Action, Reaction and Consequences Ch. 07


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After they left, Tanya led Matt into the bedroom, she asked him to undress her but, frustratingly, he done it robotically with no passion or desire present. She was hoping that the drug would start to wear as she was determined to leave Matt with pleasant thoughts, make him acknowledge that on her return they could pick up right where they left off.

It was difficult and, in the end, the only way it would work was for Matt to lay on his back whilst she rode him to several orgasms of her own. She kissed him passionately but his resonance was still nondescript. Bringing his hands up to her breast he just left them on her, in the old days he would have been tweaking her nipples as she ground herself out another orgasm.

She tried to get him to cum with a lengthy blow job, deep throating his cock, Within the drugs injected was a drug to keep him hard for Tanya's benefit but she hated that he was acting like an empty vessel when she wanted him to be alive with their love.

At six am she left, she had written a note and hoped he would understand. She looked around the apartment, her home, and hoped by time she returned they would be selling it ready to buy a house planning to bring up the children that would be the next important life goal to achieve. She kissed him, then silently walked out of his life.

Later that day she was filled with remorse that she'd deceived her husband. The night before she felt there was a slim chance he'd understand and willingly sign the document, Mr. Smith had given her the notion that he might just, as an outside chance, sign the agreement but at the funeral the hatred in his eyes shocked her. She no longer existed as Tanya and she cried at her loss. In the afternoon she cracked, using her new phone she dialled Matt's number which now no longer existed. She had been warned that she should not try to contact him, Mr. Smith would make that happen but she needed to settle into her new temporary life that they were trying to map out before that could happen. All of a sudden. her phone rang, she grabbed it to see it was Mickey.

"Hi Tammi, thought I'd let you know I'm back in the UK now. I'm sorry about not saying goodbye but I need to thank you for doing the decent thing of showing me that video clip. There are plenty of people that would have not told me and let me play a dumb cuck. After a discussion the next day, Austeja decided to go play gold mining elsewhere. I'm a free man now Tammi and I'd like to take you to dinner on Friday night. I've taken the liberty of booking a table for us at the Beast, do you like steak & lobster? We can chat about work; I've got an idea and want to see if it fits in with you."

"Hi, Mickey, yes I love a decent steak and lobster. I've just looked at where Beast is located. Tell me Mikey, are you a swinger?"

Mickey was silent for a few seconds. He replied, if Tammi would have been with him she would have disliked the expression of displeasure he had.

"No Tammi, I don't share my woman with any man."

She laughed.

"I'm glad that's your view on the subject. I'm teasing you, that isn't what I meant. Opposite Beast is a place called Swingers Crazy Golf. Let's meet there and have a round or two of golf plus a few drinks before the meal. We're both competitive, I'm sure we can make a suitable bet on the day to egg on our competitive nature!"

Mickey laughed, he realised she'd pulled a sucker punch of a joke at his expense. People didn't do that with Mickey but Tammi was different. He agreed, they made arrangements to meet at five pm that Friday.

Mickey arrived first dressed as if he'd just stepped off the set of Peaky Blinders. Unlike the actors he was the real deal and most people that looked at him realised that was the case. If they glanced at Mickey their head's swivelled when Tammi walked in.

She wore a red full-length dress with a split up one leg to the top of her thigh which showed off her full tanned leg as she walked in the red heels. The dress was ruffled around her waist but the remainder of it stretched tightly against her body, clinging seductively to her backside and the deep vee front let her breast sit magnificently on display. With no bra her nipples could be seen clearly pressing against the material of the dress. Every time Mickey saw her he was drawn closer and closer to this bewitching creature like an iron filing being attracted helplessly to a magnet.

"Tammi, look around the room, every set of eyes are on you. Fuck, I've been dreaming about you every night but it pales as to being with you in the flesh. And I admit, you're showing plenty of that for me right now which is certainly having an effect on me."

"Thank you, Mickey, and, my, my, you certainly look the part too."

She put her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Her hand slyly slipped down to his cock feeling it strain against his trousers. Unlike on the boat a few days back, there was no other woman that had a claim on Mickey. Mickey pulled a box from his jacket pocket with a silk ribbon wrapped around it. When Tammi opened it, she found a pair of substantial gold earrings that looked like a three-dimensional mini chandelier except the small pieces weren't glass. They were diamonds, lots of small diamonds. She tried to decline the gift but Mickey insisted. He'd brought them in Dubai to bring back for her as a gift. She put them on to the murmurs of admiration from those around her.

As the got ready to start the first round of golf they made a bet. When they went to bed, the loser had to undress first doing a sexy striptease. Tammi knew that tonight, she would have to put on the greatest show to date. Subconsciously, she was already chanting the words it's an act.

They played their game of crazy indoor golf and, despite trying her hardest, Tammi lost. Mickey smiled, blew out a long breath of air and looked at her smiling. They crossed the road and had a sumptuous meal when the bill came it was just under a thousand pounds for the two of them. Tammi offered to pay half but Mickey would have none of it. He had invited her to dinner and would foot the bill, in his eyes it was a pittance to pay to be in Tammi's company. They paid and walked out into the street.

"What now Tammi? I have a room booked at Claridges if you want to take this further right now, I can call up my driver to collect us as he isn't too far away. He can drop you back at your place then take me home. Whatever way you want to play this, I'm cool with it."

Tammi knew what she had to do but she couldn't push from her mind the full implications of doing this. She would, for the first time, sleep with, and wake up to, another man laying beside her other than her husband. Mentally she told herself it was all just an act a few times before she responded.

"I'd love to spend the night at Claridge's Mickey but can we go via my apartment for me to pick up some personal items and a change of clothes for the morning? I don't think I've ever done the walk of shame in the morning and I'm not about to start now! "

With that Mickey called his driver who took them to Tammi's apartment where she put together an overnight bag. They then were dropped up at Claridges.

In the room Mickey ordered a bottle of Champagne. He removed his jacket and waistcoat as they sat together on the bed. Tammi was shaking slightly which Mickey noticed.

"Are you OK, if you feel this is too soon, stop. I don't want to spoil the opportunity to explore where I want this to go Tammi."

Tami stood up and moved in front of him swaying her hips.

"I'm nervous Mickey, I've only had one real boyfriend and that was back in my uni days but it only lasted a year. Other than that, it's been very casual for me so this is potentially a big step for me."

It wasn't the truth, she was shaking because she was going to do it, she was going to sleep with Mickey.

She turned around and asked Mickey to undo the dress which he did. Turning back around to face him again she pulled the dress from her shoulders letting it slip gracefully to the floor. All she was now wearing were her heels and the earrings Mickey had given her earlier in the evening.

What happened next was unexpected. Mickey's happy demeanour changed as he leant forward towards Tammi. Standard practically naked before him for the first time his gaze had been drawn to the small tattoo on her pubic mound. The one with two letter 'T' and 'M'.

"What the fuck's this about Tammi?"

She sighed, they had previously worked out how she would portray the origins of the tattoo.

When I was in college I had, I suppose, what you'd call my first love but it lasted no more than a few months. Towards the end I felt he was losing interest so I stupidly had this done to try and show him how I felt. He still dumped me. I keep meaning to do something with it."

Mickey pulled her towards him, if their relationship did develop further, he had plans for that tattoo. His hand ran up her sides finally settling on her breast as he gently pulled and tweaked at her stiffening nipples. He pulled her forward to take one in his mouth. He sucked on it for a short while then pulled her back onto the bed with him. Within minutes they were making love and did so well into the night.

In the morning Tammi sat in the bathroom crying quietly to herself. She knew that it would always come to this but it had to be done, as Mr. and Mrs. Smith told her it was an act she was putting on and any emotions that she showed were not real. But she had been surprised by Mickey. She was expecting a coarse experience with him but he was actually tender in his approach. It showed experience. His lifestyle would have given him plenty of opportunities to grow and absorb all things sexually and he had brought them to the bed that night - it was as much about fulfilling her needs as much as his own. As much as she wanted to hate what she'd done, it hadn't been an unpleasant one from a physical point, it was the inner struggle between succeeding at her work and her love for her husband that tormented her.

The next three months went by in a blur. Within a month Tammi had moved into Mickey's luxurious six-bedroom house close to Rainham in Essex. For those four weeks prior to that he had shown her his legitimate business enterprises including the centre piece of the night club and casino in Southend. He wanted her to re-market them with fresh branding. During the conversations she suggested some further developments of his portfolio by creating two hotels. One designed exclusively for the hen party market with a spa treatment and bottomless prosecco brunches. The other aimed at the stag party groups offering fishing or off road buggies as part of a package.

From a cost perspective, having the two hotels adjoined by a common dining area meant that cost for running them could be reduced by having a single kitchen and bar area. Then there would be the tie-in to the casino and club with VIP options. Mickley liked it and very quickly a large empty hotel was snapped up and work underway to create the two entities sharing the common bar, reception and dining areas. Not only did it add to the portfolio but it was yet another way to launder the money from the more nefarious side of his business operations.

Tammi became absorbed into Mickey's life, and it all happened seamlessly. Mickey's mum and sister loved Tammi from the word go, they would nag Mickey not to let her escape his grasp as she was too good for him. It was a fun jibe at him but Mickey could sense that her intellect was most definitely a station above his. In the early days he had his old school buddy Tony T, an IT whizz, load some software to keep tabs on what Tammi did online and with her phone. All he said to Mickey was he was a lucky man as she seemed to spend an extraordinary amount of time buying hot clothing, especially lingerie. She had emails back and forth with the care home, offers of work via agencies and using her banking apps. He couldn't find anything that Mickey should be bothered about but he would set up a bot to ping Mickey if it picked up anything that could possibly raise suspicion.

The small nag in Mickey's mind that she was simply another way the government were using to dig out the secret that kept him immune from them interfering in his business started to evaporate with the news.

Whilst Lucas Jones was a prominent figure in Mickey's life he had always maintained his freelance tag and could disappear for days at a time much to Mickey's annoyance. But it did actually work to Mickey's benefit in many ways as, somehow, Lucas always seemed to have the connections that gave Mickey insight into forthcoming events. Rivals, wannabees encroaching into his territory and even Police activity that Mickey stood to gain by knowing. Mickey let Lucas' outright non-allegiance slide, to a point.

The digging into Lucas's past showed a being capable of unparalleled evil to get what he wanted. He needed to make sure that Lucas remained on his side, and as close as possible. As close as he kept Lucas, he could never share his terrible secret with him, Lucas would look to wrestle the piece from Mickey's grasp to profit or galvanise himself with the infamy that would surround it. And without it, Mickey was a dead man.

To allow Tanya to function as Tammi and communicate with Mr. Smith several paths were made available. A woman was found in a care home that could pass as Tammi's mother suffering with vascular dementia with no other known relatives or friends. She was shipped to a care facility near Cambridge but her details had changed by time she arrived at the new care home. She now had the credentials and background to pass as Tammi's mother. Due to the advanced dementia, it made no odds that the woman had never set eyes on Tammi beforehand.

The care home was told that the woman had been on a course of experimental drugs and, from time to time, the doctor running the clinical trial would check on the woman's progress. The doctor, of course, was Mr. Smith. It allowed a level of direct communication between Tammi and himself. Mickey came for a single visit, he didn't enjoy being in the company of people suffering as Tammi's mother. With no link to the person she may have been prior to illness he let Tammi go alone for all further visits using the premise that he needed to work on the business.

A secondary means of communication had been put in place. By hacking some well-known women's clothing websites the account used by Tammi passed via Mr. Smith's organisation. By using coded references for activities and other information offset against the items ordered by Tammi periodical updates could be given. In the event information of significance needed to be relayed back she would prompt a request to return goods, again, words outlining the issue with the clothing would allow sufficient detail to pass back to Mr. Smith.

To further aid this, monthly printed catalogues came in the post from the four companies hacked would arrive for Tammi. The difference was that these had been produced individually for Tammi, key words had a slightly different shade allowing her to pick up the new coding to relay information back. Mr. Smith knew that it was likely Mickey had used his old friend Tony T., the IT whiz kid, to keep tabs or monitor Tammi. His own IT specialist was confident he would not find the coded detail, not without access to the printed matter sent to Tammi.

The three months turned into five months and Tammi and Mickey's relationship continued to develop. Simply put, Mickey was deeply in love with Tammi and for the first time in his life he felt she was 'the one'. The one to marry and bear his children. He was well aware that Tammi knew he was far more than a legitimate business owner so started to drip feed small pieces of information to her. If she was receptive and accepting to what was going on out of sight then he would expose to more of the empire that hid from plain sight. Personally, he had been making the changes to her that he wanted, she never baulked and accepted that she would mould into the ultimate woman he wanted to be with.

It was Mickey's mum's birthday and he arranged for a private jet to fly his close family out to his holiday home in Dubai. It also corresponds nicely to the fact the Russians had a significant number of arms that they wanted to dispose of, which hinted that this went beyond the usual small arms. Where Mickey had been dealing with various South American groups regarding drugs, they made it clear that they would be interested in any high tech. weaponry that came his way. He could smell some serious money to be made plus forge greater links globally.

When the plane landed Yousef was there in the Range Rover to pick up Mickey and Tammi, the other family members had two stretched luxury limousines waiting for them. Yousef beamed when he saw Tammi, she walked over and hugged him.

"See, I told you I would see you again Miss Tammi. I knew the end of the day on the boat you would kick the cold one out of Mickey's bed, and good riddance to her!"

Tammi smiled.

"What happened to her Yousef, where did she go?"

He laughed.

"I don't know for sure but I believe she went digging for even bigger pieces of gold but now she is the one having her mine shaft plundered!"

He laughed loudly, shaking his head. Tammi looked at him amused, not quite understanding his statement.

Lowering his voice, he filled in the blanks.

"Let's say she is doing what she did here, working on her back to live in the rich world she had become familiar with. She does the same now, every hour, every day, but simply to make sure she can stay alive."

Tammi shuddered, she now knew the kind of fate that would likely befall her if Mickey ever knew her true identity and purpose but even that was becoming more blurred in her mind. Every single day the lifestyle she was now leading made it easier to suppress the mental prisoner of Tanya, Matt's wife, tucked away in a prison cell within her mind. Sometimes she could call out, she knew this relationship was wrong with Mickey, but Tammi could justify it was an act, an act to bring Mickey down which was her job. But it was slowly and steadily becoming more difficult to comprehend.

Unlike her last trip she did get to eat at At.mosphere in the Buri Khalifa which Mickey had booked on his mum's birthday and it was a truly memorable meal in a fairytale surrounding high in the skyline of Dubai. Towards the end of the evening as the family chair hopped to talk to one another Mickey found himself talking alone to his mum, and his mum spoke candidly to him.

"Mickey, you've got to stop what you are doing to that girl, you are ruining the essence of what drew her to you."

Mickey looked over at Tammi. "I love her mum, I want to make her perfect."

"She was perfect when you set eyes on her son, please don't taint her anymore than you have. I can see she loves you and I suspect she is allowing you to do what you are doing to her to keep you happy. I'm worried that if you go too far, she'll turn away from you. Of all the women that have fleetingly been by your side over the years, she is a gift from heaven. Do the right thing, make me and your father's soul happy."

"I plan to, very, very soon."

With his last comment she took his hand and pressed it between her own, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Now that news is the best birthday present any mother wants to hear."

The following week they were back in England and life returned to normal. Tammi's planning to market the hen and stag packages was well underway. Fliers had been sent out to various gyms and handed out at numerous nightclubs up and down the country. A space was left on the flyer for each club to stamp an ID so that any booking made via the club generated a ten per cent commission. The bookings started to come quickly and in volume. Mickey knew that with Tammi by his side they made an amazing team and he was simply in love with her. Now he needed to find the cement to bind that love together.