Aaron Ch. 06-10


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"I'll be home soon. I love you mum."

"I love you too. Be safe."

"I will. I've gotta go, I'm meeting some of the team out of town and as Kate has the car I will need to run. Bye mum."

"Next time I try to communicate with you pay attention, I hate these damn phones."

Aaron smiled as she hung up. She always moaned about how people were too dependent on their gadgets, phones, laptops, ipads, you name it his mother hated them. Unless she wanted to tell one of her children what was what, then she would use any and every bit of technology required.

He reached out to Kate, "Kate, I'm about to go for a run and meet up with some of the team, you okay?"

"I'm fine. Of course I knew you lot would meet without me."

"Hey, they just contacted me and you are already busy, I could tell them to wait till you're back?"

"No, forget it. I'm sorry, just wound up and ready for this to be over."

"I hear you. I want to get my mate home and start our life together."

"Aaron, about last night..."

"I promise we'll talk about everything as soon as we get home, okay?"

"But I..."

"Kate, we both need to keep our focus, fuck maybe we should have held off on mating until after this mess was..."

"Fuck you Aaron, fuck you. I wish we had never mated at all."


"Leave me alone."

"You don't want me? Then why did you wrap your mouth around me? Why did you mark me?"

"Because I'm an idiot. Don't worry Aaron, as soon as we get home I'll get Thorn to agree to break the bond."

"Like fuck you will. I'll see you later, you and I need to talk."

"As you said, we don't have time."

"We can talk tonight, I'll fill you in on the meeting with the team and we can sort out what is going on with..."

"No, because the shit is going to hit the fan before I get back to the motel. We won't be talking until it is too late."

"Excuse me?"

"Emily is dressed in the exact outfit from my vision. I know why I am there before the team arrive now. We're still out together when the fur starts flying."

"You need to get back here. Now."

"Fuck you. I'm so sick of you giving me orders and telling me, fucking showing me, how much you don't want me, so sick of feeling like I'm some piece of crap on your shoe..."

"You are fucking crazy woman, where, where is this happening? Where do we need to be? Fuck tell me how to make sure you'll be okay?"

"I'll only be okay when this is just a faded memory. Until then I'm pretty much fucked."

"Kate, please just tell me..."

"I've gotta go, I have a sixteen year old looking at me like I'm crazy, oh hold on, this just in, I am, I'm fucking crazy. Maybe it runs in the family. Crazy broken mother, crazy rapist father, equals crazy fucking unwanted Katie. I'll show you where soon."

"KATE!"His growl ended with the smashing of plaster and board as his hand went through the motel room wall. Yep, he'd well and truly fucked up, not just with Kate, but now he had to pay the damages at the motel.


"What the fuck is going on?"

"I'm sure you know. So how about you let me get on with what is going on here and save yourself the lecture on how I've fucked up again."

"Aaron, come on, I just felt so much pain from both of you. What happened?"

"She wants to break the mating bond."


"That about sums it up."

"You want me to come there?"

"Alex, I know you're needed there. I'm not completely out of the loop I know the shit is flying, there and here, right now."

"They can handle this without me. I'll be there..."

"No. Alex please don't come. I don't want to... fuck if you come she won't even have to deal with me, she'll shut me off completely."

"Okay. You call if you change your mind. Aaron, please be careful, both of you distracted like this... it isn't good timing bro."

"I am well aware."

"She says that, she's rubbing off on you bro."

"I have to go."

"Okay. Man I need you to be alright. I need you to promise."

"Like all those times you went off and were in danger and told me not to be a pussy when I worried about you?"

"Yeah call me a pussy as much as you like, just promise."

"I promise. See ya pussy."



Kate and Emily weren't at the mall long when Kate noticing Emily drawn to her phone again stopped walking. "Okay so for someone who swears there is no guy you seem to be glued to that phone."

"Something is going on with one of the girls from the foster home I stay at. She is begging me to go see her."

"Okay then we'll wrap up here and go see her."

"Um, I don't know. There's something really fishy about the people she hangs out with."

"Your call Em, we go and see her or we keep shopping. But I kind of get the feeling you won't be able to relax if you're worrying about someone..."

"I just don't even know if she's worth worrying about. I keep trying to be her friend but, well she drinks quite a bit and she is more worried about what this skeevy guy she's met thinks of her than what I have to say."

"Mmmm girls sometimes take a while to realise the real relationships are the friends that always have their back."

"I wouldn't know about that either, I've always had to look out for me, you know, and if she had a guy like Aaron I wouldn't be worrying, your man is a good man Katie."

"Oh hush, I know he is, but he isn't perfect, and I'm sulking at the moment, as my friend you should take my side."

"As your friend I should tell you the truth. Suck it up buttercup. You could do much worse than a man who can't stop looking at you. Who, looks like he'd take a bullet for you."

"Okay I think I may have to elevate you to pesky sister, I've already filled my bestie slot but you've surpassed just 'friend" status."

"Sister? Yeah I think you may need medication, you barely know me."

"Yeah, okay so I won't rush you. You can think about it till I leave town, or we leave town. You can come with me, we can con the system and let them think I'm a sister you weren't aware of until I found you."

"For an adult you are totally ridiculous. That wouldn't even pass as a movie plot let alone reality."

"Okay so if we decide to do this we will need to work on the story, add some facts and bluff, but it will work. After all they like to reduce the numbers from what I know and you'd be one more 'success story' reunited with loving family."

"Or sent off to wherever with a total nutcase." Emily rolled her eyes but then laughingly added, "I'll think about it. For some reason your crazy seems to be very appealing."

"I'm a verrrrry appealing person." Katie mimicked perfectly.

"Oh My God you are so fucking brilliant. I love that movie."

"Well I am delighted you at least knew what I was referencing. By the way I know I shouldn't but I love cheesy teenage girl movies. I think I will love them till I die."

"Okay so you're really giving me the hard sell, but it is kind of working."

"Great. So I'm grabbing these things and then we'll go see what the problem is with um...?"


"Right Sophie." Kate quickly thought back over her visions and realised Sophie was the young girl already off her face on whatever by the time the crap hit the fan. She was so out of it she was barely conscious let alone coherent. "Do you know where we need to go?"

"Yeah. It isn't far from the motel, so if you want you can drop me and head back."

"Hell no. I'm not the kind of big sister that would let you walk into any dodgy situation alone."


"Aaron, I hope you and the team are ready."

"Where the fuck are you? There are supposedly two separate situations in town, the team have to split to cover them. I need to be where you are."

"Leaving the mall and heading to the block in behind all the abandoned businesses. You better not move yet or you'll miss getting the bad guys. Get organised but wait till I say to move."

"Kate, you cannot expect me to just..."

"Aaron I expect nothing from you. What I would like is for you to think about what is at stake here."

"My mate. My mate is at stake."

"I am in no danger. I told you that."

"Forgive me if your visions, which you have never shared with me before, so are not something I have proof work out every time, don't fill me with total confidence. You cannot control what others do. Actions which could change."

"I am well aware."Kate paused, "I know you haven't dealt with my visions before but I have a really good hit rate. Even if a bit changes the overall outcome rarely does. I'm almost one hundred percent."

"Rarely? Only almost? Fuck the guys at least made out you were never wrong. Now I'm freaking out. Katie, please be careful and let me know when we can move in, don't leave it too long."

"Thank you Aaron. I know this is hard for you."

"Yeah, whatever."

"I like this playlist Kate. You have some really different stuff on here."

"I like a wide range of music. This one is actually one I stole off Aaron. Don't tell him I said this but when I looked through his music I was kind of wowed."


"I thought he was just this shallow, chick magnet, sex addict and would only be interested in whatever was playing at the latest meat market nightclub he was frequenting."

"Geez Kate. That's harsh."

"I know. I guess I have spent the early part of our relationship wondering what else I'm wrong about and what other surprises are in my future."

"Sounds like you're scared. Give him a break and just chill out."

"All this unsolicited advice is giving me a headache."

"Rubbish, you love having a sister to keep you on the right path." Emily turned the music up as Kate rolled her eyes again.

"Okay so you want to take the next left. There's an old carpark in the next block, they're hanging out there. Be warned the music will be bad, the alcohol will be revolting and I have no idea how many people will be there, but I know all of them will be damaged or disgusting."

"Sounds fantastic. Damaged or disgusting? What do you mean by that?"

"Well in this town there are the victims, prey if you will, like me, no families or support, lost, damaged. People like the women you've met that have lost all hope of life getting better and now want to use chemicals to escape their reality. Then there are those perverts abusing those people, either for money or sex. They're the type of people coasting somewhere between jail and death. Not caught yet or between sentences behind bars. On the path to destruction but not happy to go there alone they want to take as many with them as they can."

"Okay Suzie Sunshine. I can hear the sounds of hell so we must be close." Kate listened and then looked at Emily, "Please tell me that isn't what I think it is."

"No can do. The soundtrack for hell is and always will be bad auto-tuned top twenty pop."

"Well fuck Em, I didn't sign on for this shit. I can handle women in distress, asshole drug pushers or whatever, but I cannot cope with... oh shit is that... NO I am not doing this."

"Oh come on a little bad pop never killed anyone."

"Bad pop? What a bloody understatement. They just wrapped up a Katy Perry song, I could have survived that without my ears bleeding but now they're playing..."

"Yeah I hear you, I won't mention his name if you don't."

"I'm not going to be able to get that damn song out of my head Em. It will circle round and round, and haunt my days."

"The days will be the least of your problems. You'll be snuggling up to Aaron at night and then..."


"Park here, I can see Sophie. She doesn't look too good. I'll text and see if she will come here rather than us going over."

"Good plan, but by the octopus wrapping his tentacles around her and feeding on her neck I doubt she'll even look at her phone."

"Kate, we're teenagers we never ignore our phones."

"Yeah, well I'll bet you ten dollars that he won't let her get to that phone."

"I'd take your bet if I had ten dollars." Emily's thumbs were in furious motion.

They watched as Sophie went to break the connection with the octopus and try to pull out her phone. As it cleared her pocket he lost it. He grabbed the phone and threw it across the ground and tipped her backwards moving over her.

"All your focus should be on me." He yelled loud enough that Kate and Emily both went for their door handles.

"Em, stay in the car. I'll get her."

"No way. I'm coming."

"Now Aaron. Come now."

"I'm right here, baby, I'm coming."

The two young women moved towards the group as Sophie cried out. "I think she said no." Kate spoke as they approached.

"Honey, they never say no." A guy standing with more of the group glared at her and she knew the guy currently on Sophie was well down the food chain from the man about to confront her.

"Listen honey," she spoke letting her sarcasm hide the growl of her wolf. "I've come to collect Sophie. He can get off her and let me take her or I can call for back up."

"Back up? You think this is a cop show?" A third voice joined in, Kate straight away knew he was using more of the product than he was selling.

"Oh no, this is completely real, and you better get your high as a kite head out of your butt, because the reality is going to blow your addled mind."


The guy finally sat back letting Sophie rise slightly, her words however were not what Emily or Kate expected. "See, Robbie, I told you she would come. The little virgin I promised you." She laughed as he leaned back in and feasted on her throat again.

"You told me you were in trouble. You told me to come and help you." Emily was ashen as she realised how badly she had been betrayed. "You told them all I was a..."

"Virgin. They gave me some stuff, it is so good. I feel better than I have ever felt. I wanted more but they said it cost." She laughed and shrugged. "I fucked all of them most of the day but I need more and they said the only thing worth the amount I want is ... someone pure. A good girl like you."

"I'm not even legal you dumb bitch. Come on Kate, leave the bitch there. I'm coming home with you. I am so pleased my sister came and found me."

A loud growl echoed through the carpark as Emily turned to leave. The man took his wolf form quickly and Kate barely had time to growl at him before two wolves ran between him and her. She knew her role and quickly turned to grab Emily and pull her away from the danger.

"What the..."

"It's okay. Emily trust me." Kate watched the wolves fight her heart in her throat. Her eyes glued to...

"Fuck. That's Aaron?"

"How the hell did you work... um yeah."

"You look at him the same when he's a man as you do when he's... what the fuck is he?"

"The good guy?"

"Seriously? You're going to hold back on me now? My sister?"

"The guys here, the dangerous, disgusting ones, they're not just here for the drugs and sex. We've come to stop them. They're trafficking women. Selling young women."

"Okay. I'm sure that is really important. I'm sure I'll be really proud of you, Aaron, and your, um... friends, for bringing that to an end. However what I really need to know right now is what they are. Are they fucking werewolves?"

"Um yeah. About that. I know these guys are bad news. Monsters. But not all werewolves are..."


Kate turned away from Emily panicking at her scream, "What happened? Is it Aaron?"

"You're worried I think all werewolves are bad? You're worried I think Aaron is bad? You, fuck, you're a werewolf too." It wasn't a question.

"Yeah. I know it's huge but it doesn't change anything. I still want you to come with us. I still want to help you."

"What kind of moron do you think I am?"

"I know it's really scary and you're watching a full on fight right now, but I swear this is the first wolf fight I've seen in my whole life. You'll be safe with us. We would never..."

"Oh Kate shut up." Emily threw her arms around Kate and held her close. "I trust you and Aaron totally. I mean I know I'm just a damaged kid and you and I haven't known each other long but seriously Kate don't look so terrified." Emily tensed against Kate. "Kate, Aaron is, I think he's hurt."

Kate turned quickly and seeing Aaron go down turned wolf and ran into the fight.

"No, Kate, No. KATE!"


Kate heard both Aaron and Emily screaming at her. She never paused she went for the dark grey wolf. She let her teeth clench around his back leg. She felt her teeth drag along the bone. Tear through a tendon. She heard his roar as he turned his attention to her. He was much larger than her. She knew this was going to hurt. Okay so she should probably confess to Aaron this part hadn't been in her vision. But right now he was already hurt, and really pissed off, so maybe she would keep that little bit of information to herself. She felt the air move around her as a fully clawed paw came swinging in her direction, but before it made contact the wolf was howling his death cry. Aaron tearing out his throat. "Thanks, I didn't really think that through." Kate looked around and saw everyone else was under control but then her eyes saw what her vision knew to be true. Emily, terrified, had turned into her wolf."

"Thanks? You're fucking thanking me? You just put yourself in danger Katie. You promised you would stay safe."

"You were hurt."

"I don't give a shit! You never put yourself in danger."

"I'll try to remember that for next time."

"Kate, what would I have done if he had hurt, or, fuck, killed you? Fuck he could have killed you!"

"You'd be back to fucking everyone else before my body turned to ashes."

"You think that? You can't believe that I would..."

"I've got to go and look after Em. She's terrified."

"Whatever." Aaron left in wolf form. Not looking at Kate again.


Kate asked one of her pack mates that had retained human form to open the backdoor of the car. She climbed in and changed back to human form pulling on the cheap clothes she had bought at the mall. She then grabbed the blanket and the bag of clothes she had bought knowing Emily would need them and approached the young wolf cowering in the dark corner. "It's okay Emily. I know this is not the best way to find out you're wolf too, but we will help you. I'm going to come and put this blanket around you and I need you to try and relax and just let me sit with you for a bit. Can you do that?"

A small whimper as Emily sat awkwardly was confirmation enough for her. Kate immediately moved in and placed the blanket around the trembling body. "Shhhh it's okay. Emily, most of us know we are werewolf from birth but occasionally a wolf gets lost in the human word and they don't know until something, often puberty, triggers the first change, I know a few wolves like you that didn't know, you'll be okay, I swear. You need to slow your heart rate and let yourself come back to your human form."

Kate waited quietly listening to her new friend's heart slow right down, and then the panic take over again and the rate increase again. "Okay so this approach isn't working so well. How about you try and talk to your wolf, your human self and your wolf can communicate. She will help you."

It took about half an hour of giving Emily silent support before Kate could see her resuming her human form. As soon as she could talk she burst into tears. "Oh Em, don't cry honey."

"I'm a monster. That's why they left me."