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Getting up, I disturbed Kate, who noticed my erection since I crawled out right by her face. Carol, seeing me get up, complained about the cold air, so I said, "Fine. Keep each other warm!"

I had to go so I ran up to the bathroom.

Things took longer than I thought they would, so I went ahead and showered, they'd take longer to do that and I figured I'd get it handled early.

After, I looked in the mirror and ran my hand over my chin. My face had remained stubble-free all week, despite me usually needing a shave daily or I'd be Mr. Grizzly-face by nightfall.

Running my hand over again and feeling it be so soft, without effort? This was sweet! There were some aspects to this cube thing that were small but Very Nice improvements!

Coming downstairs naked, deciding to dangle my way there damply, I got closer and saw they both had their legs bent up and open, fingers going to town on themselves and smiling widely.

I wasn't even ready for them.

Carol's gaze drifted to my dangling member and quickly got up and crawled over to push her mouth over me in one fell swoop, swirling my soft cock around her mouth.

Kate just watched as Carol sucked me to hardness, kicking off the covers so I could see her hand working and her breasts heaving with stuttering breaths.

"Who gets me this time?"

Carol said, "Kate. We slept together last time."

"Taking turns. I see..." I moved around to Kate's feet, knelt, and entered her wet tightness, pressing in and feeling her reluctantly opening vagina caress and envelop me. Just sitting there, holding her legs up, I rocked myself into her, loving the sensations and looking into her wanting eyes as I did.

Carol, coming around to kneel by the side of me and press herself against me, made the sandwich even more beautiful. On I rocked, pulling and pushing, until I just wanted more and laid down on top of Kate, pushing her legs sideways and out with my weight.

On we went, thrusting against each other, loving the sensations flooding through me. Carol's hand was on my back, rubbing and caressing, but soon I wanted to see more, so I said, "Carol? Kiss me? I'll alternate between you two.

Carol lay by our side and I kissed her, then Kate. Hmmmm.

It got to be distracting and I wanted to concentrate on the fucking. Sticking with Kate, I sped up, and up, and soon I was slamming into her and she was grunting away. My balls tightened up, my breathing came in gasps, and YES I was coming, thrusting, shooting seed into her, clench AHH and again clench SPURT yes that's the SPURT thing URnnnrnnfgggggg I came in her, deeply, hard thrusting and loving it.

Kate's urging me on helped, her "Yes, fill me up, fill me, Kevin, make it, put it, yeah, I can feel you through me, all up in me, cum there, cum in me, spurting, yes, do it, fill me, yes..."

We calmed down, and subsided, and rested against each other in a pile for a while.

The light started getting brighter, and I knew my mom would be awake soon.

We got up, they took quick showers, and I hosed off my hose, so to speak, and we got dressed.

All three of us were on the road, well-fed with a mom-breakfast, by 7, and got to the outskirts of Winnipeg by 9:30. I liked having the two girls around because they could chat with each other and I could just look at the scenery.

Our first stop was a country club / golf course, where we walked around and I shook hands with some of the people waiting to start their rounds -- there was a big line. Explaining that I was 'a friend of Dave', I got most of the people around either by just brushing up against their skin or actively shaking their hand.

I even got to meet the executive director of the club in the weight room area.

Everyone I met, I ordered them to go to the website and follow the instructions.

This process took about 30 minutes (it was quick), and then we were off to the next golf place, and the next, and then to a driving range in a ritzy area of town.

Each day-spa we went to was about the same. We'd walk in and I'd shake hands with the manager and staff, and explain we were looking for a place for a bachelorette party, and could we have a tour.

That led to introductions (per my quiet request to the manager) to all the people there. I just said my name was DeVito which was appropriate because they should remember me as looking exactly like him - older, short, and balding.

Given the number of women who were middle aged and looked like they liked being pampered, and who drove expensive cars by the look of the parking lots, I knew there would be some money coming in.

By mid-afternoon, we'd gotten to some tennis and racquetball clubs, and even went to a few car dealerships and pretended to shop, getting introduced to the general manager and any of the exceptionally fat people I decided to help out.

There was a shopping mall north of town that had a set of high-end stores that had all gone bankrupt when the pandemic happened, and they weren't back yet. But, near them, there still were jewelry stores and a cooking store that sold overpriced pots and pans, and I managed to tap some of the ladies in there.

As it got near dinnertime, we decided we might like to stay in a hotel, but I hadn't ever done that. Kate said she had once when her grandmother had died, but Carol didn't remember it.

We were definitely small-town. There wasn't ever a reason to get a hotel room.

Sure, I'd seen the process in movies, but it's a different thing to try it the first time. We decided we wanted one with a restaurant or room service or something. If they had a salad bar, we'd just be eating food where some of it would go to waste anyway -- I had to justify the ethics to myself at least a little.

Not paying for the room seemed like it would be okay as long as the room would be empty anyway, but only if we left a tip for the housekeeping staff. There were several options, and the best one seemed to be The Weltsheer Hotel and Spa, which we'd skipped earlier just because we thought we might get in there for the night.

Kate wanted to call ahead and find out who the manager was and have this ruse that we'd put on, some kind of a plan.

Thinking about it, it seemed too complex, so we just parked and went inside. The front desk was busy, but I waited and watched to see who the manager was. I got a business card from one of the desks without really be noticed by anyone, then went up to the manager and shook her hand.

"How can I help you?"

We were far enough away from people I could speak quietly without being overheard, "Hello. We want to stay here tonight, for free. Can you arrange this without anyone getting in trouble?"

She said, "Oh, sure. We'll just book you in as a comp -- a complimentary stay. Three of you? What kind of room?"

I said, "Can it be a really nice suite? Like, super nice and big and stuff?"

"Oh, sure. Whatever room you want. How many beds?"

"You have any with a big king bed?"

"Sure...." She led us over to the computer, and started typing in things. "What's your name?"

"I don't want to tell you. Please make one up."

She looked worried and said, "I'll need a credit card for this, even though we're not going to charge it. Hmm.... I can use mine..."

Carol handed her a prepaid visa card that someone had given her, one of my English class classmates.

This worked.

She showed us upstairs herself.

The room turned out to be a very nice double-door suite with two bedrooms and a piano in the center. She said the room came with concierge service, but that if I called that, it might generate a bill and she couldn't control that part easily.

Included, she said, was either room service or dining in the restaurant downstairs, or the high-end restaurant on the top level, overlooking the river and with a view of the Capitol.

Once she left, we whooped!

This was fantastic! The main room was just like a large formal living room, with a giant TV screen on one wall, another TV on another wall, a couple of couches separating things, and a kitchen and well-stocked bar area beside it.

I hadn't even considered getting drunk.

I wasn't generally that kind of guy -- that was more a hooligan hockey crowd thing to do.

We looked at the menu and ordered expensive steak dinners, lots of sides, desserts, watched a movie, and had a bang-up time.

And, we tried 3-way sex in the living room. I lay on the couch, had Kate kneel over my mouth so I could eat her out, and Carol rode my cock.

Needless to say, they had more orgasms than I did.

The next morning, we showered, packed, had a great breakfast buffet, and left by way of the front desk. The clerk (a different lady) printed out our bill, a big fat Zero at the bottom. She said, "Oh, right. Comp'd. Sure. I hope you had an excellent stay!"

Compliments all around, and we left, happy as clams.

While I'd walked around and 'bumped' into some people in the restaurant's buffet section (none of whom looked very rich but most of whom needed to lose some weight), we moved back to the ritzy area of town to hit their country club again.

This time, we just hung out at the fancier one for a while and I managed to talk to just about everyone who came in, in between reading my physics textbook and trying to do some problems.

Carol and Kate took a long walk around the perimeter, and returned to tell that they'd had to pause for a long while since people would have hit them with golf balls if they hadn't.

Such were the risks of golf. I remembered reading once someone saying that golf was, "A good walk, interrupted.' I had no opinion, really, it looked like some people thought it was fun, but I had to guess there was some kind of learning curve since it looked hard to be able to hit a ball straight, and I saw lots of people do exactly NOT that.

After eating at the club's restaurant (salad bar, for free, of course, but tipping the waiter for his trouble), we drove home, enjoying the nice late-summer weather that managed to not be rainy and still be weekend.

On the way, about 4 pm, Carol's phone beeped while she was driving so she had Kate get it from her purse. Kate read off, "It's from Deanna. Go or no go for tonight? If yes, she says, I need paperwork."

Carol said, "Kev, that's your sleepover. Are you schtupped out? Do I tell Deanna yes or no?"

I thought about it. I did like having a 'bed-warmer', as it were. It occurred to me we hadn't moved my mattress back upstairs.

"I'm game to try it. Yes." I liked Deanna, I'd known her since 2nd grade and she'd turned from a wacknuts-frenzied person into a somewhat quiet girl during high school. The second part of that text was odd, though. "What's paperwork?"

"Means we have to stop by her house on the way home and shake hands. She needs a good cover story. Obsessive parents. She doesn't have one prepared."

"Kate, ask her if her mom and dad are going to be home if we stop by, in, say, 45 minutes? Tell her we'd like to stop by if we can."

The reply came back, yes, so we had a plan.

Deann's house was actually sort-of on the way, on the outskirts of town and almost a farmhouse, though her dad sold insurance and wasn't a farmer.

We got out of the car and walked up the walk; Deanna met us at the door and let us in.

Her mom was in the kitchen making dinner and her dad was watching TV, which he paused to come and talk with us. I got the feeling they didn't have many guests. Shaking their hands, I explained that they were going to obey the website, and that from now on, they would treat Deanna like a grown-up and be very happy that she was having as much sex as she wanted, including sleeping over at my house or any other house overnight.

Her dad was worried that she would get pregnant and her immortal soul would be damaged by this behavior, but her mom was quiet. I informed them that Deanna's choices were her own, that sex was not immoral but a private choice, and that it was part of God's divine gift of beauty in this world.

I might have stretched things a bit.

Still, I continued, it's important to be responsible.

I asked Deanna if she was on birth control and she said, 'Of course, all the girls I know are'. She wondered aloud how I could convince her parents so easily, and I did a pretty-please on her and told her that she should accept that I had various powers and regard them as a normal part of me but not talk about them with anyone except Carol.

Just about then, the door opened and in walked Deanna's older sister and with her grandparents.

Introductions had to be done all around again, and the whole thing repeated, which took about 10 minutes since I rambled. I was getting better, but I wasn't as terse as I could be. I figured it was like speech class -- the better you are, the fewer words you use.

On our way out with Deanna in tow, I gave Deanna's sister Ellen (a nice looking gal who was going to the community college nearby) instructions like the English class ones and got her to text Carol for scheduling later.

After all, I'm not stupid!

My town's only so big, and there's only a small percentage of it that's good looking girls. If I had two in the same room, so be it!

We drove home, Deanna joining us in Kate's car.

Getting out in the driveway, we bade farewell to Carol and Kate, who drove off with a wave and Deanna and I went into the house.

My mom wasn't home -- she'd left a note that she'd be working until 10 pm and then had to be on again at 7, so she'd see me then.

Deanna and I got to work. I figured we had a good couple of hours to clean, and I was guilty about leaving my mattress in a mess to complicate my mom's life over the weekend.

Deanna didn't seem to mind when I told her that the reason it was downstairs propped up next to the TV was that Carol, Kate, and I had a sleep-over on Friday night so we could go on a trip on Saturday. She told me Carol had mentioned the trip but not where we'd gone.

I glossed it over as a tour of Winnipeg, U Manitoba and some other colleges, and a general night out. I left out staying in a giant hotel room entirely; she had to have known I wouldn't have money for that and explaining it seemed like a needless risk of info-sharing.

Our house was NOT like Deanna's. Her mom was neater than we were by leaps and bounds, it was obvious. Or, they had a maid. Or, her grandmother cleaned. Regardless, this helped Deanna's sense of how to Get Things Done, since after we got the mattress back upstairs she set to work doing general cleaning. I wasn't going to object, for sure.

I set to work upstairs in my room, mostly because when someone is on a roll cleaning, the first rule is, don't interrupt them.

My basket of laundry moved out a big chunk of mess in my room, and Deanna just met me as I walked in. She took the laundry and said with a pleased, get-it-done attitude , 'thanks, I got this'.

Since having someone else do my laundry was a BOON, I went back upstairs and did some more straightening. My room was an actual mess, and I looked at some of the posters on my walls and decided I wasn't as young as my wall-posters said I was.

I even vacuumed.

Of course, Deanna heard my vacuuming. When I finished, she took it downstairs, so I could keep going. There were things under my bed that I didn't remember owning.


Some part of this activity was magical. I really liked having a helper. I decided this kind of thing should probably be in the Fit-529 instructions, maybe adding a thing about being reasonably tidy, organized, or maybe even something like, 'joyful in keeping a clean house'. I didn't know what exact wording should be so I texted Carol with the idea and emphasized I didn't want to turn people into OCD cases, or have overnight transformations that people would notice and get suspicious of.

Carol texted back, "Got u [thumbs-up] will add, Boys n girls both?"

"General, in instructions. Almost mentions it now, but needs clarity. Goes with being a life coach, telling people to get organized, make their living space tidy and uncluttered, that kind of thing. Probably a good idea. I hear that stuff all the time from those those self-help video dudes - the ads between other videos? Some of that might make sense."

"Done by 2morrow. Luv u [heart]"

"Love you, too." I liked using more complete sentences than she did. It seems to be an individual thing in texting parlance, some people used 'em and some didn't.

Cleaning things up, I opened the nightstand that was mostly below my desk and thus mostly useless. The cube was in it, wrapped in an old t-shirt.

Shutting the door and locking it just to be sure, I got out the cube again and sat on my bed with it.

Just holding it, I felt a little dizzy, and I realized I was hearing a buzzing sound, but then it wasn't buzzing, it was ringing in my ears. The ringing continued, and I realized I was super-tense, so I relaxed and took some deep breaths.

The buzzing faded away, and I realized I was probably being silly, so I wrapped it up again and put it back.

I had to make sure other people didn't touch this thing, I decided. I had a toolbox in my closet, so I hammered some nails through the hidden side of the nightstand to prevent it opening.

There was knocking on the door. "Hey, you okay in there? The door's locked."

"Be out in a minute. I'm fine."

Getting the rest of the room put back right, tools away, bed made, I finished up and went downstairs to see what Deanna had done.

Things were Definitely Cleaner!

The kitchen was set, things were put away and dusted and cleaned. It looked like the cabinets had been wiped down, even! I gave Deanna a hug and she showed off what she'd done.

She complained that she didn't know where some things went but she tried logical places, so I turned and kissed her.

We smiled at each other. She was proud of what she'd done, and I was delighted at the gift she'd given my mother and I.

It was late. We'd had "dinner" in the car, but it had been 'healthy' and I was hungry again, so we made some ham sandwiches for ourselves and were eating when my mom came in. She looked tired. I didn't blame her, working that many hours obviously wore her down.

She smiled and greeted me, then the same to Deanna, but as soon as she saw what we'd done in the kitchen her face lit up and she almost started crying. We all hugged, and my mom was so excited she kissed Deanna's cheek.

We stood there a while and chatted, and I could see that there was work to be done on the house that I'd been neglecting since, well, I didn't really have to do it and Mom didn't make me. But, seeing it as 'my' house, too, kind of made me think of things in a different way.

All of the things wrong with our house, I could probably fix, given time and some money.

The dryer beeped and Deanna went to the 'mud room' to change it over. We walked over, and my mom said, "You don't have to do that! Kevin can do his own laundry."

I said, laughingly and fake-apologetically, "Oh, I'm so sorry, but, you know, Mom, hey, like, after all, if I, say, accidentally, happened to pick up my laundry basket, and somehow that basket ended up somewhere away from me, and then someone accidentally happened to discover it was ready to be washed, and then accidentally that laundry just On Its Own, GOT UP, and, like, FELL INTO the washer? Who am I to object to what the universe is doing? I'm not going to get in the WAY or anything, should the UNIVERSE [I looked at Deanna and smiled then back at my mom] decide to make something happen!?!"

They both laughed at me as we went back to the kitchen. Mom got her stuff set down and then went upstairs.

She called down to me a moment later. "Kevin! Your room! It's... like something CLEAN happened!"


Deanna had finished her sandwich, washed, dried, and put away her dishes, and set about folding my laundry. I felt bad just sitting there watching her work, but at the same time, it was kind of cool. Plus, I hadn't finished my second helping of potato salad (Mom made it infrequently, at which point I gobbled).
