Abby Ch. 04


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Abby's face was turning red as she opened her mouth to speak.

She said, "My God, how low can you sink. You actually stood outside my bedroom door and spied on me. I don't know what to think now. Are you still Obsessed with me?"

"No. I can honestly say that I am not. I was in a state of depression for a long time. It was caused by our breakup and the pressure I put on myself at the firm. Quitting my job helped but I can't fully recover until I get you completely out of my heart."

Abby said, "I don't know what to say to you right now."

I said, "Well, we are making progress here. You came here very angry with me now you only hate me."

Abby said, "I don't hate you. I feel sorry for you."

I said, "Don't feel sorry for me, I am putting my life back together and I am going to be all right."

When I looked at Abby to see here reaction to what I was saying I noticed that her expression had softened and I could see the girl I had fallen in love with sitting there.

I said, "What about you? Will you be all right? I mean will you be able to patch things up with Karl?"

Abby began to laugh and said, "Patch things up with Karl? You still don't get it do you?"

I said, "What are you laughing at? I thought you and Karl had a misunderstanding and he dumped you at the party. He's you boyfriend isn't he? "

Abby said, "Karl was more interested in you than he is in me. Karl is gay. Karl was just doing me a favor by driving me to the party. He left to go to another party with his friends."

Abby got serious again and said, "I only came to the party to talk you. It was not an accident that we were both there. It was arranged that way. Judy set the whole thing up. She's the one that got Sarah to bring you to the party."

I said, "Seems like a lot of trouble to go through just to tell me what a scum bag you think I am. You could have just sent me a letter."

"I guess you right."

Trying to keep the conversation friendly I asked, "If Karl's not you boyfriend then are you still seeing Ben?"

"No. Actually I broke things off with him right after I found out you had seen the condom in the bathroom. "

I said, "I don't understand, why would you break up with him because I did something stupid."

"It was just the timing. Ben didn't mean that much to me so when I found out you had been in my house going through my waste basket I decided I couldn't deal with being angry with you and at the same time being in a relationship I wasn't committed to."

I said, "Are you seeing anyone now?"


I said, "Is there anything else you wanted to discuss with me. Any more transgressions I need to explain to you."

Abby said, "I need you to understand some things now. When I left you I was hurt and angry that you had let our marriage fall apart but I thought that we would get back together. Then you called me and you made me feel that your job was more important to you than I was.

"That's why I started going out with Ben. I wanted you to see that I was moving on. Having sex with Ben was a mistake. I didn't do it because I loved him, I did it because I needed to prove to myself that I was over you. I wasn't. As angry as I was when I found out you had been in my house I felt bad that you found out that I had sex with Ben. That is why I broke things off with him. The one important thing that I know you noticed but didn't seem to grasp the meaning of was the condom. I had sex with Ben three times and every time I made him use a condom. You are the only person that has ever been inside me with out a condom."

I said, "I am not sure what to do with that information now but thank you for telling me. Is there anything else you want to say?"

"No, but can we just sit and talk to each other for a while like we used to, without the anger?"

"Sure, I'd like that."

Abby said, "Judy told me about how you refused to handle the Abbott Chemical law suit and when they wouldn't take you off the case you resigned. Even though I was still mad at you I was very proud of you for standing up for your principles. I know how hard that must have been."

"Thanks for saying that. Actually it was the best thing I could have done. I am enjoying my private practice more that I ever enjoyed my old job. I guess I'd have to say that the only thing I regret is losing you."

Abby didn't say anything but I could see her eyes filling with tears. I reached across the table and took Abby's hands in mine and said, "My job is great and things are getting better all the time but there is a big hole in my life. Abby, I miss you."

Abby tired to smile and said, "I miss you too."

I said, "So where does that leaves us?"

'I don't know."

We ordered another round of drinks and Abby told me what she had been doing over the last several months and we continued chatting through a third round of drinks.

We left Georgio's around 11:30. We hadn't talk much during the last half hour so we figured it was time to go. When we got to the car I asked Abby if she wanted to go back to the party and she said no. When I asked her where she wanted to go she said that she didn't know. I don't know what made me decide to do it or what I expected to happen but I just head to my apartment. Abby never asked where we were going. On the way I wondered if I was just opening myself up to more pain.

When we got to the apartment Abby said, Where are we?'

I said, "My apartment." Abby showed no reaction. I opened the car door for her and she followed me into the apartment. When we got inside I took her coat and hung it up and then asked her if she would like a drink.

She said, "Maybe a little wine if you have it."

I went to pour the wine and Abby wandered around the apartment looking things. When she spotted the picture of her that I had on my book shelf she stopped and stared at it. I came up behind her and reached around to hand her the glass of wine.

She said, "You still have my picture displayed?"

I said, "I could not bring myself to throw it away so I figured I might as well display it. After all it's the only picture I have."

Abby didn't move so I move up against her back. I half expect her to pull away but instead she leaned her head back against my shoulder. I had my wine in my right hand so I put my left arm around her waste and held her closer.

When Abby didn't object to me holding her that way I set my glass on the book shelf and then took her glass and placed it with mine. Then I turned her head toward me and kissed her. It felt great to kiss her again and the fact that she responded to me was even better.

We kissed several more times then I wrapped both arms around her and began kissing her neck and nibbling on her ears. Abby responded by pressing back against me even more. I moved my hand up to her chest and cupped her breasts. When I did this Abby reach back and put her hands behind my neck.

With her hands up like that I reach down and started to pull her sweater up. Abby released her hands from my neck and let me life the sweater off. Next I unhooked her bra and removed it and then I put my hands back on her breasts.

Abby turned her head so we could kiss while I continued to massage her breasts. We stood there like that for nearly ten minutes, kissing and fondling and then I took her by the hand and led her into my bedroom. We stopped next to the bed and kissed and while I kissed her I unzipped her skirt and let it drop to the floor at her feet. Abby was standing there in her thigh high stockings and panties. I picked her up and laid her on the bed and then I slowly removed her panties. I climbed onto the bed between her legs started kissing the inside of her thighs just above the tops of her stockings. I pressed my face in her hair and inhaled. It's funny that even though it had been so long since I had been there I still remembered her scent. When I closed my lips over her vulva Abby made a small sound deep in her throat and spread her legs farther apart.

I used my tongue to spread open the petals of Abby's pussy and then pushed my tongue inside. Abby responded to this by lifting her pelvis and she let out a soft moan of pleasure. I probed her with my tongue for a few minutes and then concentrated my attention on her clitoris. Abby began an up and down motion with her pelvis and I could taste the change her sexual juices as she began her orgasm.

As Abby lay on the bed recovering from her orgasm I striped off my clothes and joined her on the bed. As soon as I was on the bed Abby started kissing her way down my body until she got to my cock. She lifted my cock with her hand and give it little kisses all up and down the shaft after which she licked my testicles and sucked them into her mouth one at a time and then she took my cock into her mouth.

As I lay on the bed enjoying the wonder sensation of having my cock orally pleasured I thought about how differently the night had turned out compared to what I expected. I was expecting to have sex that night but I figured it would be with Sarah. The experience was surreal. It wasn't supposed to be happening. Neither Abby nor I had said anything to each other that would explain how we ended up in bed together.

I would have thought that there was still to much between us for this to happen but I took a chance and brought her home with me. I was still deep in my thoughts when Abby got on top of me and guided my cock inside her steaming sex charged hole. Once she had me all of the way inside her she laid down on my chest. This was a position we had used many before and we both knew how to move to make if feel good for both of us.

We stayed in that position until Abby climaxed again and then I roll us over so that I was on top and I quickened my strokes until I climaxed inside Abby.

When it was over I cuddled up behind Abby and we spooned until she fell asleep. Sleep didn't come to me that easily and I started to replay the evening in my head and it struck me that Abby hadn't said much since we left Georgio's and she didn't say a word while we were making love. I could never remember making love to Abby when she didn't talk to me while we were doing it.

Her silence was strange. As a mater of fact her behavior from the time we left Georgio's was odd. She never asked me where I was taking her or why. I began to worry about what the sex had been about. Did Abby have some hidden agenda? Was this maybe a farewell fuck or could I hope that maybe it meant something more positive. Maybe it meant we had a chance of getting back together.

I finally dozed off into a fitful sleep full of bad dreams. Dreams where Abby would laugh at me and tell me having sex with me was a joke and that her real lover was Ben or she would just disappear and I would go looking but never find her.. In my sleep everything that had happened that night became part of my dreams so much so that when I woke up at seven o'clock in the morning and found myself in bed alone I wasn't sure that I didn't dream the whole thing. It took a couple of minutes for my head to clear and realize that it hadn't been a dream, but where was Abby.

I got out of bed and quickly and looked around the apartment. There was no sign of her. In fact the only evidence that she had been there at all was her scent on the pillow she had slept on. Even the wine glasses had been removed from the shelf by Abby's picture.

That puzzled me. I didn't remember moving the glasses. I didn't see that glasses in the kitchen either. Abby had washed the glasses and put them away. Why would she wash the glasses? Was she trying to erase and evidence of having been there.

I went and checked the bathroom and found a wet bath towel and noticed that the shower stall was wet. So she had taken a shower before she left. How had I not heard her?

I suddenly felt my depression setting in again. Had I lost Abby for a second time. Was this her way of punishing me for spying on her.

I went into my living room and sat down on the sofa to try and think things through. I decided to call her house to see if she was home and try to get her to explain what was going on. I had just pick the phone and started to dial her number when the front door to my apartment opened and Abby came in with a Starbucks Bag in her hand.

Abby smiled and said, "Oh good you're awake. I've got two tall coffees and four blueberry scones."

Abby came into the living room and set the bag down on the table then she kissed me. I tried to pull her to me for a second kiss but she pulled away and said, "No more kisses until you brush your teeth. You have morning breath.

She went into the kitchen and found plates for the scones and then joined me on the sofa.

I said, "I woke up and you were gone. I thought you left me again."

"Sorry, I should have written a note but I didn't expect to be gone very long. I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep so I took a shower and got dressed.

I said, "Can I ask you a question? Last night when we made love you never said a word. You seemed to enjoy what we were doing but you were very subdued. What was that all about?"

Abby said, "I had hoped that our talk last night would have been a lot less painful and we would have declared our love for each other and we would end up making love. As it turned out our little talk brought out a lot of pain for both of us. I had a sense at the end that we both still loved each other but neither of us was able to say the words last night. By the time you brought me here I didn't want to talk anymore. I just wanted you to make love to me.

This morning I wanted to wake you up and tell you that I love you but I was afraid that you might not feel the same way. I decided to forgive you for spying on me and put that behind us because I love you and want to be with you. Do you love me enough and want to be with me enough to put your bad memories behind you?"

I said, "If I say yes will you give me another scone?

"Of course."

"Abby I love you and I want to be with you and I am ready to do whatever it takes to save our marriage."

Abby through her arms around my neck and began laughing and crying at the same time. After a few minutes she let go of my neck and looked at me and said, "I have missed you more than you can imagine. I just wish we could have gotten to this point with a lot less pain."

I said, "Well maybe the pain was good for us. Maybe it will make us stronger. Now I am going to take a shower, would you lie to join me?"

"I'd love to."

The End

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 months ago

Dumb but I only read this part. Why get back with her, have kids, invest 10 years and she cheats again?

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA2 months ago

I loved the story. Why do people react and play games instead of a knock down drag out conversation about what they want and need from each other?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

What’s gonna change?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

So many grammar/spelling mistakes!

Offler79Offler794 months ago

Heartwarming, like so many of your stories. Now reading from A-Z, all of them :)

LegacybadLegacybad5 months ago

The ending was better than I expected. The story is good and well written, Mike's fragility is a bit exasperating at times. Finally his balls dropped and he could express his feelings with words and accept his mistakes.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A rather pathetic display of 'love', but all too common these days as most men don't have the brains, spine or self-respect to walk away from a cheating wife/girlfriend. Chumps like Mike never learn and confuse cuckoldry with love.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJ5 months ago

Nope. She played games, had sex with another dude and was angry at him without talking to him. She is disgusting and does not deserve RAAC.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A long painful way around a questionable reconciliation. Ouch!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I guess the moral to the story is that it’s ok screw around on your husband if he overworks.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This is not a RAAC people... in fact if anything, Abby shouldn't have taken him back as he was the self-absorbed nutbag who ruined the marriage. But he seemed to have grown and matured and the reconciliation was realistic. Great story.

JimmyThePlungerJimmyThePlunger9 months ago

I'm a sucker for a good RAAC story BUT it has to be good. That was good, thank you

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I give it 2 years, at most, before it becomes all too evident to Abby that Mike is pathological obssesive and will never change... he thinks because he has his own practice that time parameters will be better... they will not... in fact, they will be worse because he won't have the resources a big firm has to do his research and prepare his documents... most of this work will have to be done by him... Mike will continue to be a dissappointment... Abby should have divorced him before she had her relationship with Ben.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This is a raac done right; great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Enjoyed the story but you really need a second person to do a reading for errors before publishing. 4*.

ibuguseribuguserabout 1 year ago

Good story and ending.

HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

Another cheating wife wrecks her husband and gets away with it without retribution…

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