Actual Sorority Sisters Pt. 04


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Suddenly, everything clicked. I thought I'd understood everything the previous night when I was with Lily. But now things began to come into focus. All of my sister's fleeting mentions of Heather, the feud that they had going back to the previous year, and my sister's anger. All of these things were connected. I felt so stupid for not realizing it before. They had been roommates. I looked around the room and saw Lori gently kissing a junior girl. I knew how important Lori was to me already. How much we bonded. I realized that Lily and Heather must've bonded too. Maybe it had grown into something more. And then something changed. They'd had some sort of falling out. Maybe it was the election. Or maybe the election happened because of the falling out. But I could see it now. A lover's quarrel.

And I realized this sort of explained some of my sister's antagonism towards me. I mean, not entirely, but to a degree. Why would my sister be worried about me joining the sorority? Sure, I was her "annoying little sister" and all of that, but there was more to it. If Lily was secure in this place, I wouldn't have felt threatening to her. The fight with Heather was what had made her insecure! My sister had found a place that over three years had made her feel at home and a part of something. And then a fight with Heather had made her feel like an outsider, she even lost in a popularity contest disguised as an election. And I came and reinforced that insecurity, making her feeling even more alienated. Well I'd fixed that problem, but the root of the anxiety was still there. I thought back to all of the things that Lily had said about Heather, and the more I thought the more I knew that I was right. Suddenly, an idea struck me. I thought I had an idea for how to fix the problem.

It looked like Carrie (who I now saw as a shallow replacement for my sister) had cum. Heather hadn't but Carrie was too tired to keep going. I looked back over at my sister. She was hanging her head now, not looking. Perfect. I got up from the floor and walked over toward Heather, who was looking around the room with a mixture of interest and frustration. I walked over and stood next to her.

"Madame President," I said.

"Mademoiselle actually," Heather said from the floor. She looked up at me here eyes were so deep and pretty. She grinned at me, her smile itself a sexual act. She was still horny, and she was looking me over, wondering what to do.

"I want to thank you for letting me rush and then pledge here," I said and she shrugged.

"You are a perfect fit honey. You belong here," she said, "You even have the right look." She said, I took that as referring to my sister.

"Well, either way, I would like to thank you for what you've done for me," I said in a sultry voice. This seemed to perk her up.

"What did you have in mind beautiful?" she asked.

"Follow me," I said and reached out my hand. She looked at me for a second, and then took it. I led her across the room. I felt her eyes on my ass as we walked. I wondered if she was thinking about how much I looked like my sister. I wondered if she thought that by fucking me she would be getting back at Lily. Or if she missed Lily and now had a chance to be with her one last time without actually being with her. Both thoughts made me feel dirty, but in a way that I liked. We walked to the opposite side of the dining room, over by the door to the living room. I pointed to a spot behind the big couch in the living room.

"Sit down, close your eyes, and don't open them until I say. It is going to be a while. I have something big in mind," I said in my most sultry voice. Heather quickly complied, sitting down theatrically, exposed her shaved pussy, and closing her eyes. She was so sexy, I couldn't help myself: I leaned and gave her a quick kiss. I watched her lips turn up slightly.

I got up quickly and shuttled back across the room. I found Lily sitting next to the wall, still looking down. I kicked her gently. She looked up, annoyed at first, and then seeing it was me, she smiled good-naturedly.

"Hey sis, having fun?" she asked.

"Hey listen," I said, realizing the timeline was short, "I have a really fun idea." Lily's eyes roamed over my body.

"Oh honey, I want it as much as you do," she said sounding apologetic, "But do you think it is a good idea in front of everyone?" I actually blushed.

"No, No, No," I said, "Not like that." She furrowed her brow.

"What then?" she asked.

"Something else, not directly with me," I said.

"Like what then?"

"Just trust me," I said, "You will like it."

"Oh come on, you know I hate surprises!" she said. I knew she was intrigued now that she was begging.

"No, just trust me. Close your eyes," I said. She looked at me briefly out of the corners of her eye. Then she grinned broadly and closed her eyes. She put her hands up and I helped her up to her feet. I quickly shuffled her across the room (dodging lovers in various kinds of embrace). Finally, I got her right next to Heather. I positioned Lily so that she was right between Heather's legs. I got up close to her ear.

"Get down on your hands and knees," I whispered. Lily smiled coyly and then complied. I helped guide her so that she wouldn't bump Heather. However, her hair did drape down over Heather's legs. Heather shivered and then smiled. For a moment, I thought she would speak but she didn't. I carefully guided Lily's head so that she was just inches from Heather's pussy. She breathed in with her nose and smiled. I leaned in between them.

"Open your eyes," I whispered. They both opened their eyes at the same time. For a moment, they just absolutely froze. Then they both looked over at me. A wave of anger emanated from both of them. I almost stepped back. They didn't just instantly fall on each other. I kind of hoped they would. I needed to do something. I fumbled, and then just started talking.

"You...You guys...something is wrong. And it is bad for the sorority and it is bad for each of you. I don't know...What you are fighting about. But I know it is happening. You need to work it out. You know this place and this position. You guys were friends once and you won the video competition right here and in this spot. That should mean something to you. You need to remember what that was," I said. I felt strange, because I knew so little about what was happening. But these were my sisters (to different degrees) and I could sense what they needed.

"Ellie!" Heather said.

"Lizzie," My sister yelled, cutting off Heather. But the instant her mouth opened, I pushed her face into Heather's lap. Her mouth quickly covered up Heather's wet slit. Heather shook and gasped, looking like she was going to fall over. For a moment, my sister looked like she was going to pull her head up. I had to think fast. I looked around and saw a girl walking by. I reached up, grabbed her wrist and pulled her down. I instantly put the girl's fingers into my sister's cunt.

"Holy fuck!" My sister moaned. The girl's finger sunk into my sister. It was only then that I looked over and saw who it was that I had grabbed. It was Lori, looking absolutely confused and shocked. But I was glad I saw her instead of someone else.

"Lori, you keep your hand on my sister's pussy and clit as long as she eats out Heather. The instant that she stops licking Heather, you stop fingering. Do you understand," I asked. Lori nodded, "And do you both understand?" I said, asking Heather and Lily. For a moment they just writhed on the floor, moaning, "Understand?"

"Yes!" they both yelled out in unison. I looked down and saw that Lily was licking Heather's pussy passionately. Heather was grabbing her own breasts, her head thrown back, moaning loudly. Lori looked at me like I had just beamed there from another universe.

"Trust me," I said. Then I figured that nothing good could come from me sticking too close. I walked halfway across the room, sat down, and watched. I watched as Lily passionately licked Heather's pussy, tonguing it and even getting her fingers inside of her ex's pussy. It seemed the more she licked, the more into she got. Heather ran her fingers through my sister's hair, whispering something to her. Heather's long nipples looked amazing as she rocked her hips on the floor. Lori looked both terrified and aroused. While I watched them, I played with my tired little clit, feeling my arousal grow as I watch my sister fuck her ex-lover.

After just a few minutes I saw Heather's body start to tense up. Her eyes slammed shut and her mouth made a perfect "O." She started to shake. This seemed to be a signal to Lily. Her tongue continued to work, but her body became rigid. I could hear her moaning across the room. Finally, they collapsed together, panting on the floor.

Now was the moment of truth. I hoped that, like everything else this week, sex would solve any problems. I saw Lily sit up, breathing deeply. She said something to Lori. Lori said something back and Lily patted her hand gently. Lori shrugged, got up and went away. Then Lily turned back to Heather. They started to talk. I couldn't hear them over the moans in the room. They both seemed to be talking quickly, but not fighting. I saw my sister pointing around the room briefly. Heather nodded her head and then pointed towards the front door. My sister shrugged and nodded. Lily looked down and said something. Heather took a deep breath. And then I saw Heather say something. She was repeating it over and over again, "I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry." My sister said something, but Heather shook her head. I saw tears rolling down her cheek. Lily was crying too. She said something and then wrapped her arms around Heather. Soon they were holding each other, rocking on the ground, crying and whispering. I smiled with well-earned satisfaction. Then I went and found some action!

About half an hour later (I cannot for the life of me remember what happened next. I vaguely remember a spatula? I don't was good) I was again sitting on the floor. I felt someone kick me gently. I looked up and saw my sister looking down at me. Smiling.

"How did you know?" She asked. I knew what she was talking about.

"I pay attention to things. I am not a self-absorbed little kid. Anymore," I said and she laughed. She shook her head, tears still in her eyes.

"Heather...We...It was so stupid...and complicated...I didn't...and she was such a... I can't even begin..." My sister stammered, sitting down next to me.

"Lily, relax. I was just following the Six Pillars," I said and she laughed. But it seemed like she considered it and knew it was true.

"I guess so," she said, "It was creative, I will give you that."

"I thought you'd like it," I said, "If you didn't kill me." She punched my shoulder jokingly. Then she got a little more serious.

"It's so funny you know. I was afraid when you started here that you were going to come here and tear my life apart. But instead you put it back together. My family, my sorority, my relationships, all of it. Thank you Ellie, I love you so much!" She said, wrapping her arm over my should

"I love you too Lily, but don't thank me. You and this sorority gave me the tools to help you. A week ago, I just WOULD have gotten in the way. But I learned here, sisters work best when we are working together. And I put that lesson into practice," I said. Lily sort of leaned back like I had raised a thought. Lily got a mischievous look in her eye.

"The sorority really has been here for us hasn't it?" she asked. I nodded in response, wondering what she as getting at, "Well maybe we should work together and thank the sorority for bringing us back together," my sister said. I knew exactly what she had in mind. Sisters just know. And I wanted it.

"Lead the way," I said. Lily stood up and then reached down and took my hand. She helped me up. We walked over to the middle of the room, I looked at my sister's ass as we walked. Here we were, two sisters in the place where we belonged. Surrounded by our friends and completely at peace with each other. I'd never felt so perfect.

When he got to the middle of the room my sister dropped down onto her back on the floor. It was soaked in girls' juices and strewn with make-shift toys. I looked down at her and smiled. I knew what she wanted. I stepped halfway over her and then turned so that I was facing her feet. Then I squatted down over her face. I felt my pussy lips press against her lips. She kissed me and I moaned. Then I leaned forward, burying my face in my sister's hot muff. We settled into a 69 position. I love the way it felt to have her breasts in my belly while my breasts were in hers. Lily smelled delightful, like she'd been fucking for hours. I started to lap at my sister's hot cunt, soothing it with my tongue. She returned the favor and I moaned into her pussy. For a few moments, we licked each other in blissful anonymity.

"Holy shit!" I heard a voice say, "The Aboods are fucking." I knew instinctively that Lily and I should just pretend we didn't hear. It would be better. I continued to pleasure my sister, tasting her juices and feeling her skin against mine. I heard people whispering and talking to one another, but I kept my eyes closed. I could tell that people were crowding around and it increased my arousal. I licked more passionately.

We heard them assembling for several minutes, as our arousal grew deeper and deeper. I opened my eyes briefly and looked out of the corner. 38 beautiful girls were staring and my sister and I as we made love. I heard people commenting on us, talking about how dirty we were and the beauty of their bodies. But they didn't sound disgusted or offended. There was respect in their voices. Even awe. Our gift back to the sorority was accepted. I felt so beautiful, so feminine and so powerful. And of course, the orgasm came. At the same time, my sister came hard in my mouth.

And the orgasm, the sorority, my sister...I can't even describe it. Everything in the world was just...Perfect.

End Part 4

The End

So that is the end of the story. I will not be returning to the Abood sisters (at least not for a long time). I hope that the somewhat slow build towards this final scenes was worth it. People don't just wake up one day and sleep with their sisters. Only in very unique situations can such a thing occur organically. At the very least, my goal was for this story to have an internal logic that made some sense. More importantly, I hope you enjoyed this story and that it made a positive impact in your life.

Anyway, I honestly write so that I can hear the comments you all give. So please just tell me what you think. Even if it is just a sentence (though I always prefer more). Consider that your payment for the free story. And if you like this, I beg you to read my other stories. Thanks!


P.S. - I do one edit on my work and try to be thorough. But I figure when it comes to handing out free pornography you all would be better served getting it fast (if a little rough), than waiting for me to polish it like I was getting paid for my work. Especially on a project as massive as this. So, in short, I know there are some errors and I don't really care that much. Just try to enjoy the porn.


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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

That whole story was hot as fuck. I read from beginning to end, and well ... Awesome

Naestrong79Naestrong795 months ago

That was a hell of a story and I would love to here more about Elle and Lori’s story.This is my first comment and don’t worry about the errors I was so much into the story I really didn’t notice.

JSA69JSA6910 months ago

I for one am sorry to hear that there are no more stories about the Abood sisters. I sure enjoyed reading abut Pledge Week, but there must be a Homecoming coming up, with horny MILFs? And maybe a winter festival, or skiing at Vale? Whatever, thanks for the story. It is one of Literotica's best.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

A. Complete story with plenty of action. I thought there might be a couple other things sororities do but that was fine.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just finished reading this entire story. What a well written piece of erotic literature. Incredibly hot sex scenes and it had characters that you were rooting for and hoped they all got what they wanted in the end. And I'm glad that there wasn't a huge twist in here where Lily and Ellie/Lizzy's relationship really did crumble part for weeks, months, years before they reconciled together. Hopefully one day, while I feel it's unlikely, you come back to writing more about Ellie, Lizzy and the entire sorority.

AdrienRealityAdrienRealityover 1 year ago

I usually don't comment. I usually just hit the star number and go on about my day. After every chapter you asked for a comment on your work. I feel like I should honor that since I read every word. I must say that the anal part of me was put off a bit by the grammatical errors. However, the errors are no match for the creativity of this story. I really liked it. I appreciate the work you put into this story. It really seemed like I was a 'fly on the wall' in a secret society. I enjoyed every chapter. I am grateful for having spent my valuable time on this side of the dirt reading this work. So, I thank you and will be reading more of your stories hoping that they approach the fun and creativity of this one. Peace.

VesperLuxxVesperLuxxover 1 year ago

God I loved this! It was sooo hot and you really did what you set out to. It had it's own internal logic and emotional content that allowed for suspension of disbelief which mad it so much better.

striker24striker24over 1 year ago

Very over the top but also pretty damn awesome. Good storytelling and hot scenes, even though I find some of the kinks gross (piss, rimming).

SnoopygirlSnoopygirlalmost 2 years ago

Wow just wowwwww and I must say thank you for your writing skills and story telling skill set. I really loved it so thank you x thx for sharing and writing so well. Thoroughly enjoyed it and wish I went to an American university sorority like this too haha thx once again beautifully written so thank you again xx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Lesbo story of siblings that is just plain gross.............. And no I didn't and won't read the story. Not worthy of my time..........

slide_fire1slide_fire1over 2 years ago

Very nice work. Again you do so much with your use of language in the detailed descriptions of all aspects of your stories. I got somewhat sidetracked at the details in the video descriptions. I was a bit more interested in how the video of Ellie and Lori moved and how Ellie's and Lily's relationship would evolve. Just very nice work!

ArtemisandroidArtemisandroidalmost 3 years ago

Just Wow! Easily the best story I’ve read on Lit - and that’s 100s of stories over 10+ years. Anyone critical of your editing skills should shut up and try writing themselves. Not easy to do what you’ve done here. Thank you for the gift you give to all of us readers.

SlutbaneSlutbanealmost 3 years ago

Superb! Really well written. I just wish there was more of it!

LamentationLamentationover 3 years ago

I regret that I can give but five stars for this amazing story. I laughed, I cried, I fell down. It changed my life. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great storyline, beautifully build and written. Loved it from the first few lines. Wow

DeepestDesire81DeepestDesire81over 3 years ago
The story so far...

Chapter four holds a good balance of conclusion to the characters story and a lot of sex!

I found this story to be an easy and enjoyable read. Plus, I fell in love with Lori.

Keep on writing

Clancy31015Clancy31015over 3 years ago

How about a sequel, reboot, relaunch, or a spinoff?

Bossalina49Bossalina49almost 4 years ago

I’m not one to comment on stories very often, but I must say that your story was very intriguing from start to finish. I felt as the reader that you elevated the genres that you’re listed under. You are truly a gifted writer. Consider me a fan. Thank you for sharing your talent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
This was AWESOME

Please write more in this world!! PLEASE!!

amaaramaaralmost 4 years ago

Hi. I don't know if there is a way to connect with you quicker. I hope you are on twitter or any other social media platform where we can follow you. This is the best story I have read in a long time... The way you build the story and the construct of the relationship of both the sisters was amazing. The best I have read in a long time. It felt all so natural. There was butterflies in my stomach. I could feel the tension. And the ending was amazing and so sweet. A great ending. This is indeed the best story I have read. You and Jasmine walker are officially my favorite authors. I will also send you this feedback in the email as well.

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