Adela’s Ascent Ch. 02


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"The phrase 'All Rise' of course is a familiar courtroom term used where a judge presides or where a panel of judges is involved."

"Our TV series will tell the story about the father of a highly respected New Zealand judge who presides at top level hearings today."

Judge Harold Oldham's eight short stories cover the start of married life of his father in Liverpool, England, with his marriage to the daughter of a runaway Australian heiress from here Sydney. The family of three children leave Liverpool and the last child Harold – yes the real name of the author of these stories. Judge Harold Oldham was born prematurely after the brig battled a storm out from Cape Town at the bottom of South Africa."

"The family settled in Ballarat and years later when the father of this family had completed his articles, as former study in law was called in those days, he took his family to Auckland after finding employment as a solicitor there."

"Eventually that enterprising father of four with a wealthy Australian wife completed his legal career as Chief Justice of New Zealand."

"It truly is a remarkable story. I'll take questions now with the assistance of Miss Blackwell."

"Why are you running the show at this announcement?"

"I was invited to do so. I guess it's also because I influenced Judge Harold Oldham when some of the proposed backers of a pilot for the film began to get cold feet."

"How old are you."

"Almost nineteen."

"Have you had sex yet?"

"I expected to be asked that question because this is Australia and had prepared a careful answer, "Go bit your arse sir."

The media gathering erupted into laughter, proceedings livened up and quality questions followed thick and fast.

When questions slowed, Adela asked, "Would you like to meet the director of the film?"

"Yes," roared the media.

A slim guy in a white suit, black shirt and no tie, walked on stage waving to applause.

"This is Tony Chilton-Brown, an Englishman from Surrey who is a former child actor and then a producer of children adventure stories for TV who then branched in film direction."

"His latest award-winning film Trying to Sell My House in Juggs Lane, West Chiltington for a Million Quid had laughing men fall out of their armchairs in front of British TV and busty women viewers falling out of their bras because they were laughing so much."

The media asked Tony questions but he had to be guarded about revealing too much detail.

As soon as Adela noticed the media losing attention she said, looking at a Channel 7 TV camera, "Mum, dad, my sister Jennifer and my brother Nathan who live here in Sydney, look what Tony gave me in Singapore yesterday. It's an engagement ring, a real beauty. He's forty-three and mum and Jennifer I hope you guys don't think I'm too young for him; he finds me intellectually stimulating and that's a big plus in our relationship."

Adela explained to the fascinated journalists, "I'm offside with my family because of my preference for being with older males."

The formal occasion ended and women's media rushed to pose the couple showing the engagement ring and Tony having to fend questions as blunt as why was he engaged to a schoolgirl.

He coped very well and rather charmingly.

"Do you like having sex?"

"Yes and do you?"

The questions toned down a little after that retort with the 55-year old female reporter saying she was dying of embarrassment.


Filming has completed of the 8-part series apart from re-shoots required by the production team in London. 'All Stand' now renamed My Father the Judge is scheduled to screen in the spring in the UK followed by its screening in other countries commencing just days later.

At the suggestion of Adele, the script was rewritten to allow the author of the biography to narrate part of the story at the opening of each chapter on the life of his remarkable father – a young immigrant from Liverpool, England, who ended up becoming Chief Justice in a fa away land.

Adele, who returned her ring to Tony Chilton-Brown, is now engaged to Australia's top international equestrian rider, a wealthy 30-year old Will Rafferty. She is being used heavily to promote the upcoming TV series My Father the Judge and in her spare time is learning how to oversee her fiancé's raft of property development companies he inherited from his parents.

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