Accepting Cuckold Ch. 03

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I just wanted to have a threesome.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 01/27/2015
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My wife of twenty two years has always been a very conservative dresser. When we were first dating I was impressed with her modesty. She always felt uncomfortable having men gawk at her. She wore bulky sweaters so as not to accent her breasts, pleated skirts to cover up her hips and buttocks. She does have a beautiful, well rounded, firm ass. Our daughter refers to her as Bubble Butt.

If she were to wear a gown or dress that showed cleavage, she would cover her assets with a lacy undergarment and her bathing suits were always one piece with a skirt to cover up as much of her body as possible. Always choosing dark colors, like black, brown or gray.

We have two daughters, twenty and eighteen. It may have been their influence or my wife turning forty years of age but suddenly my wife complained that all of her clothes were frumpy.

She went on a buying spree. Buying sexy skirts, tops and dresses all in gay colors. I loved it for she was like a new woman, a sexy, sensual woman. She suddenly enjoyed men looking at her and I was proud to have her by my side.

Some weekends when both our daughters are home from school, our apartment gets a little close so my wife decided that the two of us should get away for the weekend. We checked into a resort hotel on a Friday afternoon and we would check out on Sunday.

She had bought two swimsuits for the occasion. While they were not bikinis, they were two piece and they did show off her assets.

Saturday afternoon we were lounging by the pool when I had to go to the rest room. When I was returning, I saw a tall man talking to my wife so I stayed back out of view just to see who he was. He was in a brief bathing suit with a noticeable package.

If I had a package like he had, then I would ware brief bathing suits instead of the swim trunks that I always wore.

My wife was laying on the lounge and he was standing over her talking while she laughed at what ever he was saying. It looked clear to me that he was hitting on her and she was enjoying it. While I could not hear what they were saying, her body language was encouraging his attention.

Suddenly I got this overwhelming sexual arousal, imagining him fucking her. I could feel my penis beginning to get hard so I had to start walking.

When they saw me approaching, he quickly disappeared into the crowd. I asked my wife, "So, who's your friend?"

She replied, "I don't know. He just started talking to me."

"I think he was hitting on you."

She smiled saying, "Yeah, I think he was."

Later that afternoon we went back to our room to shower and get ready for dinner. We ended up making love and it was the most intense, passionate session we ever had because the whole time we were talking about the stranger fucking her. It seemed like it was something we both wanted.

After that day, whenever we made love we would talk about another man fucking her. At first she said no, it's just a fantasy. Then about a week later, she came around to my way of thinking saying, "Well, if this is what you really want. If I ever get the opportunity I'll do it and tell you all about it."

My wife has a girl friend named Alice who has been going steady with a guy for over ten years. Well they broke up and my wife was concerned that Alice would go into depression so she offered to take her out one night for drinks and maybe Alice might meet someone.

To think of my wife going out with her girl friend to meet guys, took my breath away. I was so excited and aroused. When the night came, it was so exciting watching my wife getting dressed up to go out and meet guys.

That night when she was leaving I told her that if she met a guy to enjoy herself. She smiled at me and asked, "Are you absolutely sure, you want me to do this?"

I answered her, "Yes. I'm absolutely sure. It would be exciting and it would give you a wonderful experience."

It was a long night waiting for her. I would some times get a sick feeling in my stomach thinking of her with another man but most of the night I was so excited and aroused.

When she did get home she said they met some nice guys and they danced with them. She met one guy that she liked but she didn't want to do anything in front of her girl friend. She did give him her number.

That Monday he called her and invited her out to lunch which she accepted. She said that he works close by her work. After lunch he asked her if he could take her out for dinner that coming Friday. She accepted asking me again if I was alright with this. Telling me that she was only going through with this for me.

Friday night was very exciting helping her get ready for her date. She was like a school girl going to her prom. I was so aroused I didn't know how to contain myself. She kissed me good bye saying, "He has his own place so don't wait up for me."

And then she was gone. Suddenly I felt so alone. When she was with me I was so excited and aroused but when the door closed, the excitement and arousal died. I became jealous and uncertain. A sick feeling in my stomach not knowing what would happen to her. I didn't know him. Would he be gentle with her or rough?

It was a very long night. I tried to sleep but couldn't. I would drift off for a moment and then wake up not feeling her next to me. I should never have let her go.

Late the next morning she came home. She was dreamy and tired, too tired. She just wanted to take a shower. She said that he has a two bedroom apartment that he shares with another guy. They have one bath and she didn't feel comfortable taking a shower there. She was glad to be home.

After she showered we laid on the bed naked and she masturbated me while telling me all about her sexual adventure. After I ejaculated, she asked, "Tonight after dinner, I want to go back to him and spend another night if that's alright with you?"

I protested and she replied, "This is what you wanted. Don't you think it's too late to be backing out? Besides it's only one more night."

That Saturday night I spent the same as Friday night, alone. She started seeing him on a regular basis although most times she could not spend the night with him because one of our daughters would be home and she didn't want to raise their suspicions.

She told me that he is married but his wife and children live in another state and he will be moving them into this area in the near future. My wife told him that she is married and her husband doesn't know that she is cheating. I keep telling her to tell him the truth that I approve and for her to ask him if I could watch them having sex. She said that she will. She is waiting for the right time.

Each time that she comes home from him she is too tired for sex so she masturbates me. In one of our masturbating sessions, she told me that his room mate was now fucking her. That they have a threesome taking turns with her. That's what I wanted, a threesome. No wonder she's too tired.

The director of her company was giving a cocktail party for the employees and their spouses to celebrate a good year. She told me that at the party, she will introduce me to her lover. That he works near her group. She told him the truth about us and she asked him if I could watch and he agreed.

The party was on a Saturday night and both our daughters would be away at school. At the party, my wife introduced me to him. It was a bit awkward at first but we got along talking about everything but sex. As the party was breaking up, I told my wife to ask him back to our place for a drink. She said, "No. You have to ask him."

I asked him and he agreed. I was finally getting to have a threesome. At our place they started kissing before I could even get the drinks. As I was getting the drinks, they went into the bedroom.

By the time that I brought the drinks into the bedroom he had my wife nude. She was sitting on the edge of the bed and he was slipping her undies off. I set the drinks on the dresser and stood at the foot of the bed taking my tie and shirt off as he was doing the same.

That's when he stopped me saying, "No. No, you said that you wanted to watch. I don't want you any where near this bed. Stay over there and be quiet. Don't make any noise and we can pretend that you are invisible. Leave your pants on. I don't need to see your dick."

What does he mean? I mean it's my bedroom, my bed and my wife. Before speaking, I looked at my wife but she didn't acknowledge me. She was looking up at him with admiration.

I retreated to the corner of our bedroom and sat on the floor. At least I was getting to watch. He was standing between my wife's open legs and he leaned down and they kissed with open mouths. Then he whispered something in her ear and she giggled.

Standing in front of my wife, he finished taking off his shirt while my wife unbuckled his belt and opened his pants, dropping them to the floor. She then pulled down his underwear and he stepped out of them.

His cock was semi hard with a large head hanging down below his balls. He had a beautiful package. Oh! My God! Now I recognize him. He's the stranger from the hotel. The guy who was hitting on my wife. I didn't recognize him with his clothes on but now I see him as he was that day.

Still sitting on the bed, my wife placed her hands on his hips and took him deep into her mouth, sucking him enthusiastically like she was starving for his cock.

The few times that my wife gave me a blow job, she did it reluctantly. She would always hold my erection in her hand and only suck on the head so that when she knew that I was about to cum, she could pull her mouth off it and point it away from her face but with him, she was taking him all the way down her throat. He was holding her head in his hands, forcing her down on him as he began to furiously fuck her mouth.

She was gagging, grunting and choking with saliva running down her chin and falling to the floor in long strings. She was gasping for air and he had a complete disregard for her.

It seemed like it was going on for the longest time. How much more abuse can she take? Then he stopped pumping and slowly withdrew his cock leaving only the head in her mouth. Her lips were sealed around the shaft of it as she tried to catch her breath. He finally said, "Get ready, I'm gonna cum!"

His body convulsed with his first ejaculation and I could see her neck muscles swelling with each swallow. He kept ejaculating and she continued swallowing and swallowing like she was drinking a glass of water. She couldn't get enough. After he finished he pulled it out of her mouth and I watched her lick and suck it clean.

He then took the drink off the dresser and handed it to her. She had a couple of sips and then they laid on the bed together with her snuggling in his arms.

Getting up from the floor, I went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. I was shaking and I had a lot of thinking to do. Tea always calms me. I felt like I had been had, that I lost something.

After about a half hour I heard rustling in the bedroom. I went and peeked into the room. He was on top of her with her legs locked around him, his buttocks pumping up and down relentlessly while she cooed and moaned with each pump of his cock. They were fucking for the longest time with my wife having multiple orgasms. I no longer wanted to watch them.

He stayed the night in my bed and I slept on the couch in the drawing room. All during the night, I would wake up and I would peek in on them. In the morning they made love again while I sat in the kitchen listening to my wife's moans of pleasure.

After, when he was leaving, my wife walked him to the door. She was naked and before opening the door, they shared a long passionate kiss and then he was gone. My wife then came into the kitchen and asked, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm okay."

She could see that I wasn't happy as she said, "Come into the bedroom."

In the bedroom she laid on the bed saying, "Take off your clothes and lie down beside me."

I took off my shirt and as I started to unfasten my pants I said to her, "I can't fuck you like he does."

"I know," was her reply, confirming my inadequacies.

In a gentle voice, she said, "Just lie down beside me and I'll take care of you with this hand lotion."

Masturbation has become our preferred method of sexual relations. With masturbation, I'm not in competition with her lover so she can't compare me to him.

She went on, "Jim enjoyed your watching us. He said that it was really hot having you watch. He wants you to be there all the time."

She started stroking me and I asked her, "Last night when he told me not to be near the bed, he kissed you and then he whispered something in your ear. What did he say?"

Remembering, she smiled saying, "He said that you are the cuckold."

"I don't want to be the cuckold. It's very humiliating."

She continued, "It's what you wanted. You pushed me into this and now you're going to have to accept it and live with it."

Her hand was having it's intended effect on me as she continued stroking and talking, "He wants us to come to his place next Friday night. Here's the thing. He's an ass man. He wants me to be prepared because Friday night he is going to anal fuck me and he wants you to be there to see it."

"Honey, you've never done anything like that. You've never even let me touch you there. Why are you going to let him do this?" I asked.

Still stroking me, she replied, "I told him that I've never experienced that and it was all the more reason that he wants to be the first man to take me in that way. He said that it may be uncomfortable at first but then I'll find it very pleasurable. He reassured me that he will be very gentle. He has been wanting it for a long time. Every time we get together he asks me are you prepped."

I asked, "What's prepped?"

She continued, "He wants me to clean myself out, first. You know, take an enema. He wants my bowels to be clear so he won't hurt me."

"That's very considerate of him, judging by the way he forced his cock down your throat." I answered with a little anger in my voice,

She continued stroking me as she replied, "He was forceful with me because he knew you were watching. I think he gets off by thinking he's the superior male."

I replied, "He is the superior male and now he is going to defile you and he wants me to witness it."

The shame and humiliation was overwhelming and it caused me to ejaculate into her hand.

On Friday night, I helped her prep herself for him. At his apartment, Jim's room mate was out of town and I was happy for that. My humiliation would only be in front of my wife and Jim. Jim had placed a chair in his bedroom so that I could sit and watch him sodomize my wife.

He had her lay on her tummy with her legs spread open. She was very nervous as he lubed her anus. Then he spread a generous amount of lubricant on his erection. He then had her close her legs and he slowly forced his cock into her anus. She cried out in pain, saying, "It hurts! It hurts! Oh please take it out!"

He replied, "Alright, alright. I'll stop pushing it in, just stay still and relax. Let your body get use to it. Relax. Does it still hurt?"

She answered, "A little bit but please don't move it. Let me get use to it."

He asked, "How does it feel now?"

Her reply, "It's starting to feel warm and good. Just do it slowly."

He slowly pushed all the way into her and she grunted. I couldn't tell if it was in pleasure or pain. Then he slowly began fucking her saying, "Oh, your ass is so tight. From the first time that I saw you, I knew that I had to fuck you like this."

He picked up the pace, fucking her harder and faster and she was now enjoying it. I watched him stiffen up and his buttocks clenched up as he began ejaculating into her. After a while, he slowly pulled his flaccid cock out of her and looking at me with pride, he said, "Now I own her."

Having met our daughters, he is now a close family friend. It has been six months now since he first fucked my wife and it is still very humiliating every time he takes her in front of me.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Take pics, call the guy's wife, and rat him out. Or, have him sign over his 401K, which will be cheaper than getting a divorce. Then, force him to keep your wife compliant and agree to a simple divorce where she keeps just her fingerprints and hair color. Otherwise, the other man's wife and family know everything...

chichanchichanover 1 year ago

The husband needs to grow a backbone, and the wife is a selfish bitch!

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Straight up full on Conservative cuck. Full blown gay one as well.

All you did here was prove the statistic in a horrible, horrible way.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Well written- short story. Don’t read if subject matter is not to your liking

bubbapungbubbapungalmost 4 years ago

This is quite good and theres some guys who likes this, myself included.

Cuckolding is sexy and sometimes i want to be cucked

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Who is really this fucked up in the head? Pathetic

eskyeskyover 4 years ago

I have a friend who used to fuck my wife at least twice a week. I said to him one night at the club ( every time you come down to see my wife you come in the front door, you want to try coming in the back door,if you know what i mean.) he acknowledged and went to get another drink. When he came back i said to him you can go from the front to the back, but you cant go from the back to the front, he agreed. Two weeks later i heard my wife whisper to him ( just do it gently ) and he was in. He was fucking my wife for around four years but he would take her up the ass about every fourth time. All this was about twenty years ago. This year we will have been married sixty years and still in love.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Remarkable in absolutely no manner.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Laughably bad

Why would he "have to be a cuckold"? Either throw the slut out or throw the bull out. You'd be surprised what a taser or a 38 special will do to encourage someone to leave your house. This was just stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I Am Waiting For A Story Where...

A cuckold allows his wife to move her lover into their home...with their daughters. The invading lover decides the daughters are fair game, as well. When he is caught raping one daughter, the other daughter kills him. Talk about a totally destroyed family.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Another true story

As true as a pile of shit on your dish as your dinner. Talking about shit: that's what this story is, as all your other stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Look at all the cucky wannabes coming down from their masturbatory high with their sticky hands and guilty consciences! NOW that they've lost their 'edge', they suddenly feel the overwhelming guilt and shame of their perversion...and post hateful messages deriding the author. Tsk-tsk! Imagine that! Dirty little wanky stories on a porn site! Shocking!

penneydog55penneydog55over 6 years ago
Its Clobbering Time

Grow a pair ! Divorce her! Have him meet an accident! Sell her to a whore house in India!! But what ever you do make sure you do it sooner than later! NO RED BLOODED MAN SHOULD BE LIKE HIM! ★. WOOF!

bassmaster757bassmaster757over 7 years ago
Are you kidding me?

First, this guy is complete wimp and is a doormat! Second, time to divorce this whore! Third...this guy would find justice at the end of my baseball bat!

Tootight1Tootight1over 8 years ago
good story

I loved it. again well written and realistic. If you cant talk to your wife, who can you talk to? He wanted her to do the deed, and expand on it, and she did. It was her husband that requested the whole thing, whether to fulfill a fantasy, or just to experience it, who cares, it was their life no one else's. Personally I think a lot of communication should have gone along with it, like not to get too involved, make sure he is safe, I don't want to lose a wife to experience a fantasy, there should have been more communication.

"Now I own her." would have been his last words. Some assholes are just too greedy. You give the wife's body to this jerk, and now he owns her, come on. He would be missing a cock before he left, if he left at all, maybe in a garbage bag. Obviously their choice for this fantasy wasn't the best.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
the delight of watching to be watched

most critics dont understand the delicate structure of cuckold-feelings, because they dont see the secret glimpses the woman throws at her husbands swollen dick while she is beeing fucked by the family´s friend: she becomes aroused by the arousing of her man by the action of a third....Avery wellobserved and exciting story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
So Hubby is a sissy?

With no self respect? And a desire to pimp his whore out to other men? Why? What does he get from the relationship? Nothing. She's a slut. He's a fool. Nothing interesting, erotic or entertaining about it. UGH!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Excellent story - keep writing

I am amazed with the negative comments from people that have probably never written a story in their life and yet feel they have a right to comment with such vitriol. They are the ones who need to get a life - I really feel sorry for their pathetic comments and lives.

Your stories are fantastic - please keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I like the style of this story.

There is something hot about the way you write. Sexy, personal with a slight darkness. We loved reading it. Look forward to more.

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