Accidental Contestant

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Reporter becomes an unintended contestant on a game show.
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It was gaining in popularity at an incredible rate, and my supervisor wanted the story to print in the Friday morning edition of the Gazette.

"Shelly, I need you there on site talking with the staff and finding out all of the juicy details on this new game show!" Marion said.

Marion was my supervisor at the Gazette, and whatever Marion wanted, Marion got. She was firm with her orders, but had a light side to her when things got heavy.

"Are you sure you don't want me on the legislative embezzlement case instead?" I asked.

Reporting on a game show didn't feel like a good use of my time, especially a show of this nature. Spilling Over was the name of the show and the premise was sex. All of the contestants would compete in crazy and wacky challenges, and it all ended in the same way, people climaxing. Hence the name, spilling over.

"Yes Shelly, I am sure!" Marion snapped back. "I want to know what the obsession of the American public is with this show and I want it by Friday. It has broken rating records left and right, and you'll be there to find out why!"

I could tell there was no changing her mind, but what the hell, it all pays the same right? "I'm on it!" I cheerfully replied.

She just gave me a smile and waved me out of her office.

As a reporter, you were always in a time crunch. I must have ran my plan through my head a dozen times. I would make it to the show by noon, spend no more than an hour on set, then get back here to the office to finish the article by midnight. It was a tight schedule, but I had done worse. Once everything sounded good to me, I grabbed my phone, and left.

I arrived at the studio ten minutes before noon like I had planned, wearing my professional work outfit. Black pants, and a white button up blouse with my ballet flats. The last thing I wanted was for anyone to think I was a contestant on the show. Although, my lacy D size black bra showing through my white shirt probably didn't help. I knocked on the back door of the studio and after a few seconds, a shorter woman answered the door. She looked me up and down and hastily said, "Oh good, you made it."

I was surprised at the reaction. Usually reporters weren't treated with very much respect when out on the beat. The woman opened the door wider and guided me in.

"You'll be over here in the staging area before everything starts. Feel free to ask anyone questions or for anything you may need while you're back here." She said with a chipper voice.

Maybe this was a good thing that I was here instead of capital hill. That place was always a zoo with other reporters, especially when something big was going down. Here I felt like I could just be myself and take my time. In the staging area there was a table set up with different kinds of foods and drinks, people walking in all directions, posters on the walls showing people performing lewd acts, and more devices and contraptions near the walls than I could count. If I didn't know better, this place would have appeared to be one of those automated amazon factories.

"Hi my name is Shelly, I'm a reporter with the Gazette." I said, introducing myself to the first person I saw.

The man was wearing a headset and turned to me with rushed look on his face. "Would you be willing to give a statement on the sudden popularity of the show?" I asked.

He paused for a minute, clearly busy with what he was doing, but said okay.

"I only have a minute." the man said, but go ahead.

"In you opinion, what is it you're doing to gain such loyal viewership?" I asked.

"Well," he began. "The show takes what we know of life and adds in intriguing twists and turns, as well as, ideas of things we probably hadn't thought of before.

"If by 'intriguing ideas' you mean various wild acts of sex, then you're correct!" I thought to myself.

"That's great!" I replied. "And for the contestants, are they paid actors or are these ordinary people who join the show?"

"Oh, they're as ordinary as you and I." he assured me. "They're all normal people that just want to try something new and exciting!"

Before I could get another question out, he tilted his head down, no doubt listening to a voice over his head phones, and promptly excused himself from our interview. I could tell the show was getting close to beginning by the way everyone was moving around more. I still wanted to see if I could get one more interview before things started. Rushing around now, I ran over to a small group of woman standing near a large container box. I feel like it would be important to get a woman's perspective in my article about this show too.

"Hi!" I said aloud, as I walked up to the group. " my name's..."

Before I could finish, one of the women spoke up, "Erica, you made it! We thought you had that thing come up and that you weren't gonna make it."

I was confused as to what she was talking about, but maybe this would be a good ice breaker conversation. As I walked over, a couple of the women met me with hugs and excitement in their voices. I didn't know I would be that popular here, but whatever!

"PLACES!" A mans voice boomed from behind me.

Shoot! I could feel this interview slipping away, and with my time crunch, I needed every second I could get. The rush of the people around me increased, and I felt myself getting pushed and shoved around. An arm grabbed mine and yanked me towards them. It was the woman who initially said hi to me from the group.

"Come on!" she hastily said pulling me towards a large conveyer belt on the ground.

"Wait, but I'm not..."

But it was too late. Another man standing by the belt had nudged me onto the belt with a firm push. A clamp on the belt automatically closed around my left foot that I had used to catch myself from falling. I tried to fight it, but my foot was firmly planted. I stood there with one foot on and one foot off the belt. I felt the girl from behind grab and shift me to the left. My right foot instinctively moved to catch myself and that's when i felt the other clamp close around my right foot.

"Wait, but you don't understand I'm..."

"GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN!" the man shouted as the conveyer was loaded with the five of us. Two in front of me and two behind.

Couldn't they tell I wasn't part of this show by my outfit? I was the only girl here professionally dressed and with their hair tied up. I began to panic and bent down to try and unlatch my feet. Without noticing, a metal rod rose up slowly behind me from the belt. There was no luck getting the foot clamps opened. As much as I pulled, they stayed closed. When I stood back up, I noticed something had risen up behind the two women in front of me. It looked like some kind of rod assembly with clamps hanging from it. Within an instant, I saw the clamps at the top of the rods snap closed around their necks. They began to squeal with excitement.

"Ahhh!" I gasped, as I felt a similar clamp close around my neck.

The initial shock really scared me, but coming too, I noticed the clamp itself was lined with a soft material, but restricted a lot of my head movement. The rod slowly rose upwards a little more, straightening me up along with it. Just then, two soft clamps snapped closed around my wrists, and began to lift my arms upwards away from my body. Looking at the women in front of me, I could see they were all immobilized on the rod assemblies too. We were all forced to stand tall with our arms stretched out.

I tried my best to fight it, but the rod was sturdy and held me firm. "You don't understand, I'm not part of this!" I tried to yell.

I heard one of the girls in front of me say, "Keep it up! The audience loves it when contestants struggle."

But I wasn't suppose to be a contestant on this crazy sex show. I could only imagine what they were about to do with us as we were held in place like Barbie dolls ready to be played with. I noticed that the conveyer belt we were attached to led into that large container I saw earlier. As I looked inside I could see all sorts of mechanical arms and assemblies around the inside shell. A camera hung from the outside, pointed towards all of us, and I could see a couple more inside as well. The words 'THE PACKAGING DEPT.' illuminated on the top of the container as I felt a small jolt from the belt. An uproar rose from the audience through the other end of the container, and at that point, I knew I was going to be playing whether I liked it or not.

The conveyer bounced again, and this time slowly moved us towards the entrance. As the first woman crossed the threshold, I saw a ball gag hanging right at the height of her lips. The gag entered her mouth and was secured behind her head by two mechanical arms.

"No!" I shriller, trying to free myself.

The girl in front of me yelled back, "Don't fight it Erica or else!" Right as the gag entered her mouth.

I had no idea what the "or else" meant and I wasn't Erica, but even still, I locked my lips. My gag lowered from the ceiling as I approached, and when I got within a few inches of it, I could tell the belt wasn't going to stop. WHACK! A mechanical arm smacked my ass making me cry out in pain, causing an uproar from ahead. While my mouth was open for that split second, the gag found its way in and the audience cheered again. The arms then secured it around my neck tight enough that I couldn't spit it out.

My attention was now drawn forward as the belt came to a stop. Another light illuminated with the words 'CLOTHING REMOVAL'.

"Oh shit" I thought to myself. "They better not undress me!"

I tried to yell out, but the only sounds that came from my mouth were grunts and moans. Little arms extended down from the ceiling with micro saw looking tips and metal pinching fingers. A high pitch noise emanated from the saws as they inched closer to our bodies. The hair on my arms raised as the fingers pulled my shirt tightly, and the saws made their cutting actions. Within a few seconds, my shirt was ripped off of me. More grunts left my mouth, but that just made the audience cheer louder. The arms moved down my body and began the same process of removing my pants, and before I knew it, I was hanging there in my cheeky silk underwear and bra. What a sight that must have been! Hopefully none of my ex boyfriend's watch this show. Looking forward, I could see the women in front of me hanging there in their underwear as well!

I thought we were done, but the whining noise from the saws continued. My bra began to get tugged at from both sides and then, whoosh, it was gone. My boobs hung freely and my nipples were stiff as boards. I knew where the arms were going next, but even with my jostling, my underwear disappeared with little effort. Finally, I felt my shoes get sucked off of my feet like the rest of my clothes. A shiver ran down my body as I hung there completely naked with my feet still locked to the ground. I worked really hard at the gym to get a toned body, but I never imagined it would be on display for the world to see.

Confused and naked, I stared at the two other naked women in front of me thinking what else this machine could possibly do to us. The next thing that happened took me by total surprise. The belt began to shift forward again, and I could see something happening to the lady in the front. Her metal stand began to lower down, forcing her into a sitting position. At the same time her hands were brought behind her back and bound with a strap. Next, her legs were straightened out in front of her. On the ground, I could see her body get leaned backwards at a forty-five degree angle while her legs began to raise up and spread apart by the ankles. It looked like the machine was trying sandwich her in half, as two mechanical arms held her legs up and apart.

I had heard that this show could get weird, but I wasn't prepared for this next part. The woman was raised into the air and a plastic bin that matched the lower form of her body was rolled underneath her. She was then lowered into the bin, while a lid lowered down that had the same shape as her extended legs and upper half of her body. The mechanical arms holding up her legs released right as her feet slipped into the leg forms. The whole thing reminded me of an eggshell, but it had the form of an exposed woman, and there was a large cutout where the crotch should have been. I saw that it was even painted like a naked woman too! She was now sealed inside the plastic form of a woman as it began to roll out of the container down a slightly sloped ramp.

"Shit! We're being packaged up!" I thought to myself. "How did I let this happen to me?"

The process started again with the girl in front of me, and she too was packaged up and wheeled down the ramp. I was able to get a better look at the box they were sealing her in, and sure enough, it was the exact form of a woman with her legs spread apart, high in the air, and crotch exposed. They even went as far as to paint the face portion of the shell like a beautiful woman.

"Well, here we go." I thought, knowing that it was my turn.

The machine was surprising gentle with how it made me sit, lean back, and spread my legs in the air. I'm lucky that I do a lot of yoga because the bend in my hamstrings got intense near the end. I was now spread eagle and completely exposed with no way of escape. The machine lifted and lowered me into the bottom portion of the shell and the lid was lowered down on top of me like it had with the two first women. My feet slipped seamlessly into the leg portion, which I think was coated with a fine layer of lubricant. The last thing I saw before everything went dark was the round cutout in the lid that would leave only my vagina and ass exposed.

As I rolled down the ramp, cool air blew across my lady parts, creating goosebumps all over my body. Surprisingly, the box was incredibly form fitting, hugging each and every curve of my body. There were even two spaces perfected made for my boobs to fit in. The cutout in the lid also formed a tight seal around my exposed parts making them protrude nicely I could only imagine. Frustration started to run through my mind. I couldn't believe I was gonna be a part of this sex game show. I will kill whoever decides to have a good time with me while I'm stuck in this box.

I felt someone take hold of my box and start to wheel me to what I believe was center stage. "Great..." I thought to myself. "Now my ass is spread wide open for the world to see, while I'm completely stuck in here. I so hope my boss isn't watching."

I waited there in the box for a good minuted, listening to the other two two women get packaged up, when an uproar came from the audience I couldn't see. "Welcome to Spill Over." Boomed the announcers voice.

The crowd cheered even louder at this. "Welcome back everyone! Thank you for joining us tonight."

"Even if you didn't join us intentionally!" I scoffed in my mind.

"Tonight's game is called Package Delight! There will be three rounds of challenges our contestants will face. The five male contestants to my right will have five minutes per round to correctly identify, decorate, and pleasure our five female contestants that we have enclosed in their respective boxes."

Hoots and hollers erupted from the crowd as the announcer finished his opening explanation.

"Just remember men, if at any point one of our ladies orgasms before the designated time, then you both will automatically forfeit that round. So let's begin! If all of you men will get in line next to me, we'll start the first challenge called Tastes Familiar!"

Ooh's and ahh's came from the audience as I heard the men lining up.

"The objective of this game is for you men to get an initial taste of all our lovey ladies in the boxes here on stage. Each box has a number so you must be able to match the taste to the number in your heads. When that's through, we'll shuffle the boxes and cover up the numbers and you'll get one more chance to indulge in their flavors and correctly match the flavor to the hidden number."

My face grew flush as I imagined five men licking me and identifying me later by my taste. This game really is wild!

"It's all about memory and taste. Whoever can tie the two together will win the round."

The flush feeling in my face grew more intense and my heart began to race. I wonder if any of the other women were thinking how wrong this was too?

"On you mark, get set, GO!" Yelled the announcer.

Without a second to process what was about to happen, I felt a warm breathe cover my vagina, then a tongue dove right in. There was nothing I could do to stop it, and I didn't know if I wanted it to stop either! My curiosity got the best of me and I became super turned on. The crowd cheered as the person continued to explore me until they were satisfied. I felt their mouth leave me but within a second or two, another man took his place. I was licked, smelled, smothered, and nibbled on by all five guys. One person even went for my ass hole, which made me squeal a bit. I knew this was so wrong, but it undeniable felt great to be eaten.

"Alright contestants!" The announcers voice bellowed. "I'll have you turn around while we do a shuffle of our ladies."

I felt my box get wheeled in circles for a bit, then come to a stop, all while I was lost in my mind, imagining myself getting eaten again by the men. I could feel my vagina start to leak and butterflies appeared in my stomach.

"Now let's see how well your taste buds are it tied to your memory gentlemen."

The announcer counted down, and on go, I could hear feet come running towards me again. A tongue jumped right into me, and I could hear the person slurp a bit from how wet I'd become. As soon as he was done, another tongue attacked me. His tongue circled the outside of my vulva, then hooked inwards towards the g-spot. I moaned at the sensation. By the fifth tongue I was almost at the edge of an orgasm. Unfortunately, he left before I could come.

"Aright gentlemen, now let's match the ladies flavors to their respective numbers."

There was a small jingle playing as the men matched our numbers to how we tasted. I wasn't sure how they were doing it, but inside the box, I was breathing hard from being so turned on.

"Okay, so let's see how well you all did. Contestant one got two out of five. Contestant two got three out of five correct..."

He continued on until the audience cheered and applauded the winner.

"Now I forgot to mention, but points will be awarded to the most recognized lady as well, and that person was..."

There was a pause and then, "contestant number three!"

He patted my box with his hand letting me know that I had won that round too. An odd sense of pride filled me. Maybe I just had a very musky flavor!

"Contestant three, you were the tastiest out of them all!" He roared, as the audience cheered. "And for winning, you get to take a peek over the edge!"

Peek over the edge? I had no idea what he meant, and that's when I felt the soft head of a vibrator pushed against my clit. It moved in circles for a few second then changed to slow strides up and down. Moans escaped from my gag as I felt an orgasm growing inside me. Just as it was about to crash over, the vibrator was taken away and I was left to whimper.

"No!!" I groaned through the gag. I wanted to tell him to finish. I wanted to be taken to the edge and pushed over!

"I hope you enjoyed that tease contestant three. And now let's move on to round two called, Vagazzle Me. In this next round men, you'll need to pair up with one of our subdued ladies and beautify their bajingas! Before the show we asked all the ladies to remove all their hair below so you'd all have a clean canvas to work on."

I guess I was lucky to have gotten a Brazilian wax last weekend. I usually go with the landing strip, but this time I felt like going completely bare!