Actual Sorority Sisters Pt. 03


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My tongue darted out toward Lori's pussy. It landed flat against Lori's erect clitoris. On the left side of the screen, Lori jumped slightly and bit her lower lip. She quickly mastered herself and continued to write in her notebook as if nothing was happening. Below the desk, I started to lap up the length of Lori's slit. My tongue was soaked in her juices and then grazed her clitoris. Under the table her legs trembled greatly, as if making up for the fact that she could move above her waist. As I licked her, stuck my ass way out in the air and then reached one of my hands back between my legs, playing with my pussy as I licked hers.

In the dining room, the crowd murmured approval and I heard some almost-sexual moans as people were resisting their own desires. My finger was still teasing my clit slowly and carefully. I was controlling my breathing, trying to match Lori's composure on the screen.

"Yeah just these three," a muffled voice said (Lori had gotten the security tapes from the library, but they had no sound, all sound came from my camera under the desk). On the right side of the screen I was pleasuring myself while my tongue was actually poking into Lori's cunt, but on the right, Lori was looking at a freshman boy with a few books in his hand. She took them and his library card.

"You have a late fee," she said, her voice shaking but not badly, "$10.17."

"Can I pay it next time?" he asked.

"Yes, but an additional fee will be assessed on Tuesday," she explained. She handed back the books, "Next." And there was yet another transaction in which Lori checked out books. Underneath the table, my lips were now wrapped tightly around Lori's clitoris. My tongue was flicking it mercilessly.

I hadn't wanted her to get caught or make any noises (that would be bad for everyone), but the video would be better if she had to work for it. On the left hand screen, her calm face showed she was working incredibly hard. Further, I was not exactly thinking rationally. The horny fog that I felt in the dining room had been there that day in the library as well. I just wanted to do anything any everything sexual, no matter how dirty. I decided to raise the stakes slightly (and also try something I'd been curious about since the last full group meeting). I moved my hand out from between my own legs (in the library, not in the dining room), and hooked both of my hands underneath of each of Lori's knees. I pulled her towards the edge of the chair and then rocked her hips back slightly. On the left screen, Lori acted as though she was just adjusting her seating while calling another library patron to the front of the line.

Underneath the table, Lori's tight, pink asshole was now exposed, about an inch above the seat of the chair. "How can I" Lori asked. The pause was barely noticeable on the left screen, but on the right, it was clear that my tongue was pressed flat against the soft, pink ridges of Lori's asshole and my nose was pressed into her soaked slit. I lapped at her asshole with abandon.

In the dining room, I could almost completely relive that experience, just a few hours in the past. As my tongue started to press with more and more pressure against my clit, remembered what it had felt like. Her asshole was coated in her juices and felt both folded and soft against my tongue. I was so close, had to actually pull back a bit. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Allaya looking at me, she whispered to someone else. I was too engrossed to care. Besides, on the left hand screen, a person was now standing at the desk, ready to respond to Lori's last question.

"Two books, one is a reference, can I get this out?" a girl's voice replied. I licked harder, shaking my nose inside Lori's body.

", just the one," Lori said taking an incredibly deep breath and, miraculously, getting control of herself.

"Can you re-shelf this for me then?" the girl asked, leaning up against the desk. Lori quickly reached forward and grabbed the book.

"Of course," she said and then waved the girl away. When there was a little space, Lori let out a quiet moan and closed her eyes briefly. I made my tongue hard, and poked it gently (but forcefully) into Lori's asshole. I could still remember how her tight, muscled anus closed around the two inches of tongue I managed for force inside of her. She gasped slightly, but didn't try to stop me. In fact, on the left screen she opened her eyes back up and once again, lifted her pencil. I continued to tongue her asshole for a couple of minutes, my hands rubbing all over her thighs and calves.

Suddenly, I felt Lori's body tense. For a moment, I wondered if she was going to cum and started to tongue harder. But her legs were no longer shaking, and her tension felt different. After a moment, I found out why.

"Oh hi," I heard a familiar voice say, "I forgot you worked here. Just one book."

"Hi Heather," Lori said, her voice sounding both nervous and excited. On the left hand screen, our very own president Heather came onto the screen. In the dining room, the crowd went wild. While continuing to pleasure myself, I looked over my shoulder and saw Heather's jaw on the floor. Everyone was giggling, but on the screen, Heather spoke again, and everyone quieted down.

"Thanks," she said, taking her checked out book, "So are you ready for the meeting this afternoon?" she asked. Everyone laughed, realizing the strangeness of the moment. Lori gave the briefest hint (on screen) that she just wanted the conversation to be over so she could stop keeping it together, but Heather comfortably leaned on the desk.

At the same time, I realized (on the screen) that Heather was the person in front of the desk. I had the opportunity to do something crazy. I gave Lori's asshole one final, deep open-mouthed kiss. Then I moved my mouth up to Lori's clitoris. My lips wrapped around it tightly her little bud. At the same time, I moved one of my hands up and quickly dipped my finger into Lori's wet slit. She squirmed (but only under the table). But I wasn't down. I let my finger trail slowly down the length of her slit, across her perineum and then, wetly, against her asshole.

"Uh...yeah, I... uh THINK so," Lori squealed on the left screen as, on the right, my finger slipped easily into Lori's tight asshole. Everyone in the audience giggled. On the screen, first the tip of my finger, then the first knuckle, and then the second slipped into Lori's narrow opening. I felt her muscles squeezing on my finger as my hand settled up against the soft mounds of Lori's ass. My entire finger was buried in Lori's anus while my tongue was latched tightly to her clitoris. And, above her waist, Lori sat patiently, trying to look as calm as possible.

"I rarely get to talk to the pledges outside of the house, I hope school and...well work are going alright with all the...activities you have to do for the sorority," Heather said, sound way warmer and more pleasant than she did when acting as president. Lori took a deep, gulping breath in, and mastered herself.

"Oh yeah, it is all about time management. Sometimes it helps to do two things at once," she said calmly. The crowd went wild, laughing and clapping at Lori's composure and quick wit. I, of course, was not clapping. My fingers were now moving more and more vigorously on my clit. I felt like I was getting close. Below the desk, I was curling my finger gently, but with force, inside of Lori's ass and lapping warmly at her clit.

"Well thanks for the book. See you tonight," Heather said. She waved warmly, grabbed her book and headed out the door.

"See ya," Lori said with extreme difficulty. I was still moving a mile a minute. Heather walked out the door. There was no one left in line. In fact, the only other people on that floor of the library were now in the computer lab, on the far side of the building. For all intents and purposes, Lori and I were alone. And Lori completely cracked.

Her body started to shake and she moaned (almost too loudly). She put her hands down under the desk, pushing my face harder into her lap. I licked more fervently and kept my finger moving deep inside of Lori's asshole. Her legs flailed wildly under the desk. Then her muscles tensed and she thrust her hips forward three times. A large amount of liquid squirted out of Lori's pussy. It surprised me and I moved away from her clit, causing the liquid to splash against my face and chest. Finally, Lori collapsed, relaxed onto the chair. On the screen, I turned and looked at the camera, Lori's juices dripping off my chin, and smiled. The screen went black.

But, at the same time that our video was reaching its climax, in the dining room I was doing so too. As the ground cheered on the end of our video, I felt the tell-tale signs of an orgasm. All of my muscles felt like they were under an unbelievable strain, my toes were curled tightly, and I wasn't breathing. I felt ripples of sensations emanating out one at a time from my clitoris. Then suddenly, those sensations expanded so that each one was the size of my entire existence. I felt swallowed up by pleasure and a deep, abiding sense of satisfaction. I let out my breath, and my muscles drooped.

"Holy shit, Ellie is beating it!" I heard a voice say. My eyes sprung open and I looked out to see all 39 other sorority girls staring at me intently. The first person I saw was Lily, looking disgusted. I felt my cheeks get hot. Now that I'd cum, the deep abiding need to do so had faded, and I felt absurd for my actions. I wondered how disgusted the other girls must've been. I realized I'd pushed things too far. My stomach rumbled and I felt ill. What the hell was wrong with me?

"If I'd know that was allowed, I would've started two videos ago!" Jenna said loudly and everyone laughed. Soon everyone was commenting on my "enjoyment" of my own video. Some people ribbed me good naturedly and others expressed jealously that they were too uptight to follow suit. I even heard a junior girl say she'd done the same thing during the video show while she was pledging, just without being caught. Whatever embarrassment I felt absolutely lifted. Jenna was right, this was the place to do something strange. We had gone through something and come out different on the other side. What was once shameful and strange was now laudable and common place. Only my sister still looked sour, ruining the realization somewhat.

"Well I guess we all enjoyed the last submission," Heather said once the group settled down, "Some more than others." She said looking at me. Everyone laughed and I even smiled. "I have to say that I had absolutely no idea what was going on when I spoke to Lori this afternoon. That was...a really good video. And Ellie...being just imaginatively dirty must run in the family." When she said that, Lily's scowl got even deeper and my blush returned. "A great video."

"Congratulations to all participants," Carrie said, "We will not commence voting. Freshmen cannot vote. We will call out the names of the participants, just raise your hand and we will see who everyone thinks created this year's best video. Remember, the best video will receive a prize and be set in a place of honor in the video collection." I felt a little thrill of excitement. I don't know why, but I wanted to win.

"Alright," Heather said, "Who votes for Allaya and Jacqueline and their student-teacher role-play video?" I looked around the room and saw a few hands raised.

"Three votes," Carrie called out.

"Okay, how about Alisha and Nicole's quad adventure?" Heather said. This time no one raised their hand, and I felt sort of bad.

"One," Carrie said.

"Who?" Heather asked, looking around the room. Carrie shrugged, "Oh a pity vote from a fellow bush woman." Heather said, rolling her eyes at Carrie.

"It was hot!" Carrie responded.

"Whatever," Heather said, "How about Kristen and Jenna's drinking contest?" Everyone giggled at this formulation. But several hands shot up, including my sister. But just as many people were shaking their heads. It was a polarizing video.

"Six," Carrie said.

"Carol and Bethany in the Dean's office?" Heather stated. More hands, this was definitely our stiffest competition, "Don't read out the number," Heather said. Carrie nodded, and just noted it. Heather quickly got everyone to put their hands down. I didn't have time to count.

"And finally, Lori and Ellie's library act?" Heather asked. Hands shot into the air and Carrie quickly counted them. She turned and whispered into Heather's ear.

"Alright," Heather said, lifting her hand to the crowd, "The votes are tallied. Tonight's winners, as Carrie noted, will be placed on the wall of fame downstairs in our video library. But, perhaps more importantly, they will receive this," she reached into a bag that was sitting at her feet, "As a reminder of their win together." She quickly lifted up a large, black, double sided dildo! I could not believe it. It was such a strange trophy, though I supposed it made sense. But I felt very peculiar, because I thought I wanted it. I looked at Lori and saw in her eyes she wanted it too. It would make an excellent addition to our room decorations.

"Little smaller than last year's," someone said and Heather shrugged.

"It's not the size of know," Heather said and everyone laughed, "Okay, but now for the winner. In second place, with nine votes...Carol and Bethany." Everyone started cheering. Carrie grabbed the dildo from Heather's hand and started walking over towards the freshman. I moved over so that I was next to Lori. Heather was still talking, but louder now over the din of the crowd, "And the winners are Lori and Ellie!" Carrie handed the giant, 1.5-foot long two-and-a-half inch wide dildo to Lori. It was some sort of dense rubber and, as she handed it to me laughing, I felt its intense weight.

"Holy crap!" I said and she nodded in agreement. But I was in heaven even before I had a chance to play with it. These girls had watched me perform in a sexual manner. They'd seen me do things that, in my conscious mind, I would never want to do. And they rewarded me for it. I felt a buzz like being drunk. And I felt an insatiable arousal that came with being desired.

"So congratulations to our winners," Heather said. "We will conclude our meeting for the night. Unlike one of our winners, the rest of us patiently waited, but I assume many of us have...some business to attend to." The older girls laughed and even the freshman girls seemed comfortable with this open reference to sex or masturbation. Any barrier that had existed before had been systematically demolished during the course of the week. We were really part of the sorority now.

"I guess our winners might want to test drive their new toy even if Ellie was a bit impatient," Carrie said, looking down at us. My stomach flipped. I looked over at Lori and she bit her lower lip. I felt strange. Lori and I had had sex earlier that day. I'd done things to her that I never thought I'd do with anyone. But that had been a movie. Now we had this toy and this shared room. I wondered what our future held in these walls.

"Yeah well, I guess she can do whatever she wants," a voice said. I turned and saw Lily spewing acid and then slinking out of the room.

"Remember," Heather said, "Tomorrow night is another meeting. Be here at the same time."

The desires I had been feeling for Lori (and for our toy) and the comfort I felt for this place instantly dried up. The next night would certainly be another night with one of our Big Sisters. The week certainly had a rhythm. And that meant, for me, a night with my actual big sister.

An evening with Lily. The excitement of filming and then watching my video had completely swept this eventuality form my mind. The rush of victory had obscured it further. But Heather's words drove it home instantly, at a time when I was not ready to hear it. I felt off balance. We couldn't avoid each other anymore. I felt absolute fear and sensed that a reckoning was finally about to occur. The nature of that reckoning, was uncertain.

End Part 3

To Be Continued


So that is the end of the third section. I realize that this was sort of indirect chapter, but I think it served its purpose. We are almost done now. Look for the conclusion next.

Anyway, I honestly write so that I can hear the comments you all give. So please just tell me what you think. Even if it is just a sentence (though I always prefer more). Consider that your payment for the free story. And if you like this, I beg you to read my other stories. Thanks!


P.S. - I do one edit on my work and try to be thorough. But I figure when it comes to handing out free pornography you all would be better served getting it fast (if a little rough), than waiting for me to polish it like I was getting paid for my work. Especially on a project as massive as this. So, in short, I know there are some errors and I don't really care that much. Just try to enjoy the porn.


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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Wonderful description of the videos and the crescendo as they progressed. I couldn't help but wonder if a facial squirt would have been sexier than drinking out of the glass. Direct from the source if you will.

JSA69JSA6910 months ago

I usually avoid pee videos, but I think I'll have to check some out, along with a double-ender, and of course some butt licking. Bravo to the contestants, and BRAVO! to the author. This is fantasy material for a while now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I don't usually comment, but I feel I must this time. I think you are absolutely a fantastic writer! But this is by far your best work!

You other works that I've read are a little short for my taste, and definitely need more proofing (they can be hard to figure out at times). But this one so far is just awesome! I can't wait to start part 4!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Anonymous, why don't you shut the hell up and go away before I report you for saying the same thing on all YKN's stories. Seriously, get a life. It's LESBIAN INCESTUAL EROTICA. GET LOST.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

warning this is a Lesbo story................ author couldn't bring themselves to state that at the onset..............

DeepestDesire81DeepestDesire81over 3 years ago
The story so far...

Chapter three is somewhat of a break from the story. Though, it does flesh out some of the minor characters and crates from (each) a personality and traits.

ptebadenptebadenabout 6 years ago

I had to stop reading two times i nedded some relief

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
If Part 4 wasn't out already!!!

You left this at such a cliffhanger! Waiting for Ellie and Lilly to finally get together, hoping that you'd give us some detail on what Lorie and Ellie were up to, oh my god! But I guess you have to reel us in somehow... But seriously, if Part 4 wasn't out already, I'd be laying on my bed thinking, "Well... Now what do I do with my life?" Amazing story!

fringsfringsalmost 10 years ago

Fucking great. Cant wait to read the final part.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I have had multiple orgasms reading every chapter of this story. SO hot. Please keep writing!

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