Abbie's Summer


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Leaning back on the counter, Tony smiled. "Good choice."

She looked into his eyes and slowly lifted her dress, up and right over her head, then stood naked before him. Her nerve faltered momentarily and she blushed, then quickly put on the bikini and checked herself out in a full-length mirror. It was perfect: the four tiny scraps of fabric fit her snugly and barely covered her breasts and ass.

Abbie felt her tutor come up behind her, one hand sliding across her belly, the other cupping a breast, his breath warm on her neck. She sighed, and closed her eyes.

"I want you... so much," he whispered, sliding one hand inside the front of her bikini briefs. She tilted her pelvis, eagerly offering up her very aroused, wet cunt to his invading fingers.

"I'm yours," she whispered back.

She turned and kissed him, gently biting his lip and his neck as she unbuttoned his shirt for him, pulled it loose, and then unzipped his pants. She crouched to pull down his pants and undershorts. Tony's thick, erect penis sprang free, right in front of her face. She looked up and smiled at him. "It's beautiful," she breathed. Very slowly, eyes locked on his, Abbie let her tongue slide over and around the head before taking his hard cock in her mouth. She sucked on it, swirled her tongue around it, making him groan. She felt his hands at the back of her head, urging her on, and knew that he wanted more.

Abbie's whole body tingled with lust. She slid her hands around to his hard buttocks and took his cock deeper into her mouth. Tony sighed in bliss as she sucked him hard. She released him, let her lips tighten just beneath the head, and then pulled his shaft into her again. Taking his cue from her, Tony began to fuck her mouth – slowly, gently, letting her stay in charge by holding onto his ass cheeks with both hands. With each stroke Abbie swallowed his cock a little deeper and held him there, sucking him rhythmically, before releasing again. Belying her inexperience, Abbie's sensual intuition took over. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and let his cock slide still deeper, inch-by-inch, until she felt him enter her throat, swallowing him completely. To her surprise and delight, she did not gag. She held him there as she suckled... then released again.

"Oh God, Abbie... I'm going to cum!" he gasped.

She glanced up, eyes sparkling, then swallowed him fully again... held him there, sucking, urging him on. Tony's legs shook, his head tilted back and his orgasm hit him like a bolt of lightning. He jerked, cried out and his cum spurted down her throat, jet after jet. She gripped his ass, pulling him completely into her, swallowing in unison with each spasm of his cock.

Only when his climax subsided did Abbie free him from her throat and draw breath. She tasted his salty cum. As she released him slowly, she closed her lips around his cock, freeing him at last with a little pop. With a wicked grin she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

He shuddered, eyes wide, stunned... "How... on earth... did you do that?" he said, his breathing ragged.

"Dunno," Abbie giggled, "but you're not finished yet, Mr Hughes!"

He smiled weakly back. She took his softening cock reverently in one hand and cupped his balls with the other. Her tongue danced and slid over his penis, avoiding the oversensitive head, then gently licked his balls.

Abbie stood and kissed him long and deep. She bent her head and sucked his nipples, making him groan. Tony watched, transfixed, as she stepped back and sat on the edge of the sales counter before him, pulled open her bikini top and traced wet rings around her own stiff nipples with a moistened finger. Consumed by desire, all inhibitions gone, she lay back and drew her feet up to the edge of the counter... let her knees fall wide apart... pulled her bikini bottom to the side... and arched her back, offering herself to him. He gazed at her coral pink, glistening cunt and thought that he had never seen anything so achingly, wantonly beautiful. Abbie opened herself with her fingers, dipped inside and slowly began to stroke her clit. To his amazement, Tony's cock stirred, and grew rigid once more.

She smiled at him, almost shyly. With shaking hands, she undid the ties of her bikini, letting the wisps of material fall away. Naked now, she lay open before his gaze, thighs spread widely apart like a deliciously provocative nymph. She felt feral in her desire.I'm a bitch in heat,she thought to herself with an inward smile. Slowly, gracefully, Abbie turned over onto elbows and knees, presenting herself to him again, ass high in the air, shoulders low. She bit her lip, heart pounding, waiting... her whole body ached to be taken, to be fucked by this beautiful man, her teacher.

She felt his hands on her hips and sighed deeply; pressed back at him so his hardness nestled into her ass-cleft. Urgently, his hands pulled her open and his cock plunged deeply into her slick cunt with one stroke. Abbie gasped... met his thrust... arched her back. And then at last they fucked... roughly, both crying out with animalistic desire. He ravaged her, slamming hard into her willing cunt, his buttocks clenching with each thrust... gripping her hips and pulling her towards him, his balls slapping against her. The heady scent of passionate sex filled their nostrils.

"Oh yesss...fuck me, FUCK me!" Abbie heard a woman's howl of desire and realised, with a shock, that it was her own voice. As she bucked and jerked, Abbie rubbed her clit with one hand. The need to cum consumed her and made her body thrum with almost unbearable tension.

And then she erupted with a half-scream, orgasm flushing through her from her neck to the tips of her toes. Tony rode with her climax, thrusting in time with her waves of pleasure. Just as her orgasm began to subside she felt him groan and the spasms of his own climax spurted deep inside her.

She collapsed face down onto the counter, her legs suddenly weak as jelly. His semen dribbled out of her as she pressed her legs together and squeezed her inner muscles, little ripples of pleasure coursing through her still. Tony climbed up onto the counter beside her, stroked her face and took her tenderly in his arms. She nuzzled into his shoulder, tears pricking her eyes.

Abbie knew in that moment she had been transformed. No longer a sexual novice, she was a young woman whose sexuality had been ignited and now burned at the core of her being. She was shaken... amazed... and very excited, as she thought about the summer ahead. Even now, lying in Tony's arms feeling wonderfully contented and fulfilled, she knew she was both ready and eager for more erotic adventures.

"Thank you, Mr Hughes," she murmured.


A few weeks later, In early January, Abbie was sitting on board a plane to Auckland. She was feeling a mixture of apprehension and slight deflation. David had phoned the previous evening to explain that he and his parents had to attend some boring business meeting in the city, which meant they wouldn't be able to meet her as planned.

"I'm so sorry, babe. I miss you heaps, but it's only going to be one more day," he said. His mother and father both came on the phone to apologise as well. They sounded really friendly and welcoming.

"Don't worry, Lara will take care of you. She's staying for the summer as well," David said. Lara was David's 26-year-old stepsister. He had spoken of her a few times, and had said they got on well together.

"How will I recognise her?" Abbie asked, a little plaintively.

"Oh, she'll recognise you... she knows all about you," David replied


As she walked into the arrivals area Abbie scanned the crowd anxiously. She was just about to find a seat to wait when she spotted a strikingly sexy young woman on the other side of the hall, also looking around. The other woman was tall and curvy but carried not an ounce of overweight... lightly tanned... blue eyes and black hair in a short bob... a face like a model, subtly but perfectly made up... dressed in a short blue halter top, tight white jeans, classy but understated earrings and bangle, and high heeled white sandals. Abbie stared, oblivious to everyone else in the hall, and held her breath in anticipation. She realised she desperately wanted this siren to be Lara.

After what seemed like ages the woman noticed Abbie looking at her. A smile lit up her face and she hurried over. "Abbie!!! Yay, I found you!" she gushed, opening her arms and enveloping Abbie in a long welcoming hug.

"Hi Lara," Abbie smiled back, "glad you recognised me."

"I'm short-sighted, but once I spotted you it wasn't difficult... I was too vain to wear my glasses," she added, laughing.

Lara seized both Abbie's hands and appraised her without embarrassment. Abbie felt her cheeks go slightly pink.

"Wow, you're even hotter than David said!" Lara breathed. "I'msoooglad you've come, I'm really looking forward to getting acquainted."

It was on the tip of Abbie's tongue to blurt out that she found Lara incredibly hot as well, but caught herself just in time. "Umm, thanks... it's... er... great to meet you, too," she stammered.

If Lara noticed how nervous and tongue-tied Abbie was she didn't let on. She chattered away unselfconsciously about herself, filling Abbie in about her life and her family, as well as showing an interest in Abbie's studies and social life. It turned out Lara was the only child of David's stepmother from her first marriage, which had ended five years ago. She was close to her stepfather and stepbrother and loved spending time with her new family. She worked as a law clerk in Auckland, and was employed by a female lawyer whom she really liked. She hinted at a relationship with her boss that was more than just professional. Lara said she had a boyfriend but was feeling dissatisfied with him. She hadn't invited him down to Coromandel for the summer holiday because "we both need a break".

In truth, Lara's love life was a tangled mess. She had plunged into a hot affair with her female boss, but had chosen to be open about it with her boyfriend. This had naturally caused pain and ructions, and she was glad to have some respite with her family to consider her options. And now, she thought ruefully to herself, she was feeling hugely attracted to this gorgeous young thing who had landed almost literally in her lap. So much for 'time out' from the complications in her life! Lara decided to be circumspect – for now – about her bisexuality. From what David had told her she knew Abbie was quite inexperienced, and she didn't want to make her feel awkward.

Sitting in the passenger seat of Lara's BMW convertible on the way to the beach house, Abbie gradually relaxed. Lara was really easy to talk to, almost like they had been friends for years. She soon found herself conversing amiably, sharing personal details and laughing. She was a little in awe of Lara's stunning attractiveness, as a result of which it never entered her head that Lara might be similarly interested in her. She therefore felt quite safe in allowing herself the secret luxury of falling in lust. Apart from drunken kisses shared with her flatmate, Abbie had no experience of sex with other women. Her Christian upbringing had caused an unconscious psychological barrier to this idea. Now, though, in her new adventurous frame of mind, she eagerly embraced the possibility – at least in fantasy.

Lara negotiated the winding farm road to the coast, driving fast and confidently. Abbie periodically stole glances at her new companion, imagining her naked and indulging in daydreams of touching and kissing her beautiful golden skin.

They arrived at last at the beach house, and Abbie literally gasped when she saw its perfect setting for the first time. The modern house was designed to complement the landscape rather than compete with it, and opened onto a huge wooden deck with an outdoor spa pool overlooking the blue Pacific Ocean. To one side was a gully with lush native flax and palms; on the other, steep hillside. Just below, down a short path, was a small beach with gleaming white sand fringed by pohutukawa trees, offering natural shade. The whole property was completely secluded - the nearest neighbour was at least 5km away. Lara explained that the surrounding farmland had belonged to the family for generations but was now leased out.

"Like it?" she enquired with a grin.

"I've never seen such a beautiful place," Abbie answered honestly, gazing at the spectacular view.

It was early afternoon by the time they arrived. The sky was cloudless and it was very warm. Lara grabbed Abbie's bag and wheeled it inside, to the guest bedroom.

"OK... I'll leave you to get unpacked and freshen up. Your bathroom's right next-door. Then let's have a picnic lunch on the beach... why don't you change into your swimsuit, if you want? It's so hot today, I can't wait to have a swim!"

"Mmm, sounds great!" Abbie replied happily.

She quickly unpacked her things and peeled off her sticky t-shirt and jeans, then jumped into the shower. With the hot jets of water caressing her skin, Abbie felt deliciously horny. She massaged the shower gel all over her body, lingering on her breasts and pussy. After drying herself she put on her new bikini and checked herself out in the mirror, suddenly feeling embarrassed by how skimpy it was. She pulled on a pair of denim shorts, pulled her hair into a ponytail and skipped out to the kitchen to rejoin her new friend.

Lara had changed into a sexy black one-piece swimsuit and colourful sarong. She turned, looked Abbie up and down and gave a low whistle, a big grin on her face.

"Whoa, girl, just as well it's a private beach... otherwise you might cause a riot!"

To her annoyance, Abbie felt herself blush, but was secretly pleased by the compliment. She was very aware of her erect nipples showing through the thin fabric of her bikini. "What about you, Lara... you look like a movie star!" Abbie blurted out.

Lara turned from the bench and hugged her. "You're so sweet!"

Abbie grinned, and hugged her back. "Hey, that looks yummy!" she said, eyeing the sandwiches, cheese and fruit Lara had thrown together, along with a bottle of riesling.

They put on their sunglasses and walked down the grassy path to the beach. Lara spread a huge beach blanket on the hot sand and they lay on it, chatting away easily and sharing their picnic. Before they knew it the wine bottle was empty and they both felt a little lightheaded.

Conversation gradually petered out. Lara stretched lazily and unwrapped her sarong. "Let's sunbathe for a little while before we swim, shall we?"

"Good idea," Abbie replied, wriggling out of her shorts and lying supine in the sun.

Eyes closed, she sensed her older companion's eyes on her. It felt exciting. She stretched her body like a cat, arching her back and thrusting out her breasts, hoping Lara would see them straining against her bikini top.

"Abbie, hon, we're going to fry if we don't get some sunscreen on," Lara said. "Would you like me to put some on your back?"

"OK, yeah... thanks," Abbie replied with a warm smile. She turned over onto her front and lifted her ponytail up. Abbie thought she detected a slight trembling in Lara's hands as she began to smooth the warm cream over her shoulders and upper arms.

"Umm, you know what," Lara breathed, a little huskily, "there's really no need to wear a swimsuit on this beach – no-one else ever comes here. I hardly ever bother with mine." Abbie's heart began to race, but before she had time to figure out a reply she felt Lara's fingers untying her bikini top and gently pulling it from under her. As Lara's hands resumed her work – a sensuous massage, now, rather than simply application of sunscreen – Abbie moaned softly, "Mmm, that'ssonice."

The massaging hands slowly moved all the way down her back, and then stopped. There was an electric silence in the air as Abbie sensed that her new friend had stood up and was peeling off her swimsuit. Naked now, Lara knelt astride Abbie's thighs; next thing, Abbie felt soft hands gently tugging at the sides of her bikini briefs, untying them, pulling them off too. She felt deliciously aware of both her own nakedness and Lara's, the warm sun, the smell of the sea, the sound of the waves - a kind of primeval sensuality that she had never known before. Her pussy was very, very wet, and she couldn't stop herself squeezing her thighs together. She wondered what Lara would think if she noticed this, then realised she really didn't care.

As she straddled her, Lara now smoothed cream over the lower half of her new friend's body, caressing and kneading her perfectly rounded ass, then her shapely legs. Finally Lara leaned forward; as she did so, her hard nipples brushed Abbie's back causing a sharp intake of breath from them both. "Turn over, honey," she whispered in Abbie's ear.

Abbie did so, keeping her eyes tightly closed behind her sunglasses. She bit her lip, a little scared to be so openly exposed in public, but desperate for Lara to continue caressing her sun-warmed skin. She reminded herself the beach was completely secluded and soon found herself relaxing, letting her thighs roll slightly apart and delighting in the novel pleasure of warm sunshine on her naked pussy. Kneeling beside her, Lara slowly spread cream over her shoulders, arms and legs, then her belly, and down over her pubic mound... so close, but not touching her juicing pussy. Finally Lara spread her fingers and slid them one by one over Abbie's erect nipples, then gently caressed and kneaded the younger woman's impossibly perky breasts. She leaned forward again, this time openly allowing her body to press against Abbie's as she again whispered in her ear: "My turn."

Abbie felt almost in a trance as she opened her eyes, sat up and saw Lara lying prone on the blanket beside her. Naked, she was if anything more spectacular than Abbie had fantasised. She had no tan lines, a perfect ass and on her left shoulder blade was a beautiful 10cm black tattoo depicting a dragon. With shaking hands Abbie started to follow the caressing and massaging routine she had been shown. At first she was too shy to kneel astride Lara's body, but as she relaxed she grew bolder. She had never done anything so exquisitely charged with erotic sensuality, but it just felt so right and natural.

As she worked on Lara's lovely ass, Abbie gently pushed one knee between the other woman's legs; Lara obligingly let her thighs move apart, allowing Abbie to kneel between them. She massaged the tanned globes with her thumbs, spreading them apart as she worked, feasting her eyes on Lara's most secret flesh - the deliciously cute wrinkled brown star, the pink, wet, pouting labia. Finishing the first stage of the massage, she lay without hesitation face-down on top of Lara and slid her body over hers; then she butterfly kissed the back of her neck, gently blew in her ear and whispered with a giggle "You know what to do..."

When Lara eagerly turned onto her back, Abbie gave a little cry of surprise and delight as she saw that Lara's pubic area was waxed completely hairless, but with a small dragon tattoo in the centre of her pubic mound, matching the one on her shoulder blade.

"You like it?" Lara asked, unembarrassed by Abbie staring at her pussy.

Abbie clapped her hand to her mouth. "Oh Lara, that tattoo is so sexy!"

Lara grinned, sat up, took off her sunglasses, and beckoned. "Come here, Sweet One".

As she kneeled hesitantly beside her, Lara gently removed Abbie's sunglasses as well, and then with hands on each side of her younger companion's pretty face she looked deeply into her eyes before slowly leaning forward to brush her lips against hers. As they shared the kiss, so soft and sensual, Abbie nearly fainted with delight. Their arms slid around each other and they kissed again, longer and deeper this time, growing increasing hungry and passionate... lips parting, tongues dancing, At last Abbie broke the kiss, panting and breathless; eyes locked on Lara's, she gently pushed her down onto her back once more and moved the other woman's legs apart so she could kneel between them. She squirted another dollop of sunscreen onto her palms and smoothed it onto Lara's belly, then up over her full, round breasts – slowly kneading and caressing, finally pinching the nipples between thumb and forefinger as she moved her head down and kissed the sexy dragon tattoo. Lara's eyes were hooded with lust as Abbie sensuously slid her outstretched body over hers and kissed her passionately again.
