guided her onto it before putting my right hand behind her back to stabilize her.

Then I spoke. "Alright, now I want you to move your hips up and down about three inches, and roll them slightly forward and backward at the same time. Can you do that?"

"Yes Master," She said in between pants, before inhaling slightly as she began the first up-stroke.

I then leaned so that I could reach her right breast, and took its nipple in my mouth, beginning to drink the white fluid within faster than I had before, hoping the additional stimulation wouldn't be too much for her. I felt her begin to constrict as her moans only increased in intensity, and soon enough she was squirting, and I switched to her left breast, repeating the process. There after, I began to move in time with her, and soon enough, I was on the verge of orgasm, holding myself back until I felt her begin to contract again, and even begin shaking.

"gwah, bwuh, master, what's happening?" Jay said, as she started to loose control of her hips. I kissed her to silence her, forcing my tongue and with it some of her milk into her mouth, as I pulled down and held her in place with both arms, readying myself for what came next.

To be fair, I was surprised myself at how violent my orgasm was, even if I had kinda avoided any sort of sex for the week before. It was something else alright though, and I only really remember falling backwards as Jay was dragged down on top of me before I blacked out.

When I came to Jay was still passed out with her milk leaking out on my chest, as a sachet of smelling salts hung between the two of us, and my mother and Coach Nguyen were standing over my bed with a look of sheer embarrassment for the former, and barely stifled laughter on the later.

"We were just coming by to see if you wanted to get breakfast," my mother said, "but we heard a thud, and we came in here to see what had happened."

Jay slowly started to wake up, and as she sat up the three of us got a look at her very disheveled and blank face, and Coach Nguyen couldn't stop herself from laughing. I don't think I'd seen anyone that messed up in years.

Soon enough, my mother and her girlfriend left the room, and I helped Jay up and to the bathroom so could reboot in peace while I stripped the sheets and cleaned the mattress off. Following that, Jay and I showered and got prepared for the day, which included among other things, threatening to whip Jay unless she put her clothes on, and forcefully stripping her when she put her shorts on backwards.

By the time we got to the diner she was not only particularly cuddly, but ungodly chipper as well. Once there, we all ordered what we would. I had Biscuits and Gravy, while my mother and Coach Nguyen had omelets, and Jay got waffles (I don't think I'd ever seen someone that happy to have a waffle either.) We got a few odd looks for bringing a slave into a diner, and letting her eat with the rest of us, but I didn't really care. Jay was still in the attachment phase, and was looking to be particularly co-dependent.

My mother and I managed to sneak away from Jay and Coach long enough at breakfast to have a brief discussion and make a few calls, continuing on from my decision the night before. My mother didn't necessarily agree with it from a practical perspective, but she did understand my decision, and well, considered it a better waste of money than getting a new car at my age.

After breakfast was finished Jay and I went one way, and my mother and Coach going the other way. We ended up making a stop at a big box store, where the two of us made a run in to the Maternity section with a hand truck which prompted Jay to give me a questioning look.

"Someone very close to me who doesn't have a lot just had a baby in the last few days," I said, "and I said I'd pitch in and get them some of the essentials, just stuff like a baby box and a car carrier." Jay fell for the half-truth immediately, and started to coo about how she was blessed to belong to such a kind, caring master. We ended up getting a convertible seat, a sling, and a standard baby box that would double as a crib or bassinet once unloaded. The box said it was suitable for all infants, but I doubted that most free parents with the means for better would put their children in such an institutional set up, since everything was either white or a "stain resistant" lime green. Come to think of it, most of my baby clothes had been lime green too. Still, it'd suit my needs.

Jay was cuddling up to me the entire time we were in the checkout, and the cashier gave me a look of pity and said, "So you decided to let her keep it, huh?"

"Actually, they're for a friend." I lied. The cashier only gave me a knowing nod.

After that was all packed up in the back of my car, we made our way to Saint Amalie's. Along the way I called my girlfriend, with my phone on speaker. When it picked up I heard her lovely and familiar voice. "Hi Rupes," Constance said, "Why are you calling me now?"

Where to begin. I decided that I should have left my plan out of the discussion until it had come to completion, but other than that, everything was fair game. "Well," I said, pausing a moment before continuing. "I kinda went and spent some of my inheritance money at a slave auction yesterday, and I bought this cute little blonde thing that I thought you'd like, but she's not exactly very useful."

"My father said he saw you there while getting Steven's birthday present." Constance replied. "Please don't tell me you got taken for a ride too."

I laughed, and Jay gave me a concerned look. "No, I don't think so." I said, "She's trying hard to please me. Hell she even did the floors last night, so I'm willing to overlook how much she rolls in her sleep."

I heard a mumbly voice on the other side of the line, "Please sir, I know it's out of line, but could I ask your slave's name?"

Jay perked up at that outburst, as the voice was apparently familiar to her. Maybe it was one of the other girls from her facility? "Who was that?" I replied.

"My birthday present," Steven replied, apologizing for his slave, "she was separated from her twin yesterday, so she's having an understandably hard time controlling herself in the circumstances."

"Oh," I said, "I haven't given her a real name yet. She said they'd only called her by her number at Saint Amelie's, A1386J. I've just been calling her Jay until I can think of a good name for her."

We heard the sounds of happy crying, and then I nodded my assent to Jay, allowing her to speak to her sister. "Gee how has your new home been so far?" She said in between sobs. "Is it anything like what we dreamed about when we were still in our group?"

"I, I ha-, I have a name now," Jay's sister said...

"Don't tell me it now!" Jay interrupted. "I want to introduce ourselves in person."

"Constance, could we swing by your place after we've finished up this one last errand?" I said.

"Sure," Constance said, "I'm eager to see what you bought. Call me when you're on your way, okay?" She then hung up the phone while Jay was still processing the fact that she would see her sister again.

At the next stop sign I looked over at Jay, who was now a blubbering, overly emotional mess. "Thank you master." She said, "You're the best owner a girl could ever want."

As we headed off from the stop, I replied, "Don't say that just yet Jay. I've got one more surprise for you, and your training hasn't even begun." She sniffled a bit, and then I saw her nod from the corner of my eye.

The remainder of the drive to Saint Amalie's was nice and uneventful, as Jay was quietly anticipating seeing her sister again. I pulled into the parking lot through an automatic gate, and found an open space by the front door fairly quickly once we were inside the gate. I then set about opening the boxes for the car carrier and the sling and had Jay read the instructions for both while I tossed the packaging into a garbage bag, and stuffed my checkbook in my pocket.

As we entered the building with Jay wearing the empty baby sling, she looked at me with a questioning expression, but said nothing. Honestly, given how warm it was in the building, I didn't want to say anything either.

The receptionist behind the desk was about twice Jay's age, about six months pregnant by the look of her and looked like she was pretty closely related to Jay down to her facial structure and the shape of her nipples. The receptionist was completely naked save for her collar and a lanyard nestled between her breasts which had an ID badge hanging off of it. "I'm here to see Doctor Hansen for her one o'clock appointment," I said, "It'd be under Rupert Young."

The receptionist typed some things in, and then nodded. "You are on the schedule Master Young, and I'll notify the Doctor of your arrival." She said, "If you could take a Guest ID for both yourself and A1386J, the Doctor should be right with you."

I nodded, and grabbed a pair of paper IDs in lanyard sleeves, both with a hastily written 'Young' in them on permanent marker. Jay looked at me nervously when we sat down.

"I'm not going to return you," I said, "we're here to meet with Doctor Hansen, and if all goes well, we're just going to pick something up and be done with it." Jay nodded while I paused. "After all, someone very close to me did give birth recently, and I can't just let a child be taken from it's mother at that age." Jay's eyes shot open again, and she just smiled as she hugged me.

A tall Black haired woman in a lab coat who could only be Doctor Hansen arrived shortly thereafter, and the three of us walked to her office before sitting down around the Doctor's massive Mahogany desk. I noticed there was a Basinet in one corner, and Jay couldn't take her eyes off of the contents of it.

"You know Mister Young, it's not too often we get a call like this." Doctor Hansen said, "Then again, it's not that often we sell off Breeders with live children still in stock either, but given A1386G's performance, we were feeling like those two were cursed."

"Well yes, these are unusual circumstances," I said as I sat upright, "but they can't be that odd, can they? I mean mothers with infants are sold occasionally in the private sector if I remember correctly." Jay was at this point standing over the Bassinet, holding a finger inside of it.

"Well yes," the Doctor replied, "But this is fairly different. I mean I won't lose my license over this, but it could cause problems for me if it gets out I sold an infant to a new owner and an unfit caretaker."

"It won't get out, besides it's the infant's mother, and I have experienced people able to help instruct her, along with the supplies." I said, "Anyway, how much do you want for A1618K?"

The Doctor sighed. "Twelve grand plus taxes and fees." She said, "I really shouldn't do this, but I've got some liquidity issues at the moment, and I do need all the cash I can get at the moment, and I can't really charge that much for an infant."

"That's fair," I said. "Where's the paperwork I need to sign?"

A1618K started to cry, and Doctor Hansen picked her up, before thinking. "The green folder, everything you need to sign is circled, and there's a blue pen sitting out." The Doctor said over the crying infant, "Also, is A1386J still lactating? It has only been a week, and knowing those two, they'd keep it going constantly unless we gagged them."

I found the green folder instantly, and opened the pen to start signing the paperwork. "Jay, take your top off, and follow the doctor's instructions." I said. Jay immediately did as she was told, and within five minutes she was holding her child in something resembling proper nursing posture. That let the doctor and I finish and submit the paperwork much quicker than it would otherwise, and within twenty minutes, Jay was again dressed, everything was signed, and the check was in the Doctor's hand.

Before we got up to leave, I just had to ask a final question. "What did you mean about A1386G's performance?"

The Doctor signed. "A1386G has has some issues with her pregnancies." Doctor Hansen said, "Both she and Jay ended up spontaneously miscarrying on their first go round, and well, the second pregnancy A1386G had took, but it was stillborn."

"A friend of mine ended up buying her," I said, "should I warn him about it?"

"Don't bother." Doctor Hansen said waving a hand as she leaned back in her chair. "We traced the issue back to poor quality semen, and her birth mother is the best producer I ever had, so unless he's also got some sort of defect, she'll likely be able to cary plenty of viable children to term. We just had to get rid of both of them because the other girls would end up thinking they were cursed, which could cause some serious problems, and since I've got plenty more girls from A1001B in the pipeline, I figured it was easier to just retire those two and wait while some of her other children reached the age where I could use them."

I nodded. I could definitely see the logic in that.

"Anyway, you can go." The Doctor said, "I'll call you when A1618K's Registration Card comes in, which should be in like a week or two."

"Thank you." I replied, before both of us stood up and shook hands.

Thereafter, I left with Jay following quickly behind me, and A1618K riding in the sling. Jay did however stop, and look at the receptionist before we exited the building.

When we had A1618K loaded up in the car carrier, and Jay riding in back with her, I turned to look at the two of them. "Why did you stare at the receptionist?" I asked Jay.

"That was A1001B, Master." She replied, "That was my mother."

"Shouldn't you say something to her?" I said as I leaned over to get a better look at Jay's expression.

"No master," She replied, as she looked away from me, and towards the building, "I wouldn't want to torment her like that." She began smiling as she looked back at me. "I do hope my breasts hold up as well as hers have though."

I turned back around, and buckled my seatbelt before starting the car. I didn't understand what Jay was thinking about at the time, and I still don't, but it did put me at ease a bit. As we pulled out of the space, and passed the gate, I spoke. "Anyway I think I've finally decided on a name for you," I paused for a second to let it sink in. "Janice, let's go see your sister."

"Thank you master." She said gleefully. "And could I name A1618K Master?"

"What did you have in mind?" I said as I started off to my girlfriend's house.

"Katerina, after one of the characters from the book I've been reading." Janice replied.

I smiled as I spoke. "I'll allow it." I said. "But I'm giving your next one an L name."

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OhFloridaManNoOhFloridaManNoalmost 9 years agoAuthor

Thanks for your comments! I'm always glad to see that people are enjoying my work, or who have questions and criticism.

Regarding the reasons for slavery: I haven't really gotten around to directly stating it in the main text, but in A1386G, slavery didn't go away for a multitude of different reasons and owning slaves ended up becoming a stereotypically middle-class thing to do. This comes with the usual expectation that slaves in general perform domestic labor, as well as being companions, sex objects and a multitude of other things.

There isn't much of a higher ideology behind it in-universe, but at this point it's so firmly established that large segments of the population have as much of a problem imagining modern life without a slave as they do without cars or electricity.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

What a nice, irreverant, tounge in cheek look at the "Master/slave" relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
great story

I like the storyline, but where's the reason for slavery?

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